The Social Construction of Ignorance: Experimental Evidence
Ivan Soraperra
Joël van der Weele
Marie Claire Villeval
Shaul Shalvi
Journal articles
Trust and social preferences in times of acute health crisis *
Fortuna Casoria
Fabio Galeotti
Marie Claire Villeval
Annals of Economics and Statistics, inPress
Journal articles
Mindfulness Training, Cognitive Performance and Stress Reduction
Gary Charness
Yves Le Bihan
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
The social construction of ignorance: Experimental evidence
Ivan Soraperra
Joël van der Weele
Marie Claire Villeval
Shaul Shalvi
Journal articles
The Way People Lie in Markets: Detectable vs. Deniable Lies
Chloe Tergiman
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Dishonesty as a collective‐risk social dilemma
Shuguang Jiang
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Guilt Aversion in (New) Games: Does Partners' Payoff Vulnerability Matter?
Giuseppe Attanasi
Claire Rimbaud
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Teaching Norms: Direct Evidence of Parental Transmission
Thijs Brouwer
Fabio Galeotti
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Les décideurs publics doivent pouvoir enclencher les progrès nécessaires en soulevant l’adhésion plus que la fronde
Olivier Bargain
Yannick Gabuthy
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Marc Willinger
Le Monde.fr, 2022
Journal articles
Peer effects, self-selection and dishonesty
Liza Charroin
Bernard Fortin
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
The Way People Lie in Markets: Detectable vs. Deniable Lies
Chloe Tergiman
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, and Intergenerational Responsibility
Victor Klockmann
Alicia von Schenk
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Competition, Information, and the Erosion of Morals
Julien Benistant
Fabio Galeotti
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Why Join a Team?
David J. Cooper
Krista Saral
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Perceived social norm and behavior quickly adjusted to legal changes during the COVID-19 pandemic
Fortuna Casoria
Fabio Galeotti
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Introduction to the special issue on Behavioral and Experimental Economics for Policy Making
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Fraud Deterrence Institutions Reduce Intrinsic Honesty
Fabio Galeotti
Valeria Maggian
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Marie Claire Villeval
Economic and Political Studies, 2021, A Special issue on Behavioral and Experimental Economics for Policy Making, 9 (1), pp. 1-3
Journal articles
Bubbles and incentives: an experiment on asset markets
Stéphane Robin
Katerina Straznicka
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Endogenous testosterone is associated with increased striatal response to audience effects during prosocial choices
Yansong Li
Elise Météreau
Ignacio Obeso
Luigi Butera
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Ambiguity and excuse-driven behavior in charitable giving
Thomas Garcia
Sébastien Massoni
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Do measures of risk attitude in the laboratory predict behavior under risk in and outside of the laboratory?
Gary Charness
Thomas Garcia
Theo Offerman
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Feedback spillovers across tasks, self-confidence and competitiveness
Ritwik Banerjee
Nabanita Datta Gupta
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Always doing your best? Effort and performance in dynamic settings
Nicolas Houy
Jean-Philippe Nicolaï
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Dishonesty is more affected by BMI status than by short-term changes in glucose
Eugenia Polizzi Di Sorrentino
Benedikt Hermann
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Exclusion and Reintegration in a Social Dilemma
Alice Solda
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Unethical amnesia responds more to instrumental than to hedonic motives
Fabio Galeotti
Charlotte Saucet
Marie Claire Villeval
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2020, 117 (41), pp.25423 - 25428. ⟨10.1073/pnas.2011291117⟩
Journal articles
Can shorter transfer chains and transparency reduce embezzlement?
Salvatore Di Falco
Brice Magdalou
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Marc Willinger
Journal articles
Embezzlement and guilt aversion
Giuseppe Attanasi
Claire Rimbaud
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Comportements (non) éthiques et stratégies morales
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Taxation, redistribution and observability in social dilemmas
Daniel A Brent
Lata Gangadharan
Anca Mihut
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust
Rémi Suchon
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Introduction to the special issue in honor of Professor Charles R. Plott
Lata Gangadharan
Charles Noussair
Marie-Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Gender and Peer Effects on Performance in Social Networks
Julie Beugnot
Bernard Fortin
Guy Lacroix
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
The effects of status mobility and group identity on trust
Rémi Suchon
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Loss aversion and lying behavior
Ellen Garbarino
Robert Slonim
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Unethical Behavior and Group Identity in Contests
Julien Benistant
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Motivated memory in dictator games
Charlotte Saucet
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Neurocomputational mechanisms at play when weighing concerns for extrinsic rewards, moral values, and social image
Chen Qu
Elise Météreau
Luigi Butera
Marie Claire Villeval
Jean-Claude Dreher
Journal articles
Doing bad to look good: Negative consequences of image concerns on pro-socal behavior
Ivan Sorrapera
Anton Suvorov
Jeroen van de Ven
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
The Spillover Effects of Affirmative Action on Competitiveness and Unethical Behavior
Ritwik Banerjee
Nabanita Datta Gupta
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Does decentralization of decisions increase the stability of large groups?
Tjaša Bjedov
Simon Lapointe
Thierry Madiès
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Cheating in the Lab Predicts Fraud in the Field: An experiment in public transportations
Zhixin Dai
Fabio Galeotti
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
A Method to Estimate Mean Lying Rates and Their Full Distribution
Ellen Garbarino
Robert Slonim
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Normative conflict and the limits of self-governance in heterogeneous populations
Lata Gangadharan
Nikos Nikiforakis
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Saving Face and Group Identity
Tor Eriksson
Lei Mao
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Are group members less inequality averse than individual decision makers?
Haoran He
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2017, 138, pp. 111-124
Journal articles
Voluntary Contributions to a Mutual Insurance Pool
Louis Lévy-Garboua
Claude Montmarquette
Jonathan Vaksmann
Marie-Claire Villeval
Journal articles
The efficiency of crackdowns. An experiment in public transportations
Zhixin Dai
Fabio Galeotti
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Mise en place d'une expérience avec le grand public : entre recherche, vulgarisation et pédagogie
Youenn Loheac
Hayyan Alia
Cécile Bazart
Mohamed Ali Bchir
Serge Blondel
Journal articles
Decision-Environment Effects on Intertemporal Financial Choices: How Relevant are Resource-Depletion Models?
Michael A. Kuhn
Peter Kuhn
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Behavioural economics: Preserving rank as a social norm
Gary Charness
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Trust under the Prospect Theory and Quasi-Hyperbolic Preferences: A Field Experiment in Vietnam
Quang Nguyen
Marie Claire Villeval
Hui Xu
Economic Development and Cultural Change, 2016, 64 (3), pp. 545-572. ⟨10.1086/685434⟩
Journal articles
Social preferences and lying aversion in children
Valeria Maggian
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Can lab experiments help design personnel policies?
Marie Claire Villeval
IZA World of Labor, 2016, November 2016, 11 p
Journal articles
Migrations, risks, and uncertainty: A field experiment in China
Li Hao
Daniel Houser
Lei Mao
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2016, 131, part A, pp. 126-140
Journal articles
Communication and Coordination in a Two-Stage Game
Tjaša Bjedov
Thierry Madiès
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Quitting and peer effects at work
Julie Rosaz
Robert Slonim
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Ambiguity on audits and cooperation in a public goods game
Zhixin Dai
Robin M. Hogarth
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Behavioral ethics: how psychology influenced economics and how economics might inform psychology?
Bernd Irlenbusch
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Dishonesty under scrutiny
Jeroen van de Ven
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Are women more attracted to cooperation than men?
Peter Kuhn
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Norm Enforcement in Social Dilemmas An Experiment with Police Commissioners
David Dickinson
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Tax evasion and social information: an experiment in Belgium, France, and the Netherlands
Lefebvre Mathieu
Pierre Pestieau
Arno Riedl
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Moral hypocrisy, power and social preferences
Aldo Rustichini
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Ambiguous incentives and the persistence of effort: Experimental evidence
Robin M. Hogarth
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Emotions, sanctions and cooperation
Mateus Joffily
David Masclet
Charles Noussair
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Tax Evasion and emotions: An empirical test of re-integrative shaming theory
Giorgio Coricelli
Elena Rusconi
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Economic Psychology, 2014, 40, pp. 49-61
Journal articles
The Dark Side of Competition for Status
Gary Charness
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Professional identity can increase dishonesty
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Ingratiation: Experimental Evidence
Stéphane Robin
Agnieszka Rusinowska
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Intergenerational Attitudes Towards Strategic Uncertainty and Competition: A Field Experiment in a Swiss Bank
Thierry Madiès
Marie Claire Villeval
Malgorzata Wasmer
Journal articles
Voluntary Leadership: Selection and Influence
Emrah Arbak
Marie Claire Villeval
Social Choice and Welfare, 2013, 40 (3), pp. 635-662
Journal articles
Gender matching and competitiveness: experimental evidence
Nabanita Datta Gupta
Anders Poulsen
Marie Claire Villeval
Economic Inquiry, 2013, 51 (1), pp. 816-835
Journal articles
Threat and Punishment in Public Good Experiments
David Masclet
Charles N. Noussair
Marie-Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Les attitudes sont-elles différentes face à la fraude fiscale et à la fraude sociale ?
Mathieu Lefebvre
Pierre Pestieau
Arno Riedl
Marie Claire Villeval
Economie et Prévision, 2013, 202-203 (1-2), pp. 147-165
Journal articles
Lies and Biased Evaluation: A Real-Effort Experiment
Julie Rosaz
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 84 (2), pp. 537-549
Journal articles
Respect and relational contracts
Tor Eriksson
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2012, 81 (1), pp. 286-298
Journal articles
Contribution au bien public et préférences sociales : Apports récents de l'économie comportementale
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Job Allocation Rules and Sorting Efficiency: Experimental Outcomes in a Peter Principle Environment
David Dickinson
Marie Claire Villeval
Southern Economic Journal, 2012, 78 (3), pp. 842-859
Journal articles
Marie Claire Villeval
Revue Economique, 2012, 63 (3), pp. 385-388
Journal articles
Ready, steady, compete
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Competition and the Ratchet Effect
Gary Charness
Peter Kuhn
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Labor Economics, 2011, 29 (3), pp. 513-547
Journal articles
Hidden Information, Bargaining Power, And Efficiency: An Experiment
Antonio Cabrales
Gary Charness
Marie Claire Villeval
Experimental Economics, 2011, 14 (2), pp.133-159
Journal articles
The Ratio Bias Phenomenon : Fact or Artifact ?
Mathieu Lefebvre
Ferdinand Vieider
Marie Claire Villeval
Theory and Decision, 2011, 71 (4), pp. 615-641
Journal articles
Introduction to the special issue Special issue on Behavioral Public Economics
Charles R. Plott
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2011, 13 (5), pp. 631-637
Journal articles
Cheating, Emotions, and Rationality: An Experiment on Tax Evasion
Giorgio Coricelli
Mateus Joffily
Claude Montmarquette
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Incentive Effects on Risk Attitude in Small Probability Prospects
Mathieu Lefebvre
Ferdinand Vieider
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Efficiency and behavioral considerations in labor negotiations
Manfred Königstein
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Effort and comparison income: experimental and survey evidence
Andrew E. Clark
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 2010, 63 (3), pp.407-426
Journal articles
Feedback and incentives: Experimental evidence
Tor Eriksson
Anders Poulsen
Marie Claire Villeval
Labour Economics, 2009, 16 (6), pp. 679-688
Journal articles
Cooperation and Competition in Intergenerational Experiments in the Field and in the Laboratory
Gary Charness
Marie Claire Villeval
The American Economic Review, 2009, 99 (3), pp. 956-978
Journal articles
Self-selection and the Efficiency of Tournaments
Tor Eriksson
Sabrina Teyssier
Marie Claire Villeval
Economic Inquiry, 2009, 47 (3), pp. 530-548
Journal articles
Performance Pay, Sorting and Social Motivation
Tor Eriksson
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Does Monitoring Decrease Work Effort?
David Dickinson
Marie Claire Villeval
Games and Economic Behavior, 2008, 63 (1), pp. 56-76
Journal articles
Responsabilité individuelle et fiscalité
Louis Lévy-Garboua
Claude Montmarquette
Marie Claire Villeval
Economie et Prévision, 2008, 182 (1), pp.19-31
Journal articles
Punishment, inequality, and welfare : a public good experiment
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Performance Pay, Sorting and Social Motivation
Tor Eriksson
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Experimental Economics: Contributions, Recent Developments, and New Challenges
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Tax Evasion and Social Interactions
Bernard Fortin
Guy Lacroix
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal of Public Economics, 2007, 91 (11-12), pp. 2089-2112
Journal articles
Human Capital over the Life Cycle
Marie Claire Villeval
Economic Record, 2006, 82 (issue 257), pp.234-235
Journal articles
Effort, revenu et rang : une étude expérimentale
Andrew E. Clark
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Revue Economique, 2006, 57 (3), pp.635-643
Journal articles
Effort, revenu et rang. Une étude expérimentale
Andrew E. Clark
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
L'impact des comparaisons de salaire sur le niveau d'effort
Andrew E. Clark
David Masclet
Marie Claire Villeval
Revue Economique, 2005, pp.635-645
Journal articles
Nouvelles conditions de travail : satisfaction ou résignation ?
Marie Claire Villeval
Revue Economique, 2005, 2, pp.237-244
Journal articles
L'économie des ressources humaines : pouvoir et limites des incitations
Pierre Malgrange
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
Economie et Prévision, 2004, 164-165, pp.1-15
Journal articles
Redesigning Teams and Incentives in a merger. An Experiment with Managers and Students
Claude Montmarquette
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
Romain Zeiliger
Management Science, 2004, 50 (10), pp.1379-1389
Journal articles
Le paradoxe de l'adhésion syndicale : une approche expérimentale en termes de jeu de bien public
Claudia Keser
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
Economie et Prévision, 2004, 164-165, pp.81-92
Journal articles
Learning from strikes
Fabienne Tournadre
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles
Does Team-Based Compensation Give Rise to Problems when Agents Vary in their Ability?
Claude Meidinger
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
Experimental Economics, 2003, 6 (3), pp.253-272
Journal articles
Monetary and non Monetary Punishment in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism
David Masclet
Charles Noussair
Steve Tucker
Marie Claire Villeval
American Economic Review, 2003, pp.366-380
Journal articles
Personnel economics: Theoretical Perspectives and Empirical Evidence
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
International Journal of Manpower, 2003, 24 (7), pp.743-797
Journal articles
Monetary and non Monetary Punishment in the Voluntary Contributions Mechanism
David Masclet
Charles Noussair
Steven Tucker
Marie Claire Villeval
The American Economic Review, 2003, 93 (1), pp.366-380
Journal articles
Surenchères salariales et conflictualité : une approche expérimentale
Fabienne Tournadre
Marie Claire Villeval
Revue d'économie politique, 2002, 112 (1), pp.157-171
Journal articles
New Organizational Forms, Learning and Incentive-Based Inequality
Patricia Crifo
Marie Claire Villeval
International Journal of Manpower, 2001, 22 (1/2), pp.83-97
Journal articles
Fairness and Free-Riding in Principal-Multi-Agent Relationships : Experimental Evidence
Claude Meidinger
Jean-Louis Rullière
Marie Claire Villeval
Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali, 2001, 153, pp.409-434
Journal articles
Existe-t-il une prime salariale à l'innovation ?
Khaled Bouabdallah
Marie Claire Villeval
Actualite Economique, 2000, 76 (2), pp.225-236
Journal articles
Le biais technologique : fondements, mesures et tests empiriques
Nathalie Greenan
Bouabdallah Khaled
Marie Claire Villeval
Revue Française d'Economie, 1999, 14 (1), pp.171-227
Journal articles
Unemployment, Labour Institutions, and Innovation
Marie Claire Villeval
LABOUR, 1996, 10 (1), pp. 209-236
Journal articles
Labour market contracts and institutions — a cross-national comparison: (Elsevier Sciences Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1993) pp. vi + 456, ISBN 444-89927-8, US $98.50/Dfl. 185.00
Marie Claire Villeval
Journal articles