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Lionel Morel



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A Survey on Parallelism and Determinism

Laure Gonnord , Ludovic Henrio , Lionel Morel , Gabriel Radanne
ACM Computing Surveys, 2022, ⟨10.1145/3564529⟩
Journal articles hal-03828497v1
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Formation par projet et opportunité d'accès à distance à des ressources pédagogiques

Florin Doru Hutu , Bruno Allard , Fabrice Jumel , Mathieu Maranzana , Kevin Marquet
Journal sur l'enseignement des sciences et technologies de l'information et des systèmes, 2014, JPCNFM 2012 – 12e journées pédagogiques du CNFM (Coordination nationale pour la formation en micro-électronique et en nanotechnologies), 13 (005), pp.1-10. ⟨10.1051/j3ea/2014005⟩
Journal articles hal-01005316v1

Array Iterators in Lustre: From a Language Extension to Its Exploitation in Validation

Lionel Morel
EURASIP Journal on Embedded Systems, 2007, pp.59130
Journal articles hal-00292876v1
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On optimizing scalar self-rebalancing trees

Paul Iannetta , Laure Gonnord , Lionel Morel
COMPAS 2020 - Conférence francophone d'informatique en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Jun 2020, Lyon, France. pp.1-7
Conference papers hal-03048742v1
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Alternative Platforms and Societal Horizon : Characterisation and Strategies for Development

Guillaume Compain , Philippe Eynaud , Lionel Morel , Corinne Vercher-Chaptal
SASE 31st Annual Meeting Fathomless Futures: Algorithmic and Imagined, Jun 2019, New York City, United States
Conference papers halshs-02140104v1
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Polyhedral Dataflow Programming: a Case Study

Romain Fontaine , Laure Gonnord , Lionel Morel
SBAC-PAD 2018 - 30th International Symposium on Computer Architecture and High-Performance Computing, Sep 2018, Lyon, France. pp.1-9
Conference papers cea-01855997v2
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NumaMMA: NUMA MeMory Analyzer

François Trahay , Manuel Selva , Lionel Morel , Kevin Marquet
ICPP 2018 - 47th International Conference on Parallel Processing, Aug 2018, Eugene, United States. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1145/3225058.3225094⟩
Conference papers cea-01854072v2
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CalMAR -a Multi-Application Dataflow Runtime

Lionel Morel , Manuel Selva , Kevin Marquet , Coralie Saysset , Tanguy Risset
Thirteenth ACM International Conference on Embedded Software 2017, EMSOFT'17, Oct 2017, Seoul, South Korea. ⟨10.1145/3125503.3125562⟩
Conference papers hal-01631691v1
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numap: A Portable Library For Low-Level Memory Profiling

Manuel Selva , Lionel Morel , Kevin Marquet
Embedded Computer Systems: Architectures, Modeling and Simulation (SAMOS), Jul 2016, Samos, Greece. ⟨10.1109/SAMOS.2016.7818331⟩
Conference papers hal-01408979v1
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A Monitoring System for Runtime Adaptations of Streaming Applications

Manuel Selva , Lionel Morel , Kevin Marquet , Stephane Frenot
International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, Mar 2015, Turku, Finland. ⟨10.1109/PDP.2015.53⟩
Conference papers hal-01229025v1
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Integration of Dataflow Components Within a Legacy Video Transcoding Framework

Tewodros Deneke , Lionel Morel , Sébastien Lafond , Johan Lilius
2015 IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Systems, SiPS 2015, Oct 2015, Hangzhou, China. ⟨10.1109/SiPS.2015.7345013⟩
Conference papers hal-01289532v1
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Extending dataflow programs for guaranteed throughput.

Manuel Selva , Lionel Morel , Kévin Marquet , Stéphane Frénot
MES '13 - International Workshop on Many-core Embedded Systems, Jun 2013, Tel Aviv, Israel. pp.54-57, ⟨10.1145/2489068.2489077⟩
Conference papers hal-00876566v1
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A QoS Monitoring System for Dataflow Programs

Manuel Selva , Lionel Morel , Kevin Marquet , Stéphane Frénot
ComPAS: Conférence en Parallélisme, Architecture et Système, Inria, Jan 2013, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-00780976v1
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Rialto 2.0: A Language for Heterogeneous Computations

Johan Lilius , Andreas Dahlin , Lionel Morel
Distributed, Parallel and Biologically Inspired Systems, Sep 2010, Brisbane, Australia. pp.7-18, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15234-4_3⟩
Conference papers hal-00521339v1

Formal modelling framework of data acquisition software using a synchronous approach for timing analysis

Lionel Morel , Jean-Philippe Babau , Belgacem Ben Hedia
30th IFAC Workshop on Real-Time Programming and 4th International Workshop on Real-Time Software (WRTP/RTS'09), Oct 2009, Mrągowo, Poland. pp.1-8
Conference papers hal-00412224v1

Geomorphic and archeological features of coastal caves in madre de dios archipelago (Patagonia, Chile)

Richard Maire , Bernard Tourte , Stéphane Jaillet , Jöel Despain , Benjamin Lans
International Congress of Speleology, Nov 2009, Kerrville, United States. pp.516-521
Conference papers halsde-00446647v1
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Specifying consistent subsets of UML

Jean-Louis Sourrouille , Mohammed Hindawi , Lionel Morel , Régis Aubry
Educator symposium (co-located with Models'08), Sep 2008, Toulouse, France. pp.26-38
Conference papers hal-00321776v1

Description and Implementation of a UML Style Guide

Mohammed Hindawi , Lionel Morel , Régis Aubry , Jean-Louis Sourrouille
Workshop Quality in Modeling, Sep 2008, France. pp.291-302
Conference papers hal-00360750v1
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Description and Implementation of a Style Guide for UML

Mohammed Hindawi , Lionel Morel , Régis Aubry , Jean-Louis Sourrouille
Quality in Modeling (co-located with MODELS'08), Sep 2008, Toulouse, France. pp.31-45
Conference papers hal-00321772v1

Centralized vs. Decentralized QoS Management policy

Firas Alhalabi , Narkoy Batouma , Mathieu Maranzana , Lionel Morel , Jean-Louis Sourrouille
ICTTA'08, Apr 2008, Damas, Syria. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICTTA.2008.4530213⟩
Conference papers hal-00260715v1

Design and Implementation of Energy Saving Digital Hydraulic Control System

Lionel Morel , Pontus Boström
The Tenth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power (SICFP), 2007, Finland. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00387365v1

Design and Validation of Digital Controllers for Hydraulic Systems

Lionel Morel , Pontus Boström
Tenth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, 2007, Finland. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00387358v1

Executable Contracts for Incremental Prototypes of Embedded Systems

Lionel Morel , Louis Mandel
Formal Foundations of Embedded Software and Component-Based Software Architectures (FESCA), 2007, Portugal. pp.121-135
Conference papers hal-00387352v1

Stepwise development of Simulink models using the refinement calculus framework

Lionel Morel , Pontus Boström , Marina Waldén
ICTAC'07 - International Colloquium on Theoretical Aspects of Computing, Sep 2007, Macao, China. pp.79-93, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-75292-9_6⟩
Conference papers hal-00292880v1

Logical-time contracts for reactive embedded components

Lionel Morel , Florence Maraninchi
Euromicro Conference, 2004. Proceedings. 30th, Sep 2004, Rennes, France. pp.48 - 55, ⟨10.1109/EURMIC.2004.1333355⟩
Conference papers hal-00293125v1

Arrays and contracts for the specification and analysis of regular systems

Lionel Morel , Florence Maraninchi
Application of Concurrency to System Design, 2004. ACSD 2004. Proceedings. Fourth International Conference on, Jun 2004, Hamilton, Canada. pp.57- 66, ⟨10.1109/CSD.2004.1309116⟩
Conference papers hal-00293109v1

Expressing Iterative Properties Logically in a Symbolic Setting

Lionel Morel , Carron Shankland , Jeremy Bryans
International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology (AMAST'04), 2004, United Kingdom. pp.460-474, ⟨10.1007/b98770⟩
Conference papers hal-00293252v1

Efficient compilation of array iterators for Lustre

Lionel Morel
Synchronous Languages and Applications, 2002, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-00387350v1
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On optimizing scalar self-rebalancing trees

Paul Iannetta , Laure Gonnord , Lionel Morel
[Research Report] RR-9343, ENS LYON; Inria - Research Centre Grenoble – Rhône-Alpes; Université de Lyon I Claude Bernard. 2020
Reports hal-02573052v1
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Semantic Polyhedral Model for Arrays and Lists

Paul Iannetta , Laure Gonnord , Lionel Morel
[Research Report] INRIA. 2018
Reports hal-03549719v1
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Semantic Array Dataflow Analysis

Paul Iannetta , Laure Gonnord , Lionel Morel , Tomofumi Yuki
[Research Report] RR-9232, Inria Grenoble Rhône-Alpes. 2018, pp.1-22
Reports hal-01954396v1
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Static Analysis via Horn Encoding from synchronous Dataflow Programs

Laure Gonnord , Szabolcs-Marton Bagoly , Lionel Morel
[Technical Report] RT-0492, Université Lyon 1 Claude Bernard, LIP & INSA, CITI 2017, pp.25
Reports hal-01614637v1
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Combining dataflow programming and polyhedral optimization, a case study

Romain Fontaine , Lionel Morel , Laure Gonnord
[Technical Report] RT-0490, Inria Rhône-Alpes; CITI - CITI Centre of Innovation in Telecommunications and Integration of services; LIP - ENS Lyon. 2017, pp.40
Reports hal-01572439v1
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numap: A Portable Library For Low Level Memory Profiling

Manuel Selva , Lionel Morel , Kevin Marquet
[Research Report] RR-8879, INRIA. 2016
Reports hal-01285522v1