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Comparison of cell wall chemical evolution during the development of fruits of two contrasting quality from two members of the Rosaceae family: Apple and sweet cherry

Marc Lahaye , Wafae Tabi , Lucie Le Bot , Mickaël Delaire , Mathilde Orsel-Baldwin
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2021, 168, pp.93-104. ⟨10.1016/j.plaphy.2021.10.002⟩
Journal articles hal-03382665v1
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Pre-harvest Climate and Post-Harvest Acclimation to Cold Prevent From Superficial Scald Development in Granny Smith Apples

Mathieu Marc , Maryline Cournol , Sylvain Hanteville , Anne-Sophie Poisson , Marie-Charlotte Guillou
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), 15 p. ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-63018-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02797159v1
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Fruit and Leaf Response to Different Source–Sink Ratios in Apple, at the Scale of the Fruit-Bearing Branch

Emna Bairam , Christian Lemorvan , Mickaël Delaire , Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10, pp.1039. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2019.01039⟩
Journal articles hal-02277456v1
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Models for Predicting the Architecture of Different Shoot Types in Apple

Emna Bairam , Mickaël Delaire , Christian Le Morvan , Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8, pp.1-16. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2017.00065⟩
Journal articles hal-01605493v1

Effect of apple growth pattern on fruit textural quality at harvest and after cold storage in cv. 'Braeburn'

Mickaël Delaire , Fatoumata Sane , Emira Mehinagic , Pascale Guillermin , Corine Patron
Scientia Horticulturae, 2015, 194 (oct. 2015), pp.134 - 137. ⟨10.1016/j.scienta.2015.08.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01455984v1
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Evidence for a strong correlation between season-dependent nitrate and potassium uptake in two deciduous trees

Mickaël Delaire , Jean-Claude J.-C. Mauget , Francois F. Beaujard
Trees - Structure and Function, 2014, pp.1-8. ⟨10.1007/s00468-014-0990-5⟩
Journal articles hal-00988415v1
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The role of branch architecture in assimilate production and partitioning: the example of apple (Malus domestica).

Julienne Fanwoua , Emna Bairam , Mickaël Delaire , Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014, 5, pp.338. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2014.00338⟩
Journal articles hal-01132285v1
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Meeting present and future challenges in sustainable horticulture using virtual plants.

Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin , Mickaël Delaire
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2013, 4 (article 443), pp.443. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2013.00443⟩
Journal articles hal-01132287v1

Sudden increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration reveals strong coupling between shoot carbon uptake and root nutrient uptake in young walnut trees

Mickaël Delaire , Ela Frak , Monique Sigogne , Boris B. Adam , Francois Beaujard
Tree Physiology, 2005, 25 (2), pp.229-235
Journal articles hal-01189130v1

Apple firmness relies on cell wall architecture

Marc Lahaye , M. Delaire , M. Orsel , Xavier Falourd , Loïc Foucat
XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Integrative Approaches to Product Quality in Fruits and Vegetables, ISHS, Aug 2023, Angers (FR), France. pp.19-28, ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2022.1353.3⟩
Conference papers hal-03972041v1

Pedagogical innovations in horticulture and landscape training: can we imagine an international network of innovative teachers?

P. Prévost , K. Orvis , Mickaël Delaire , C. Haynes , G.L. Thompson
XXXI International Horticultural Congress (IHC2022): International Symposium on Innovations in Ornamentals: from Breeding to Market, F. Laurens, Aug 2022, Angers, France. pp.427-434, ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2023.1368.52⟩
Conference papers hal-04172606v1

Pre-harvest climate and post-harvest acclimation to cold prevent from superficial scald development in Granny smith apples

Mathilde Orsel-Baldwin , Matthieu Marc , Maryline Cournol , Sylvain Hanteville , Anne-Sophie Poisson
10th ROSACEAE GENOMICS CONFERENCE (virtual 2020), Dec 2020, Barcelone, Spain. pp.Abstract C0183
Conference papers hal-03098595v1
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Apple cell division and elongation during fruit development is associated with marked changes in hemicelluloses composition, structure and related gene expression

Emmanuelle Dheilly , Sophie Le Gall , Mickaël Delaire , Estelle Bonnin , Jean-Pierre Renou
8. International Rosaceae Genomics Conference (RGC8), Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UMR Institut de Recherche en Horticulture et Semences (1345)., Jun 2016, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02793255v1

Elements for a model of carbon transport from sources to sinks within the carrier branch of apple

E.B. Bairam , J. Fanwoua , Mickaël Delaire , C. Le Morvan , Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin
10. International Symposium on Modelling in Fruit Research and Orchard Management, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Jun 2015, Montpellier, France. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2017.1160.42⟩
Conference papers hal-02734171v1

Towards a Multi-Scaled Functional-Structural Model of Apple, Linking Ecophysiology at the Fruit and Branch Scales

Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin , Pascale Guillermin , Mickaël Delaire , S. Fatoumata , C. Le Morvan
IEEE Fourth International Symposium on, Dec 2012, Shanghai (CH), China. pp.66 - 69, ⟨10.1109/PMA.2012.6524814⟩
Conference papers hal-00921549v1

Towards a multi-scaled functional-structural model of apple, linking ecophysiology at the fruit and branch scales

Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin , Pascale Guillermin , Mickaël Delaire , F. Sané , C. Le Morvan
XL12: Tutorial and Workshop "Modelling with GroIMP and XL", Feb 2012, Göttingen (DE), Germany
Conference papers hal-00925147v1

Effects of Fruit Load and Intra-Inflorescence Competition of Fruits on Apple Growth during Fruit Development

F. Sane , Pascale Guillermin , J.C. Mauget , Mickaël Delaire
Xxviii International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (ihc2010): International Symposium on Plant Physiology from Cell to Fruit Production System, Aug 2012, Lisbonne (PT), Belgium. pp.179-186
Conference papers hal-00841812v1

Effects of Fruit Load and Intra-Inflorescence : Competition of Fruits on Apple Growth during Fruit Development

F. Sané , Pascale Guillermin , Jean-Claude Mauget , Mickaël Delaire
ISHS 28th International Horticultural Congress, Aug 2010, Lisbonne (PO), Portugal
Conference papers hal-00729491v1

Effects of fruit load and intra-inflorescence competition of fruits on apple growth during fruit development

Fatoumata Sane , Pascale Guillermin , Jean-Claude Mauget , Mickaël Delaire
28. International Horticultural Congress on Science and Horticulture for People (IHC2010): International Symposium on Plant Physiology from Cell to Fruit Production System, Aug 2010, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-01209946v1

Comparaison de l'absorption des éléments minéraux majeurs en automne et au printemps chez le jeune noyer hybride (Juglans nigra x Juglans major). Influence de l'absorption azotée sur la pousse racinaire d'automne

Mickaël Delaire , Francois F. Beaujard , Thierry Ameglio , Xavier Le Roux , Ela Frak
Séminaire du GEA, Groupe d'Etude de l'Arbre, Mar 2002, Saint-Flour, France. 7 p
Conference papers hal-00964838v1

Towards a Multi-Scaled Functional-Structural Model of Apple, Linking Ecophysiology at the Fruit and Branch Scales

Gerhard G. Buck-Sorlin , Pascale Guillermin , Mickaël Delaire , Fatoumata Sané , Christian Le-Morvan
Books hal-01132303v1