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Morgane Michaud



Betaine Lipids production in higher plants

Sarah Salomon , Alberto Amato , Morgane Michaud , Juliette Jouhet
International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Jul 2024, Lincoln, Nebraska, United States
Conference poster hal-04834804v1

The Seipin protein of Phaeodactylum tricornutum: structure and function specificities

Marta Carletti , Damien Le Moigne , Felix Weis , Catherine Albrieux , Grégory Si-Larbi
2024 International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Jul 2024, Lincoln, Ne, United States
Conference poster hal-04924634v1

Identification and characterization of a VPS13 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Benjamin Gillet
Gordon Research Seminar Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism and Function, Jan 2023, Galveston, United States
Conference poster hal-04852453v1

Role of peroxisomes and peroxisomal β-oxidation in plant adaptation to phosphate starvation.

Siqi Yan , Catherine Albrieux , Juliette Jouhet , Morgane Michaud
10th European Symposium on Plant Lipids, Jul 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference poster hal-04852446v1

Role of peroxisomes and peroxisomal β-oxidation in plant adaptation to phosphate starvation.

Siqi Yan , Catherine Albrieux , Juliette Jouhet , Morgane Michaud
Young Researchers' days, Clermont-Ferrand, Apr 2023, Clermon-Ferrand, France
Conference poster hal-04852449v1

Role of peroxisomes and peroxisomes-mitochondria interactions in plant adaptation to phosphate starvation.

Siqi Yan , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Juliette Jouhet
25th International Symposium of Plant Lipid, Jul 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference poster hal-04852458v1

Identification and characterization of a VPS13 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Benjamin Gillet
EMBO workshop: ER: The master regulator of membrane trafficking, Oct 2022, Lucca, Italy
Conference poster hal-04852464v1

Identification and characterization of a VPS13 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Benjamin Gillet
25th International Symposium of Plant Lipid, Jul 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference poster hal-04852466v1

Betaine Lipids overexpression in higher plants.

Sarah Salomon , Alberto Amato , Morgane Michaud , Juliette Jouhet
International Symposium of Plant Lipids, Jul 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference poster hal-04834664v1

Dissecting the role of the MTL complex in mitochondrial lipid trafficking during phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana

Sébastien Leterme , Matteo Arrighi , Catherine Albrieux , Sabine Brugière , Marianne Tardif
25th International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Jul 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference poster hal-04852460v1

Identification and characterization of a VPS13 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Benjamin Gillet
Conférences Jacques Monod : Molecular basis for membrane remodeling and organization, May 2022, Roscoff, France
Conference poster hal-04852480v1

Characterization of a complex involved in lipid transport to mitochondria during plant adaptation to phosphate starvation.

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Irina Gutsche , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière
ASBMB, Experimental Biology, Apr 2021, Online, United States
Conference poster hal-04852488v1

Structural and functional characterization of a complex involved in lipid transport to mitochondria during plant adaptation to phosphate starvation

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Juliette Jouhet
Bilayers at the ILL, Dec 2019, Grenoble, France
Conference poster hal-04852492v1

AtVPS13M1 is involved in lipid remodeling in response to phosphate starvation and is located to mitochondria in Arabidopsis thaliana

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière , Benjamin Gillet
International Conference on Plant Mitochondria Biology, May 2024, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-04852503v1

Role of peroxisome and peroxisomal β-oxidation in lipid remodeling and plant adaptation to phosphate starvation in higher plants

Siqi Yan , Marion Schilling , Juliette Jouhet , Morgane Michaud
Conference papers hal-04852513v1

Betaine Lipid synthase overexpression in higher plants

Sarah Salomon , Alberto Amato , Morgane Michaud , Juliette Jouhet
ESPL 2023 (European Symposium of Plant Lipids), Jul 2023, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-04834533v1

Lipid transport at chloroplast-mitochondria contact sites in Arabidopsis thaliana.

Matteo Arrighi , Paul Montmayeul , Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Sabine Brugière
33rd International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, Jun 2023, Chiba, Japan
Conference papers hal-04852439v1

Identification and characterization of a VPS13 homolog in Arabidopsis thaliana

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Yohann Coute , Sabine Brugière , Benjamin Gillet
Gordon Research Seminar Plant Lipids: Structure, Metabolism and Function, Jan 2023, Galveston, United States
Conference papers hal-04851879v1

Mitochondrial lipid trafficking during phosphate starvation in plant

Sébastien Leterme , Matteo Arrighi , Catherine Albrieux , Sabine Brugière , M. Ferro
EMBO/FEBS Lecture Course: Mitochondria in Life Death and Disease, Sep 2022, Budva, Montenegro
Conference papers hal-04852441v1

Dissecting the role of the MTL complex in mitochondrial lipid trafficking during phosphate starvation in Arabidopsis thaliana

Sébastien Leterme , Matteo Arrighi , Catherine Albrieux , Sabine Brugière , M. Ferro
25th International Symposium on Plant Lipids, Eric Maréchal; Juliette Jouhet, Jul 2022, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-04852431v1

Biogenèse, transport et rôles des lipides mitochondriaux

Morgane Michaud
Webinaire du réseau MeetOchondrie, Jun 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-04852444v1

Lipid transport to mitochondria during plant adaptation to phosphate starvation.

Sébastien Leterme , Catherine Albrieux , Irina Gutsche , Yohann Couté , Sabine Brugière
Young Mito Investigator Symposium, Sep 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-04852433v1
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Betaine lipids overproduced in seed plants are not imported into plastid membranes and promote endomembrane expansion

Sarah Salomon , Marion Schilling , Catherine Albrieux , Grégory Si Larbi , Pierre-Henri Jouneau
Journal of Experimental Botany, In press, ⟨10.1093/jxb/erae458⟩
Journal articles hal-04868681v1
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Monogalactosyldiacylglycerol synthase isoforms play diverse roles inside and outside the diatom plastid

Nolwenn Guéguen , Yannick Sérès , Félix Cicéron , Valérie Gros , Grégory Si Larbi
The Plant cell, 2024, 2024 (12), pp.koae275. ⟨10.1093/plcell/koae275⟩
Journal articles hal-04731720v2
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Phylogenetic and Structural Analyses of VPS13 Proteins in Archaeplastida Reveal Their Complex Evolutionary History in Viridiplantae

Sébastien Leterme , Olivier Bastien , Riccardo Aiese Cigliano , Alberto Amato , Morgane Michaud
Contact, 2023, 6, pp.1-23. ⟨10.1177/25152564231211976⟩
Journal articles hal-04323023v1
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Mitochondrial membrane biogenesis: A new pathway for lipid transport mediated by PERK/E-Syt1 complex

Sébastien Leterme , Morgane Michaud
Journal of Cell Biology, 2023, 222 (3), pp.e202301132. ⟨10.1083/jcb.202301132⟩
Journal articles hal-04008548v1
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An Oil Hyper-Accumulator Mutant Highlights Peroxisomal ATP Import as a Regulatory Step for Fatty Acid Metabolism in Aurantiochytrium limacinum

Etienne Deragon , Martin Schuler , Riccardo Aiese Cigliano , Younes Dellero , Gregory Si Larbi
Cells, 2021, 10 (10), ⟨10.3390/cells10102680⟩
Journal articles hal-03423342v1
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Characterization of the Bubblegum acyl-CoA synthetase of Microchloropsis gaditana

Elodie Billey , Leonardo Magneschi , Sébastien Leterme , Mariette Bedhomme , Amélie Andres-Robin
Plant Physiology, 2021, 185 (3), pp.815-835. ⟨10.1093/plphys/kiaa110⟩
Journal articles hal-03185953v1
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Lipid Trafficking at Membrane Contact Sites During Plant Development and Stress Response.

Morgane Michaud , Juliette Jouhet
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 10, pp.2. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2019.00002⟩
Journal articles hal-02088248v1
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Glycerolipid synthesis and lipid trafficking in plant mitochondria

Morgane Michaud , William A. Prinz , Juliette Jouhet
FEBS Journal, 2017, 284 (3), pp.375-390. ⟨10.1111/febs.13812⟩
Journal articles hal-01415499v1
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AtMic60 Is Involved in Plant Mitochondria Lipid Trafficking and Is Part of a Large Complex.

Morgane Michaud , Valérie Gros , Marianne Tardif , Sabine Brugière , Myriam Ferro
Current Biology - CB, 2016, 26 (5), pp.627-39. ⟨10.1016/j.cub.2016.01.011⟩
Journal articles hal-01330457v1
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Levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids correlate with growth rate in plant cell cultures.

Coline Meï , Morgane Michaud , Mathilde Cussac , Catherine Albrieux , Valérie Gros
Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, pp.15207. ⟨10.1038/srep15207⟩
Journal articles hal-01260228v1

ALA10, a phospholipid flippase, controls FAD2/FAD3 desaturation of phosphatidylcholine in the ER, and affects chloroplast lipid composition in Arabidopsis thaliana.

César Botella , Emeline Sautron , Laurence Boudière , Morgane Michaud , Emmanuelle Dubots
Plant Physiology, 2015, 170 (3), pp.1300-1314. ⟨10.1104/pp.15.01557⟩
Journal articles hal-01260255v1

Targeting of cytosolic mRNA to mitochondria: Naked RNA can bind to the mitochondrial surface

Morgane Michaud , Laurence Maréchal-Drouard , Anne-Marie Duchêne
Biochimie, 2014, Mitochondria: An organelle for life, 100, pp.159-166. ⟨10.1016/j.biochi.2013.11.007⟩
Journal articles hal-04211804v1
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The selective biotin tagging and thermolysin proteolysis of chloroplast outer envelope proteins reveals information on protein topology and association into complexes

Hélène Hardré , Lauriane Kuhn , Catherine Albrieux , Juliette Jouhet , Morgane Michaud
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2014, 5, pp.1-15. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2014.00203⟩
Journal articles hal-02637436v1

Glycerolipids in photosynthesis: Composition, synthesis and trafficking.

Laurence Boudière , Morgane Michaud , Dimitris Petroutsos , Fabrice Rébeillé , Denis Falconet
BBA - Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2014, 1837 (4), pp.470-480. ⟨10.1016/j.bbabio.2013.09.007⟩
Journal articles hal-00873376v1
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Differential targeting of VDAC3 mRNA isoforms influences mitochondria morphology

Morgane Michaud , Elodie Ubrig , Sophie Filleur , Mathieu Erhardt , Geneviève Ephritikhine
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 2014, 111 (24), pp.8991-8996. ⟨10.1073/pnas.1402588111⟩
Journal articles hal-01050870v1

Plant RNA, a database for tRNAs of photosynthetic eukaryotes

V. Cognat , G. Pawlak , A.M. Duchêne , M. Daujat , A. Gigant
Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, 41, pp.273-279
Journal articles hal-01254041v1
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PlantRNA, a database for tRNAs of photosynthetic eukaryotes.

Valérie Cognat , Gaël Pawlak , Anne-Marie Duchêne , Magali Daujat , Anaïs Gigant
Nucleic Acids Research, 2013, 41 (Database issue), ⟨10.1093/nar/gks935⟩
Journal articles hal-02304110v1

Plant RNA, a database for tRNAs of photosynthetic eukaryotes.

V. Cognat , G. Pawlak , A.M. Duchêne , M. Daujat , A. Gigant
Nucleic Acids Research, 2012, 41, pp.273-279
Journal articles hal-00769533v1

Voltage-dependent-anion-channels (VDACs) in Arabidopsis have a dual localization in the cell but show a distinct role in mitochondria

N. Robert , I. d'Erfurth , A. Marmagne , M. Erhardt , M. Allot
Plant Molecular Biology, 2012, 78 (4-5), pp.431-446
Journal articles hal-00670802v1

Voltage-dependent-anion-channels (VDACs) in Arabidopsis have a dual localization in the cell but show a distinct role in mitochondria.

Nadia Robert , Isabelle d'Erfurth , Anne Marmagne , Mathieu Erhardt , Michèle Allot
Plant Molecular Biology, 2012, 78 (4-5), pp.431-46. ⟨10.1007/s11103-012-9874-5⟩
Journal articles hal-00855457v1

A global picture of tRNA genes in plant genomes

Morgane Michaud , Valérie Cognat , Anne-Marie Duchêne , Laurence Maréchal-Drouard
The Plant Journal, 2011, 66 (1), pp.80-93. ⟨10.1111/j.1365-313X.2011.04490.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02302886v1

RNA trafficking in plant cells: trageting of cytosolic mRNAs to the mitochondrial surface

M. Michaud , Laurence Maréchal-Drouard , A.M. Duchene
Plant Molecular Biology, 2010, 73, pp.697-704
Journal articles hal-00508581v1

Plastid Transient and Stable Interactions with Other Cell Compartments

Stefanie Mueller-Schuessele , Sébastien Leterme , Morgane Michaud
Plastids, 2776, Springer US, pp.107-134, 2024, Methods in Molecular Biology, ⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-3726-5_6⟩
Book sections hal-04755680v1

Analysis of a Super-Complex at Contact Sites Between Mitochondria and Plastids

Morgane Michaud
Plastids, 2776, Springer US, pp.161-176, 2024, Methods in Molecular Biology, ⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-3726-5_9⟩
Book sections hal-04755686v1
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Non-vesicular glycerolipids transport in plant cells

Sébastien Leterme , Morgane Michaud
Fabrice Rebeille; Eric Marechal. Lipids in Plants and Algae: From Fundamental Science to Industrial Applications, 101, Elsevier, pp.121-189, 2022, Advances in Botanical Research, ⟨10.1016/bs.abr.2021.07.001⟩
Book sections hal-03633679v1
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Isolation of mitochondria for lipid analysis

Sébastien Leterme , Morgane Michaud , Juliette Jouhet
Bartels, D.; Dörmann, P. Plant Lipids -Methods and Protocols, 2295, Humana Press, New York, NY., pp.337-349, 2021, Methods in Molecular Biology, 1064-3745. ⟨10.1007/978-1-0716-1362-7_18⟩
Book sections hal-03243467v1
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Measurement of Lipid Transport in Mitochondria by the MTL Complex

Juliette Jouhet , Valérie Gros , Morgane Michaud
Intracellular lipid transport. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Springer, pp.69-93, 2019, 978-1-4939-9135-8. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-9136-5_10⟩
Book sections hal-02151145v1

Analysis of the MTL Supercomplex at Contact Sites Between Mitochondria and Plastids

Morgane Michaud
Marechal E. Plastids: Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, 1829, Springer, pp.173-188, 2018, Methods in Molecular Biology, 978-1-4939-8654-5; 978-1-4939-8653-8. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-8654-5_12⟩
Book sections hal-02190971v1

Plastid Transient and Stable Interactions with Other Cell Compartments

Stefanie Mueller-Schuessele , Morgane Michaud
Marechal E. Plastids: Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, 1829, Springer, pp.87-109, 2018, Methods in Molecular Biology, 978-1-4939-8654-5; 978-1-4939-8653-8. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-8654-5_6⟩
Book sections hal-02190985v1