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Mohammed khalij



Using DOE and RSM procedures to analyze and model a spray evaporation type solar still

Karima Hijjaji , Nader Frikha , Slimane Gabsi , Abdelhamid Kheiri , Mohammed Khalij
International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering, 2021, 12 (3), pp.551-561. ⟨10.1007/s40095-021-00392-2⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03394842v1

Prolate spheroidal particles’ behavior in a vertical wall-bounded turbulent flow

B. Arcen , R. Ouchene , M. Khalij , A. Taniere
Physics of Fluids, 2017, 29 (9), ⟨10.1063/1.4994664⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01701908v1

A new set of correlations of drag, lift and torque coefficients for non-spherical particles and large Reynolds numbers

Rafik Ouchene , Mohammed Khalij , Boris Arcen , Anne Tanière
Powder Technology, 2016, 303, pp.33 - 43. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2016.07.067⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01701909v1

Drag, lift and torque coefficients for ellipsoidal particles: From low to moderate particle Reynolds numbers

Rafik Ouchene , Mohammed Khalij , Anne Taniere , Boris Arcen
Computers and Fluids, 2015, 113 (SI), pp.53-64. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2014.12.005⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01266995v1

Heat transfer in a turbulent particle-laden channel flow

B. Arcen , A. Taniere , M. Khalij
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2012, 55 (23-24), pp.6519 - 6529. ⟨10.1016/j.ijheatmasstransfer.2012.06.058⟩
Article dans une revue hal-01702417v1

Study on the dynamical characteristics of a supersonic high pressure ratio underexpanded impinging ideal gas jet through numerical simulations

P. Dubs , Mohammed Khalij , R. Benelmir , A. Tazibt
Mechanics Research Communications, 2011, 38 (3), pp.267-273. ⟨10.1016/j.mechrescom.2011.02.016⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03535643v1

Study on the dynamical characteristics of a supersonic high pressure ratio underexpanded impinging ideal gas jet through numerical simulations

P. Dubs , M. Khalij , Riad Benelmir , A. Tazibt
Mechanics Research Communications, 2011, 38 (3), pp.267-273. ⟨10.1016/j.mechrescom.2011.02.016⟩
Article dans une revue hal-02994274v1

Numerical simulation of subcooled boiling in a turbulent channel flow

Mohammed Khalij , S. Moissette , P. Gardin , J.L. Borean , B. Oesterle
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 2006, 6 (1/2/3), pp.179. ⟨10.1504/PCFD.2006.009495⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03535642v1

An Improved Model for Anisotropic Dispersion of Small Particles in Turbulent Shear Flows

J. Ph. Carlier , Mohammed Khalij , B. Oesterlé
Aerosol Science and Technology, 2005, 39 (3), pp.196-205. ⟨10.1080/027868290921394⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03535629v1

Focus on the dispersed phase boundary conditions at the wall for irregular particle bouncing

Mohammed Khalij , A. Tanière , B. Oesterlé
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2004, 30 (3), pp.327-345. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2003.11.013⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03535626v1

Numerical and Experimental Study of Microscopic Particles Distribution Under Corona Discharge: Case of Wire-Cylinder Electrostatic Precipitator

Mohammed Khalij , Nadjib Semmar , Marie-Odile Rigo
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1999, 891 (1 HEAT AND MASS), pp.399-406. ⟨10.1111/j.1749-6632.1999.tb08789.x⟩
Article dans une revue hal-03535604v1
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Comparative study of two thermal storage systems using synthetic oil alone and rocks and oil as storage media

Yassine Sougtan , Mohammed Khalij , Hamid Elqarnia , Abdelhamid Kheiri
Icome 2022, May 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan
Communication dans un congrès hal-03970773v1
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Numerical investigation of the hydrodynamic of a sand fluidized bed designed for heat storage

Valentin Baguet , Mohammed Khalij , Khalij Mohammed , Kheiri Abdelhammid , Mohammed El Ganaoui
International Conference on MATERIALS & ENERGY, Jun 2021, Metz, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03531902v1
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Yassine Sougtan , Hamid El Qarnia , Abdelhamid Kheiri , Mohammed Khalij
International Conference on MATERIALS & ENERGY, Jun 2021, Metz, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03531863v1
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Numerical investigation of heat transfer and fluid flow behavior around an oblate spheroid

I. Razgallah , Rafik Ouchene , Mohammed Khalij , Boris Arcen , Anne Tanière
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 2016, Firenze, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01445595v1

Turbulent dispersion of ellipsoidal particles in a wall-bounded turbulent flow

Rafik Ouchene , Souria Hamidouche , Boris Arcen , Mohammed Khalij , Anne Tanière
9th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, May 2016, Firenze, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-01445605v1
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Capacidad del Ansys Fluent ® V 16.0 para determinar la fuerza de arrastre en partículas no esféricas tipo discos cilíndricos

Jorge Sierra , Mohammed Khalij , Anne Tanière , Diego Hincapié , Sebastián Vélez
Conferencia Internacional de Ingeniería, 2015, medelin, Colombia
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542854v1
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Hydrodynamique d'une particule non sphérique : traînée et portance

Rafik Ouchene , Mohammed Khalij , Anne Tanière , Boris Arcen
e journées d’Etudes Techniques – JET’2014 -The International congress for applied mechanics, Apr 2014, Marrakech, Maroc
Communication dans un congrès hal-03554243v1
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Numerical Simulation and Modelling of the Forces Acting on Single and Multiple Non-Spherical Particles

Rafik Ouchene , Amine Chadil , Pascal Fede , Mohammed Khalij , Anne Tanière
ASME 2014 4th Joint US-European Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting collocated with the ASME 2014 12th International Conference on Nanochannels, Microchannels, and Minichannels, Aug 2014, Chicago, Illinois, United States. pp.V002T34A001, ⟨10.1115/FEDSM2014-22244⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-01444789v1
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Particules non sphériques en écoulement turbulent : quel jeu de forces hydrodynamiques doit-on utiliser ?

Rafik Ouchene , Mohamed Khalij , Anne Taniere
CFM 2013 - 21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03441289v1
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Particules non sphériques en écoulement turbulent : quel jeu de forces hydrodynamiques doit-on utiliser?

Rafik Ouchene , Mohammed Khalij , Anne Tanière
21ème Congrès Français de la mécanique, 2013, Bordeaux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542695v1
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Drag, lift and torque coefficients for ellipsoidal particles

Mohammed Khalij , R Ouchene , A Tanière , B Arcen
Small Scale numerical methods for multi-phase flows - Colloquium n°555, Aug 2013, Pessac, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03554380v1

Particules non-sphériques en écoulement turbulent: quel jeu de forces hydrodynamiques doit-on utiliser ?

Rafik Ouchene , Mohamed Khalij , Anne Tanière
21ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Institut de Mécanique et d'Ingénierie de Bordeaux; Association française de mécanique, Aug 2013, Bordeaux, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-01446530v1

Analysis of hydrodynamic forces on non-spherical particles (Spherocylinder)

Rafik Ouchene , Anne Taniere , Mohammed Khalij , Boris Arcen
International workshop, COST FP1005, fiber Suspension Flow Modelling, 2013, Coimbra, Portugal
Communication dans un congrès hal-03562645v1

Temperature and velocity statistics in a particle-laden turbulent channel flow

Boris Arcen , Mohammed Khalij , A. Tanière
THMT-12. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium On Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer Palermo, Italy, 24-27 September, 2012, Jun 2012, Antalya, Turkey. pp.4, ⟨10.1615/ICHMT.2012.ProcSevIntSympTurbHeatTransfPal.770⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-03535648v1
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Contribution à la modélisation numérique de la détente d’un jet d’azote sous haute pression et basse température

Patrice Dubs , Mohamed Khalij , Abdel Tazibt , Riad Benelmir
CFM 2009 - 19ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, Aug 2009, Marseille, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03390948v1
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Evaluation of a set of dispersed phase wall boundary conditions in two-fluid modeling

Mohammed Khalij , Saghir Ba Mohammed Sohail , Oesterlé Benoit
international Conference on Multiphase Flow, 2007, Leipzig, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03543268v1
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Comparaison de modèles de dispersion de particules en écoulement turbulent anisotrope

Mohammed Khalij , Lionel Thomas , Benoit Oesterlé
17e Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2005, Troyes, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542711v1
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On the dispersed phase boundary conditions in gas-solid flows with irregular particle bouncing

Mohammed Khalij , Arthur Brice Konan-Waidhet , Olivier Simonin , Oesterlé Benoit
11th Workshop on Two-Phase Flow Predictions, ERCOFTAC, 2005, Mersebourg, Germany
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542565v1
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Interactions particules-paroi : formulation des conditions aux limites pour une rugueuse

Mohammed Khalij , Boris Arcen , Anne Tanière
17ème Congrès Français de Mécanique, 2005, Troyes, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542717v1
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Improvement of the formulation of the dispersed phase boundary conditions for a rough wall needed in two-fluid models

Mohammed Khalij , Boris Arcen , Anne Tanière
3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, 2004, Pise, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542575v1
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Modeling of anisotropic particle motion in turbulent channel flow and comparison with experiments

Jean-Philippe Carlier , Mohammed Khalij , Benoit Oesterlé
3rd International Symposium on Two-Phase Flow Modelling and Experimentation, 2004, Pise, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542579v1

Modelling of Boiling Heat Transfer in a Turbulent Channel Flow

Mohammed Khalij , S Moissette , P Gardin , J L Borean , B Oesterlé
International Symposium on Transient Convective Heat & Mass Transfer in Single & Two-Phase Flows, 2003, Antalya, Turkey
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542587v1
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Combined effects of particle-wall interactions and turbulent dispersion in gas-solid flows using accurate Lagrangian stochastic modelling

Mohammed Khalij , Anne Tanière , Benoit Oesterlé
5th Word Congress on Computational Mechanics, 2002, Vienne, Austria
Communication dans un congrès hal-03542596v1