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Marie Sigaud



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Exotic animal cafés in Japan: A new fashion with potential implications for biodiversity, global health, and animal welfare

Marie Sigaud , Tomomi Kitade , Cécile Sarabian
Conservation Science and Practice, 2023, ⟨10.1111/csp2.12867⟩
Journal articles mnhn-03957488v1
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Disgust in animals and the application of disease avoidance to wildlife management and conservation

Cécile Sarabian , Anna Wilkinson , Marie Sigaud , Fumihiro Kano , Jorge Tobajas
Journal of Animal Ecology, 2023, 92 (8), pp.1489-1508. ⟨10.1111/1365-2656.13903⟩
Journal articles mnhn-04029852v1
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Emerging conflict between conservation programmes: when a threatened vertebrate facilitates the dispersal of exotic species in a rare plant community

Marie Sigaud , T H E Mason , F Barnier , S G Cherry , D Fortin
Animal Conservation, 2020, 23 (6), pp.660 - 669. ⟨10.1111/acv.12579⟩
Journal articles mnhn-03890814v1

Collective decision-making promotes fitness loss in a fusion-fission society

Marie Sigaud , Jerod Merkle , Seth Cherry , John Fryxell , Andrew Berdahl
Ecology Letters, 2017, 20 (1), pp.33-40. ⟨10.1111/ele.12698⟩
Journal articles mnhn-03890993v1

Phylogeography of the small Indian civet and origin of introductions to western Indian Ocean islands

Philippe Gaubert , Riddhi Patel , Géraldine Veron , Steven Goodman , Maraike Willsch
Journal of Heredity, 2017, 108 (3), pp.270-279. ⟨10.1093/jhered/esw085⟩
Journal articles hal-03079975v1

To follow or not? How animals in fusion–fission societies handle conflicting information during group decision‐making

Jerod Merkle , Marie Sigaud , Daniel Fortin
Ecology Letters, 2015, 18 (8), pp.799-806. ⟨10.1111/ele.12457⟩
Journal articles mnhn-03891341v1

Is the introduced Siberian chipmunk (Tamias sibiricus) a reservoir host for Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato in a suburban forests?

Maud Marsot , Marie Sigaud , Martine Garnier , Elisabeth Ferquel , Jean-Louis Chapuis
International conference EDEN 2010 : emerging vector-borne diseases in a changing european environment, May 2010, Montpellier, France. pp.29 slides
Conference papers hal-02819618v1