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Lionel Brunie



**Fonctions** ***Professeur d'Université à l'Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon***, département informatique, depuis octobre 1998 (PRCE1 depuis février 2006). Enseignements dispensés dans le cadre du département informatique et du master recherche en informatique de Lyon : réseaux avancés, sécurité des systèmes répartis, conception de systèmes, systèmes d'information avancés, grilles de données. Recherche au sein des laboratoires LISI puis LIRIS. Thématiques de recherche : *gestion de données réparties, systèmes répartis et mobiles, sécurité et confidentialité, systèmes d'information multimédias communicants*. *Maître de conférences en informatique* à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon d'octobre 1993 à septembre 1998. Enseignements dispensés dans le cadre du magistère d’informatique et modélisation (sites de Lyon et Grenoble), du DEA d'Informatique de Lyon, du DESS Images et Réseaux de l'Université Claude Bernard-Lyon I. Thématiques de recherche : *systèmes parallèles, environnements de programmation parallèle, bases de données parallèles, informatique multimédia, systèmes d'archivage d'images médicales.* Responsable-adjoint de l'équipe-projet ENS Lyon-INRIA REMAP (28 chercheurs). Responsable-adjoint du DEA d’informatique de Lyon. **Cursus universitaire** Diplôme d’ingénieur en informatique de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Informatique et Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble (ENSIMAG), 1988. Diplôme d’études approfondies en informatique, option intelligence artificielle, Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble, 1988. Doctorat en informatique : *Fusion d’images médicales multimodales : application à l’étude tridimensionnelle dynamique de la colonne vertébrale* ; Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, 1992. Habilitation à diriger des recherches en informatique : *Gestion de ressources dans les systèmes répartis et parallèles*, Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, Lyon, 1997.


Privacy-Preserving Reputation Systems Based on Blockchain and Other Cryptographic Building Blocks: A Survey

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Elisa Bertino
ACM Computing Surveys, 2023, 55 (2), pp.1-37. ⟨10.1145/3490236⟩
Journal articles hal-03551833v1

Empirical Study of the Model Generalization for Argument Mining in Cross-Domain and Cross-Topic Settings

Alaa Alhamzeh , Dorra El Mekki , Elod Egyed-Zsigmond , Abderrazzak El Khayari , Jelena Mitrović
Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems, 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13470, pp.103-126. ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-66146-8_5⟩
Journal articles hal-04020245v1
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Detecting inference attacks involving sensor data in a multi-database context: Issues & challenges

Paul Lachat , Nadia Bennani , Veronika Rehn-Sonigo , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
Internet Technology Letters, 2022, ⟨10.1002/itl2.387⟩
Journal articles hal-03623026v2

Detecting Inference Attacks Involving Raw Sensor Data: A Case Study

Paul Lachat , Nadia Bennani , Veronika Rehn-Sonigo , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
Sensors, 2022, 22 (21), pp.8140. ⟨10.3390/s22218140⟩
Journal articles hal-03831019v1

GraphSIF: analyzing flow of payments in a Business-to-Business network to detect supplier impersonation

Rémi Canillas , Omar Hasan , Laurent Sarrat , Lionel Brunie
Applied Network Science, 2020, 5 (1), ⟨10.1007/s41109-020-00283-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02989006v1
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The Long Road to Computational Location Privacy: A Survey

Vincent Primault , Antoine Boutet , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie
Communications Surveys and Tutorials, IEEE Communications Society, 2019, 21 (3), pp.2772 - 2793. ⟨10.1109/COMST.2018.2873950⟩
Journal articles hal-01890014v1
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RACOON++: A Semi-Automatic Framework for the Selfishness-Aware Design of Cooperative Systems

Guido Lena Cota , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Gabriele Gianini , Ernesto Damiani , Julia L. Lawall
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 2019, 16 (4), pp.635-650. ⟨10.1109/TDSC.2017.2706286⟩
Journal articles hal-02196805v1

4PR: Privacy Preserving Routing in Mobile Delay Tolerant Networks

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie , Ammar Hasan
Computer Networks, 2016, ⟨10.1016/j.comnet.2016.08.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01535796v1
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SimAttack: private web search under fire

Albin Petit , Thomas Cerqueus , Antoine Boutet , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , David Coquil
Journal of Internet Services and Applications, 2016, pp.17. ⟨10.1186/s13174-016-0044-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01304320v1

Trust management and reputation systems in mobile participatory sensing applications: A survey

Hayam Mousa , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Omar Hasan , Osama Younes , Hadhoud Mohiy
Computer Networks, 2015, 90, pp.49-73
Journal articles hal-01265403v1

A Delay and Cost Balancing Protocol for Message Routing in Mobile Delay Tolerant Networks

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie , Gabriele Gianini
Ad Hoc Networks, 2014, pp.430-443
Journal articles hal-01301078v1
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Personalization vs. Privacy in Big Data Analysis

Benjamin Habegger , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Nadia Bennani , Harald Kosch
International Journal of Big Data, 2014, pp.25-35
Journal articles hal-01270826v1

A Decentralized Privacy Preserving Reputation Protocol for the Malicious Adversarial Model

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Elisa Bertino , Ning Shang
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, 2013, 6, 8, pp.949-962. ⟨10.1109/TIFS.2013.2258914⟩
Journal articles hal-01339185v1

Improving the Accuracy of Business-to-Business (B2B) Reputation Systems through Rater Expertise Prediction

Heidi Dikow , Omar Hasan , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie , Renaud Sornin
Computing, 2013, pp.1-21. ⟨10.1007/s00607-013-0345-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01339294v1

An investigation on the unwillingness of nodes to participate in mobile delay tolerant network routing

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie , Kangbin Yim
International Journal of Information Management, 2013, 2, 33, pp.252-262. ⟨10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2012.11.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01351700v1

Preserving Privacy of Feedback Providers in Decentralized Reputation Systems

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Elisa Bertino
Computers & Security, 2012, 7, 31, pp.816-826. ⟨10.1016/j.cose.2011.12.003⟩
Journal articles hal-01352961v1

On reliability in publish/subscribe systems: a survey

Tobias Mayer , Lionel Brunie , David Coquil , Harald Kosch
International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 2012, 5, 27, pp.369-386. ⟨10.1080/17445760.2012.697162⟩
Journal articles hal-01353386v1

Personalized vIdeo Adaptation Framework (PIAF): High-Level Semantics Adaptation

Vanessa El Khoury , David Coquil , Nadia Bennani , Lionel Brunie
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2012, pp.1-42. ⟨10.1007/s11042-012-1225-7⟩
Journal articles hal-01353062v1

Landmark assisted Location and Tracking in Outdoor Mobile Network

Marco Anisetti , C Ardagna , V Bellandi , Ernesto Damiani , Mario Döller
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2012, 1, 59, pp.89-111
Journal articles hal-01352934v1

Evaluating the Robustness of Publish/Subscribe Systems

Tobias Mayer , Lionel Brunie , David Coquil , Harald Kosch
Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on P2P, Parallel, Grid, Cloud and Internet Computi, 2011, pp.75-82. ⟨10.1109/3PGCIC.2011.21⟩
Journal articles hal-01354469v1

A monitoring service for large-scale dynamic query optimisation in a grid environment

El Samad Mahmoud , Julien Gossa , Franck Morvan , Abdelkader Hameurlain , Jean-Marc Pierson
International Journal of Web and Grid Services, 2008, 2, 4, pp.222-246. ⟨10.1504/IJWGS.2008.018889⟩
Journal articles hal-01515521v1

Hybrid Approach to Collaborative Context-Aware Service Platform for Pervasive Computing

Ejigu Dejene , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
Journal of Computers (JCP), 2008, 1, 3, pp.40-50. ⟨10.4304/jcp.3.1.40-50⟩
Journal articles hal-01500590v1

Efficient Execution of Service Composition for Content Adaptation in Pervasive Computing

Yaser Fawaz , Girma Berhe , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , David Coquil
International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting, 2008, 2008, ⟨10.1155/2008/851628⟩
Journal articles hal-01584485v1

A context aware Information sharing Middleware, for a dynamic pervasive computing environment

Addisalem Negash , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems, 2007, 2 (2)
Journal articles hal-01502069v1

GGM Efficient Navigation and Mining in Distributed Geno-Medical Data

Jean-Marc Pierson , Julien Gossa , Pascal Wehrle , Yonny Cardenas , Sebastien Cahon
IEEE Transactions on NanoBioscience, 2007, 6 (2), pp.110-116. ⟨10.1109/TNB.2007.897477⟩
Journal articles hal-01515381v1

Management of a Cooperative Cache in Grids with Grid Cache Services

Yonny Cardenas , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 2007, 19: Special Issue: Selection of Best Papers of the VLDB Data Management in Grids Workshop (VLDB DMG 2006) November 2007 (16), pp.2141-2155. ⟨10.1002/cpe.1212⟩
Journal articles hal-01584454v1

Salient-Object-Based Image Query by Visual Content

Dawit Bulcha , Solomon Atnafu , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie , Richard Chbeir
Journal des Sciences pour l'Ingénieur, 2006, 7, pp.79-86. ⟨10.4314/jspi.v7i1.30042⟩
Journal articles hal-01514608v1

Expressing and Interpreting User Intention in Pervasive Service Environments

Pascal Bihler , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici
Journal of Digital Information Management, 2006, 2, 4, pp.102-106
Journal articles hal-01584420v1

Content adaptation in distributed multimedia systems

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
Journal of Digital Information Management, special issue on Distributed Data Management, 2005, 2, 3
Journal articles hal-01584386v1

(Dis)trust Certification Model for Large Access in Pervasive Environment

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications, 2005, 1, pp.289-299. ⟨10.1108/17427370580000132⟩
Journal articles hal-01584983v1

Heuristics for Optimizing Multi-clip Queries in Video Databases

Harald Kosch , Ahmed Mostefaoui , Lazslo Böszörményi , Lionel Brunie
Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2004, 3, 22, pp.235-262
Journal articles hal-01584375v1
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Medical images simulation storage and processing on the European DataGrid testbed

Johan Montagnat , F. Bellet , Hugues Benoit-Cattin , Vincent Breton , Lionel Brunie
Journal of Grid Computing, 2004, 2, pp.387-400. ⟨10.1007/s10723-004-5744-y⟩
Journal articles in2p3-00023294v1

Adaptation de contenus multimédias pour les systèmes d'information pervasifs

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie
Revue des Sciences et Technologies de l'Information (RSTI), 2004, 2, 9, pp.61-85. ⟨10.3166/isi.9.2.61-85⟩
Journal articles hal-01584369v1

Technology transfer within the ProHPC at ENS Lyon

Christophe Barberet , Lionel Brunie , Frédéric Desprez , Gilles Lebourgeois , Raymond Namyst
Future Generation Computer Systems, 1999, 15 (3), pp.309-321. ⟨10.1016/S0167-739X(98)00076-4⟩
Journal articles hal-00856658v1

A Transparent Certification Scheme Based on Blockchain for Service-Based Systems

Nicola Bena , Marco Pedrinazzi , Marco Anisetti , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie
IEEE 2024 International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2024), Jul 2024, Shenzhen, China
Conference papers hal-04606117v1
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HUMMUS: A Linked, Healthiness-Aware, User-centered and Argument-Enabling Recipe Data Set for Recommendation

Felix Bölz , Diana Nurbakova , Sylvie Calabretto , Lionel Brunie , Armin Gerl
17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems (RECSYS23), Sep 2023, New York, NY, United States. ⟨10.1145/3604915.3609491⟩
Conference papers hal-04220182v1

LAPS: Computing Loan Default Risk from User Activity, Profile, and Recommendations

Wisnu Uriawan , Omar Hasan , Youakim Badr , Lionel Brunie
The Fourth IEEE International Conference on Blockchain Computing and Applications (BCCA 2022), Sep 2022, San Antonio, United States. ⟨10.1109/BCCA55292.2022.9922034⟩
Conference papers hal-03777603v1

It’s Time to Reason: Annotating Argumentation Structures in Financial Earnings Calls: The FinArg Dataset

Alaa Alhamzeh , Romain Fonk , Erwan Versmée , Elod Egyed-Zsigmond , Harald Kosch
In Proceedings of the Fourth Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP), Dec 2022, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. pp.163-169
Conference papers hal-04020945v1

Query Expansion, Argument Mining and Document Scoring for an Efficient Question Answering System

Alaa Alhamzeh , Mohamed Bouhaouel , Elod Egyed-Zsigmond , Jelena Mitrović , Lionel Brunie
Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction, CLEF 2022, Sep 2022, Bologna, Italy. pp.162-174, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-13643-6_13⟩
Conference papers hal-04020254v1

Collateral-Free Trustworthiness-Based Personal Lending on a Decentralized Application (DApp)

Wisnu Uriawan , Omar Hasan , Youakim Badr , Lionel Brunie
The 18th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2021), Jul 2021, Lieusaint - Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03258921v1

A Stacking Approach for Cross-Domain Argument Identification

Alaa Alhamzeh , Mohamed Bouhaouel , Elod Egyed-Zsigmond , Jelena Mitrović , Lionel Brunie
DEXA 2021: Database and Expert Systems Applications, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France. pp.361-373, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-86472-9_33⟩
Conference papers hal-04020279v1

A Hybrid Approach for Stock Market Prediction Using Financial News and Stocktwits

Alaa Alhamzeh , Saptarshi Mukhopadhaya , Elod Egyed-Zsigmond , Salim Hafid , Alexandre Bremard
CLEF 2021: Experimental IR Meets Multilinguality, Multimodality, and Interaction, Sep 2021, Virtual conference, France. pp.15-26, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85251-1_2⟩
Conference papers hal-04020259v1

Supplier Impersonation Fraud Detection using Bayesian Inference

Rémi Canillas , Omar Hasan , Laurent Sarrat , Lionel Brunie
6th IEEE International Conference on Big Data and Smart Computing (IEEE BigComp 2020), Feb 2020, Busan, South Korea. ⟨10.1109/BigComp48618.2020.00-53⟩
Conference papers hal-02451446v1

Supplier Impersonation Fraud Detection in Business-To-Business Transaction Networks Using Self-Organizing Maps

Rémi Canillas , Omar Hasan , Laurent Sarrat , Lionel Brunie
The 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019), Dec 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-36683-4_48⟩
Conference papers hal-02451385v1

A Transparent Referendum Protocol with Immutable Proceedings and Verifiable Outcome for Trustless Networks

Maximilian Schiedermeier , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Tobias Mayer , Harald Kosch
The 8th International Conference on Complex Networks and their Applications (COMPLEX NETWORKS 2019), Dec 2019, Lisbon, Portugal. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-36687-2_54⟩
Conference papers hal-02451370v1
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ACCIO: How to Make Location Privacy Experimentation Open and Easy

Vincent Primault , Mohamed Maouche , Antoine Boutet , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Sara Bouchenak
ICDCS 2018 - 38th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Jul 2018, Vienna, Austria. pp.896-906, ⟨10.1109/ICDCS.2018.00091⟩
Conference papers hal-01784557v2

Exploratory Study of Privacy Preserving Fraud Detection

Rémi Canillas , Rania Talbi , Sara Bouchenak , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie
Middleware '18 Proceedings of the 19th International Middleware Conference Industry, Dec 2018, Rennes, France. pp.25-31
Conference papers hal-01956153v1
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PRIVA'MOV: Analysing Human Mobility Through Multi-Sensor Datasets

Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Antoine Boutet , Louafi Bouzouina , Patrick Bonnel , Olivier Brette
NetMob 2017, Apr 2017, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-01578557v1

A reputation system resilient against colluding and malicious adversaries in mobile participatory sensing applications

Hayam Mousa , Sonia Benmokhtar , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Osama Younes
2017 14th IEEE Annual Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC), Jan 2017, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers hal-01952291v1
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Analysing Selfishness Flooding with SEINE

Guido Lena Cota , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Gabriele Gianini , Ernesto Damiani , Julia Lawall
The 47th IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Dependable Systems and Networks (DSN'17), Jun 2017, Denver, Colorado, United States. pp.603 - 614, ⟨10.1109/DSN.2017.51⟩
Conference papers hal-01581628v1
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Self-reported Verifiable Reputation with Rater Privacy

Rémi Bazin , Alexander Schaub , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie
11th IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (TM), Jun 2017, Gothenburg, Sweden. pp.180-195, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-59171-1_14⟩
Conference papers hal-01651161v1
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Efficient Worker Selection Through History-based Learning in Crowdsourcing

Tarek Awwad , Nadia Bennani , Konstantin Ziegler , Veronika Rehn Sonigo , Lionel Brunie
Computer Software and Applications Conference COMPSAC, IEEE, Jul 2017, Turin, Italy. pp.923-928, ⟨10.1109/COMPSAC.2017.275⟩
Conference papers hal-01567896v1

A Reputation System Resilient Against Colluding and Malicious Adversaries in Mobile Participatory Sensing Applications

Hayam Mousa , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Osama Shible Youness
The 14th Annual IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC 2017), Jan 2017, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers hal-01535819v1

PrivaSense: Privacy-Preserving and Reputation-Aware Mobile Participatory Sensing

Hayam Mousa , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Osama Younes
Proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services, Nov 2017, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers hal-01952294v1

PrivaSense: Privacy-Preserving and Reputation-Aware Mobile Participatory Sensing

Hayam Mousa , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Osama Younes
Proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services (MobiQuitous 2017), Nov 2017, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers hal-01940035v1
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Adaptive Location Privacy with ALP

Vincent Primault , Antoine Boutet , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie
35th Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Sep 2016, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers hal-01370447v1
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A Trustless Privacy-Preserving Reputation System

Alexander Schaub , Rémi Bazin , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie
31st IFIP International Information Security and Privacy Conference (SEC), May 2016, Ghent, Belgium. pp.398-411, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-33630-5_27⟩
Conference papers hal-01369572v1

BALCON: BAckward Loss Concealment Mechanism for Scalable Video Dissemination in Opportunistic Networks

Nadia Bennani , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch , David Coquil , Merza Klaghstan
IEEE International Symposium on Personal and Indoor Mobile Radio Conference, Sep 2016, Valencia, Spain. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-01331265v1

Task Characterization For An Effective Worker Targeting In Crowdsourcing

Tarek Awwad , Nadia Bennani , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
IEEE High Assurance Systems Engineering Symposium, Jan 2016, Orlando, United States. pp.63-64
Conference papers hal-01237875v1
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A Framework for the Design Configuration of Accountable Selfish-Resilient Peer-to-Peer Systems

Guido Lena Cota , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Julia Lawall , Gilles Muller , Gabriele Gianini
SRDS 2015 - 34th International Symposium on Reliable Distributed Systems, Sep 2015, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers hal-01250717v1
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Time Distortion Anonymization for the Publication of Mobility Data with High Utility

Vincent Primault , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Cédric Lauradoux , Lionel Brunie
14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, Aug 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers hal-01170060v1
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PEAS: Private, Efficient and Accurate Web Search

Albin Petit , Thomas Cerqueus , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
14th IEEE International Conference on Trust, Security and Privacy in Computing and Communications, Aug 2015, Helsinki, Finland
Conference papers hal-01159179v1
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Privacy-preserving Publication of Mobility Data with High Utility

Vincent Primault , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie
2015 35th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computed Systems, Jun 2015, Columbus, Ohio, United States. pp.802-803
Conference papers hal-01159291v1

Towards Efficient and Accurate Privacy Preserving Web Search

Albin Petit , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Middleware for Next Generation Internet Computing, Dec 2014, Bordeaux, France, France. pp.1:1-1:6, ⟨10.1145/2676733.2676734⟩
Conference papers hal-01301099v1

Contact-Based Adaptive Granularity for Scalable Video Transmission in Opportunistic Networks

Merza Klaghstan , Nadia Bennani , David Coquil , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
IWCMC(10th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference), Aug 2014, Nicosi- Cyprus, Cyprus. pp.773-778, ⟨10.1109/IWCMC.2014.6906454⟩
Conference papers hal-01271730v1
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Differentially Private Location Privacy in Practice

Vincent Primault , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Cédric Lauradoux , Lionel Brunie
Third Workshop on Mobile Security Technologies (MoST) 2014, May 2014, San Jose, United States
Conference papers hal-01148230v1

A Discussion of Privacy Challenges in User Profiling with Big Data Techniques: The EEXCESS Use Case

Omar Hasan , Benjamin Habegger , Lionel Brunie , Nadia Bennani , Ernesto Damiani
IEEE 2nd International Congress on Big Data, Jun 2013, Santa Clara, CA, United States. pp.25-30, ⟨10.1109/BigData.Congress.2013.13⟩
Conference papers hal-01339203v1

A Privacy Preserving Prediction-based Routing Protocol for Mobile Delay Tolerant Networks

Omar Hasan , Jingwei Miao , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie
The 27th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA-2013), Mar 2013, Barcelona, Spain. pp.546-553, ⟨10.1109/AINA.2013.6⟩
Conference papers hal-01339143v1

Centrality-based peer rewiring in semantic overlay networks (S)

Yulian Yang , Sylvie Calabretto , Lionel Brunie
IEEE International Conference on Research Challenges in Information Science, May 2013, Paris, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/RCIS.2013.6577720⟩
Conference papers hal-01339241v1

Enhancing Video Viewing-Experience in Opportunistic Networks Based on SVC, an Experimental Study

Merza Klaghstan , David Coquil , Nadia Bennani , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
PIRMC 2013(IEEE Internatioanl Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications), Sep 2013, London, United Kingdom. pp.3563-3567, ⟨10.1109/PIMRC.2013.6666767⟩
Conference papers hal-01339239v1

Semi-structured Semantic Overlay for Information Retrieval in Self-organizing Networks

Yulian Yang , Sylvie Calabretto , Lionel Brunie
www2012 PhDSymposium, Apr 2012, Lyon, France. pp.203-208, ⟨10.1145/2187980.2188009⟩
Conference papers hal-01352969v1

Security and Privacy Issues in Multi-Scale Digital Ecosystems

Lionel Brunie
ACM MEDES, Oct 2012, Addis-Abéba, Ethiopia
Conference papers hal-01353152v1

An Analysis of Strategies for Preventing Selfish Behavior in Mobile Delay Tolerant Networks

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie , Kangbin Yim
The 6th International Conference on Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS 2012), Jul 2012, Palermo, Italy. pp.208-2015, ⟨10.1109/IMIS.2012.121⟩
Conference papers hal-01353130v1

A Latency Hiding Framework For Enhanced Ubiquitous Access to Big Data in a Constrained Digital Ecosystem: Application to Digital Medical Archives

Dessalegn Yehuala , Lionel Brunie , Mulugeta Libsie , David Coquil
ACM MEDES, Oct 2012, Addis-Abéba, Ethiopia. pp.80-87, ⟨10.1145/2457276.2457292⟩
Conference papers hal-01353151v1

A Self-Regulating Protocol for Efficient Routing in Mobile Delay Tolerant Networks

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie
The 5th IEEE International Conference on Digital Ecosystems and Technologies (IEEE DEST-CEE 2012), Jun 2012, Campione d'Italia, Italy. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/DEST.2012.6227912⟩
Conference papers hal-01353129v1

Towards automatic detection of CBIRs configuration

Christian Vilsmaier , Rolf Karp , Mario Döller , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
18th International Conference on MultiMedia Modeling, Jan 2012, Klagenfurt, Autriche, Austria. pp.334-345, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-27355-1_32⟩
Conference papers hal-01352960v1

Leveraging Node Centrality and Regularity for Efficient Routing in Mobile Peer-to-Peer Networks.

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie
5th International Conference on Data Management in Grid and Peer-to-Peer Systems, Sep 2011, Toulouse, France. pp.83-94, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-22947-3_8⟩
Conference papers hal-01354556v1

An adaptive routing algorithm for mobile delay tolerant networks

Jingwei Miao , Omar Hasan , Sonia Ben Mokhtar , Lionel Brunie
14th International Symposium on Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), Oct 2011, Brest, France. pp.1-5
Conference papers hal-01354555v1

A Privacy Preserving Reputation Protocol for Web Service Provider Selection

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Ernesto Damiani
IEEE Security Aspects of Process and Services Engineering (SAPSE 2011), Jul 2011, Munich, Germany, Germany. pp.404-409, ⟨10.1109/COMPSACW.2011.74⟩
Conference papers hal-01354465v1

User Centric Replication Approach to Maintain Data Availability in MANET

Zeina Torbey , Nadia Bennani , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie
4th International Conference on MOBILe Wireless MiddleWARE, Operating Systems, and Applications, Jun 2011, London, United Kingdom. pp.195-208, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-30607-5_18⟩
Conference papers hal-01354435v1

Performance Evaluation for CReaM: User-Centric Replication Model

Zeina Torbey , Nadia Bennani , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie
11éme Conference Internationale sur les Nouvelles Technologies de la Repartition, May 2011, Paris, France. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/NOTERE.2011.5957994⟩
Conference papers hal-01354404v1

Towards a Model for Multimedia Dataspaces

Armelle Ndjafa , David Coquil , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
Workshop on Multimedia on the Web 2011, Sep 2011, Graz, Austria. pp.33-37, ⟨10.1109/MMWeb.2011.18⟩
Conference papers hal-01354470v1

CReaM: User-Centric Replication Model for Mobile Environments

Zeina Torbey , Nadia Bennani , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie
International Workshop on "Mobile P2P Data Management, Security and Trust (M-PDMST 2010)" in conjuction with the 11th International Conference on Mobile Data Management (MDM 2010), May 2010, Kansas City, United States. pp.348-353, ⟨10.1109/MDM.2010.50⟩
Conference papers hal-01381455v1
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T2D: A Peer to Peer trust management system based on Disposition to Trust

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
ACM SAC: 25th Symposium On Applied Computing, Mar 2010, Sierre, Switzerland
Conference papers inria-00469649v1

Interest-Awareness for Information Sharing in MANETs

Addisalem Negash , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici
International workshop on Mobile P2P Data Management, Security and Trust (MP-DMST*) , May 2010, Kanas City, Missouri, United States. pp.342-347, ⟨10.1109/MDM.2010.69⟩
Conference papers hal-01381462v1

PASMi: self-adaptive Photo Annotation and Sharing Middleware of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

Addisalem Negash , Sonia Lajmi , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications Workshops (PerComW 2010), Mar 2010, Mannheim, Germany. pp.135-140, ⟨10.1109/PERCOMW.2010.5470616⟩
Conference papers hal-01381451v1

Detecting Anomalies in Data Streams using Statecharts (Demo)

Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Dan-Mircea Suciu , Romain Vuillemot , Aris Ouksel , Lionel Brunie
Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'10), Jan 2010, Hammamet, Tunisie. pp.635-636
Conference papers hal-01381632v1

Query Result Aggregation in Distributed Multimedia Databases

Christian Vilsmaier , David Coquil , Florian Stegmaier , Mario Döller , Lionel Brunie
3rd International Symposium on Intelligent Interactive Multimedia Systems and Services (KES IIMSS 2010), Jul 2010, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers hal-01381601v1
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k-Shares: A Privacy Preserving Reputation Protocol for Decentralized Environments

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Elisa Bertino
25th IFIP TC 11 International Information Security Conference (SEC) / Held as Part of World Computer Congress (WCC), Sep 2010, Brisbane, Australia. pp.253-264, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15257-3_23⟩
Conference papers hal-01054511v1

Efficient Privacy Preserving Reputation Protocols Inspired by Secure Sum

Omar Hasan , Elisa Bertino , Lionel Brunie
The 8th International Conference on Privacy, Security and Trust (PST 2010), Aug 2010, Ottawa, Canada. pp.126-133, ⟨10.1109/PST.2010.5593245⟩
Conference papers hal-01381565v1

Mobility Awareness for Information Sharing in MANETs

Addisalem Negash , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Yaser Fawaz
MDM, May 2010, Kansas City, United States. pp.221-223, ⟨10.1109/MDM.2010.55⟩
Conference papers hal-01381479v1

Extracting user interests from search query logs: A clustering approach

Lyes Limam , David Coquil , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
the 7th International Workshop on Text-based Information Retrieval (TIR '10) in conjunction with the 21st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications (DEXA '10), Aug 2010, Bilbao, Spain. pp.5-9, ⟨10.1109/DEXA.2010.23⟩
Conference papers hal-01381483v1

A decentralized and autonomous replication model for mobile environments

Zeina Torbey , Nadia Bennani , Lionel Brunie , David Coquil
UBIMOB'10 Actes informels, Jun 2010, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01381519v1

Evaluation of the Iterative Multiplication Strategy for Trust Propagation in Pervasive Environments

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
The 6th ACM International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS 2009), Jul 2009, Imperial College, London, United Kingdom. pp.49-54, ⟨10.1145/1568199.1568207⟩
Conference papers hal-01437744v1

L'Elimination de la Subjectivité dans la Recommandation de Confiance

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson , Elisa Bertino
5èmes Journées Francophones Mobilité et Ubiquité (UbiMob 2009), Jul 2009, Lille, France. pp.3-10, ⟨10.1145/1739268.1739270⟩
Conference papers hal-01437745v1

CoFFee: Cooperative and InFrastructure-Free Peer-To-Peer System for VANET

Talar Atechian , Zeina Torbey , Nadia Bennani , Lionel Brunie
9th International Conference on ITS Telecommunication, Oct 2009, Lille, France. pp.510-515, ⟨10.1109/ITST.2009.5399300⟩
Conference papers hal-01437759v1

Elimination of Subjectivity from Trust Recommendation

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson , Elisa Bertino
The 3rd IFIP International Conference on Trust Management (TM 2009), Jun 2009, Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States. pp.65-80, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-02056-8_5⟩
Conference papers hal-01437654v1

Access Control for Ubiquitous Environments Based on Subjectivity Eliminated Trust Propagation

Omar Hasan , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
The 3rd Intl. Symposium on TRUST, in conjunction with the 2008 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing (EUC 2008), Dec 2008, Shanghai, China. pp.603-609, ⟨10.1109/EUC.2008.66⟩
Conference papers hal-01584486v1

Semantic and Cooperative Document Delivery Over Distributed Systems

David Coquil , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
Parallel and Distributed Computing and Networks (PDCN'2008), Feb 2008, Innsbruck, Austria. pp.158-163
Conference papers hal-01584481v1

DG-CastoR for query packets dissemination in VANET

Talar Atechian , Lionel Brunie
5th IEEE Mobile Ad hoc and Sensor Networks (MASS 2008), Sep 2008, Atlanta, United States. pp.547-552, ⟨10.1109/MAHSS.2008.4660090⟩
Conference papers hal-01584487v1

Query Log Analysis for User-Centric Multimedia Databases

Lyes Limam , Lionel Brunie , David Coquil , Harald Kosch
the 8th International Conference on New Media Technology (I-Media'08), Sep 2008, Graz, Austria. pp.441-444
Conference papers hal-01584489v1

Fault Tolerant Content Adaptation for a Dynamic Pervasive Computing Environment

Yaser Fawaz , Carlo Bognanni , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
ICTTA08. The Third International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications, Apr 2008, Damascus, Syria. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICTTA.2008.4530186⟩
Conference papers hal-01584483v1

DG-CastoR : Direction-based Geocast Routing protocol for VANET

Talar Atechian , Lionel Brunie
International Conference Telecommunications Networks and Systems TNS, Jul 2008, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01584488v1

Semantic Approach to Context Management and Reasoning in Ubiquitous Context-Aware Systems

Ejigu Dejene , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
The Second IEEE International Conference on Digital Information Management(ICDIM 2007), Oct 2007, Lyon, France. pp.500-505, ⟨10.1109/ICDIM.2007.4444272⟩
Conference papers hal-01584473v1

Morph Digital Signature A New Signature Framework for e-Documents in Pervasive Environments

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
ICPS'07 : IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, Jul 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.185-188, ⟨10.1109/PERSER.2007.4283914⟩
Conference papers hal-01584460v1

Establishing Trust Beliefs based on a Uniform Disposition to Trust

Rachid Saadi , Omar Hasan , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet-Based Systems (SITIS 2007), IEEE, Dec 2007, Shanghai, China. pp.221-228, ⟨10.1109/SITIS.2007.54⟩
Conference papers hal-01584475v1

X316 Security Toolbox for New Generation of Certificate

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
4th International Conference on Trust, Privacy & Security in Digital Business (TrustBus 2007), Sep 2007, Regensburg, Germany. pp.248-258, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-74409-2_27⟩
Conference papers hal-01584469v1

ConAMi: Collaboration-Based Content Adaptation Middleware for Pervasive Computing Environment

Yaser Fawaz , Addisalem Negash , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici
ICPS'07 : The IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services, Jul 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.189-192, ⟨10.1109/PERSER.2007.4283915⟩
Conference papers hal-01584468v1

Context Adapted Certificate Using Morph Template Signature for Pervasive Environments.

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
4th International Symposium on Ubiquitous Computing Systems (UCS 2007), Nov 2007, Tokyo, Japan. pp.17-32, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-76772-5_2⟩
Conference papers hal-01584470v1

Authentication and Access Control Using Trust Collaboration in Pervasive Grid Environment.

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
GPC 2007 - Grid and Pervasive Computing, May 2007, Paris, France. pp.348-361, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-72360-8⟩
Conference papers hal-01584441v1
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Adaptable Distance-Based Decision-Making Support in Dynamic Cross-Grid Environment

Julien Gossa , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Euro-Par 2007, Parallel Processing, 13th International Euro-Par Conference, Aug 2007, Rennes, France. pp.437-446
Conference papers hal-01502231v1

SAMi: a self-adaptive information sharing middleware for a dynamic pervasive computing environment

Addisalem Negash , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
International Conference Wireless Applications and Computing, WAC 2007, Jul 2007, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01614527v1

A New Certificate Signature for Pervasive Environment

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
3rd International Workshop on Security, Privacy and Trust in Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing , Jul 2007, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.43-48
Conference papers hal-01584461v1

A Collaborative Context-Aware Service Platform for Pervasive Computing

Ejigu Dejene , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
Fourth Annual IEEE International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations, ITNG 07, Apr 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, United States. pp.297-302, ⟨10.1109/ITNG.2007.49⟩
Conference papers hal-01584456v1

When the Grid becomes pervasive to save the day even Mitch Buchannon needs decision-making support.

Julien Gossa , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services (ICPS 2007), Jul 2007, Istambul, Turkey. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1109/PERSER.2007.4283883⟩
Conference papers hal-01584478v1

The Chameleon: A Pervasive Grid Security Architecture

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
ICNS 2007 The Third International Conference on Networking and Services, Jun 2007, Athens, Greece. ⟨10.1109/ICNS.2007.112⟩
Conference papers hal-01584443v1
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An ontology-based approach to context modeling and reasoning in pervasive computing

Dejene Ejigu , Vasile-Marian Scuturici , Lionel Brunie
PerComW'07, 2007, New York, United States. pp.14-19, ⟨10.1109/PERCOMW.2007.22⟩
Conference papers hal-00624654v1

Service Composition-Based Content Adaptation for Pervasive Computing Environment

Yaser Fawaz , Addisalem Negash , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici
International Conference on Wireless Applications and Computing 2007 , Jul 2007, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01584464v1

Temporal Storage Space for Grids

Yonny Cardenas , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Second International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications (HPCC 2006), Sep 2006, Munich, Germany. pp.803-812
Conference papers hal-01584426v1

Planning-Based Multimedia Adaptation Services Composition for Pervasive Computing

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
2nd International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet–based Systems (SITIS'2006), Nov 2006, Marrakech, Morocco. ⟨10.1109/SITIS.2009.59⟩
Conference papers hal-01584428v1

FReDi : Flexible Replicas Displacer

Julien Gossa , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
5th International Conference on Networking, ICN'06, Apr 2006, Morne, Mauritius, Mauritius. ⟨10.1109/ICNICONSMCL.2006.104⟩
Conference papers hal-01584415v1

Management of Cooperative Cache in Grids

Yonny Cardenas , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
2nd International Workshop on Data Management in Grids DMG - VLDB 2006 32nd International Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Sep 2006, Seoul, South Korea. pp.38-49
Conference papers hal-01584424v1

Modeling User Intention in Pervasive Service Environments

Pascal Bihler , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici
The 2005 IFIP International Conference on Embedded And Ubiquitous Computing (EUC'2005), Dec 2005, Nagasaki, Japan. pp.977-986, ⟨10.1007/11596356_97⟩
Conference papers hal-01584399v1

Uniform Distributed Cache Service for Grid Computing

Yonny Cardenas , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
16th DEXA: In 2th International Workshop on Grid and Peer-to-Peer Computing Impacts on Large Scale Hereogeneous Distributed Database Systems., Aug 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark. pp.351-355, ⟨10.1109/DEXA.2005.195⟩
Conference papers hal-01584406v1

Access Pass Certificate, Distrust Certification Model for Large Access in Pervasive Environement

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Services 2005 ICPS'05, Jan 2005, Santorini, Greece. ⟨10.1109/PERSER.2005.1506547⟩
Conference papers hal-01584396v1

Distributed Content Adaptation for Pervasive Systems

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, ITCC 2005, Apr 2005, Las Végas, Nevada (NV), United States. pp.234-241, ⟨10.1109/ITCC.2005.133⟩
Conference papers hal-01584381v1

Grid for Geno-Medicine : A Glimpse on the project

Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie , Maryvonne Miquel , Anne Tchounikine , Clarisse Dhaenens
BioGrid 05 (co-located with CCGrid 2005), May 2005, Cardiff, United Kingdom. pp.527-528
Conference papers hal-01502282v1

Expressing and Interpreting User Intention in Pervasive Service Environments

Pascal Bihler , Lionel Brunie , Vasile-Marian Scuturici
The International Conference On Signal-Image Technology and Internet–Based Systems (SITIS'05), Nov 2005, Yaoundé, Cameroon. pp.183-188
Conference papers hal-01584404v1

Composing Multimedia Content Adaptation Services

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
Workshop on Distributed Multimedia Databases and Multimedia Adaptation, WDMDMA'05 (held in conjunction with EUROMEDIA'2005), Apr 2005, Toulouse, France. pp.199-204
Conference papers hal-01584384v1

Service de Cache pour les Grilles de Calcul

Yonny Cardenas , Lionel Brunie
Premier Atelier sur l'Extraction et Gestion Parallèles Distribuées de Connaissances (EGPDC'2005), 5émes Journées d'Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances (EGC'2005), Jan 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01584411v1

Salient-Object-Based Image Query by Visual Content

Solomon Atnafu , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie , Richard Chbeir , Dawit Bulcha
IEEE International Conference on Signal-Image Technology & Internet–Based Systems (SITIS'05), Nov 2005, Yaoundé, Cameroon
Conference papers hal-01514671v1

Authentification par la méfiance dans les systèmes pervasifs

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
UbiMob05 Deuxièmes Journées Francophones: Mobilité et Ubiquité 2005, Jan 2005, Grenoble, France. pp.93-96, ⟨10.1145/1102613.1102634⟩
Conference papers hal-01584389v1

Service-Based Architectural Framework of Multimedia Content Adaptation for Pervasive Computing Environment

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
Communication Networks and Distributed Systems Modeling and Simulation Conference (CNDS'04), Jan 2004, San Diego, United States
Conference papers hal-01584356v1

Encrypted Storage of Medical Data on a Grid

Ludwig Seitz , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
HEALTHGRID 2004, Jan 2004, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-01584318v1

Integrating Similarity-based Queries in Image DBMSs

Solomon Atnafu , Richard Chbeir , David Coquil , Lionel Brunie
ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (SAC'04), Mar 2004, Nicosia, Cyprus. pp.735-739, ⟨10.1145/967900.968052⟩
Conference papers hal-01514712v1

Modeling Service-Based Multimedia Content Adaptation in Pervasive Computing

Berhe Girma , Lionel Brunie , Jean-Marc Pierson
ACM Proceedings of the first conference on computing frontiers CF'05, Apr 2004, Ischia, Italy. pp.60-69
Conference papers hal-01584358v1

(Dé)placement dynamique de réplicas dans un environnement pervasif

Julien Gossa , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
UbiMob'04, Jun 2004, Nice, France. pp.195-199
Conference papers hal-01584354v1

EMIMS: A Medical Image Management System with a Visual Multi-Criteria Query Interface

Richard Chbeir , David Coquil , Solomon Atnafu , Lionel Brunie
15th International Conference on Information Resource Management Association (IRMA'2003), May 2003, Philadelphia, United States. pp.1-5, ⟨10.4018/978-1-59140-066-0.ch019⟩
Conference papers hal-01514726v1

Enhancement of Web Proxies Using Semantic Information and Cooperation

David Coquil , Lionel Brunie
Sixth International Symposium on Programming and Systems (ISPS'2003), Jan 2003, Algiers, Algeria. pp.00
Conference papers hal-01584314v1

Semantic Access Control for Medical Applications in Grid Environments

Ludwig Seitz , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
European Conference on Parallel Processing (Euro-Par 2003), Aug 2003, Klagenfurt, Austria. pp.374-383, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-45209-6_56⟩
Conference papers hal-01514890v1
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Medical Image Content-Based Queries using the Grid

Johan Montagnat , Hector Duque , Jean-Marc Pierson , Vincent Breton , Lionel Brunie
1st European HealthGrid conference (HealthGrid 2003), Jan 2003, Lyon, France. pp.138-147
Conference papers hal-00683997v1
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DM2: A Distributed Medical Data Manager for Grids

Hector Duque , Johan Montagnat , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie , Isabelle Magnin
3rd IEEE/ACM International Symposium on Cluster Computing and the Grid (Biogrid 2003 workshop @ CCGrid 2003), May 2003, Tokyo, Japan. pp.138-147, ⟨10.1109/CCGRID.2003.1199421⟩
Conference papers hal-00691663v1

Key management for encrypted data storage in distributed systems

Ludwig Seitz , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Second International IEEE Security in Storage Workshop, Oct 2003, Washington, USA, United States. pp.20-30, ⟨10.1109/SISW.2003.10001⟩
Conference papers hal-01584305v1

Information grids: managing and mining semantic data in a grid infrastructure; open issues and application to geno-medical data

Lionel Brunie , Maryvonne Miquel , Jean-Marc Pierson , Anne Tchounikine , Clarisse Dhaenens
DEXA Workshop 2003, Sep 2003, Prague, Czech Republic. pp.509-515
Conference papers hal-01502725v1

Technology Transfer within the ProHPC TTN at ENS Lyon

Christophe Barberet , Lionel Brunie , Frédéric Desprez , Gilles Lebourgeois , Yves Robert
HPCN Europe 1998, Apr 1998, Amsterdam, Netherlands. pp.1-12, ⟨10.1007/BFb0037126⟩
Conference papers hal-00856855v1
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A DSM-based Structural Programming Environment for Distributed and Parallel Processing

Lionel Brunie , Laurent Lefèvre
HiPC '96 : 3rd International Conference on High Performance Computing, Dec 1996, Trivandrum, India, India. pp.469-474
Conference papers hal-00767645v1
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Modèle de mémoire distribuée-partagée pour machine massivement parallèle

Lionel Brunie , Laurent Lefèvre
RenPar'6, Jun 1994, Ecole normale Supérieure de Lyon, France, France
Conference papers hal-00767586v1

DOSMOS : A Distributed Shared Memory based on P.V.M.

Lionel Brunie , Laurent Lefèvre
First european PVM users group meeting, Oct 1994, Universita di Roma, Italy
Conference papers hal-00767604v1

The LHPC Programming Environment

Lionel Brunie , Serge Chaumette , Michel Cosnard , Frédéric Desprez , Laurent Lefèvre
Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing, Dec 1994, Townsend, TN, USA, United States
Conference papers hal-00767599v1

Semantic Information Retrieval over P2P Network

Yulian Yang , Sylvie Calabretto , Lionel Brunie
Ecole d'Automne en Recherche d'Information et Applications 2010 (EARIA 2010), Nov 2010, Lyon, France. 2010
Conference poster hal-01381606v1

CrowdED and CREX: Towards Easy Crowdsourcing Quality Control Evaluation

Tarek Awwad , Nadia Bennani , Veronika Rehn-Sonigo , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
Advances in Databases and Information Systems, pp.285-301, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-28730-6_18⟩
Book sections hal-02279815v1

LPL, Towards a GDPR-Compliant Privacy Language: Formal Definition and Usage

Armin Gerl , Nadia Bennani , Harald Kosch , Lionel Brunie
Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg. Transactions on Large-Scale Data- and Knowledge-Centered Systems XXXVII, 10940, pp.41-80, 2018, LNCS, 978-3-662-57932-9. ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-57932-9_2⟩
Book sections hal-01866050v1

Privacy in Big Data

Benjamin Habegger , Omar Hasan , Cerqueus Thomas , Lionel Brunie , Nadia Bennani
Big Data: Storage, Sharing, and Security , Taylor & Francis, CRC Press, 2016, Privacy in Big Data. Benjamin Habegger, Omar Hasan, Thomas Cerqueus, Lionel Brunie, Nadia Bennani, Harald Kosch, and Ernesto Damiani. Big Data: Storage, Sharing, and Security. Taylor & Francis, CRC Press. May 2016. [PDF]
Book sections hal-01535812v1

Privacy Preserving Reputation Management in Social Networks

Omar Hasan , Lionel Brunie
Richard Chbeir and Béchara Al Bouna. Security and Privacy Preserving in Social Networks, Springer Verlag (Lecture Notes in Social Networks), pp.245-280, 2013, ⟨10.1007/978-3-7091-0894-9_8⟩
Book sections hal-01339144v1

Distributed Databases

David Coquil , Lionel Brunie , Harald Kosch
The Handbook of Technology Management, III, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2010, Management Support Systems, Electronic Commerce, Legal and Security Considerations
Book sections hal-01483637v1

Security in distributed collaborative environments: limitations and solutions

Rachid Saadi , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Information Retrieval, Springer, pp.415-454, 2010
Book sections hal-01381595v1
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Multimedia Metadata Standards

Werner Bailer , Lionel Brunie , Mario Döller , Michael Granitzer , Ralf Klamma
Borko Furht. Encyclopedia of Multimedia, Springer Verlag, pp.568-575, 2008, 978-0-387-74724-8. ⟨10.1007/978-0-387-78414-4_49⟩
Book sections hal-01584491v1

Service de Cache pour les Grilles de Calcul

Yonny Cardenas , Jean-Marc Pierson , Lionel Brunie
Editions Cépaduès. RNTI E-5 "Extraction des connaissances: Etat et perspectives", 2005
Book sections hal-01584409v1

SIRSALE : un système d'indexation et de recherche de séquences audiovisuelles à large échelle

Ahmed Mostefaoui , Lionel Brunie
Gestion des données multimédias Pages 283-309, Edition Hermes, ISBN : 2-7462-0824-5, 2004
Book sections hal-01584377v1