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Myriam Grillot

Identifiants chercheurs
  • IdHAL myriam-grillot
  • ORCID 0000-0001-8556-6991
  • Google Scholar :


Image document

Does integration promote sustainability in organic multi-species livestock farms

Marc Benoit , Lucille Steinmetz , D. Ulukan , G. Bernes , C. Brock
72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Aug 2021, Davos, Switzerland
Communication dans un congrès hal-03376530v1
Image document

A typology of European organic multi-species livestock farms

Marc Benoit , Guillaume Martin , Gun Bernes , Mathilde Blanc , Christopher Brock
IAHA preconference OWC, Rennes 2021, Sep 2021, Rennes, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03580526v1