The ULR-repro3 GPS data reanalysis and its estimates of vertical land motion at tide gauges for sea level science
Médéric Gravelle
Guy Woppelmann
Kévin Gobron
Zuheir Altamimi
Mikaël Guichard
Journal articles
Characterization of Sea-level Variations Along the Metropolitan Coasts of France: Waves, Tides, Storm Surges and Long-term Changes
Guillaume Dodet
Xavier Bertin
Frederic Bouchette
Médéric Gravelle
Laurent Testut
Journal articles
Towards Comprehensive Observing and Modeling Systems for Monitoring and Predicting Regional to Coastal Sea Level
Rui Ponte
Mark L Carson
Mauro Cirano
Catia Domingues
Svetlana Jevrejeva
Journal articles
Vertical land motion in the Southwest and Central Pacific from available GNSS solutions and implications for relative sea levels
Valérie Ballu
Médéric Gravelle
Guy Woppelmann
Olivier de Viron
Paul Rebischung
Journal articles
Improving the Coastal Mean Dynamic Topography by Geodetic Combination of Tide Gauge and Satellite Altimetry
Ole Baltazar Andersen
Karina Nielsen
Per Knudsen
Chris Hughes
Rory Bingham
Journal articles
Does Long-Term GPS in the Western Alps Finally Confirm Earthquake Mechanisms?
A. Walpersdorf
L. Pinget
P. Vernant
C. Sue
A. Deprez
Journal articles
Why We Must Tie Satellite Positioning to Tide Gauge Data
P. Woodworth
G. Woppelmann
M. Marcos
Médéric Gravelle
R. Bingley
Journal articles
Uncertainty of the 20th century sea-level rise due to vertical land motion errors
Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez
Médéric Gravelle
Sönke Dangendorf
Marta Marcos
Giorgio Spada
Journal articles
Horizontal and vertical velocities derived from the IDS contribution to ITRF2014, and comparisons with geophysical models
Guilhem Moreaux
Franck G Lemoine
Donald F. Argus
Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez
Pascal Willis
Journal articles
Vertical ground motion and historical sea-level records in Dakar (Senegal) Vertical ground motion and historical sea-level records in Dakar (Senegal)
Gonéri Le Cozannet
Daniel Raucoules
Guy Wöppelmann
Manuel Garcin
Sylvestre da Sylva
Journal articles
The status of measurement of the Mediterranean mean dynamic topography by geodetic techniques
Philip L. Woodworth
Médéric Gravelle
Marcos Marta
Guy Woppelmann
Chris W. Hughes
Journal articles
Levelling co-located GNSS and tide gauge stations using GNSS reflectometry
Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez
Christopher Watson
Médéric Gravelle
Matt A. King
Guy Woppelmann
Journal articles
Evidence for a differential sea level rise between hemispheres over the twentieth century
Guy Wöppelmann
Marta Marcos
Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez
Belen Martin-Miguez
Marie-Noëlle Bouin
Journal articles
Rescue of the historical sea level record of Marseille (France) from
1885 to 1988 and its extension back to 1849–1851
Guy Wöppelmann
Marta Marcos
Alain Coulomb
Belen Martin-Miguez
Paul Bonnetain
Journal articles
Long-term vertical land motion from double-differenced tide gauge and satellite altimetry data
Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez
Médéric Gravelle
Guy Wöppelmann
Journal articles
High nonlinear urban ground motion in Manila(Philippines) from 1993 to 2010 observed by DInSAR: implications for sea-level measurement
Daniel Raucoules
Gonéri Le Cozannet
Guy Wöppelmann
Marcello de Michele
Médéric Gravelle
Journal articles
Assessment of static flood modeling techniques: application to contrasting marshes flooded during Xynthia (western France)
J.-F Breilh
Eric Chaumillon
X Bertin
Médéric Gravelle
Journal articles
Mitigating the effects of vertical land motion in tide gauge records using a state-of-the-art GPS velocity field
Alvaro Santamaria-Gomez
Médéric Gravelle
Xavier Collilieux
Michael Guichard
Belen Martin-Miguez
Journal articles