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Nadia Hamani

Professeur en Logistique et Supply Chain
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**Présentation** Nadia Hamani est Professeur en Logitique et Supply Chain à l'Ecole d'Ingénieurs Jules Verne.

Research domains


A Framework to Implement Viable Supply Chain Model: Application of Fuzzy DEMATEL Approach

Youssef Jouicha , Anass Cherrafi , Nadia Hamani , Said Elfezazi
Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 1090, Springer Nature Switzerland, pp.329-341, 2024, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 978-3-031-67192-0. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-67192-0_39⟩
Book sections hal-04863642v1

A Framework to Overcome Supply Chain 4.0 Challenges for Sustainability: Application of BWM and DEMATEL Approaches

Youssef Jouicha , Anass Cherrafi , Nadia Hamani , Said Elfezazi , Khadija Echefaj
Impact of Industry 4.0 on Supply Chain Sustainability, Emerald Publishing Limited, pp.237-253, 2024, ⟨10.1108/978-1-83797-777-220241017⟩
Book sections hal-04861382v1

Identification and Analysis of Interactions Between Reconfigurable Supply Chain Enablers in Industry 4.0 Using DEMATEL Method

Hedi Zidi , Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Production Processes and Product Evolution in the Age of Disruption, Springer International Publishing, pp.235-246, 2023, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, 978-3-031-34821-1. ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-34821-1_26⟩
Book sections hal-04332727v1

Classification of Reconfigurability Characteristics of Supply Chain

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Towards Sustainable Customization: Bridging Smart Products and Manufacturing Systems. CARV 2021, MCPC 2021, Springer International Publishing, pp.72-79, 2022, Lecture Notes in Mechanical Engineering, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-90700-6_7⟩
Book sections hal-03410853v1

Resilience and Sustainability of Freight Transport: A Comprehensive Review

Nesrine Kharrat , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Benaissa , Lyes Kermad
Collaborative Networks in Digitalization and Society 5.0, 662, Springer International Publishing, pp.488-500, 2022, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-14844-6_39⟩
Book sections hal-04861348v1

Modularity Metric in Reconfigurable Supply Chain

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems, 634, Springer International Publishing, pp.455-464, 2021, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85914-5_49⟩
Book sections hal-04332721v1

Reconfigurable Supply Chain Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0, 629, Springer International Publishing, pp.161-169, 2021, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_14⟩
Book sections hal-04332722v1

Robust Optimization for Collaborative Distribution Network Design Problem

Islem Snoussi , Nadia Hamani , Nassim Mrabti , Lyes Kermad
Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0, 629, Springer International Publishing; Springer International Publishing, pp.280-288, 2021, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_25⟩
Book sections hal-04332723v1

Towards a Sustainable Collaborative Distribution Network 4.0 with Blockchain Involvement

Nassim Mrabti , Mohamed Amine Gargouri , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Smart and Sustainable Collaborative Networks 4.0, 629, Springer International Publishing, pp.41-52, 2021, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_4⟩
Book sections hal-04332724v1

Performance Improvement of Baggage Handling System in the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport

Dimas Novrisal , Nadia Hamani , A. Elmhamedi , Tresna Soemardi
First Complex Systems Digital Campus World E-Conference 2015, Springer International Publishing, pp.383-384, 2017, Springer Proceedings in Complexity, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-45901-1_39⟩
Book sections hal-03695666v1

Indicators for assessment progress towards urban freight transport sustainability

Hana Ayadi , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Benaissa , Lyes Kermad
The 12 th International Conference on City Logistics (CITY LOGISTICS 2023), 19th– 21st June 2023,, Jun 2023, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-04333479v1
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Resilience and Sustainability of Freight Transport: A Comprehensive Review

Nesrine Kharrat , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Benaissa , Lyes Kermad
23th Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE), 2022, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.488-500, ⟨10.1007/978-3-031-14844-6_39⟩
Conference papers hal-04007857v1

On the use of Blockchain Technology in Supply Chains: A brief review

Amira Ailane , Nadia Hamani , Laid Kahloul , Samir Bourekkache
2022 International Symposium on iNnovative Informatics of Biskra (ISNIB), Dec 2022, Biskra, Algeria. pp.1-8, ⟨10.1109/ISNIB57382.2022.10076229⟩
Conference papers hal-04124980v1

Fault-tolerance Optimization of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: Multi-objective Artificial Bee Colony Algorithm for Process Planning

Fatima Zohra Torki , Leyla Belaiche , Laid Kahloul , Nadia Hamani , Saber Benharzallah
2022 International Symposium on iNnovative Informatics of Biskra (ISNIB), Dec 2022, Biskra, Algeria. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ISNIB57382.2022.10076049⟩
Conference papers hal-04124252v1

Indicators for Assessment Progress Towards Urban Freight Transport Sustainability

Hana Ayadi , Mounir Benaissa , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2022), 20-23 October 2022., Oct 2022, Sousse, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-04333477v1

Sustainable and Resilient Freight Transport Composite Indicator

Nesrine Kharrat , Mounir Benaissa , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
4th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration (EMCEI-2022), 20-23 October 2022., Oct 2022, Sousse, Tunisia
Conference papers hal-04333470v1

Improved Multi-Particle Swarm Optimization based on multi-exemplar and forgetting ability

Jaouher Chrouta , Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Abderrahmen Zaafour
2022 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, DECISION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (CODIT'22), May 2022, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1614-1619, ⟨10.1109/CODIT55151.2022.9803929⟩
Conference papers hal-03778928v1

A two-stage stochastic programming for the cooperative supply network planning

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Jaouher Chrouta , Laurent Delahoche
2022 8TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CONTROL, DECISION AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES (CODIT'22), May 2022, Istanbul, Turkey. pp.1624-1629, ⟨10.1109/CODIT55151.2022.9804001⟩
Conference papers hal-03778926v1
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Towards a Sustainable Collaborative Distribution Network 4.0 with Blockchain Involvement

Nassim Mrabti , Mohamed Amine Gargouri , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
22nd Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2021), Nov 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.41-52, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_4⟩
Conference papers emse-03324383v1
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Couplage des heuristiques et l'apprentissage pour la résolution d'un modèle ILRP collaboratif et durable

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
ROADEF 2021, Apr 2021, mulhouse (en ligne), France
Conference papers hal-03207263v1

Modeling and Configuration Management of Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (Rms)

J.V. Kombaya , Nadia Hamani , L. Kermad
11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Mar 2021, Singapore, Singapore. pp.2348
Conference papers hal-03698658v1
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Digital Twin Framework for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems: Challenges and Requirements

Emna Hajjem , Hichem Haddou Benderbal , Nadia Hamani , Alexandre Dolgui
APMS 2021: Advances in Production Management Systems. Artificial Intelligence for Sustainable and Resilient Production Systems, Sep 2021, Nantes, France. pp.553-562, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85902-2_59⟩
Conference papers hal-03632245v2
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Towards a collaborative and integrated optimization approach in sustainable freight transportation

Aymen Aloui , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
IFAC INCOM 2021, Jun 2021, Budapest (virtual), Hungary. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2021.08.178⟩
Conference papers hal-03207262v1
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Modularity Metric in Reconfigurable Supply Chain

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
IFIP International Conference on Advances in Production Management Systems (APMS), Sep 2021, Nantes, France. pp.455-464, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85914-5_49⟩
Conference papers hal-03333647v1
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Reconfigurable Supply Chain Performance: A Bibliometric Analysis

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
22nd Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2021), Nov 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.161-169, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_14⟩
Conference papers emse-03338401v1

Customization Measurement in Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems (RMS)

J.V. Kombaya , Nadia Hamani , L. Kermad
11th Annual International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management, Mar 2021, Singapore, Singapore. pp.2340--2347
Conference papers hal-03698657v1
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Utilisation des algorithmes évolutionnaires pour la conception d'un réseau de distribution collaboratif à trois échelons

Mohamed Amine Gargouri , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
ROADEF, Apr 2021, Mulhouse (en ligne), France
Conference papers halshs-03321057v1

Approche robuste pour la conception du réseau de distribution collaboratif et durable sous incertitude de coûts, demandes et nombre des véhicules

Nesrine Kharrat , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Elleuch
18ème congrès de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, ROADEF 2021, 26-30 Avril 2021, Mulhouse, France., Apr 2021, Mulhouse, France
Conference papers hal-04333468v1
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Robust Optimization for Collaborative Distribution Network Design Problem

Islem Snoussi , Nadia Hamani , Nassim Mrabti , Lyes Kermad
22nd Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises (PRO-VE 2021), Nov 2021, Saint-Etienne, France. pp.280-288, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-85969-5_25⟩
Conference papers emse-03338939v1

Enhancing logistics operations sustainability through resource sharing: The case of French agri-food SMEs

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Jaouher Chrouta , Laurent Delahoche
2021 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Signal, Control and Communication (SCC), Dec 2021, Tunis, Tunisia. pp.307-312, ⟨10.1109/SCC53769.2021.9768379⟩
Conference papers hal-03850027v1
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No title

Islem Snoussi , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani
ROADEF, Apr 2021, Mulhouse (en ligne), France
Conference papers halshs-03321056v1

Products Scheduling in Reconfigurable Manufacturing System Considering the Responsiveness Index

Fatima Zohra Torki , Laid Kahloul , Nadia Hamani , Leila Belaiche , Saber Benharzallah
2021 22nd International Arab Conference on Information Technology (ACIT), Dec 2021, Muscat, Oman. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ACIT53391.2021.9677184⟩
Conference papers hal-03858691v1
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Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Ridha Derrouiche , Dorsaf Khammassi , Laurent Delahoche
Conference papers hal-03190636v1

Gestion des risques d'origine humaine dans la chaîne logistique internationale : Une approche par la méthode AMDEC

Frédéric Gauthier , Nadia Hamani
13ème Rencontres Internationales de la Recherche en Logistique et Supply Chain Management, Le Havre, 7-9 Octobre 2020., Oct 2020, Le Havre, France
Conference papers hal-04333482v1
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Aymen Aloui , R Derrouiche , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Conference papers hal-03192904v1
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Aymen Aloui , R Derrouiche , N Hamani , L Delahoche
13ème Conférence Internationale de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation (MOSIM'20), Nov 2020, Agadir (on line ), Maroc
Conference papers hal-03028806v1
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Sustainability indicators for a pooled logistics chain

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
7th International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT 2019), IEEE, Jun 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers halshs-03321058v1

Towards the reconfiguration of a freight transport supply chain

Hedi Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Noemen Guirat
7th International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT 2019), IEEE, Jun 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers halshs-04332764v1

Dynamic assignment problem of parcels in lockers

Aymen Aloui , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
7th International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (IEEE ICALT 2019), IEEE, Jun 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers halshs-04332774v1

Partage des coûts/bénéfices et émissions de GES après mutualisation logistique

Dorsaf Khammassi , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
12ème Conférence Internationale de la Logistique et le Supply Chain Management, LOGISTIQUA 2019, 12-14, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04333491v1
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Towards a business process reconfiguration

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
7th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport ICALT 2019, Jun 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-02427101v1
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Étude de la durabilité d'un système de transport urbain : location de vélos dans la ville de Sfax

Hana Ayedi , Alaeddine Zouari , Nadia Hamani
12ème Édition du Colloque International de la Logistique et le Supply Chain Management (LOGISTIQUA’2019), Jun 2019, Montreuil, France
Conference papers hal-02425225v1

Problème d’affectation dynamique en livraison du dernier kilomètre

Aymen Aloui , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
12ème Conférence Internationale de la Logistique et le Supply Chain Management, LOGISTIQUA 2019, 12-14, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04333489v1
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An exploratory study of the bike rental system in Sfax -Tunisia

Hana Ayedi , Alaeddine Zouari , Nadia Hamani
International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport (ICALT) 7th IEEE 2019, Jun 2019, Marrakech, Morocco
Conference papers hal-02425222v1

Contribution à la reconfiguration d’une plateforme de traçabilité des marchandises

Hedi Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Noemen Guirat
12ème Conférence Internationale de la Logistique et le Supply Chain Management, LOGISTIQUA 2019, 12-14, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04333485v1

Proposition d’une approche d’incertitude dans une chaîne logistique reconfigurable

Tayssir Bensoussia , Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad , Mounir Benaissa
12ème Conférence Internationale de la Logistique et le Supply Chain Management, LOGISTIQUA 2019, 12-14, Jun 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-04333487v1

Modélisation de chaînes logistiques vertes, étude de cas

Sana Elhidaoui , Nadia Hamani , K. Benhida , Said Elfezazi , Abdellatif Benabdelhafid
ROADEF 2018 : 18e congrès de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Feb 2018, Lorient, France
Conference papers hal-03849506v1

Affectation des navires aux postes à quai dans un port polyvalent, Cas du port commercial de Sfax

B. Ammar , Nadia Hamani , R. Kammoun , Abdellatif Benabdelhafid
ROADEF 2018 : 18e congrès de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision, Feb 2018, Lorient, France
Conference papers hal-03849502v1
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Mutualisation logistique, approche par simulation

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Modélisation, Optimisation et SIMulation- MOSIM’18, Jun 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02328125v1
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Mutualisation du transport durable de marchandises

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
ROADEF 2018, Feb 2018, Lorient, France
Conference papers hal-02328277v1

Development of a framework for sustainable transport capacities evaluation

E. Sassi , Nadia Hamani , A. Benabdelhafid , S. Hamami
5th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Logistics and Transport, Jun 2016, Cracow, Poland. pp.612-617
Conference papers hal-03849464v1

Proposition d’une démarche d’évaluation des capacités du transport durable

E. Sassi , Nadia Hamani , Abdellatif Benabdelhafid , S. Hamami
LOGISTIQUA 2016 : 9ème Colloque International de la Logistique et la Supply Chain Management, May 2016, Berrechid-Casablanca, Maroc
Conference papers hal-03849436v1

Dynamic Emissions Reduction from Vehicles with Technical and Behavioral Approach

Mohammad Syafrizal , Estelle Bretagne , Nadia Hamani , Bambang Sugiarto , Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik
Complex Systems Digital Campus World E - Conference 2015, 2015, Paris, France. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-45901-1_18⟩
Conference papers hal-01841947v1
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Performance Improvement of Baggage Handling System in the Soekarno Hatta International Airport

Dimas Novrisal , Nadia Hamani , A Elmhamedi , Tresna Soemardi
CS-DC’15 World e-conference, Sep 2015, Tempe, United States
Conference papers hal-01291110v1

Jakarta driving cycle and emission factors: analysis in the case of Semanggi intersection

Mohammad Syafrizal , Estelle Bretagne , Nadia Hamani , Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik , Bambang Sugiarto
International conference on TRA 2014 (Transport resear ch arena 2014), Apr 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01842334v1

Jakarta driving cycle for passenger cars: analysis of chassis dynamometer test

Mohammad Syafrizal , Estelle Bretagne , Nadia Hamani , Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik , Bambang Sugiarto
The 13 th International Conference on QiR (Quality in Research), 2013, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Conference papers hal-01842344v1

An iterative method for the design process of mode handling models

Nadia Hamani , Nathalie Dangoumau , Etienne Craye
The Proceedings of the Multiconference on "Computational Engineering in Systems Applications", Oct 2006, Beijing, France. pp.1431-1436, ⟨10.1109/CESA.2006.313541⟩
Conference papers hal-02423798v1

Design analysis and verification of the Model of Component

Nadia Hamani , Nathalie Dangoumau , Etienne Craye
10th International Multi-Conference on Advanced Computer Systems (ACS’03), Miedzyzdroje, Poland, Oct. 22-24, pp. 271-285, 2003, Oct 2003, Miedzyzdroje, Poland
Conference papers hal-04863643v1
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Selecting Indicators to Assess the Sustainability of Urban Freight Transport Using a Multi-Criteria Analysis

Hana Ayadi , Mounir Benaissa , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Logistics, 2024, 8 (1), pp.12. ⟨10.3390/logistics8010012⟩
Journal articles hal-04514865v1

Fuzzy assessment framework for sustainable urban-freight transport

Hana Ayadi , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Benaissa , Lyes Kermad
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 2024, ⟨10.1007/s41207-024-00539-7⟩
Journal articles hal-04672812v1

Select a winning Lean Six Sigma 4.0 project: Best Worst Method based decision making approach

Dounia Skalli , Anass Cherrafi , Abdelkabir Charkaoui , Andrea Chiarini , Jamal Elbaz
Total Quality Management and Business Excellence, 2024, pp.1-26. ⟨10.1080/14783363.2024.2315427⟩
Journal articles hal-04517774v1
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Assessing the Sustainability of Transport Systems through Indexes: A State-of-the-Art Review

Hana Ayadi , Mounir Benaissa , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Sustainability, 2024, 16 (4), pp.1455. ⟨10.3390/su16041455⟩
Journal articles hal-04516684v1
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Reconfigurable Supply Chain Selection: Literature Review, Research Roadmap and New Trends

Slim Zidi , Lyes Kermad , Nadia Hamani , Hedi Zidi
Applied Sciences, 2023, 13 (7), pp.4561. ⟨10.3390/app13074561⟩
Journal articles hal-04094718v1

A new formal approach for performance evaluation of green MAC protocol in energy harvesting WSNs

Siham Zroug , Laid Kahloul , Samir Tigane , Nadia Hamani , Saber Benharzallah
Telecommunication Systems, 2023, 84 (1), pp.53-67. ⟨10.1007/s11235-023-01035-z⟩
Journal articles hal-04322343v1

A proposal of indicators assessing freight transport sustainability and resilience

Nesrine Kharrat , Mounir Benaissa , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 2023, 8 (4), pp.1035-1056. ⟨10.1007/s41207-023-00415-w⟩
Journal articles hal-04306016v1
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Dynamic Timed Automata for Reconfigurable System Modeling and Verification

Samir Tigane , Fayçal Guerrouf , Nadia Hamani , Laid Kahloul , Mohamed Khalgui
Axioms, 2023, 12 (3), pp.230. ⟨10.3390/axioms12030230⟩
Journal articles hal-04010572v1

Achieving a sustainable transportation system via economic, environmental, and social optimization: a comprehensive AHP-DEA approach from the waste transportation sector

Hala Hmamed , Asmaa Benghabrit , Anass Cherrafi , Nadia Hamani
Sustainability, 2023, 15 (21), pp.n° 15372. ⟨10.3390/su152115372⟩
Journal articles hal-04322344v1

Antecedents and enablers of supply chain reconfigurability and their effects on performance

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s00170-022-08851-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03592458v1

A new approach for business process reconfiguration under uncertainty using Dempster-Shafer Theory

Slim Zidi , Tayssir Ben Soussia , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Benaissa , Lyes Kermad
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2022, pp.1-24. ⟨10.1080/23302674.2021.2017062⟩
Journal articles hal-03566218v1

A multi-objective optimization model for the problems of sustainable collaborative hub location and cost sharing

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Youssef Boulaksil , Mohamed Amine Gargouri , Laurent Delahoche
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 2022, 164, pp.102821. ⟨10.1016/j.tre.2022.102821⟩
Journal articles hal-04010500v1

A reconfiguration approach for a supply chain tracking platform

Hedi Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Cyrine Laajili , Mounir Benaissa
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2022, 14 (1-2), pp.94-113. ⟨10.1504/IJSTL.2022.120675⟩
Journal articles hal-03578208v1

Digital twin framework for reconfigurable manufacturing systems (RMSs): design and simulation

Jesus Kombaya Touckia , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 120 (7-8), pp.5431-5450. ⟨10.1007/s00170-022-09118-y⟩
Journal articles hal-04009242v1

On Quantitative Properties Preservation in Reconfigurable Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets

Samir Tigane , Laid Kahloul , Nadia Hamani , Mohamed Khalgui , Masood Ashraf Ali
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 2022, pp.1-13. ⟨10.1109/TSMC.2022.3225280⟩
Journal articles hal-04010574v1

A Comprehensive Literature Review on Sustainable Horizontal Collaboration

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Sustainability, 2022, 14 (18), ⟨10.3390/su141811644⟩
Journal articles hal-03799813v1

Conceptual Framework for Assessing Sustainability of Urban Freight Transport

Hana Ayadi , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Benaissa , Lyes Kermad
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2022, 55 (10), pp.251-256. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.397⟩
Journal articles hal-03889778v1

A sustainable approach for a collaborative distribution network

Nesrine Kharrat , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Elleuch
Transportation Engineering, 2022, 9, pp.100131. ⟨10.1016/j.treng.2022.100131⟩
Journal articles hal-04010502v1

A new metric for gain sharing assessment in collaborative distribution: the sustainability and flexibility rate

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2022, pp.1-16. ⟨10.1080/23302674.2022.2038714⟩
Journal articles hal-03850031v1

A sustainable approach for a collaborative distribution network

Nesrine Kharrat , Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Mounir Elleuch
Transportation Engineering, 2022, 9, pp.100131. ⟨10.1016/j.treng.2022.100131⟩
Journal articles hal-04861353v1
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Novel Fuzzy Composite Indicators for Locating a Logistics Platform under Sustainability Perspectives

Hana Ayadi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad , Mounir Benaissa
Sustainability, 2021, 13 (7), pp.3891. ⟨10.3390/su13073891⟩
Journal articles hal-03188555v1

Performance evaluation of ODMAC protocol for WSNs powered by ambient energy

Zohra Hmidi , Laid Kahloul , Saber Benharzallah , Nadia Hamani
International Journal of Simulation and Process Modelling, 2021, 17 (1), pp.67. ⟨10.1504/IJSPM.2021.120853⟩
Journal articles hal-03695731v1
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Systematic literature review on collaborative sustainable transportation: overview, analysis and perspectives

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Ridha Derrouiche , Laurent Delahoche
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 2021, 9, pp.100291. ⟨10.1016/j.trip.2020.100291⟩
Journal articles hal-03184839v1
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Optimization of the Collaborative Hub Location Problem with Metaheuristics

Mohamed Amine Gargouri , Nadia Hamani , Nassim Mrabti , Lyes Kermad
Mathematics , 2021, 9 (21), ⟨10.3390/math9212759⟩
Journal articles hal-03632243v1

New metrics for measuring supply chain reconfigurability

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2021, ⟨10.1007/s10845-021-01798-9⟩
Journal articles hal-03318131v1
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A Robust Mixed-Integer Linear Programming Model for Sustainable Collaborative Distribution

Islem Snoussi , Nadia Hamani , Nassim Mrabti , Lyes Kermad
Mathematics , 2021, 9 (18), ⟨10.3390/math9182318⟩
Journal articles hal-03632244v1

Use of Fuzzy Logic for Reconfigurability Assessment in Supply Chain

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Basma Samir , Lyes Kermad
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 2021, ⟨10.1007/s40815-021-01187-7⟩
Journal articles hal-03439439v1

A sustainable collaborative approach to the distribution network design problem with CO2 emissions allocation

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
International Journal of Shipping and Transport Logistics, 2021, 13 (6), pp.1. ⟨10.1504/IJSTL.2022.120676⟩
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An Integrated Approach Using a Collaborative Strategy for Sustainable Cities Freight Transportation: A Case Study

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Sustainable Cities and Society, 2021, pp.103331. ⟨10.1016/j.scs.2021.103331⟩
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Designing a Resilient and Sustainable Logistics Network under Epidemic Disruptions and Demand Uncertainty

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Sustainability, 2021, 13 (24), pp.14053. ⟨10.3390/su132414053⟩
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Assessing the benefits of horizontal collaboration using an integrated planning model for two-echelon energy efficiency-oriented logistics networks design

Aymen Aloui , Nadia Hamani , Ridha Derrouiche , Laurent Delahoche
International Journal of Systems Science: Operations & Logistics, 2021, pp.1-22. ⟨10.1080/23302674.2021.1887397⟩
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The pooling of sustainable freight transport

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Journal of the Operational Research Society, 2020, pp.1-16. ⟨10.1080/01605682.2020.1772022⟩
Journal articles halshs-02968204v1

Supply Chain modeling, and Green Supply Chain: Literature Revue

Sana Elhidaoui , Khalid Benhida , Said Elfezazi , Nadia Hamani , Yassine Azougagh
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and applied research, 2020, 49 (1), 43-61 ;
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Vers un modèle de simulation de la mutualisation logistique 4.0

Nassim Mrabti , Nadia Hamani , Laurent Delahoche
Logistique & Management, 2019, Volume 28 (1), pp.1-15. ⟨10.1080/12507970.2019.1684214⟩
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Literal framework of Green supply chain Modeling

Sana Elhidaoui , Khalid Benhida , Said Elfezazi , Abdellatif Benabdelhafid , Nadia Hamani
Journal of Engineering and Science Research, 2019, 3 (4), pp.20-27. ⟨10.26666/rmp.jesr.2019.5.4⟩
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Proposition d’une approche de reconfiguration des processus métiers de la chaîne logistique

Slim Zidi , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad
Génie industriel et productique, 2019, 2 (1), ⟨10.21494/ISTE.OP.2019.0374⟩
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Dynamic Vehicle Emissions Reduction with Technical and Behavioral Approach

Mohammad Syafrizal , Bambang Sugiarto , Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik , Jérôme Fortin , Nadia Hamani
International Journal of Technology Management, 2016, 7 (5), pp.871-880. ⟨10.14716/ijtech.v7i5.534⟩
Journal articles hal-01841864v1

Performance Improvement Using Simulation and Line Balancing; Application in Departure Terminal at Airport

Dimas Novrisal , Nadia Hamani , Abderrahman El Mhamedi , Tresna P. Soemardi
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2015, 799-800, pp.1403-1409. ⟨10.4028/⟩
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Verification and validation of a SSM model dedicated to model handling of flexible manufacturing systems

Nadia Hamani , Nathalie Dangoumau , Etienne Craye
Computers in Industry, 2009, 60 (2), pp.77-85
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Reactive mode handling of flexible manufacturing systems. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation

Nadia Hamani , Nathalie Dangoumau , Etienne Craye
Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 2009, 79 (5), pp.1421-1439
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Specification and verification of the model of component and the model of function

Nadia Hamani , Nathalie Dangoumau , Etienne Craye
Studies in Informatics and Control, 2008, 17 (1), pp.27-42
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Emission reduction from road transport sector in Jakarta

Mohammad Syafrizal , Estelle Bretagne , Nadia Hamani , Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik , Bambang Sugiarto
Troisième Conférence Internationale sur la Maintenance, la Gestion, la Logistique et l’Electrotechnique (3ème CIMGLE’2013), 2013, Paris, France
Conference poster hal-01842340v1

Development of a Framework of a TMS Benchmark Analysis Applied on an European Airline Company

Le H.A. , Nadia Hamani , Lyes Kermad , Abderrahman El Mhamedi
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 15th IFAC Symposium on “Information Control Problems in Manufacturing,INCOM 2015, Canada. 48 (3), pp.424-429, 2015, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2015.06.118⟩
Proceedings hal-01230240v1