Rendement des transmissions par chaine. Étude du comportement des rouleaux.
Gabriel Lanaspeze
Martin Best
Bérengère Guilbert
Lionel Manin
Fabrice Ville
Sciences 2024, EFREI, May 2024, VilleJuif, France
Conference papers
Experimental identification of the corrective effect of a non-circular pulley : application to timing belt drive dynamics
Didier Remond
Sébastien Passos
Lionel Manin
Didier Rémond
Olivier Sauvage
Surveillance, Vishno and AVE conferences, INSA-Lyon, Université de Lyon, Jul 2019, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Nonlinear Dynamics of a Rotary Drill-String Immersed in a 3D Geometry Well
Q-T Tran
K-L Nguyen
Lionel Manin
M-A Andrianoely
Sébastien Baguet
PROCEEDINGS OF THE 10TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ROTOR DYNAMICS - IFTOMM, VOL. 4, Sep 2018, GEWERBESTRASSE 11, CHAM, CH-6330, Switzerland. pp.265-279, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-99272-3\_19⟩
Conference papers
Matériaux architecturés à base polymère : Etude des composants polymériques d’une raquette de ping-pong
R.G. Rinaldi
Lionel Manin
Clément Bonnard
Adeline Drillon
Hugo Lourenco
Déformation des polymères solides 26 - (DEPOS26), Sep 2015, Brest, France
Conference papers
Lionel Manin
Abdelhak Hmid
Christine Roucoules
Regis Dufour
International conference on structural engineering dynamics, Nuno Maia, Jun 2015, Lagos, Portugal
Conference papers
Lionel Manin
Stefan Braun
Damien Hugues
International conference on engineering vibration (ICOEV), Sep 2015, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference papers
Nonlinear dynamic interactions between a cable and its casing. Application to automotive gearshift command systems
Lionel Manin
Marie-Ange Andrianoely
Guy Ferraris
Regis Dufour
Thouraya Nouri-Baranger
ISMA 2014, Sep 2014, Leuven, Belgium
Conference papers
Effect of Rotor‐stator Contact on the Mass Unbalance Response
Celio Duran
Lionel Manin
Marie-Ange Andrianoely
Céline Bordegaray
Regis Dufour
9th IFToMM International Conference on Rotor Dynamics, Sep 2014, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
Effect of the joints nonlinear behavior on the dynamics of optical automotive systems
Abdelhak Hmid
Lionel Manin
Regis Dufour
Christine Roucoules
ISMA 2014, Sep 2014, Leuven, Belgium
Conference papers
Power losses prediction in poly-v belt transmissions: application to front engine accessory drives
Lionel Manin
Cédric Lorenzon
Xiaokai Liang
International Gear Conference 2014, Aug 2014, Lyon, Villeurbanne, France. pp.1162-1171
Conference papers
Vibro-acoustic of table tennis rackets. Influence of the blade plywood design. Experimental and sensory analyses
Lionel Manin
Marc Poggi
Nicolas Havard
Cyril Bertrand
21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France. pp.6
Conference papers
Taking into account localized non linearities in random vibration simulation - Application to an automotive equipement
Benjamin Thomas
Lionel Manin
Régis Dufour
Vibrations Chocs et Bruits 2012, Jul 2012, Clamart, France. 10p
Conference papers
An analysis of rotor-stator interaction
Celio Duran
Lionel Manin
Marie-Ange Andrianoely
Céline Bordegaray
Régis Dufour
10th International Conference on Vibrations in Rotating Machinery (VIRM10), IMechE, London, Sept. 2012, Sep 2012, London, United Kingdom. 10p
Conference papers
Prise en compte de non linéarités lors d'une simulation dynamique aléatoire - application à l'isolation d'un composant automobile
Benjamin Thomas
Lionel Manin
Regis Dufour
Philippe Goge
10e colloque national en calcul des structures, May 2011, Giens, France. pp.Clé USB
Conference papers
Non linear dynamics of a structure supported by rubber mounts
Lionel Manin
Régis Dufour
Benjamin Thomas
Philippe Goge
DINAME 2011, 14th Internal symposium on dynamic problems of mechanics, Mar 2011, São Sebastião, São Paulo, Brazil. 10p
Conference papers
Nonlinear dynamic interactions between a cable with no axial preload and its casing. Application to automotive gearshift command systems
Lionel Manin
Régis Dufour
Thouraya Baranger
Nadège Levecque
ISMA2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Sep 2010, Leuven, Belgium. 15p
Conference papers
A rubber mount model. Application to automotive equipment suspension
Lionel Manin
Régis Dufour
Benjamin Thomas
Philippe Goge
ISMA2010 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Sep 2010, Leuven, Belgium. 15p
Conference papers
Introduction of a damping mechanism in the flexible multibody belt-drive model: a numerical and experimental investigation
Lionel Manin
Gregor Cepon
Miha Boltezar
JSME International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions, May 2009, Sendai, Japan. pp.624-629
Conference papers
Experimental investigation on the dynamic characteristics and transverse vibrations instabilities of transmission belts
Lionel Manin
François Besson
Guilhem Michon
Régis Dufour
XVI ème colloque "Vibrations, Chocs et Bruit", Jun 2008, France
Conference papers
Transverse Vibration Instabilities In Multiribbed Belt Transmission Subjected To Multi-Frequency Excitations: Modelling And Experiments
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Didier Remond
Régis Dufour
Robert Parker
Conference papers
From transmission error measurement to Pulley-Belt slip determination in serpentine belt drives: influence of tensioner and belt characteristics
Lionel Manin
Guilhem Michon
Didier Remond
Régis Dufour
12th IFToMM World Congress, Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
Experimental and theoretical investigation on the nonlinear mathieu equation applied to a belt-pulley system
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Régis Dufour
Robert G. Parker
ASME, IDETC/CIE 2007, Sep 2007, États-Unis
Conference papers
Stick-Slip Phenomena in Dynamics: choice of contact model
Eric Chatelet
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Georges Jacquet-Richardet
12th IFToMM World Congress, Jun 2007, Besançon, France
Conference papers
Transverse Vibration Instabilities In Multiribbed Belt Transmission Subjected To Multi-Frequency Excitations: Modelling And Experiments
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Didier Remond
Régis Dufour
Robert G. Parker
ASME, IDETC/CIE 2007, Sep 2007, États-Unis
Conference papers
Parametric instability of an axially moving belt subjected to multi-frequency excitations: experiments and analytical validation
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Robert G. Parker
Régis Dufour
Elenventh conference on Non-linear Vibration, Stability, Dynamics of Structures, Aug 2006, États-Unis
Conference papers
Rheological and restoring force models regarding belt tensioner dymamic behavior: prediction & experiment
Jérome Bastien
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Régis Dufour
ISMA2006 International Conference on Noise and Vibration Engineering, Sep 2006, Belgique
Conference papers
Rôle des tendeurs sur le comportement dynamiquedune transmission par courroie
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Didier Remond
Régis Dufour
XVème colloque "Vibrations, Chocs et Bruit 2006, Jun 2006, France
Conference papers
Systèmes mécaniques et paramétrage dans CATIA V5
Christophe Bard
Adeline Bourdon
Michèle Guingand
Lionel Manin
Didier Remond
1er Ateliers CATIA V5, Oct 2005, France
Conference papers
Étude du comportement vibratoire d'un vélo grand public
Jarir Mahfoudh
Lionel Manin
Anne-Claire Charlot
17e Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2005, Troyes, France
Conference papers
Modeling the climber fall arrest dynamics
Lionel Manin
Jarir Mahfoudh
Matthieu Richard
David Jauffres
ASME, International Design Engineering Technical Conferences and Information in Engineering Confeence, IDETC-IEC 2005, Sep 2005, États-Unis
Conference papers
Mesures de phénomènes non linéaires dans la façade accessoires d'un moteur thermique
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Didier Remond
Régis Dufour
K. Stofleth
XIV ème colloque national "Vibrations, chocs et bruit" 2004, Jun 2004, France. pp.1-5
Conference papers
Measurement of non-linear phenomena on the front end accessory drive of an automotive engine
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Didier Rémond
Régis Dufour
14° Colloque Vibrations, chocs et bruits, Jun 2004, Lyon, France. pp.1-7
Conference papers
Sensibilisation à l'intégration du savoir-faire sous CATIA V5 dans la formation en CMAO
Lionel Manin
Christophe Bard
Adeline Bourdon
Michèle Guingand
Didier Remond
GFUC, journée visibilitéé VISI-26, Jun 2004, France
Conference papers
Détermination expérimentale des caractéristiques mécaniques de courroies de transmission: raideur et amortissement longitudinaux, module de flexion
Lionel Manin
Guilhem Michon
Emilie Comble
Régis Dufour
Journée Scientifique de l'AFM: Caractérisation et Identification des Propriérés Mécaniques et Thermiques de Matériaux et Structures Souples, Jan 2004, France
Conference papers
Identification of the nonlinear histeretic behavior of a belt tensioner
Guilhem Michon
Lionel Manin
Ahmad Al Majid
Régis Dufour
Tenth Conference on Nonlinear Vibration, Stability, Dynamics of structures, Jul 2004, États-Unis
Conference papers
Experimental/Numerical analysis of the timing belt drive of a V6 engine
Lionel Manin
Didier Remond
J.P. Gaborel
Proceeding of DETC'03, 9th International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference 2003, ASME conference, Sep 2003, États-Unis
Conference papers
Utilisation du logiciel CATIA dans la formation en CMAO à l'INSA de Lyon
Lionel Manin
AIP-PRIMECA Journée Technique, Oct 2003, France
Conference papers
Utilisations des métiers de Catia V5 dans la formation en CMAO à l'INSA de Lyon
Lionel Manin
GFUC, Apr 2002, France
Conference papers
Analysis and Prediction of a Pulley Tensioner Effect on the Behavior of an Automotive Timing Belt Drive
Lionel Manin
Daniel Play
L. Potinet
P. Soleilhac
JSME, International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions (MPT 2001), Nov 2001, Japon
Conference papers
Determination of Timing Belt Performances For Industrial Applications
Daniel Play
Lionel Manin
S.-M. Mergache
Didier Remond
P. Soleilhac
JSME, International Conference on Motion and Power Transmissions (MPT 2001), Nov 2001, Japon
Conference papers
Experimental validation of a dynamic numerical model for timing belt drives behavior simulation
Lionel Manin
Daniel Play
P. Soleilhac
Proceedings of DETC00, 8th Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, 2000 ASME Conferences, Sep 2000, États-Unis
Conference papers
Thermal behavior evaluation during mechanical design : validation of thermal numerical gearbox models
Lionel Manin
Daniel Play
Proceedings of DETC00, 8th International Power Transmission and Gearing Conference, 2000 ASME Conferences, Sep 2000, États-Unis
Conference papers
Mechanical behaviour simulation for timing belt drives
Daniel Play
Lionel Manin
C. Monternot
International Congress ICMAS, Oct 2000, Roumanie
Conference papers
Maquette virtuelle modélisation multi-niveaux pour l'évaluation du comportement
Daniel Play
Adeline Bourdon
Lionel Manin
COGEMA, Jul 2000, France
Conference papers
Conception mécanique de produit : Sûreté de fonctionnement et maquette virtuelle
Daniel Play
Adeline Bourdon
Lionel Manin
UTBM, Nov 2000, France
Conference papers