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Lifschitz Agustin



Chercheur LOA, Group SPL
Chercheur LOA, Group SPL


A review of recent progress on laser-plasma acceleration at kHz repetition rate

Jérôme Faure , Dominikas Gustas , Diego Guénot , Aline Vernier , Frederik Böhle
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2019, 61 (1), pp.014012. ⟨10.1088/1361-6587/aae047⟩
Journal articles hal-02057189v1

Numerical study of laser energy effects on density transition injection in laser wakefield acceleration

F Massimo , Agustin Lifschitz , C. Thaury , Victor Malka
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2018, 60 (3), pp.034005. ⟨10.1088/1361-6587/aaa336⟩
Journal articles hal-01717610v1

Hydrodynamic evolution of plasma waveguides for soft-x-ray amplifiers

Eduardo Oliva , Adrien Depresseux , Manuel Cotelo , Agustin Lifschitz , Fabien Tissandier
Physical Review E , 2018, 97 (2), ⟨10.1103/PhysRevE.97.023203⟩
Journal articles hal-01774109v1

Probing warm dense matter using femtosecond X-ray absorption spectroscopy with a laser-produced betatron source

B. Mahieu , N. Jourdain , Kim Ta Phuoc , F. Dorchies , Jean-Philippe Goddet
Nature Communications, 2018, 9, pp.3276. ⟨10.1038/s41467-018-05791-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01877671v1

Toward compact and ultra-intense laser-based soft x-ray lasers

Stéphane Sebban , Adrien Depresseux , Eduardo Oliva , Julien Gautier , F. Tissandier
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2018, 60 (1), pp.014030. ⟨10.1088/1361-6587/aa8aaf⟩
Journal articles hal-01717597v1

Quasi-monoenergetic multi-GeV electron acceleration by optimizing the spatial and spectral phases of PW laser pulses

Junghun Shin , Hyung Taek Kim , V. B Pathak , C. Hojbota , Seong Ku Lee
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2018, 60 (6), ⟨10.1088/1361-6587/aabd10⟩
Journal articles hal-01818799v1

High-charge relativistic electron bunches from a kHz laser-plasma accelerator

Dominykas Gustas , Diego Guénot , Aline Vernier , Shankar Dutt , Frederik Böhle
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2018, 21 (1), pp.013401. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.21.013401⟩
Journal articles hal-01704788v1
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High-Brilliance Betatron $\gamma$-Ray Source Powered by Laser-Accelerated Electrons

J. Ferri , S. Corde , A. Döpp , Agustin Lifschitz , A. Doche
Physical Review Letters, 2018, 120 (25), pp.254802. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.254802⟩
Journal articles hal-01877696v1
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Stable multi-GeV electron accelerator driven by waveform-controlled PW laser pulses

Hyung Taek Kim , V. B Pathak , Ki Hong Pae , Agustin Lifschitz , François Sylla
Scientific Reports, 2017, 7 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-017-09267-1⟩
Journal articles hal-01599420v1
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Evidence and relevance of spatially chaotic magnetic field lines in MCF devices

Marie-Christine Firpo , Agustin Lifschitz , Wahb Ettoumi , Ricardo Farengo , Hugo Ferrari
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2017, 59 (3), ⟨10.1088/1361-6587/aa570d⟩
Journal articles hal-01373775v2

Relativistic electron beams driven by kHz single-cycle light pulses

D. Guénot , D. Gustas , A. Vernier , B. Beaurepaire , F. Böhle
Nature Photonics, 2017, 11 (5), pp.293 - 296. ⟨10.1038/NPHOTON.2017.46⟩
Journal articles hal-01533204v1
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Stable femtosecond X-rays with tunable polarization from a laser-driven accelerator

Andreas Döpp , Benoît Mahieu , Agustin Lifschitz , Cédric Thaury , Antoine Doche
Light: Science and Applications, 2017, 6 (11), pp.e17086. ⟨10.1038/lsa.2017.86⟩
Journal articles hal-01651114v1
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Energy boost in laser wakefield accelerators using sharp density transitions

A. Döpp , E. Guillaume , C. Thaury , Agustin Lifschitz , Kim Ta Phuoc
Physics of Plasmas, 2016, 23 (5), pp.56702. ⟨10.1063/1.4946018⟩
Journal articles hal-01342480v1

Laser-plasma interactions with a Fourier-Bessel particle-in-cell method

Igor Andriyash , Remi Lehe , Agustin Lifschitz
Physics of Plasmas, 2016, 23 (3), ⟨10.1063/1.4943281⟩
Journal articles hal-04382578v1

Detailed Experimental Study of Ion Acceleration by Interaction of an Ultra-Short Intense Laser with an Underdense Plasma

S. Kahaly , F. Sylla , Agustin Lifschitz , Alessandro Flacco , M. Veltcheva
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, pp.31647. ⟨10.1038/srep31647⟩
Journal articles hal-01394290v1

An all-optical Compton source for single-exposure x-ray imaging

Andreas Döpp , Emilien Guillaume , Cédric Thaury , Julien Gautier , Igor Andriyash
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2016, 58 (3), pp.034005. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/58/3/034005⟩
Journal articles hal-01263722v1

A bremsstrahlung gamma-ray source based on stable ionization injection of electrons into a laser wakefield accelerator

A. Döpp , E. Guillaume , C. Thaury , Agustin Lifschitz , F. Sylla
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2016, 830, ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2016.01.086⟩
Journal articles hal-01349883v1
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Effect of experimental laser imperfections on laser wakefield acceleration and betatron source

J Ferri , X Davoine , S Fourmaux , J C Kieffer , Sébastien Corde
Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, pp.27846. ⟨10.1038/srep27846⟩
Journal articles hal-01337403v1
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Physics of fully-loaded laser-plasma accelerators

Emilien Guillaume , Andreas Döpp , Cédric Thaury , Agustin Lifschitz , Jean-Philippe Goddet
Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 2015, 18, pp.061301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.18.061301⟩
Journal articles hal-01175752v1

Single Shot Radiography Using an All-optical Compton Backscattering Source

Andreas Döpp , Emilien Guillaume , Cédric Thaury , Julien Gautier , Agustin Lifschitz
Physics Procedia, 2015, 77, pp.9-14. ⟨10.1016/j.phpro.2015.11.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01263736v1
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Effect of the Laser Wave Front in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator

B Beaurepaire , A Vernier , M Bocoum , F Böhle , A Jullien
Physical Review X, 2015, 5, pp.031012. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevX.5.031012⟩
Journal articles hal-01229133v1
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Electron Rephasing in a Laser-Wakefield Accelerator

Emilien Guillaume , Andreas Döpp , Cédric Thaury , Agustin Lifschitz , G Grittani
Physical Review Letters, 2015, 115, pp.155002. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.115.155002⟩
Journal articles hal-01220095v1
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Shock assisted ionization injection in laser-plasma accelerators

Cédric Thaury , E Guillaume , Agustin Lifschitz , Kim Ta Phuoc , M Hansson
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, pp.16310. ⟨10.1038/srep16310⟩
Journal articles hal-01234027v1

Table-top femtosecond soft X-ray laser by collisional ionization gating

Adrien Depresseux , Eduardo Oliva , Julien Gautier , F. Tissandier , J. Nejdl
Nature Photonics, 2015, 9 (12), pp.817 - 821. ⟨10.1038/NPHOTON.2015.225⟩
Journal articles hal-01394716v1
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Demonstration of relativistic electron beam focusing by a laser-plasma lens

Cédric Thaury , Emilien Guillaume , Andreas Döpp , Rémi Lehe , Agustin Lifschitz
Nature Communications, 2015, 6, pp.6860. ⟨10.1038/ncomms7860⟩
Journal articles hal-01164362v1

Persistence of magnetic field driven by relativistic electrons in a plasma

Alessandro Flacco , J. Vieira , Agustin Lifschitz , F. Sylla , S. Kahaly
Nature Physics, 2015, 11 (5), pp.409-413. ⟨10.1038/nphys3303⟩
Journal articles hal-01164365v1
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An ultracompact X-ray source based on a laser-plasma undulator

I.A. Andriyash , R. Lehe , Agustin Lifschitz , Cédric Thaury , Jean-Marcel Rax
Nature Communications, 2014, 5, pp.5:4736. ⟨10.1038/ncomms5736⟩
Journal articles hal-01163724v1
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Laser-plasma lens for laser-wakefield accelerators

Lehe Remi , Cédric Thaury , Emilien Guillaume , Agustin Lifschitz , Victor Malka
Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 2014, pp.121301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.121301⟩
Journal articles hal-01163713v1

Ion acceleration in underdense plasmas by ultra-short laser pulses

Agustin Lifschitz , F Sylla , S Kahaly , Alessandro Flacco , M Veltcheva
New Journal of Physics, 2014, 16 (3), pp.033031. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/16/3/033031⟩
Journal articles hal-01163720v1

Numerical study of beam propagation and plasma properties in the neutralizer and the E-RID of the ITER Neutral Beam Injector

Agustin Lifschitz , A. Revel , L. Caillault , T. Minea
Nuclear Fusion, 2014, 54 (4), pp.043020. ⟨10.1088/0029-5515/54/4/043020⟩
Journal articles hal-01163736v1

Physical processes at work in sub-30fs, PW laser pulse-driven plasma accelerators: Towards GeV electron acceleration experiments at CILEX facility

A. Beck , S.Y. Kalmykov , X. Davoine , Agustin Lifschitz , B.A. Shadwick
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2014, 740, pp.67-73. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2013.11.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01163731v1
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Electron acceleration in sub-relativistic wakefields driven by few-cycle laser pulses

B Beaurepaire , Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure
New Journal of Physics, 2014, 16, pp.023023. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/16/2/023023⟩
Journal articles hal-01159022v1
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Transverse dynamics of an intense electron bunch traveling through a pre-ionized plasma

R. Lehe , Cédric Thaury , Agustin Lifschitz , Jean-Marcel Rax , Victor Malka
Physics of Plasmas, 2014, 21 (4), pp.043104. ⟨10.1063/1.4870336⟩
Journal articles hal-01163719v1

Energy and frequency dependence of the alpha particle redistribution produced by internal kink modes

R. Farengo , H. E. Ferrari , P. L. Garcia-Martinez , Marie-Christine Firpo , Wahb Ettoumi
Physics of Plasmas, 2014, 21 (8), pp.082512. ⟨10.1063/1.4893145⟩
Journal articles hal-01163734v1
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Numerical growth of emittance in simulations of laser-wakefield acceleration

R. Lehe , Agustin Lifschitz , Cédric Thaury , Victor Malka , X. Davoine
Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 2013, 16 (2), pp.021301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.16.021301⟩
Journal articles hal-01163776v1
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Observation of longitudinal and transverse self-injections in laser-plasma accelerators

Sébastien Corde , Cédric Thaury , Agustin Lifschitz , Guillaume Lambert , Kim Ta Phuoc
Nature Communications, 2013, 4, pp.1501. ⟨10.1038/ncomms2528⟩
Journal articles hal-01164024v1
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Development of magnetohydrodynamic modes during sawteeth in tokamak plasmas

Marie-Christine Firpo , Wahb Ettoumi , Ricardo Farengo , Hugo Ferrari , Pablo Luis Garcia-Martinez
Physics of Plasmas, 2013, 20 (7), pp.072305. ⟨10.1063/1.4816025⟩
Journal articles hal-00846433v1

Short Intense Laser Pulse Collapse in Near-Critical Plasma

F. Sylla , Alessandro Flacco , S. Kahaly , M. Veltcheva , Agustin Lifschitz
Physical Review Letters, 2013, 110 (8), pp.085001. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.110.085001⟩
Journal articles hal-01164023v1
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Optical Transverse Injection in Laser-Plasma Acceleration

R. Lehe , Agustin Lifschitz , X. Davoine , Cédric Thaury , Victor Malka
Physical Review Letters, 2013, 111 (8), pp.085005. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.085005⟩
Journal articles hal-01163765v1

Computationally efficient methods for modelling laser wakefield acceleration in the blowout regime

B. M. Cowan , S. Y. Kalmykov , A. Beck , X. Davoine , K. Bunkers
Journal of Plasma Physics, 2012, 78 (04), pp 469- 482. ⟨10.1017/S0022377812000517⟩
Journal articles hal-01164134v1

Optical phase effects in electron wakefield acceleration using few-cycle laser pulses

Agustin Lifschitz , Victor Malka
New Journal of Physics, 2012, 14 (5), pp.053045. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/14/5/053045⟩
Journal articles hal-01164040v1

Alpha particle redistribution due to experimentally reconstructed internal kink modes

R Farengo , H E Ferrari , Marie-Christine Firpo , P L Garcia-Martinez , Agustin Lifschitz
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2012, 54 (2), pp.025007. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/54/2/025007⟩
Journal articles hal-01164120v1

Anticorrelation between Ion Acceleration and Nonlinear Coherent Structures from Laser-Underdense Plasma Interaction

F. Sylla , Alessandro Flacco , S. Kahaly , M. Veltcheva , Agustin Lifschitz
Physical Review Letters, 2012, 108 (11), pp.115003. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.115003⟩
Journal articles hal-01164055v1

Extracted current saturation in negative ion sources

S. Mochalskyy , Agustin Lifschitz , T. Minea
Journal of Applied Geophysics, 2012, 111 (11), pp.113303. ⟨10.1063/1.4727969⟩
Journal articles hal-01164132v1

Modeling of the lithium based neutralizer for ITER neutral beam injector

F. Duré , Agustin Lifschitz , J. Bretagne , G. Maynard , A. Simonin
Advances in Chemical Physics, 2012, 398, pp.398. ⟨10.1016/j.chemphys.2011.10.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01164129v1

Laser-plasma electron acceleration in dielectric capillary tubes

G. Genoud , K. Cassou , F. Wojda , H. E. Ferrari , C. Kamperidis
Applied Physics B - Laser and Optics, 2011, 105 (2), pp 309-316. ⟨10.1007/s00340-011-4639-4⟩
Journal articles hal-01164257v1

Modelling of laser-plasma electron acceleration in capillary tubes

H E Ferrari , Agustin Lifschitz , B Cros
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2011, 53 (1), pp.014005. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/53/1/014005⟩
Journal articles hal-01164254v1
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Mapping the X-Ray Emission Region in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator

Sébastien Corde , C. Thaury , Kim Ta Phuoc , Agustin Lifschitz , Guillaume Lambert
Physical Review Letters, 2011, pp.215004. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.215004⟩
Journal articles hal-01166876v1

Cold injection for electron wakefield acceleration

X Davoine , Alexandre Beck , Agustin Lifschitz , Victor Malka , E Lefebvre
New Journal of Physics, 2010, 12 (9), pp.095010. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/12/9/095010⟩
Journal articles hal-01164334v1

Characterization of the beam loading effects in a laser plasma accelerator

Clément Rechatin , Jérôme Faure , Xavier Davoine , Olle Lundh , J. Lim
New Journal of Physics, 2010, 12 (4), pp.045023. ⟨10.1088/1367-2630/12/4/045023⟩
Journal articles hal-00498314v1

Observation of Beam Loading in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator

Clément Rechatin , Xavier Davoine , Agustin Lifschitz , Ahmed Ben-Ismaïl , J. Lim
Physical Review Letters, 2009, 103 (19), pp.194804. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevLett.103.194804⟩
Journal articles hal-00498458v1

Simulation of quasimonoenergetic electron beams produced by colliding pulse wakefield acceleration

X. Davoine , E. Lefebvre , Jérôme Faure , Clément Rechatin , Agustin Lifschitz
Physics of Plasmas, 2008, 15 (11), pp.113102. ⟨10.1063/1.3008051⟩
Journal articles hal-00501638v1

Direct observation of betatron oscillations in a laser-plasma electron accelerator

Y. Glinec , Jérôme Faure , Agustin Lifschitz , J.M. Vieira , A. Fonseca R
EPL - Europhysics Letters, 2008, 81 (6), pp.64001. ⟨10.1209/0295-5075/81/64001⟩
Journal articles hal-00502027v1

Particle-in-Cell modelling of laser–plasma interaction using Fourier decomposition

Agustin Lifschitz , X. Davoine , E. Lefebvre , Jérôme Faure , Clément Rechatin
Journal of Computational Physics, 2008, 228 (5), pp.1803-1814. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-00576913v1

Experiments and Simulations of the Colliding Pulse Injection of Electrons in Plasma Wakefields

Jérôme Faure , Clément Rechatin , Agustin Lifschitz , Xavier Davoine , Erik Lefebvre
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2008, 36 (4), pp.1751-1759. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2008.927430⟩
Journal articles hal-00501848v1


Victor Malka , Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec
International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2007, 21 (3-4), pp.277-286. ⟨10.1142/S0217979207042057⟩
Journal articles hal-00502047v1

Plasma wake inhibition at the collision of two laser pulses in an underdense plasma

Clément Rechatin , Jérôme Faure , Agustin Lifschitz , Victor Malka , E. Lefebvre
Physics of Plasmas, 2007, 14 (6), pp.060702. ⟨10.1063/1.2741387⟩
Journal articles hal-00502152v1

High quality electron beam produced by laser: A new tool for science

Victor Malka , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec , Agustin Lifschitz
Journal de Physique IV Proceedings, 2006, 135, pp.67-73. ⟨10.1051/jp4:2006135010⟩
Journal articles hal-00568830v1

Controlled injection and acceleration of electrons in plasma wakefields by colliding laser pulses

Jérôme Faure , Clément Rechatin , A. Norlin , Agustin Lifschitz , Y. Glinec
Nature, 2006, 444, pp.737-739. ⟨10.1038/nature05393⟩
Journal articles hal-00502237v1

Design of a compact GeV laser plasma accelerator

Victor Malka , Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006, 561 (2), pp.310-313. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.039⟩
Journal articles hal-00502468v1

Wakefield acceleration of low energy electron bunches in the weakly nonlinear regime

Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec , Victor Malka
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2006, 561 (2), pp.314-319. ⟨10.1016/j.nima.2006.01.012⟩
Journal articles hal-00502470v1

Proposed scheme for compact GeV laser plasma accelerator

Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec , Victor Malka , Patrick Mora
Laser and Particle Beams, 2006, 24 (2), pp.255-259. ⟨10.1017/S026303460606037X⟩
Journal articles hal-00502725v1

Staged concept of laser-plasma acceleration toward multi-GeV electron beams

Victor Malka , Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec
Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 2006, 9 (9), pp.091301. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.9.091301⟩
Journal articles hal-00502301v1

Laser-plasma accelerator: status and perspectives

Victor Malka , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec , Agustin Lifschitz
Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 2006, 364 (1840), pp.601-610. ⟨10.1098/rsta.2005.1725⟩
Journal articles hal-00502775v1

GeV Wakefield acceleration of low energy electron bunches using Petawatt lasers

Agustin Lifschitz , Jérôme Faure , Victor Malka , P. Mora
Physics of Plasmas, 2005, 12 (9), pp.093104. ⟨10.1063/1.2010347⟩
Journal articles hal-00508270v1

Laser-plasma accelerators: a new tool for science and for society

Victor Malka , Jérôme Faure , Yannick Glinec , Agustin Lifschitz
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion, 2005, 47 (12B), pp.B481. ⟨10.1088/0741-3335/47/12B/S34⟩
Journal articles hal-00508744v1

Status of the Horizon 2020 EuPRAXIA conceptual design study

Maria Weikum , Tahmina Akhter , David Alesini , Alexandra Alexandrova , Maria Pia Anania
10th International Particle Accelerator Conference, May 2019, Melbourne, Australia. pp.THPGW026, ⟨10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2019-THPGW026⟩
Conference papers hal-02317364v1

HORIZON 2020 EuPRAXIA Design Study

Paul Andreas Walker , David Alesini , Alexandra Alexandrova , Maria Pia Anania , Nikolay Andreev
8th International Particle Accelerator Conference, May 2017, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.TUOBB3, ⟨10.18429/JACoW-IPAC2017-TUOBB3⟩
Conference papers hal-01645982v1

Femtosecond Soft X-Ray Laser by Temporal Ionization Gating

Stéphane Sebban , A. Depresseux , Julien Gautier , F. Tissandier , Agustin Lifschitz
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Sciences (ICOPS), May 2015, Belek, Turkey. ⟨10.1109/PLASMA.2015.7179997⟩
Conference papers hal-01402267v1

X-ray emission from laser-accelerated electrons and its use as diagnostic of laser-plasma interaction

Sébastien Corde , Cédric Thaury , Kim Ta Phuoc , Agustin Lifschitz , Rémi Lehe
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), Jun 2014, San Jose, CA, United States. ⟨10.1364/CLEO_AT.2014.JTh3L.1⟩
Conference papers hal-01402126v1

Observations of longitudinal and transverse self-injections in laser-plasma wakefield accelerators

Cédric Thaury , Sébastien Corde , Agustin Lifschitz , Guillaume Lambert , Kim Ta Phuoc
Conference on Laser Acceleration of Electrons, Protons, and Ions II; and Medical Applications of Laser-Generated Beams of Particles II; and Harnessing Relativistic Plasma Waves III, Apr 2013, Prague, Czech Republic. ⟨10.1117/12.2017422⟩
Conference papers hal-01402024v1
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LUNEX5: A French FEL Test Facility Light Source Proposal

A. Loulergue , C. Benabderrahmane , M. Bessière , P. Betinelli , F. Bouvet
International Particle Accelerator Conference - IPAC'12, May 2012, New Orleans, United States. pp.1611-1613
Conference papers in2p3-00740222v1
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The LUNEX5 project

M. E. Couprie , C. Benabderrahmane , P. Betinelli , F. Bouvet , A. Buteau
34th International Free-Electron Laser Conference (FEL 2012), Aug 2012, Nara, Japan. pp.678-681
Conference papers in2p3-00749431v1

Control and Mapping of X-Ray Emission in a Laser-Plasma Accelerator

Cédric Thaury , Sébastien Corde , Kim Ta Phuoc , Agustin Lifschitz , Romuald Fitour
2012 CONFERENCE ON LASERS AND ELECTRO-OPTICS (CLEO), May 2012, San Jose, CA, United States. ⟨10.1364/QELS.2012.QW3F.5⟩
Conference papers hal-01401722v1