Population Dynamics of the Exotic Flatworm Obama nungara in an Invaded Garden
Shanèze Noël
Yoan Fourcade
Virginie Roy
Georges Bonnet
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Challenges of molecular barcode-based identification of earthworm specimens for biodiversity assessment
Andréa Barraux
Shanèze Noël
Virginie Roy
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Insights into the molecular mechanisms of pesticide tolerance in the Aporrectodea caliginosa earthworm
Audrey Barranger
Christophe Klopp
Barbara Le Bot
Gaëlle Saramito
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Recording earthworm diversity on the tropical island of Martinique using DNA barcoding unveiled endemic species in bromeliad plants
Lise Dupont
Carla-Marie Brunet
Yoan Fourcade
Samuel James
Quentin Gabriac
Journal articles
Mitonuclear discordance and patterns of reproductive isolation in a complex of simultaneously hermaphroditic species, the Allolobophora chlorotica case study
Lise Dupont
Hélène Audusseau
David Porco
Kevin Butt
Journal articles
Wolbachia genomics reveals a potential for a nutrition-based symbiosis in blood-sucking Triatomine bugs
Jonathan Filée
Kenny Agésilas-Lequeux
Laurie Lacquehay
Jean-Michel Bérenger
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Gut content metabarcoding and citizen science reveal the earthworm prey of the exotic terrestrial flatworm, Obama nungara
Virginie Roy
Mathis Ventura
Yoan Fourcade
Jean-Lou Justine
Agnès Gigon
Journal articles
At each site its diversity: DNA barcoding reveals remarkable earthworm diversity in neotropical rainforests of French Guiana
Marie-Eugénie Maggia
Thibaud Decaëns
Emmanuel Lapied
Lise Dupont
Virginie Roy
Journal articles
Genetic evidence of multiple introductions and mixed reproductive strategy in the peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus
S. Taheri
Thibaud Decaëns
L. Cunha
G. G Brown
E. da Silva
Journal articles
Bar-HRM for identification of cryptic earthworm species
Gaspard Baudrin
Virginie Roy
Agnès Gigon
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Impacts of metallic trace elements on an earthworm community in an urban wasteland: Emphasis on the bioaccumulation and genetic characteristics in Lumbricus castaneus
Helene Audusseau
Franck Vandenbulcke
Cassandre Dume
Valentin Deschins
Maxime Pauwels
Journal articles
Ecology and Genetic Structure of the Parasitoid Phobocampe confusa (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae) in Relation to Its Hosts, Aglais Species (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae)
Hélène Audusseau
Gaspard Baudrin
Mark Shaw
Naomi Keehnen
Reto Schmucki
Journal articles
A neotype for pontoscolex corethrurus (muller, 1857) (clitellata)
Samuel W. James
Marie L. C. Bartz
David W. G. Stanton
Ana C. Conrado
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Genetic variation of the epigeic earthworm [Lumbricus castaneus] populations in urban soils of the Paris region (France) revealed using eight newly developed microsatellite markers
Lise Dupont
Maxime Pauwels
Cassandre Dume
Valentin Deschins
Helene Audusseau
Journal articles
Complex taxonomy of the 'brush tail' peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus
Shabnam Taheri
S. James
Virginie Roy
Thibaud Decaëns
B. W. Williams
Journal articles
A reference library of DNA barcodes for the earthworms from Upper Normandy: Biodiversity assessment, new records, potential cases of cryptic diversity and ongoing speciation
David Porco
Chih-Han Chang
Lise Dupont
Sam James
Benoît Richard
Journal articles
Methods for studying earthworm dispersal
Jérôme Mathieu
Gaël Caro
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Harmful or useful? A case study of the exotic peregrine earthworm morphospecies Pontoscolex corethrurus
Shabnam Taheri
Céline Pelosi
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Complex taxonomy of the ‘brush tail’ peregrine earthworm Pontoscolex corethrurus
S. Taheri
S. James
V. Roy
T. Decaëns
B.W. Williams
Journal articles
The Complete Mitochondrial DNA Sequence of the Pantropical Earthworm Pontoscolex Corethrurus (Rhinodrilidae, Clitellata): Mitogenome Characterization and Phylogenetic Positioning
Ana C. Conrado
Hugo Arruda
David W.G. Stanton
Samuel W. James
Peter Kille
Journal articles
Landscape features impact connectivity between soil populations: a comparative study of gene flow in earthworms
L. Dupont
M. Torres-Leguizamon
P. René-Corail
J. Mathieu
Journal articles
Landscape features impact connectivity between soil populations: a comparative study of gene flow in earthworms
L. Dupont
M. Torres-Leguizamon
P. René-Corail
J. Mathieu
Journal articles
Spatial organization of earthworm assemblages in pastures of northwestern France
Benoit Richard
Marc Legras
Pierre Margerie
Jérôme Mathieu
Sébastien Barot
Journal articles
Isolation of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Aporrectodea icterica (Savigny 1826)
Magally Torres-Leguizamon
Jérôme Mathieu
Alexandre Livet
Thibaud Decaens
Lise Dupont
Journal articles
Global Phylogeography of the Widely Introduced North West Pacific Ascidian Styela clava
Sharyn J. Goldstien
Lise Dupont
Frédérique Viard
Paul J. Hallas
Teruaki Nishikawa
Journal articles
New insight into the genetic structure of the Allolobophora chlorotica aggregate in Europe using microsatellite and mitochondrial data
Lise Dupont
David Porco
R.A. King
R. Rougerie
W.O.C. Symondson
Journal articles
Habitat quality, conspecific density, and habitat pre-use affect the dispersal behaviour of two earthworm species, Aporrectodea icterica and Dendrobaena veneta, in a mesocosm experiment
Jérôme Mathieu
Sébastien Barot
Manuel Blouin
Gael Caro
Thibaud Decaens
Journal articles
Parentage analysis in Gabonese colonies of soil-feeding termites belonging to the Cubitermes sp. affinis subarquatus complex of species (Termitidae, Termitinae)
Virginie Roy
Lise Dupont
Myriam Harry
Journal articles
Pathways of spread of the introduced ascidian Styela clava (Tunicata) in Northern Europe, as revealed by microsatellite markers.
Lise Dupont
Frédérique Viard
M. H. Davis
T. Nishikawa
J.D.D. Bishop
Journal articles
Perspectives on the application of molecular genetics to earthworm ecology
Lise Dupont
Pedobiologia, 2009, 52, pp.191-205
Journal articles
New perspectives for population genetics of Chagas'disease vectors in the Northeastern Brasil: isolation of polymorphic microsatellite markers in Triatoma brasiliensis
Myriam Harry
Lise Dupont
Marion Quartier
L. Diotauti
A. Walter
Infection, Genetics and Evolution, 2009, 9, pp.633-637
Journal articles
Fine- and regional-scale genetic structure of the exotic ascidian Styela clava (Tunicata) in south-west England, 50 years after its introduction.
Lise Dupont
Frédérique Viard
M. J. Dowell
C. Wood
J.D.D. Bishop
Journal articles
Microsatellite markers in triatoma pseudomaculata (Hemiptera, reduviidae, triatominae), Chagas' disease vectir in Brazil
Myriam Harry
Lise Dupont
C. Romana
Christine Demanche
A. Mercier
Journal articles
Genetic variability of the soil-feeding termite Labiotermes labralis (Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) in the Amazonian primary forest and remnant patches
Lise Dupont
Virginie Roy
Asmae Bakkali
Myriam Harry
Journal articles
Limits to gene flow in the slipper limpet Crepidula fornicata as revealed by microsatellite data and a larval dispersal model
Lise Dupont
Céline Ellien
Frédérique Viard
Journal articles
Dispersal ability and invasion success of Crepidula fornicata in a single gulf: insights from genetic markers and larval dispersal model
Frédérique Viard
Céline Ellien
Lise Dupont
Helgoland Marine Research, 2006, 60, pp.144-152
Journal articles
Gregariousness and protandry promote reproductive insurance in the invasive gastropod Crepidula fornicata: evidence from assignment of larval paternity
L. Dupont
Joëlle Richard
Yves-Marie Paulet
Gérard Thouzeau
Frédérique Viard
Journal articles