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Maeva Cremilleux



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Soil pH dominance over livestock management in determining bacterial assemblages through a latitudinal gradient of european meadows and pastures

S. Raniolo , L. Maretto , E. Benedetti del Rio , Sylvie Cournut , M. Cremilleux
Ecological Indicators, 2023, 155, pp.111063. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.111063⟩
Journal articles hal-04268882v1
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Combining systemic and pragmatic approaches for the holistic diagnosis of a farm in agroecological transition in a health context

Maeva Cremilleux , Audrey A. Michaud , Patrice Cayre , Bruno Martin , Cyrille Rigolot
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 2023, 7, pp.875820. ⟨10.3389/fsufs.2023.875820⟩
Journal articles hal-04049942v1
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Effects of forage quantity and access-time restriction on feeding behaviour, feed efficiency, nutritional status, and dairy performance of dairy cows fed indoors

Maëva Cremilleux , M. Coppa , Matthieu Bouchon , Luc Delaby , G. Beaure
Animal, 2022, 16 (9), pp.100608. ⟨10.1016/j.animal.2022.100608⟩
Journal articles hal-03770112v1

Un diagnostic d’alimentation de ruminant « qui parle aux éleveurs ». Comparaison avec un protocole classique.

Audrey A. Michaud , Maëva Cremilleux , Beaure Guillaume , Adeline Védrine , Cyrille Rigolot
Fourrages, 2019, 240, pp.321-328
Journal articles hal-03500241v1

Un diagnostic d’alimentation de ruminants « qui parle aux éleveurs ». Comparaison avec un protocole classique

Audrey A. Michaud , M. Cremilleux , G. Beaure , A. Védrine , C. Rigolot
Fourrages, 2019, 240, pp.321-328
Journal articles hal-02910758v1

What strategies should be adopted, for water management, to ensure the sustainability of mountain cheese production in the face of climate change?

Maeva Cremilleux , Christophe Berthelot , Yulia Bitkova , Hélène Brives
3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting, EAAP-European Federation of Animal Science, Jun 2024, Clermont - Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-04646943v1

Can studying the health of livestock systems be a way to improve their resilience?

Maëva Cremilleux , Bruno Martin , Audrey A. Michaud
Book of Abstracts of the 74. Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, EAAP, Aug 2023, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-04337864v1
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The order of forage distribution seems to affect the fermentability of the milk

A. Ceppatelli , M. Cremilleux , B. Gourdon , Bruno Martin , Audrey A. Michaud
26. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants (3R 2022), Institut de l'Elevage; INRAE, Dec 2022, Paris, France. pp.550
Conference papers hal-03952763v1
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Agroecological livestock systems: a pragmatic characterization combining zootechnics with human sciences

Maëva Cremilleux , Patrice Cayre , Cyrille Rigolot , B Martin , Audrey A. Michaud
26. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants (3R 2022), INRAE; idele, Dec 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-03958062v1
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Agroecological livestock systems: a pragmatic characterization combining zootechnics with human sciences

M. Cremilleux , Cayre P. , Cyrille Rigolot , Bruno Martin , Audrey A. Michaud
25. Rencontres autour des Recherches sur les Ruminants, Institut de l'Elevage; INRAE, Dec 2020, En ligne, France. pp.570-574
Conference papers hal-03384924v1