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misbah Razzaq



Computer scientist by training, I transitioned to computational biology driven by my passion to understand biological data. My research interest lies in the development of models from large datasets using data-driven or knowledge-driven methods. Precisely, my research topics are: - Inference of regulatory networks - Integration of data and networks - Sampling solution spaces - Experimental design - Machine learning - Model checking - Logic programming - Integration of omic datasets


Logic and Linear Programs to Understand Cancer Response

Misbah Razzaq , Lokmane Chebouba , Pierre Le Jeune , Hanen Mhamdi , Carito Guziolowski
Liò P., Zuliani P. (eds) Automated Reasoning for Systems Biology and Medicine. Computational Biology, vol 30. Springer, Cham, pp.191-213, 2019, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-17297-8_7⟩
Book sections hal-02467018v1