Modeling and experimental analysis of moisture diffusion behavior in bio-based balsa wood core composite sandwich
Yuan Wu
Jamal Fajoui
Pascal Casari
Sylvain Fréour
Marianne Perrin
ECCM21 – 21st European Conference on Composite Materials, European Society for Composite Materials (ESCM), Jul 2024, Nantes (France), France. pp.115, ⟨10.60691/yj56-np80⟩
Conference papers
Assessment of 4-point bending fatigue performance of composite sandwiches with reduced carbon footprint
Yuan Wu
Pascal Casari
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Marianne Perrin
Xiaojing Gong
The 9th International Conference on the Fatigue of Composites (ICFC9), Jun 2023, Vicenza, Italy
Conference papers
Détermination rapide des propriétés de fatigue des structures en composites stratifiés multidirectionnels basée sur la thermographie infrarouge
Xiaojing Gong
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Zijiao Jia
Jia Huang
CNRIUT 2023 Saint Pierre - La Réunion, IUT de Saint Pierre, Jun 2023, Saint Pierre (La Réunion), La Réunion
Conference papers
Rapid fatigue life prediction of CFRP laminates by combining the data of self-heating with stiffness degradation
Zijiao Jia
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
20th European Conference on Composite Materials, ECCM20, Jun 2022, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Moisture effects on monitoring GFRP-balsa sandwich structure by acoustic emission and infrared thermography
Yuan Wu
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Marianne Perrin
Pascal Casari
Xiaojing Gong
13th International Conference on Sandwich Structures (ICSS-13), Oct 2022, Knoxville, United States
Conference papers
Détermination rapide de la limite de fatigue et des courbes S-N des composites à partir de la thermographie infrarouge
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Jia Huang
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
Journée technique Régionale Sud-Ouest (Cofrend), Oct 2021, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Caractérisation des mécanismes d’endommagement des structures sandwich GFRP-balsa sous flexion 4 points par couplage d’émission acoustique et de thermographie infrarouge.
Yuan Wu
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Marianne Perrin
Pasacl Casari
Xiaojing Gong
JNC 22, Jun 2021, visio, France
Conference papers
Moisture effects on monitoring GFRP-balsa sandwich structure by acoustic emission
Yuan Wu
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Pascal Casari
Xiaojing Gong
10th International Conference on Composites Testing and Model Identification, 2021, paris, France
Conference papers
One shot sandwich composite structure by LRI, influence of manufacturing process parameters on low velocity impact
Jean Gulla
Arthur Cantarel
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xiaojing Gong
FPCM 14, 2018, Lulea, Sweden
Conference papers
Rapid evaluation fatigue life in cross-ply CFRP laminates based on fracture fatigue entropy
Jia Huang
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
. 8th International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (ICSAAM 2018), 2018, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
Rapid evaluation of S-N curve for composite laminates on thermographic approach
Jia Huang
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
12th International Fatigue Congress (FATIGUE 2018), 2018, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Simultaneous FE DIC and IR thermography: advantage of a formulation in the world coordinate system
Jean-Michel Baleynaud
Jean-Charles Passieux
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Jean-Noël Périé
International Conference on Digital Image Correlation and Noncontact Experimental Mechanics (iDICs 2018), Oct 2018, Hangzhou, China
Conference papers
Investigation of damage evolution and life prediction in CFRP laminates under cyclic loading through an energy dissipation approach
Jia Huang
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
7th International Symposium on Aircraft Materials (ACMA2018), 2018, Compiègne, France
Conference papers
Optimization of thermal joint behaviour for the detection of bonding defects by infrared thermography
Matthias Barus
Hélène Welemane
Valérie Nassiet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Arthur Cantarel
PhotoMechanics 2018, Mar 2018, Toulouse, France. pp.0
Conference papers
One Shot Sandwich Composite Structure by Liquid Resin Infusion: Influence of Manufacturing Process Parameters on Low Velocity Impact
Jean Gulla
Arthur Cantarel
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xiaojing Gong
20th International Conference on Composite Structures, 2017, paris, France
Conference papers
Thermographic investigation of heat source in transversely isotropic composites
Benjamin Valès
Victor Alfonso Munoz Cuartas
Hélène Welemane
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Baptiste Trajin
International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials (ICSAAM 2017), Sep 2017, Bucarest, Romania. pp.030043-1
Conference papers
Analyse de réparations collées par thermographie InfraRouge
Matthias Barus
Hélène Welemane
Valérie Nassiet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Arthur Cantarel
GDR week du GDR CNRS 3671 MIC, Nov 2017, Talence, France. pp.0
Conference papers
Comportement thermique d'un joint de colle structural et analyse par thermographie infrarouge : application à la caractérisation de structures composites réparées
Matthias Barus
Hélène Welemane
Francis Collombet
Valérie Nassiet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Colloque francophone CMOI-FLUVISU, Mar 2017, Le Mans, France. pp.0
Conference papers
Détermination rapide de la limite de fatigue et des courbes S-N des composites à partir de la thermographie infrarouge
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Jia Huang
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
Journée Scientifique et Technique (JST) Fatigue des matériaux et structures composites, Dec 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers
One Shot Sandwich Composite Structure by Liquid Resin Infusion: Influence of Manufacturing Process Parameters on Low Velocity Impact
Jean Gulla
Arthur Cantarel
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xiaojing Gong
Chinese-Franco Symposium, 2017, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
One Shot Sandwich Composite Structure by Liquid Resin Infusion: Influence of Manufacturing Process Parameters on Low Velocity Impact
J. Gulla
Arthur Cantarel
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xiaojing Gong
ICCS 2017, 2017, Zürich, Switzerland
Conference papers
Self-Heating Method for Rapid Determination of Fatigue Limit of Composite Laminates
Jia Huang
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
Chinese-Franco Symposium, 2017, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
A new fatigue life prediction model based on infrared thermography and degradation process for CFRP composite laminate
J. Huang
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
D. Li
Conference papers
Rapid determination of fatigue limits of composites by Luong’s method and its improvement
J. Huang
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christian Garnier
Xiaojing Gong
21th International Conference on Composite Materials 2017 (ICCM-21), 2017, Xi'an, China. 12p
Conference papers
A New NDT Method for the study of composite bonded repair
Matthias Barus
Hélène Welemane
Francis Collombet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Arthur Cantarel
17th European Conference on Composite Materials (ECCM17), Jun 2016, Munich, Germany. pp.0
Conference papers
Système de Transport de Mortiers lors de Raids d’Artillerie Héliportés
Jean Gulla
Arthur Cantarel
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xiaojing Gong
CNRIUT 2016 – Congrès National de la Recherche en IUT, 2016, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Infrared signatures of bonded interfaces for the repair of primary structures in composite materials
Matthias Barus
Francis Collombet
Hélène Welemane
Laurent Crouzeix
Arthur Cantarel
20th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jul 2015, Copenhague, Denmark. pp.0
Conference papers
Identification of damage mechanisms in CFRP composites by coupling acoustic emission and infrared thermography
Victor Munoz
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
H. Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
Franco-chinese symposium on Damage and Fracture of Composite Structures : assessment and monitoring, Jul 2015, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
Identification de mécanismes d'endommagement de stratifiés carbone/époxy par couplage entre émission acoustique et thermographie infrarouge
Victor Munoz
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
Journées Scientifiques et techniques, Mar 2015, Cachan, France
Conference papers
Mesure de la ténacité de la rupture de fibres en compression par thermographie infrarouge
Christophe Bouvet
T. Lisle
N. Hongkarnjanakul
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Samuel Rivallant
JNC 19 - 19èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Lyon, France, 29 juin-1er juillet, 2015, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Finite Element simulation of low-velocity impact damage on an aeronautical carbon/epoxy composite structure
Christian Garnier
Olivier Pantalé
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Bernard Lorrain
Chinese-Franco Symposium, 2015, Tarbes, France
Conference papers
Measure of fracture toughness in composite structures using Infrared Thermography
T. Lisle
N. Hongkarnjanakul
Christophe Bouvet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Philippe Marguerès
ECCM 16 – 16th European Conference on Composite Materials, Seville, Spain, 22-26 June, 2014, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Coupling infrared thermography and acoustic emission for damage study in CFRP composites
Victor Alfonso Munoz Cuartas
Benjamin Valès
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
The 12th International Conference on Quantitative InfraRed Thermography - QIRT 2014, Jul 2014, Bordeaux, France. pp.1-8
Conference papers
Christophe Bouvet
T. Lisle
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Philippe Marguerès
CILSA – Journée Instrumentation, traitement du signal et modélisation des sources acoutisques dans les matériaux composites, 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Identification of the elastic properties in CFRP composites
Victor Munoz Cuartas
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
International Symposium on Aircraft Materials ACMA 2014, Apr 2014, Marrakech, Morocco. pp. 61-62
Conference papers
Identification de mécanismes d’endommagement de stratifiés carbone/époxy par émission acoustique
V. Munoz
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
H. Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
CILSA - Journées Instrumentation, traitement du signal et modélisation des sources acoustiques dans les matériaux composites, 2014, Lyon, France
Conference papers
An experimental study of damage evolution in 2D thin woven composite under quasi-static loading using infrared thermography
T. Lisle
Christophe Bouvet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Philippe Marguerès
ECCM16, 2014, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Utilisation de la thermographie infrarouge et de l'émission acoustique pour l'identification de l'endommagement d'un composite stratifié carbone-époxy
Victor Munoz Cuartas
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hã©lã¨ne Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
VIIIèmes Journées d'Etudes Techniques - International congress for applied mechanics JET 2014, Apr 2014, Marrakech, Maroc
Conference papers
From microstructure characterization to multi-scale modelling of injected carbon fibre reinforced peek
Jérémy Crevel
Florentin Berthet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Frederic Lachaud
ICCM 19 -19th International Conference on Composite Materials, Jul 2013, Montreal, Canada. p.9251-9257
Conference papers
Non destructive testing of artificial defects in composite structures by thermal full field measurement methods
Elodie Péronnet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
Richard Huillery
PhotoMechanics 2013, May 2013, Montpellier, France. pp.0
Conference papers
Etude de l'influence des paramètres d'injection sur le comportement de PEEK renforcé de fibres de carbone par thermographie infrarouge
Jérémy Crevel
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Florentin Berthet
Frederic Lachaud
JNC 18 - 18èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites, Jun 2013, Nantes, France. 8 p
Conference papers
Étude expérimentale de l’endommagement d’un composite tissé mince sous traction quasi-statique via thermographie infrarouge
T. Lisle
Christophe Bouvet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Philippe Marguerès
R. Prieto Corral
JNC 18, 2013, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Application of non destructive testing to the detection of aeronautical defects in composite structures
Victor Munoz Cuartas
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
International Conference of Nonconventional Technologies, Jun 2013, Sibiu, Romania
Conference papers
Suivi d'essais de fatigue bi-axiale sur des composites stratifiés
Damien Busca
Marina Fazzini
Bernard Lorrain
Sébastien Mistou
Moussa Karama
13ème colloque international francophone sur les "Méthodes et Techniques Optiques pour l'Industrie" - CMOI2013, Nov 2013, Orléans, France. pp.1
Conference papers
High-speed digital image correlation
Damien Busca
Marina Fazzini
Bernard Lorrain
Sébastien Mistou
Moussa Karama
PhotoMechanics 2013, May 2013, Montpellier, France. pp.1-3
Conference papers
Identification of the elastic properties of composite materials
Victor Munoz Cuartas
Marianne Perrin
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
Arthur Cantarel
International Conference on Structural Analysis of Advanced Materials, Sep 2013, Kos, Greece. pp.0
Conference papers
Damage assessment of thin woven composite subjected to quasi-static tensile loading using infrared thermography
T. Lisle
Christophe Bouvet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Philippe Marguerès
R. Prieto Corral
Conference papers
Non destructive investigation of defects in composite structures by full-field measurement methods
E. Péronnet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
R. Huillery
Olivier Dalverny
S. Mistou
ACMA2012, 2012, Fès, Morocco
Conference papers
Non destructive investigation of defects in composite structures by three infrared thermographic techniques
Elodie Péronnet
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Richard Huillery
Olivier Dalverny
Sébastien Mistou
International conference on experimental mechanics ICEM 15, Jul 2012, Porto, Portugal. pp.0
Conference papers
Experiment and modelling of injected carbon-fibre-reinforced-peek behaviour under tensile loading
Jérémy Crevel
Florentin Berthet
Frederic Lachaud
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
ECCM 15 -15th European Conference on Composite Materials, Jun 2012, Venice, Italy. 8 p
Conference papers
Détection d'endommagement dans les composites à l'aide des micro-ondes. Comparaison avec la thermographie infrarouge
Jérôme Rossignol
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Alain Thionnet
17èmes Journées Nationales sur les Composites (JNC17), Jun 2011, Poitiers-Futuroscope, France. pp.28
Conference papers
Finite element model for impact on composite structures
Christian Garnier
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Bernard Lorrain
16th International Conference on Composite Structures, Jun 2011, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers
Caractérisation et comparaison des limites de détection de techniques de contrôle non destructif : méthodes ultrasonores et méthodes optiques
Elodie Péronnet
Florent Eyma
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Hélène Welemane
Contrôle et Mesures Optiques pour l'Industrie, Nov 2010, Toulouse-Labège, France
Conference papers
Impact damage evolution under fatigue loading by InfraRed Thermography on composite structures
Christian Garnier
Bernard Lorrain
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
14th International Conference of Experimental Mechanics (ICEM 14), Jul 2010, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Détection d'endommagement dans les composites à l'aide d'une technologie utilisant des micro-ondes et par thermographie infrarouge
Jérôme Rossignol
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Alain Thionnet
Matériaux 2010, Oct 2010, Nantes, France. 10 p
Conference papers
Comparison of two Nondestructive Tests in Carbon/Epoxy Composites
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Christophe Pescay
Christian Garnier
Contrôle et Mesures Optiques pour l’Industrie (CMOI), Nov 2009, Reims, France
Conference papers
Comparison of two Nondestructive Tests in Carbon/Epoxy Composites
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
C. Pescay
C. Garnier
ICCM17 (International Conference on Composite Materials), 2009, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Experimental and numerical analysis of mixed mode plasticity at crack tip
Pablo Lopez-Crespo
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Sylvie Pommier
International Conference on Fatigue Damage of Structural Materials VII, 2008, Hyannis, United States
Conference papers
Fatigue properties of 2024-T3 aluminium specimens reinforced with composite patches
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xavier Balandraud
Jean-Louis. Robert
Michel Grédiac
International Conference on Experimental Mechanics 13, Jul 2007, Alexandroupolis, Greece
Conference papers
Etude du comportement en fatigue d'éprouvettes en aluminium renforcées par patchs composites
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xavier Balandraud
Michel Grédiac
Jean-Louis Robert
CFM 2007 - 18ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2007, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Fatigue lifetime prediction of aeronautical components
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xavier Balandraud
Jean-Louis Robert
Michel Grédiac
Fatigue2007, 2007, Cambridge, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Life extension of 2024-T3 aluminium specimens reinforced by composite patches
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xavier Balandraud
Michel Grédiac
Jean-Louis Robert
International Conference: Residual Fatigue Life and Life Time Extension of In-Service Structures, 2006, paris, France
Conference papers
Damage analysis of 2024-T3 aluminium specimens using infrared thermography
Marie-Laetitia Pastor
Xavier Balandraud
Michel Grédiac
Jean-Louis Robert
Photomechanics2006, 2006, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Conference papers