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Michel Leclère




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Characterizing Boundedness in Chase Variants

Stathis Delivorias , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Federico Ulliana
Theory and Practice of Logic Programming, 2021, 21 (1), pp.51-79. ⟨10.1017/S1471068420000083⟩
Journal articles lirmm-02920610v1
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An Automated Design Framework for Multicellular Recombinase Logic

Sarah Guiziou , Federico Ulliana , Violaine Moreau , Michel Leclère , Jérôme Bonnet
ACS Synthetic Biology, 2018, 7 (5), pp.1406-1412. ⟨10.1021/acssynbio.8b00016⟩
Journal articles lirmm-01934682v1
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An Automated Design Framework for Multicellular Recombinase Logic

Sarah Guiziou , Federico Ulliana , Violaine Moreau , Michel Leclère , Jerome Bonnet
ACS Synthetic Biology, 2018, 7 (5), pp.1406-1412. ⟨10.1021/acssynbio.8b00016⟩
Journal articles hal-04725198v1
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Sound, Complete and Minimal UCQ-Rewriting for Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
Semantic Web – Interoperability, Usability, Applicability, 2015, 6 (5), pp.451-475. ⟨10.3233/SW-140153⟩
Journal articles lirmm-01090370v1

On Rules with Existential Variables: Walking the Decidability Line

Jean-François Baget , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Eric Salvat
Artificial Intelligence, 2011, 175 (9-10), pp.1620-1654. ⟨10.1016/j.artint.2011.03.002⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00587012v1

Validation et enrichissement d'annotations : Application à la veille médiatique

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
Revue des Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information, 2008, 855 (E12), pp.105-125
Journal articles lirmm-00374895v1

Introducing Reasoning into an Industrial Knowledge Management Tool

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
Applied Intelligence, 2007, in press, pp.14. ⟨10.1007/s10489-007-0103-x⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00355363v1

On Querying Simple Conceptual Graphs with Negation

Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère
Data and Knowledge Engineering, 2007, 60 (3), pp.468-493. ⟨10.1016/j.datak.2006.03.008⟩
Journal articles lirmm-00112647v1
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InteGraal: a Tool for Data-Integration and Reasoning on Heterogeneous and Federated Sources

Jean-François Baget , Pierre Bisquert , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Guillaume Pérution-Kihli
BDA 2023 - 39e Conférence sur la Gestion de Données – Principes, Technologies et Applications, Oct 2023, Montpellier, France
Conference papers lirmm-04304601v1
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Query Rewriting with Disjunctive Existential Rules and Mappings

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Guillaume Pérution-Kihli
KR 2023 - 20th International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Sep 2023, Rhodes, Greece. pp.429-439, ⟨10.24963/kr.2023/42⟩
Conference papers lirmm-04272014v1

Query Rewriting with Disjunctive Existential Rules and Mappings

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Guillaume Pérution-Kihli
BDA 2023 - 39e Conférence sur la Gestion de Données - Principes, Technologies et Applications, Oct 2023, Montpellier, France. ⟨10.48550/arXiv.2306.05973⟩
Conference papers lirmm-04272033v1
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A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo , Federico Ulliana
ICDT 2019 - 22nd International Conference on Database Theory, Mar 2019, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.18:1--18:19, ⟨10.4230/LIPIcs.ICDT.2019.18⟩
Conference papers lirmm-02148200v1

A General Framework to Build and Assess the Quality of Authority Links

Michel Chein , Alain Gutierrez , Michel Leclère
K-CAP 2019 - 10th International Conference on Knowledge Capture, Nov 2019, Marina Del Rey, CA, United States. pp.13-20, ⟨10.1145/3360901.3364421⟩
Conference papers lirmm-02281702v1
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Oblivious and Semi-Oblivious Boundedness for Existential Rules

Pierre Bourhis , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Sophie Tison , Federico Ulliana
IJCAI 2019 - 28th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2019, Macao, China. pp.1581-1587, ⟨10.24963/ijcai.2019/219⟩
Conference papers lirmm-02148142v1
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Boolean Recombinase-Based Devices

Guillaume Pérution-Kihli , Sarah Guiziou , Federico Ulliana , Michel Leclère , Jérôme Bonnet
TPNC 2019 - 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Natural Computing, Dec 2019, Kingstone, Canada. pp.82-94, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-34500-6_5⟩
Conference papers lirmm-02416052v1
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A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo , Federico Ulliana
31st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL), Oct 2018, Tempe, United States
Conference papers lirmm-01892353v1
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On the k-Boundedness for Existential Rules

Stathis Delivorias , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Federico Ulliana
RuleML+RR, Sep 2018, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. pp.48-64, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-99906-7_4⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01921140v1
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Scalable composition frameworks for multicellular logic

Sarah Guiziou , Pauline Mayonove , Federico Ulliana , Violaine Moreau , Michel Leclère
BIOSYNSYS, Oct 2017, La Grande Motte, France. ⟨10.1101/150987⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01662689v1
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On Bounded Positive Existential Rules

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Federico Ulliana
DL: Description Logics, Apr 2016, Cape Town, South Africa. CEUR Workshop Proceedings
Conference papers lirmm-01375091v1
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Datalog+, RuleML and OWL 2: Formats and Translations for Existential Rules

Jean-François Baget , Alain Gutierrez , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Swan Rocher
RuleML: Web Rule Symposium, Aug 2015, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-01172069v1
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Query Rewriting for Existential Rules with Compiled Preorder

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jul 2015, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.3006-3112
Conference papers lirmm-01164851v1

Graal: A Toolkit for Query Answering with Existential Rules

Jean-François Baget , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Swan Rocher , Clément Sipieter
RuleML: Web Rule Symposium, Aug 2015, Berlin, Germany. pp.328-344, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-21542-6_21⟩
Conference papers hal-01172063v1
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Defining Key Semantics for the RDF Datasets: Experiments and Evaluations

Manuel Atencia , Michel Chein , Madalina Croitoru , Jérôme David , Michel Leclère
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2014, Iasi, Romania. pp.65-78, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-08389-6_7⟩
Conference papers lirmm-01090357v1
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Définition de la sémantique des clés dans le Web sémantique : un point de vue théorique

Michel Chein , Madalina Croitoru , Michel Leclère , Nathalie Pernelle , Fatiha Saïs
IC: Ingénierie des Connaissances, May 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.225-236
Conference papers hal-01015297v1
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SudocAD: A Knowledge-Based System for the Author Linkage Problem

Michel Chein , Michel Leclère , Yann Nicolas
KSE: Knowledge and Systems Engineering, Oct 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam. pp.65-83, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-02741-8_8⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00933702v1
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Sound, Complete, and Minimal Query Rewriting for Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2013, Beijing, China
Conference papers lirmm-00838791v1
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On the Exploration of the Query Rewriting Space with Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
RR: Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Aug 2013, Mannheim, Germany. pp.123-137, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-39666-3_10⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00838806v1

Kiabora: An Analyzer of Existential Rule Bases

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Swan Rocher
RR: Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Jul 2013, Mannheim, Germany. pp.241-246, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-39666-3_22⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00934018v1
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Aggregation Semantics for Link Validity

Léa Guizol , Madalina Croitoru , Michel Leclère
AI: Artificial Intelligence, Dec 2013, Cambridge, United Kingdom. pp.359-372, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-02621-3_27⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00921018v1
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A Sound and Complete Backward Chaining Algorithm for Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
RR: Web Reasoning and Rule Systems, Sep 2012, Vienna, Austria. pp.122-138, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-33203-6_10⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00764341v3

On Link Validity in Bibliographic Knowledge Bases

Madalina Croitoru , Léa Guizol , Michel Leclère
IPMU: Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty, Jul 2012, Catania, Italy. pp.380-389, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-31709-5_39⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00763664v1

A Theoretical and Experimental Comparison of Algorithms for Containment of Conjunctive Queries with Negation

Khalil Ben Mohamed , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
DEXA 2011 - 22nd International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Aug 2011, Toulouse, France. pp.466-480, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-23088-2_35⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00618779v1
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Translations between RDF(S) and Conceptual Graphs

Jean-François Baget , Madalina Croitoru , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2010, Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. pp.28-41
Conference papers lirmm-00537334v1

Walking the Decidability Line for Rules with Existential Variables

Jean-François Baget , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
KR: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, May 2010, Toronto, Canada. pp.466-476
Conference papers lirmm-00535780v1
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Logical, graph based knowledge representation with CoGui

Jean-François Baget , Michel Chein , Madalina Croitoru , Alain Gutierrez , Michel Leclère
GAOC: Graphes et Appariement d'Objets Complexes, Jan 2010, Hammamet, Tunisia. pp.15-25
Conference papers lirmm-00537351v1
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Containment of Conjunctive Queries with Negation: Algorithms and Experiments

Khalil Ben Mohamed , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
DEXA 2010 - 21st International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, Aug 2010, Bilbao, Spain. pp.330-345, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15251-1_27⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00537832v1
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Déduction dans le fragment existentiel conjonctif de la logique du premier ordre : algorithme et expérimentations

Khalil Ben Mohamed , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
RFIA: Reconnaissance des Formes et Intelligence Artificielle, Jan 2010, Caen, France
Conference papers lirmm-00537824v1

Deduction in Existential Conjunctive First-Order Logic: an Algorithm and Experiments

Khalil Ben Mohamed , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
AIMSA'10: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence: Methodology, Systems, Applications, Sep 2010, Varna, Bulgaria. pp.1-10, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-15431-7_1⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00537836v1
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Extraction et exploitation de données temporelles pour un portail d'e-tourisme

Jérôme Fortin , Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Stéphanie Weiser
EGC: Extraction et Gestion des Connaissances, Jan 2009, Strasbourg, France. pp.39-46
Conference papers lirmm-00364920v1

Extending Decidable Cases for Rules with Existential Variables

Jean-François Baget , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Eric Salvat
IJCAI: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Jul 2009, Pasadena, CA, United States. pp.677-682
Conference papers lirmm-00410130v1
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Distinguishing Answers in Conceptual Graph Knowledge Bases

Nicolas Moreau , Michel Leclère , Madalina Croitoru
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2009, Moscow, Russia. pp.233-246, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-03079-6_18⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00374749v1
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RDF to Conceptual Graphs Translations

Jean-François Baget , Michel Chein , Madalina Croitoru , Jérôme Fortin , David Genest
CS-TIW: Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop, Jul 2009, Moscow, Russia. pp.17
Conference papers lirmm-00410621v1
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Query-Answering CG Knowledge Bases

Michel Leclère , Nicolas Moreau
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2008, Toulouse, France. pp.147-160, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-70596-3_10⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00300160v1
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Griwes: Generic Model and Preliminary Specifications for a Graph-Based Knowledge Representation Toolkit

Jean-François Baget , Olivier Corby , Rose Dieng-Kuntz , Catherine Faron Zucker , Fabien Gandon
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2008, Toulouse, France. ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-70596-3_21⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00389753v2

An Algorithmic Study of Deduction in Simple Conceptual Graphs with Classical Negation

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2008, Toulouse, France. pp.119-132, ⟨10.1007/978-3-540-70596-3_8⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00355493v1
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Différentes notions de réponses pour un système d'interrogation de bases de graphes

Michel Leclère , Nicolas Moreau
IC 2008 - 19es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Jun 2008, Nancy, France. pp.37-48
Conference papers hal-00416686v1
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DL-SR: a Lite DL with Expressive Rules: Preliminary Results

Jean-François Baget , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Eric Salvat
DL: Description Logics, May 2008, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers lirmm-00394383v1
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Différentes notions de réponses pour un système d'interrogation de bases de graphes

Michel Leclère , Nicolas Moreau
IC 2008 - 19es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Jun 2008, Nancy, France. pp.37-48
Conference papers lirmm-00354871v1

De la déduction dans le fragment {Existe,Et,Neg} de la logique du premier ordre à SAT

Khalil Ben Mohamed , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
Journées d'Intelligence Artificielle Fondamentale, Oct 2008, Angers, France
Conference papers lirmm-00355290v1
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Formal and Graphical Annotations for Digital Objects

Nicolas Moreau , Michel Leclère , Michel Chein , Alain Gutierrez
SADPI'07: Semantically Aware Document Processing and Indexing, 2007, pp.069-078, ⟨10.1145/1283880.1283893⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00194441v1
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Annotation formelle graphique de documents multimédia

Nicolas Moreau , Michel Leclère , Michel Chein , Alain Gutierrez
IC 2007 - 18es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Jul 2007, Grenoble, France. pp.313-324
Conference papers lirmm-00194647v1
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OpenFEM et la Structural Dynamics Toolbox

Etienne Balmès , Jean-Philippe Bianchi , Michel Leclère
8e Colloque national en calcul des structures, CSMA, May 2007, Giens, France
Conference papers hal-01495596v1
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Some Algorithmic Improvments for the Containment Problem of Conjunctive Queries with Negation

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
ICDT 2007 - 11th International Conference on Database Theory, Jan 2007, Barcelona, Spain. pp.404-418, ⟨10.1007/11965893_28⟩
Conference papers lirmm-00135448v1
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Introduction de raisonnement dans un outil de gestion de connaissances basé sur les Topic Maps

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
IC@PFIA 2006 - 17es Journées francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, Jun 2006, Nantes, France. pp.17-27
Conference papers lirmm-00156561v1
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Towards Benchmarks for Conceptual Graphs Tools

Jean-François Baget , Olivier Carloni , Michel Chein , David Genest , Alain Gutierrez
CS-TIW: Conceptual Structures Tool Interoperability Workshop, Jul 2006, Aalborg, Denmark. pp.72-86
Conference papers lirmm-00112998v1

Introducing Reasoning into a Knowledge Management Tool: An Industrial Case Study

Olivier Carloni , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère
IEA-AIE'06: Advances in Applied Artificial Intelligence, 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering and Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, Jun 2006, Annecy (France), pp.590-599
Conference papers lirmm-00156532v1
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Mapping Contexts to Vocabularies to Represent Intentions

Rallou Thomopoulos , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère
ECAI: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2006, Riva del Garda, Italy. pp.44-46
Conference papers lirmm-00112949v1

Simple Conceptual Graphs with Atomic Negation and Difference

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
ICCS: International Conference on Conceptual Structures, Jul 2006, Aalborg, Denmark. pp.331-345
Conference papers lirmm-00113160v1

Human Resource Management and Semantic Web Technologies

Michel Bourse , Michel Leclère , Emmanuel Morin , Francky Trichet
1st International Conference on Information \& Communication Technologies: from Theory to Applications (ICTTA), 2004, A compléter, Syria. pp.N/P
Conference papers hal-00456512v1

The Semantic Web in e-recruitment (2004)

Emmanuel Morin , Michel Leclère , Francky Trichet
The First European Symposium of Semantic Web (ESWS'2004), 2004, Greece. pp.N/P
Conference papers hal-00456783v1

Operationalizing Domain Ontologies: A Method and a Tool

Frederic Furst , Michel Leclère , Francky Trichet
ECAI: European Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Aug 2004, Valencia, Spain. pp.318-322
Conference papers lirmm-00108874v1

Construire un Système à Base de Connaissances de type Tâche/Méthode à l'aide de Graphes Conceptuels

Francky Trichet , Michel Leclère , Christophe Choquet
Actes des Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances (IC'2000), 2000, Toulouse, France. pp.13--21
Conference papers hal-01434698v1

Using Conceptual Graphs to represent Problem-Solving Methods

Francky Trichet , Michel Leclère , Christophe Choquet
SEKE'2000, 2000, Chicago (USA), Unknown Region. pp.276--283
Conference papers hal-01434697v1

Designing Task/Method Knowledge-Based Systems with Conceptual Graphs

Michel Leclère , Francky Trichet , Christophe Choquet
ICCS'2000, 2000, Darmstadt, Germany. pp.124--138
Conference papers hal-01434700v1
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Aspects actuels des représentations de connaissances par objets et de la classification

Amedeo Napoli , Isabelle Crampé , Roland Ducournau , Jérôme Euzenat , Michel Leclère
6e journées nationales PRC-GDR intelligence artificielle, Mar 1997, Grenoble, France. pp.289-314
Conference papers hal-01401182v1

Opérationnalisation des ontologies OWL dans la famille SG

Frédéric Comte , Michel Leclère
RJCIA: Rencontres Nationales des Jeunes Chercheurs en Intelligence Artificielle, May 2005, Nice, France. 2005
Conference poster lirmm-00106119v1
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Reasoning with Ontologies

Meghyn Bienvenu , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Marie-Christine Rousset
A Guided Tour of Artificial Intelligence Research, pp.185-215, 2020, Volume I: Knowledge Representation, Reasoning and Learning, 978-3-030-06163-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-06164-7_6⟩
Book sections lirmm-02922020v1

Raisonner avec des ontologies: logiques de description et graphes conceptuels

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Marie-Christine Rousset
Panorama de l'Intelligence Artificielle - Ses bases méthodologiques ses développements, 1 (5), Cépaduès, 2014, Représentation des connaissances et formalisation des raisonnements, 978-2-36493-457-3
Book sections hal-02071032v1
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Oblivious and Semi-Oblivious Boundedness for Existential Rules

Pierre Bourhis , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Sophie Tison , Federico Ulliana
[Research Report] LIRMM (UM, CNRS). 2020
Reports lirmm-02920624v1
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A Single Approach to Decide Chase Termination on Linear Existential Rules

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo , Federico Ulliana
[Research Report] arXiv:1810.02132. 2018
Reports lirmm-01892375v1
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Un problème d'identification d'entités nommées dans des bases de donnés documentaires

Michel Chein , Alain Gutierrez , Michel Leclère
[Rapport de recherche] LIRMM. 2015
Reports lirmm-01187747v1
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Similarité entre listes de termes dépendants et pondérés

Michel Leclère , Michaël Thomazo , Michel Chein
[Rapport de recherche] LIRMM. 2014
Reports lirmm-01093640v2
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Defining Key Semantics for the Semantic Web : a Theoretical View

Michel Chein , Madalina Croitoru , Michel Leclère , Nathalie Pernelle , Fatiha Saïs
[Technical Report] LRI, Université Paris-Sud, CNRS, Universitée Paris-Saclay, France. 2013
Reports hal-00915798v1

On the Exploration of the Query Rewriting Space with Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
[Research Report] RR-13016, Lirmm. 2013
Reports lirmm-00825634v1
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Sound, Complete and Minimal UCQ-Rewriting for Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
[Research Report] RR-13034, Lirmm. 2013, pp.29
Reports lirmm-00903375v1
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Aggregation Semantics for Link Validity: Technical Report

Léa Guizol , Madalina Croitoru , Michel Leclère
RR-14003, 2013
Reports lirmm-00936246v1
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A Sound and Complete Backward Chaining Algorithm for Existential Rules

Mélanie König , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michaël Thomazo
RR-12016, 2012
Reports lirmm-00713182v3
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On Link Validity and Entity Resolution

Léa Guizol , Madalina Croitoru , Michel Leclère
RR-11010, 2012, pp.17
Reports lirmm-00647284v1
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SudocAD: A Knowledge-Based System for Object Identification

Michel Chein , Michel Leclère , Yann Nicolas
RR-12030, 2012
Reports lirmm-00765100v1
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Entities and Surrogates in Knowledge Representation

Michel Chein , Michel Leclère
RR-11030, 2011
Reports lirmm-00618868v1

Deduction in Existential Conjunctive First-Order Logic: an Algorithm and Experiments

Khalil Ben Mohamed , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
RR-10010, 2010, pp.20
Reports lirmm-00463579v1

Walking the Decidability Line for Rules with Existential Variables

Jean-François Baget , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
RR-09030, 2009, pp.21
Reports lirmm-00441907v1
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Some Structural Properties of the Logic of Rules

Jean-François Baget , Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère , Eric Salvat
RR-08016, 2008
Reports lirmm-00289250v1

Un modèle d'annotation basé sur des ontologies modulaires et des graphes conceptuels emboîtés

Michel Chein , David Genest , Alain Gutierrez , Michel Leclère , Nicolas Moreau
RR-07011, 2007, pp.35
Reports lirmm-00148889v1

Introducing Graph-Based Reasoning into a Knowledge Management Tool: An Industrial Case Study

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
06004, 2006, 10 p
Reports lirmm-00102684v1

Introduction de Raisonnement dans un Outil de Gestion des Connaissances

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
06011, 2006, 84 p
Reports lirmm-00102706v1

Introduction de Raisonnement dans un Outil de Gestion des Connaissances Basé sur les Topic Maps

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
06007, 2006, 10 p
Reports lirmm-00102719v1

A Graph-Based Study of the Containment Problem of Conjunctive Queries with Negation

Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
05076, 2005, 10 p
Reports lirmm-00106673v1

Intuitionistic Atomic Negation in Simple Conceptual Graphs

Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère
05015, 2005, 6 p
Reports lirmm-00106620v1

Introducing Graph-Based Reasoning into Knowledge Management Tool: An Industrial Case Study

Olivier Carloni , Michel Leclère , Marie-Laure Mugnier
05075, 2005, 10 p
Reports lirmm-00106672v1

On Querying Simple Conceptual Graphs with Negation

Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère
05051, 2005, pp.41
Reports lirmm-00106650v1

Intuitionistic Atomic Negation in Simple Conceptual Graphs

Marie-Laure Mugnier , Michel Leclère
04004, 2004, pp.15
Reports lirmm-00109212v1