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Marie-Cécile Truc

Marie-Cécile Truc Ingénieure de recherches à l'Inrap
Affiliations actuelles
  • 109678
  • 301475
Identifiants chercheurs


I am working for the Inrap where I am an excavation director and I am specialized in the early Middle Ages. My main research topics are countryside settlements, countryside cimeteries and metal artefacts. I also work on medieval diseases : Justinian plague and lepra and I directed the excavation of the léprosy at Aizier (Normandie, France) Concerning the countryside settlement, I directed a research program on this topic in Champagne Ardenne. This multidisciplinary project was conducted over a period of ten years and brought together about fifty researchers and collaborators. This work has allowed the writing of syntheses on different topics such as the organization of the settlements, agriculture, animals husbandry, morphology of the houses. Concerning the countryside cimeteries and metal artefacts, I codirected (director S. Desbrosse-Degobertière) a project related to cemeteries in Champagne Ardenne. This project covers four main topics : organization of cemeteries ; funerary practices ; grave-goods ; general health of the population. In this project, my role focuses on the grave-goods and their chronological, cultural and gender significance.

Domaines de recherche

Sciences de l'Homme et Société Histoire Archéologie et Préhistoire


responsabilité de fouilles archéologiques étude du mobilier métallique archéologie du Moyen Âge léproserie médiévale

