Ludovic Mé
Enseignant-chercheur à Supélec de 1988 à 2014, puis à CentraleSupélec de 2015 à 2017, Ludovic Mé a été en détachement chez Inria de janvier 2018 à octobre 2021. Il a ensuite rejoint définitivement l'Institut. Il est, depuis mars 2019, adjoint du Directeur Général Délégué à la Sciences d'Inria, en charge du domaine de la cybersécurité.
Son domaine de recherche de prédilection est la sécurité réactive (détection d'intrusions, corrélation d'alertes). Il s'est néanmoins également intéressé à la sécurité des réseaux auto-organisés (ad hoc, P2P) et à la virologie informatique. Dans ces domaines, il est auteur ou co-auteur de plus d'une soixantaine de communications nationales et internationales. Il a encadré à ce jour 16 doctorants (2 en cours) et a par ailleurs été directeur de thèse de 15 autres étudiants.
Ludovic Mé a animé de 1997 à 2011 l'équipe de recherche en sécurité des systèmes d'information et réseaux (équipe SSIR, EA 4039), puis de juillet 2011 à avril 2016 il a été responsable de l'équipe projet CIDRE commune à Supélec, à Inria, au CNRS et à l’Université de Rennes 1 (CIDRE est une équipe de l’UMR IRISA). Ludovic Mé a en outre été de sept. 2008 à sept. 2015 responsable de la majeure de 3ème année de Supélec SIS, dédiée à la sécurité informatique. De janvier 2015 à février 2019, il a été délégué scientifique du centre Rennes Bretagne Atlantique de Inria.
Ludovic Mé a été de 2002 à 2017 membre du comité de pilotage du symposium RAID (International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses, anciennement Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection). Il est depuis 2015 membre du comité de pilotage de la conférence RESSI. Il a été membre de 2004 à 2012 du comité éditorial de la revue JCV (European Research Journal in Computer Virology). Il a été membre du conseil d'évaluation du domaine SSI de la DGA (2006-2012), du conseil pour les activités SSI d'EdF (2010) et du Conseil Scientifique du CSFRS «Conseil Supérieur de la Formation et de la Recherche Stratégique» (2011-2013). Il a piloté de 2016 à 2021 le comité d'experts en STIC du collège d'experts du dispositif de protection du patrimoine scientifique et technique de la nation (PPST).
Ludovic Mé est ingénieur Supélec (1987), docteur de l'Université de Rennes 1 (1994) et titulaire d'une HDR de cette même Université (2003).
Professor at Supélec and CentraleSupelec from 1988 to 2017, Ludovic Mé has then spent 4 years in secondment at Inria, before definitively joining the Institute in october 2021. Since march 2019, he is deputy scientific director at Inria, in charge of the domain of cybersecurity.
His research field mainly focuses on intrusion detection and security supervision, but he has interest in virology, and auto-organized networks (ad hoc, P2P) security. He is author or coauthor of more than sixty national or international publications. He personally advised 16 PhD [students](/PhD_Students.html "PhD_Students.html") (2 on-going) and was also thesis director for 15 additional students.
Ludovic Mé was leader of the Supélec SSIR research team from 1997 to 2011, and of the Inria/Supélec/CNRS/University of Rennes joint research team [CIDRE]( "") from 2011 to 2016. He was also from 2008 to 2015 in charge for Supélec of the last year major program (master level) dedicated to information systems security. From January 2015 to February 2019, he was head of science of the Rennes Bretagne Atlantique Inria research center.
Ludovic Mé served many program committees of security conferences and was a member of the steering committees of [RAID]( "") (2002-2017, program comity chair in 2001 and general chair in 2009). He serves the steering comity of the French conference [RESSI]( "") since 2015. He was a member (2004-2012) of the editorial board of the [JCV]( "") "European Research Journal in Computer Virology" (Springer), and served a few advisory boards: the board for the security activities of the DGA (2006-2012), the board for the security activities at EDF (2010), and the French "High Council for Strategic Education and Research" scientific board (2011-2013).
Ludovic Mé is a Supélec alumnus (1987) and doctor of Rennes University (94). He spent in 2001 seven months as a visiting scientist in the "Security Lab" of the University of California at Davis.
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Towards understanding alerts raised by unsupervised network intrusion detection systemsThe 26th International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defenses (RAID ), Oct 2023, Hong Kong China, France. pp.135-150, ⟨10.1145/3607199.3607247⟩
Conference papers
Towards generic quality assessment of synthetic traffic for evaluating intrusion detection systemsRESSI 2022 - Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, May 2022, Chambon-sur-Lac, France. pp.1-3
Conference papers
Errors in the CICIDS2017 dataset and the significant differences in detection performances it makes17th International Conference on Risks and Security of Internet and Systems (CRiSIS), Dec 2022, Sousse, Tunisia. pp.18-33, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-31108-6_2⟩
Conference papers
Detecting APT through graph anomaly detectionRESSI 2022 - Rendez-Vous de la Recherche et de l'Enseignement de la Sécurité des Systèmes d'Information, May 2022, Chambon-sur-Lac, France. pp.1-3
Conference papers
Novelty detection on graph structured data to detect network intrusionsCAID 2020 - Conference on Artificial Intelligence for Defense, Dec 2020, Virtual, France
Conference papers
Sec2graph: Network Attack Detection Based on Novelty Detection on Graph Structured DataDIMVA 2020: 17th Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware, and Vulnerability Assessment, Jun 2020, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.238-258, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-52683-2_12⟩
Conference papers
Forensic Analysis of Network Attacks: Restructuring Security Events as Graphs and Identifying Strongly Connected Sub-graphsWTMC 2020: 5th International Workshop on Traffic Measurements for Cybersecurity and EuroS&PW 2020: IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Sep 2020, Genova, Italy. pp.1-9, ⟨10.1109/EuroSPW51379.2020.00083⟩
Conference papers
Cyber security: current challengesSéminaire du LIRIMA, Sep 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers
STARLORD: Linked Security Data Exploration in a 3D GraphVizSec - IEEE Symposium on Visualization for Cyber Security, Oct 2017, Phoenix, United States. pp.1 - 4, ⟨10.1109/VIZSEC.2017.8062203⟩
Conference papers
Diagnosing intrusions in Android operating system using system flow graphWorkshop Interdisciplinaire sur la Sécurité Globale, Jan 2013, Troyes, France
Conference papers
Faire face aux cybermenaces : détecter (les attaques) et former (des experts en SSI)11ème Symposium sur la Sécurité des Technologies de l'Information et des Communications (SSTIC 2013), Jun 2013, Rennes, France
Conference papers
BSPL: A Language to Specify and Compose Fine-grained Information Flow PoliciesSECUREWARE - 7th International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies - 2013, 2013, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers
Intrusion detection in distributed systems, an approach based on taint markingIEEE ICC2013 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Jun 2013, Budapest, Hungary
Conference papers
Secure states versus Secure executions: From access control to flow controlICISS 2013 - 9th International Conference on Information Systems Security, Dec 2013, Calcutta, India. pp.148-162, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-45204-8_11⟩
Conference papers
Dynamic Malware Detection by Similarity Measures Between Behavioral Profiles: an Introduction in FrenchNetwork and Information Systems Security (SAR-SSI), May 2011, La Rochelle, France. pp.NC
Conference papers
Alert correlation in intrusion detection: Combining AI-based approaches for exploiting security operators' knowledge and preferencesSecurity and Artificial Intelligence (SecArt), Jul 2011, Barcelona, Spain. pp.NC
Conference papers
From SSIR to CIDre: a New Security Research Group in Rennes1st SysSec Workshop, Jul 2011, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers
Flow based interpretation of access control: Detection of illegal information flows7th International Conference on Information Systems Security (ICISS), Dec 2011, Kolkata, India. pp.72-86, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-25560-1_5⟩
Conference papers
Caching P2P traffic: what are the benefits for an ISP?9th International Conference on Networks - ICN 2010, Apr 2010, Menuires, France. pp.NC
Conference papers
Contrôle d'accès versus Contrôle de flots10emes Journées Francophones sur les Approches Formelles dans l'Assistance au développement des logiciels, AFADL 2010, Jun 2010, Poitiers, France. pp.27-41
Conference papers
From redundant/irrelevant alert elimination to handling idss' reliability and controlling severe attack prediction/false alarm rate tradeoffs5th Conference on Network and Information Systems Security (SARSSI'10), 2010, Rocquebrune Cap-Martin, France
Conference papers
From redundant/irrelevant alert elimination to handling IDSes reliability and controlling severe attack prediction/false alarm rate tradeoffs5ème Conférence sur la sécurité des architectures réseaux et systèmes d'information, May 2010, Menton, France. pp.NC
Conference papers
Evaluation of P4P based on real traffic measurement5th International Conference on Internet Monitoring and Protection, May 2010, Barcelona, Spain. pp.NC
Conference papers
Liability in Software Engineering Overview of the LISE Approach and Illustration on a Case StudyACM/IEEE 32nd International Conf. on Software Engineering (ICSE 2010), ACM/IEEE, May 2010, Cape Town, South Africa. pp.135--144, ⟨10.1145/1806799.1806823⟩
Conference papers
From redundant/irrelevant alert elimination to handling IDSs' reliability and controlling severe attack prediction/false alarm rate tradeoffsFifth Conference on Network and Information Systems Security (SARSSI 2010), May 2010, Nice, France. pp.15
Conference papers
Are current antivirus programs able to detect complex metamorphic malware? An empirical evaluation.18th EICAR Annual Conference, May 2009, France. 19 p
Conference papers
An Efficient Distributed PKI for Structured P2P Networks9th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing (P2P), Sep 2009, Seattle, United States. 10 p
Conference papers
Analysis of Computer Virus Infection Risk Factors based on Customer Network Usage2nd International Conference on Emerging Security Information, Systems and Technologies (SECURWARE), Aug 2008, Cap Estérel, France
Conference papers
Policy-Based Intrusion Detection in Web Applications by Monitoring Java Information FlowsCRiSIS 2008, Oct 2008, Tozeur, Tunisia. 8 p
Conference papers
A Sybilproof Distributed Identity Management for P2P Networks13th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC), Jul 2008, Marrakesch, Morocco
Conference papers
Anomaly Detection with Diagnosis in Diversified Systems using Information Flow GraphsIFIP SEC 2008, Sep 2008, Milan, Italy. 15 p
Conference papers
Detecting and Excluding Misbehaving Nodes in a P2P Network8th International Conference on Innovative Internet Community Systems (I2CS), Jun 2008, Martinique
Conference papers
A Sybil-Resistant Admission Control Coupling SybilGuard with Distributed Certification4th International Workshop on Collaborative Peer-to-Peer Systems (COPS) 2008, Jun 2008, Rome, Italy
Conference papers
A distributed certification system for structured P2P networks2nd International Conference on Autonomous Infrastructure, Management and Security (AIMS), Jul 2008, Bremen, Germany. pp.40-52
Conference papers
Autonomic trust reasoning enables misbehavior detection in OLSR23rd Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing (ACM SAC 2008), Mar 2008, Ceará, Brazil. 8 p
Conference papers
Analysis of the implicit trust within the OLSR protocolTrust Management and Security (IFIPTM), Nov 2007, Moncton, Canada
Conference papers
Détection d'intrusions et diagnostic d'anomalies dans un système diversifié par comparaison de graphes de flux d'informationsSixth Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SARSSI), Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
Monitoring a Network Service without Knowing the Threats ?Research Network for a Secure Australia- Workshop : "Network monitoring : Identifying and Measuring the Threats", Sep 2007, Surfer Parasise, Australia
Conference papers
Techniques d'obscurcissement de code pour virus métamorphesSixth Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SARSSI), Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
Contrôle d'accès distribué à un réseau pair-à-pairSixth Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SARSSI), Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
Monitoring both OS and program level information flows to detect intrusions against network serversIEEE Workshop on Monitoring, Attack Detection and Mitigation, Nov 2007, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Integrating Trust Reasonings into Node Behavior in OLSR2nd ACM International Workshop on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (ACM Q2SWinet), Oct 2007, Chania, Greece
Conference papers
Experiments on COTS Diversity as an Intrusion Detection and Tolerance MechanismWorkshop on Recent Advances on Intrusion-Tolerant Systems (WRAITS), Mar 2007, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference papers
Gestion distribuée d'identités résistante à la Sybil attack pour un réseau pair-à-pairSixth Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SARSSI), Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
Analyse de la confiance implicite requise dans le routage adhoc OLSRSixth Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SARSSI), Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
Techniques d'obscurcissement de code pour virus métamorphesSecond International Workshop on the Theory of Computer Viruses (TCV), May 2007, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Détection fiable et pertinente de flux d'information illégauxSixth Conference on Security and Network Architectures (SARSSI), Jun 2007, France
Conference papers
A dependable intrusion detection architecture based on agreement servicesEighth International Symposium on Stabilization, Safety, and Security of Distributes Systems, Nov 2006, France. 17 p
Conference papers
Time series modeling for IDS alert managementACM Symposium on Information, Computer and Communications Security, ASIACCS, Mar 2006, France. pp.102-113
Conference papers
Détection d'intrusions par diversification de COTS4ème conférence "Security and Network Architectures" (SAR), Jun 2005, France. 12 p
Conference papers
COTS diversity based intrusion detection and application to web servers8th international Symposium on the Recent Advances in Intrusion Detection, Sep 2005, Seattle, United States. 18 p
Conference papers
Preventive and Corrective Protection for Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing ProtocolsWONS 2004, Jan 2004, Italy. 15 p
Conference papers
A Serial Combination of Anomaly and Misuse IDSes Applied to HTTP TrafficAnnual Computer Security Applications Conference 2004, Sep 2004, Beijing, China. 10 p
Conference papers
On the Vulnerabilities and Protection of Mobile Ad Hoc Network Routing Protocols3rd International Conference on Networking, Feb 2004, Gosier, Guadeloupe. non spécifié
Conference papers
A Fully Distribued IDS for MANET9th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications, Jun 2004, Alexandria, Egypt. 9 p
Conference papers
Combining Certificatio-based Authentification and Intrusion Detection to Secure Manet Routing Protocols5th European Wireless Conference, Jan 2004, Barcelona, Spain. 7 p
Conference papers
A Language Driven Intrusion Detection System for Events and Alerts Correlation19th IFIP International Information Security Conference, Aug 2004, Toulouse, France. 16 p
Conference papers
Experimenting a Policy-Based HIDS Based on an Information Flow Control ModelACSAC 2003, Dec 2003, Las Vegas, United States. 10 p
Conference papers
An Improved Reference Flow Control Model for Policy-Based Intrusion DetectionESORICS 2003, Oct 2003, Gjovik, Norway. 18 p
Conference papers
A Modular Architecture for Distribued IDS in MANETICCSA 2003, May 2003, Montréal, Canada. 20 p
Conference papers
MANET Authentification Extension for Securing MANET Routing ProtocolsIEEE MWCN 2003, Oct 2003, Singapore, Singapore. 4 p
Conference papers
Introducing reference flow control for intrusion detection at the OS levelRAID 2002, Oct 2002, Zurich, Switzerland. 15 p
Conference papers
CybersecurityInria, 3, pp.172, 2019, Inria white book
CybersécuritéInria, 3, pp.18, 2019, Inria white book
Sécurité des Systèmes d'InformationHermès, 2006
Sécurité des transactions liées aux échanges électroniquesTraité IC2 sur la sécurité des réseaux et systèmes répartis, Hermès, non spécifié, 2003
Book sections
Analyse de logs guidée par des vérifications de formules de responsabilité exprimées en CTL[Rapport de recherche] D4.1, Supélec. 2011
Liability in Software Engineering: Overview of the LISE Approach and Illustration on a Case Study[Research Report] RR-7148, INRIA. 2009, pp.23
Détection des intrusions dans les systèmes d'information : la nécessaire prise en compte des caractéristiques du système surveilléInformatique [cs]. Université Rennes 1, 2003
Habilitation à diriger des recherches