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Matthieu Lerasle



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Pair-Matching: Link Prediction with Adaptive Queries

Christophe Giraud , Yann Issartel , Luc Lehericy , Matthieu Lerasle
Mathematical Statistics and Learning, 2024
Journal articles hal-04578273v1
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Optimal Change-Point Detection and Localization

Nicolas Verzelen , Magalie Fromont , Matthieu Lerasle , Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
Annals of Statistics, 2023, 51 (4), pp.1586-1610. ⟨10.1214/23-AOS2297⟩
Journal articles hal-04251607v1
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On the robustness of the minimim l2 interpolator

Geoffrey Chinot , Matthieu Lerasle
Journal articles hal-03874519v1

Robust high dimensional learning for Lipschitz and convex losses

Geoffrey Chinot , Guillaume Lecué , Matthieu Lerasle
Journal of Machine Learning Research, inPress
Journal articles hal-03094512v1
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Aggregated Hold-Out

Guillaume Maillard , Sylvain Arlot , Matthieu Lerasle
Journal of Machine Learning Research, 2021, 22 (20), pp.1--55. ⟨10.48550/arXiv.1909.04890⟩
Journal articles hal-02273193v1
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Learning the distribution of latent variables in paired comparison models with round-robin scheduling

Roland Diel , Sylvain Le Corff , Matthieu Lerasle
Bernoulli, 2020, 26 (4), ⟨10.3150/20-BEJ1203⟩
Journal articles hal-01552494v2

A quantitative McDiarmid’s inequality for geometrically ergodic Markov chains

Antoine Havet , Matthieu Lerasle , Éric Moulines , Elodie Vernet
Electronic Communications in Probability, 2020, 25, ⟨10.1214/20-ECP286⟩
Journal articles hal-02473182v1

A quantitative Mc Diarmid's inequality for geometrically ergodic Markov chains

Antoine Havet , Matthieu Lerasle , Éric Moulines , Elodie Vernet
Electronic Communications in Probability, 2020
Journal articles hal-02177452v1
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Learning from MOM's principles : Le Cam's approach

Guillaume Lecué , Matthieu Lerasle
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2019, 129 (11), pp.4385-4410. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-01564223v1
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Non parametric estimation for random walks in random environment

Roland Diel , Matthieu Lerasle
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 2018, ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-01330523v1
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The number of potential winners in Bradley-Terry model in random environment

Raphael Chetrite , Roland Diel , Matthieu Lerasle
The Annals of Applied Probability, 2017, 27 (3), pp.1372 - 1394. ⟨10.1214/16-AAP1231⟩
Journal articles hal-01204517v2
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Sub-Gaussian mean estimators

Luc Devroye , Matthieu Lerasle , Gabor Lugosi , Roberto I. Oliveira
Annals of Statistics, 2016, ⟨10.1214/16-AOS1440⟩
Journal articles hal-01204519v1
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Family wise separation rates for multiple testing

Magalie Fromont , Matthieu Lerasle , Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
Annals of Statistics, 2016, 44 (6), pp.2533-2563. ⟨10.1214/15-AOS1418⟩
Journal articles hal-01107321v1
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Sharp oracle inequalities and slope heuristic for specification probabilities estimation in discrete random fields.

Matthieu Lerasle , D.Y. Takahashi
Bernoulli, 2016, 22 (1), pp.325-344. ⟨10.3150/14-BEJ660⟩
Journal articles hal-01059692v1
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Markov approximation of chains of infinite order in the $\bar{d}$-metric

Sandro Gallo , Matthieu Lerasle , D.Y. Takahashi
Markov Processes And Related Fields, 2013, 19 (1), pp.51--82
Journal articles hal-00913858v1
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Optimal model selection in density estimation

Matthieu Lerasle
Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincaré (B) Probabilités et Statistiques, 2012, 48 (3), pp.884--908. ⟨10.1214/11-AIHP425⟩
Journal articles hal-00422655v1
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Adaptive non-asymptotic confidence balls in density estimation

Matthieu Lerasle
ESAIM: Probability and Statistics, 2012, 16 (1), ps0852. ⟨10.1051/ps/2010012⟩
Journal articles hal-00913641v1
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Optimal model selection for stationary data under various mixing conditions

Matthieu Lerasle
Annals of Statistics, 2012, 39 (4), pp.1852-1877. ⟨10.1214/11-AOS888SUPP⟩
Journal articles hal-00430463v1
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An Oracle Approach for Interaction Neighborhood Estimation in Random Field

Matthieu Lerasle , D.Y. Takahashi
Electronic Journal of Statistics , 2011, 5, pp.534-571. ⟨10.1214/11-EJS618⟩
Journal articles hal-00913724v1
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Adaptive density estimation for stationary processes

Matthieu Lerasle
Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 2009, 18 (1), pp.59--83. ⟨10.3103/S1066530709010049⟩
Journal articles hal-00413692v1
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MONK -- Outlier-Robust Mean Embedding Estimation by Median-of-Means

Matthieu Lerasle , Zoltán Szabó , Timothée Mathieu , Guillaume Lecué
ICML 2019 - 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, Jun 2019, Long Beach, United States
Conference papers hal-01705881v5
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Parallel and pseudorandom discrete event system specification vs. networks of spiking neurons: Formalization and preliminary implementation results

Alexandre Muzy , Matthieu Lerasle , Franck Grammont , van Toan Dao , David R.C. Hill
The 2016 International Conference on High Performance Computing & Simulation (HPCS 2016), International Workshop on Parallel Computations for Neural Networks (PCNN 2016), Jul 2016, Innsbruck, Austria
Conference papers hal-01316924v1
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Kernels based tests with non-asymptotic bootstrap approaches for two-sample problem

Magalie Fromont , Béatrice Laurent , Matthieu Lerasle , Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
25th Annual Conference on Learning Theory, Jun 2012, Edimbourg, United Kingdom. pp.23.1-23.22
Conference papers hal-00913879v1
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Optimal kernel selection for density estimation

Matthieu Lerasle , Nelo Magalhães , Patricia Reynaud-Bouret
High Dimensional Probability VII : The Cargese Volume, 71, Birkhauser, pp.425-460, 2016, Prog. Probab, 978-3-319-40519-3_19. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-40519-3_19⟩
Book sections hal-01224097v1