Marie-Hélène Famelart
Viscoelastic properties of lactoferrin/ β-lactoglobulin coacervates studied by rheology and micro rheologyAERC 2024 - The Annual European Rheology Conference, Apr 2024, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Déterminants mécanistiques de l'évolution de la structure et des propriétés viscoélastiques des gels laitiers enzymatiquesColloque STELA Incontournable Lait, STELA, May 2024, Quebec (Canada), Canada
Conference papers
Rheology of acid cheese during its drainageThe XIXth Congress on Rheology (ICR),, Jul 2023, Athènes, Greece
Conference papers
Rheological properties of mixed dispersions of milk serum proteins and casein micellesJournées Plénières du GDR SLAMM (Solliciter LA Matière Molle), CNRS, INRAE, Nov 2022, Roscoff, France
Conference papers
Ionic strength and temperature effects on the rheological properties of Lactoferrin/β-lactoglobulin coacervates56ème Congrès du GFR, LGCGM, Université Rennes 1, INRAE stlo, Université Rennes 1, Oct 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Heat treatment of concentrated milk protein system affect viscosity and enzymatic coagulation propertiesAnnual European Rheology Conference (AERC 2022), Apr 2022, Séville, Spain
Conference papers
Insights into ionic strength-modulated complex coacervation between Lactoferrin/β-lactoglobulinRBPGO 9 : Les 9ièmes Rencontres de Biologie~Physique du Grand-Ouest 2022, Comité RBPGO, Jun 2022, Brest, France
Conference papers
Les AMI, Assemblages MIcroniques de protéines sériquesBreizh CarnoTech: Journée chercheurs/entreprises Rencontrez l’excellence scientifique en région !, Valorial, Nov 2022, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Distinctive yielding of dilute colloidal gelLarge deformations GDR SLAMM workshop, CNRS,INRAE, Jun 2021, webinare, France
Conference papers
Rheological properties of the enzymatic casein gel: dependence with the ion distribution in casein micellesJournées Plénières du GDR SLAMM (Solliciter LA Matière Molle), CNRS. INRAE, Nov 2021, Biarritz, France
Conference papers
Rheological properties of lactoferrin/β-lactoglobulin complex coacervates17èmes Journées de la Matière Condensée, la Division de Physique de la Matière Condensée de la Société Française de Physique, Aug 2021, Rennes Edition virtuelle, France
Conference papers
Monitoring dairy protein aggregate structure allows to control the texture of emulsionsWUR Rheology Course, Emulsion Symposium, Graduate School VLAG, in co-operation with Physical chemistry and soft matter, and Physics and physical chemistry of foods, Wageningen University & Research, Sep 2021, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
Rheological properties of lactoferrin /β-lactoglobulin complex coacervatesJournées scientifiques Ecole doctorale EGAAL, Yannick OUTREMAN, Professeur Agrocampus Ouest, Alain VIAN, Professeur Université d’Angers; Hervé PREVOST, Professeur Oniris Nantes; Annick CHAUVIN, Professeure Université Rennes 1, Jun 2021, Rennes édition virtuelle, France
Conference papers
Gelation of whey proteins at alkaline pHICR 2020 : 18th International congress on Rhéology, Dec 2020, Rio De Janeiro (Virtual Congress), France
Conference papers
Les protéines solubles du lait pour texturer les alimentsJournées Plénières du GDR SLAMM (Solliciter LA Matière Molle), Nov 2019, Roscoff, France
Conference papers
Effet de la température sur les interactions et le comportement rhéologique de dispersions de micelles de caséines concentrées54.congrès annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie (GFR), Oct 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Dry heating of beta-lactoglobulin generates microparticles: role of pH and lactoseEdible Soft Matter – a SoftComp Topical Workshop, Apr 2019, Le Mans, France
Conference papers
Acid-induced gel properties of an alginate-in-whey protein emulsionEdible Soft Matter – a SoftComp Topical Workshop, Apr 2019, Le Mans, France
Conference papers
Protein Interactions / assemblies and subsequent propertiesSTLOpendays, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR UMR INRA / AgroCampus Rennes : Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'?uf (1253)., Mar 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Connectivité des gouttes de matières grasse par des agrégats de protéiques et texturation des émulsions.Polymerix 2019, Jul 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Comment la compétition pour l’adsorption à l’interface, entre protéines solubles et agrégées, permet de contrôler la texture des émulsions laitières54.congrès annuel du Groupe Français de Rhéologie (GFR), Oct 2019, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Impact of low temperature on interactions and rheology of dense casein micelles dispersionsXX EuroFood Chem, Jun 2019, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Les protéines solubles du lait pour texturer les alimentsjournée scientifique "science des aliments et valorisation des bio-produits", Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR UMR INRA / AgroCampus Rennes : Science et Technologie du Lait et de l'?uf (1253)., Apr 2019, Rennes, France
Conference papers
How protein aggregates can modulate the texture of emulsified and acidified dairy model systems?3. Food structure and functionality forum symposium, Jun 2018, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers
Protein aggregates modulate the texture of emulsified and acidified dairy model systems17. Food Colloids Conference - Food Colloids 2018, Apr 2018, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Des assemblages fonctionnels obtenus par étuvage de poudres laitièresXVIIe journée de l'animation transversale "glande mammaire, lait", Nov 2018, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Propriétés d’écoulement d’assemblages microniques produits par étuvage d’une poudre d’isolat de protéines sériques à pH alcalin52. Congrès du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, Oct 2017, Nice, France
Conference papers
An original way to produce functional particles by dry heating whey proteins10. NIZO Dairy Conference Innovations in Dairy Ingredients, Oct 2017, Papendal, Netherlands
Conference papers
Modulation of the texture of emulsified and acidified model systems by the addition of protein aggregatesColloque Biopolymers 2017, Nov 2017, Nantes, France
Conference papers
New insight on the formation of whey protein microbeads by a microfluidic system1. International Conference and exhibition on powder tecchnology INDONESIA (ICePTi) 2017, Aug 2017, Bandung, Indonesia. pp.030022, ⟨10.1063/1.5021215⟩
Conference papers
Formation, structure and properties of whey protein Conference on Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security - A comprehensive approach, Oct 2015, Jatinangor, Indonesia
Conference papers
Formation, structures and properties of whey protein aggregatesSéminaire Nutrition Infantile, Spectralys Innovation, Jun 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Two rheological methods to approach the gastric behavior of infant formulasThe 7. International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure - ISFRS 2015, Jun 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Rheological properties of milk derived peptides in high-protein matricesThe 7. International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure - ISFRS 2015, Jun 2015, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Formation, structure et propriétés des agrégats de protéinesWorkshop "structurationdes gels laitiers : addition d'(exo)polysaccharides, proteines d'origine végétale,..", Apr 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
La structure des yaourts : des mélanges modèles pour révéler les rôles respectifs des particules de protéines sériques et des micelles de caséine48ème Congrès du GFR 2013 – session Rhéométrie & caractérisation, Oct 2013, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Dry heating of whey proteins: Structures, Aggregation and Gelling properties5. International Symposium on Spray Dried Dairy Products, Jun 2012, Saint Malo (FR), France
Conference papers
Multi-scale characterisation of in vitro and in vivo digested foods1st Food structures, Digestion & health conference, Mar 2012, Palmerston North, New Zealand
Conference papers
Multi-scale characterization of in vitro and in vivo digested foods2nd Management Committee & Working Group Meetings of COST ACTION FA1005, Oct 2011, Le Croisic, France
Conference papers
First assessment of diffusion coefficients in model cheese by Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) analysis.congrès annuel de l'American dairy science association (ADSA) et de l'American society of animal science (ASAS, Jul 2011, New Orleans (US), United States
Conference papers
Designing the heat-induced whey protein complexes: a key to engineer the interactions in acid milk gelsIDF World Dairy Summit, Nov 2010, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference papers
On how heat-induced whey protein/κ-casein complexes affect interactions during the acid gelation of milkIDF Dairy Science and Technology Week 2010 - IDF Symposium on Science and Technology of Fermented Milk, Jun 2010, Tromsö, Norway
Conference papers
Ingénierie des nanostructures protéiques et propriétés rhéologiques des gels acides de lait45 iéme colloque du GFR Rhéologie des matériaux nanostructurés, Nov 2010, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Effect of heat treatment on the formation of acid milk gel: a kinetic study using rheology and confocal microscopy5. International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, ISFRS 2009, Jun 2009, Zurick, Switzerland
Conference papers
Rheology and phase behavior of dense casein micelle dispersions5. International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, ISFRS 2009, Jun 2009, Zurich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Cellular and molecular imaging by confocal microscopyThird SMBBM International Congress of Biochemistry, Apr 2009, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers
Effect of heat treatment on the formation of acid milk gel: a kinetic study using rheology and confocal microscopyThe International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure-ISFRS 2009-Zurich, Jun 2009, Switzerland
Conference papers
Effect of enriching milk with native micellar casein upon the quality and biological values of Kashkaval cheeseIUFoST 13th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Sep 2006, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Comprehensive study of acid gelation of heated milk with model protein systems3rd NIZO Dairy Conference, Jun 2004, Papendal, Netherlands
Conference papers
Obtention de gel par application de hautes pressions à un concentré de protéines de laitcongrès annuel du GFR, Oct 1997, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Microfiltration of sodium caseinate on ceramic membranes2nd International Conference on Inorganic Membranes, Jul 1991, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Enzymatic Gelation of Milk, Curd Draining and Cheese Yields Milk and Dairy Products: Some Challenges for the Dairy Industry, 1st edition (1), Wiley-ISTE, 288p., 2024, 9781789451719. ⟨10.1002/9781394312405.ch4⟩
Book sections
Rheological Characterization of Butter Samples Using a Lubricated Squeezing FlowChristelle Lopez, Claude Genot, Alain Riaublanc. Multidimensional Characterization of Dietary Lipids, Springer-Verlag, pp 347-355, 2024, Methods and Protocols in Food Science, 978-1071637579. ⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-3758-6_25⟩
Book sections
Chapter 3- Yogurts and Fermented Milks Milk and Dairy Products: Some Challenges for the Dairy Industry, 1st edition, Wiley-ISTE 1st edition (19 Nov. 2024), 288p., 2024, Sciences Agronomy and Good Science Food Chains, 9781789451719. ⟨10.1002/9781394312405.ch3⟩
Book sections
Powder properties and influencing factors |