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Laurent Dupont

Identifiants chercheurs


Laurent is senior researcher at [ERPI]( (Research Team on innovative Processes, Université de Lorraine, France), lecturer at [ENSGSI](, in particular **in charge of the Master 2 Urban Innovation** course ([IUVTT](, and visiting lecturer at TELECOM Nancy (responsible for the ["big data smart city" module]( He is the **co-founder** (2014) and **scientific manager of the Lorraine Fab Living Lab®** ([](, the ERPI research & ENSGSI training platform for prospective assessment of innovative usages and innovation acceptability, a [StAR LUE INFRA+ platform](! He is also the co-creator (2008) and **scientific coordinator of** [Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab]( (ENoLL member since 2010), an interdisciplinary project involving several laboratories and other public and private partners. He designs, implements and evaluates new processes, based on collaborative innovation involving users, companies and territories, generating smart and sustainable Cities. E.g: []( project which explores the development of a user-driven innovation supporting the French public electricity distribution network and its smart meter. Since 2019, he is involved in several EU projects (leader or expert): - [LAUDS Factories]( as UL(ERPI) & Task leader (Horizon Europe project, 2024-2026 - 36 Months). - [INEDIT project]( (Factory of the Future) as UL (ERPI) & WP leader (H2020 project, 2019-2023 - 42 Months); - [Climate Labs]( as Living lab expert (Erasmus+ project, 2020-2023 - 36 Months) ; - [SMAGRINET ]([Project]( as ERPI team leader (Capacity Building project, 2019-2023 - 36 Months); He is involved in several PIA projects (Programme d'Innovation d'Avenir) supported by the French Governement: [DHDA project]( (Des Hommes et Des Arbres) (2019-2027) and [SIRIUS project]( "Stratégie d’Innovation pour le Renforcement des Interactions entre Université et Société" (2020-2027). L. Dupont is active member of scientific networks, journals... \- IEEE ICE/ITMC International Organizing Committee, International Conference on Technology, Engineering &amp; Innovation. []( (Since 2010) - General Chair - 2022 IEEE 28th ICE/ITMC & 31st IAMOT Joint Conference, Nancy, France - 480 participants - 180 papers (see [the Proceedings]( \- [Research Network on Innovation]( (Since 2015) - Chair of the summer school 2017, in Nancy, France \-Invited chair at Laval Virtual / ConVRgence / VRIC - Virtual Reality International Conference (2017 & 2018) <> \- regular Guest editor in Journal of Innovation Economics & Managment : [the last issue in 2023]( In a personal capacity, Laurent Dupont has been the voluntary general secretary of the creative, cultural and civic third place [L'Octroi-Nancy]( since 2019. Contact: <>
Laurent Dupont, est chercheur senior à l'Université de Lorraine, ERPI (Equipe de Recherche sur les Processus Innovants, France), enseignant et responsable de la Mention de Master Urbanisme et Aménagement, parcours Innovation Urbaine pour des Villes et Territoires en transformation à l'ENSGSI. Il est co-concepteur du Lorraine Smart Cities Living Lab, co-fondateur et responsable scientifique et pédagogique du [Lorraine Fab Living Lab®](, plateforme ERPI et ENSGSI dédiée à l'évaluation prospective des usages et l'acceptabilité de l'innovation. Il est également conférencier invité à TELECOM Nancy depuis 2014. Laurent Dupont participe à plusieurs projets d’envergure nationale ou européenne en tant que pilote (WP / task leader) ou expert dans lesquels il développe et expérimente des ingénieries collaboratives impliquant usagers, entreprises et territoires pour relever les défis liés à la transformation de nos territoires (Smart and sustainable City). Il est membre actif de communautés scientifiques internationales (IEEE-TEMS, RRI, ENoLL, etc.) : conseil scientifique, organisateur de conférence, université d'été pour doctorants, éditeur invité, etc. A titre personnel, depuis 2019, Laurent Dupont est secrétaire général, bénévole, du tiers-lieu créatif, culturel et citoyen, [L'Octroi-Nancy]( Plus de détails dans la version anglaise.



Open innovation, technologies & communities as enablers of socio-economical transition

Laurent Dupont , Fabio A. Cruz Sanchez , Ferney Osorio , Mauricio Camargo , Mehera Hassan
2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference ©, Université de Lorraine - ERPI, Jun 2022, Nancy, France. pp.152
Communication dans un congrès hal-03871962v1

Proceeding of the 2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference

Laurent Dupont , Mauricio Camargo , Laure Morel
2022 IEEE 28th International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE/ITMC) & 31st International Association For Management of Technology (IAMOT) Joint Conference, IEEE, 2023, 978-1-6654-8817-4. ⟨10.1109/ICE/ITMC-IAMOT55089.2022⟩
Proceedings/Recueil des communications hal-03994739v1