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Morgane Roth
Dr Morgane ROTH - Plant Geneticist
Currently working on stone fruit (Prunus) breeding to increase cultivar resilience in a context of pesticide reduction.
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Investigating the multi-disease challenge in apricot through single and multienvironment genome wide association studies1. International ISHS symposium on Apricot and Plum, INRAE PACA - GAFL (UR1052 GAFL Génétique et amélioration des fruits et légumes), Apr 2024, Avignon (FR), France
Conference papers
Les variétés d’hier et de demain à la rescousse pour construire un verger zéro pesticide !Pint of Science, May 2023, Avignon, France
Conference papers
Increasing multi-pest and disease resistance in stone fruit trees through genome-wide association studiesXVI Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics, Eucarpia; International Society for Horticultural Sciences (ISHS); Julius Kühn-Institut (JKI), Sep 2023, Dresden (GERMANY), Germany
Conference papers
Fine-tuning genomic prediction in peach using additive and non-additive genetic effects for phenology and disease toleranceEucarpia Fruit Genetics and Breeding, Julius Kühn Institute, Sep 2023, Dresden, Germany
Conference papers
Genomic selection in apple: lessons from preliminary studiesIHC 2022- 31st International Horticultural congress, Aug 2022, ANGERS, France
Conference papers
Levier génétique sur abricotier et pêcher: où en sommes-nous?Journée protection sanitaire fruits à noyau, Sudexpé - Station de recherche appliquée Fruits et Légumes, Oct 2022, Saint Gilles, France
Conference papers
Sélection pour des idéotypes résilients chez les PrunusAnimation scientifique « La résilience des plantes face aux variations de leur environnement », Plant Alliance, Mar 2022, En ligne, France
Conference papers
Screening for multi-pest symptoms in an apricot, and a peach core collectionInternational Horticultural Congress - IHC 2022, Aug 2022, Angers (FR), France
Conference papers
Improving genomic predictions with inbreeding and non-additive effects in two admixed maize hybrid populations in single and multi-environment contextsXXVth EUCARPIA Maize and Sorghum Conference, May 2022, Belgrade, Serbia
Conference papers
Optimizing predictions for applying genomic selection to texture in Apple10th ROSACEAE GENOMICS CONFERENCE (virtual 2020), Dec 2020, Barcelone, Spain. pp.Abstract C0031
Conference papers
The apple refpop ? A multi-environment reference population for genomics-assisted breeding in apple10th ROSACEAE GENOMICS CONFERENCE RGC10 (virtual), Centre for Research in Agriculture Genomics (CRAG), Dec 2020, Barcelona, Spain. pp.Abstract C0039
Conference papers
Genetic architecture and genomic prediction accuracy of apple quantitative traits across environments2021
Preprints, Working Papers, ...