**Professor UGA**
**Researcher Grenoble Applied Economics Lab**
**Email: <>**
**[Institutional webpage](**
**Areas of expertise**
Spatio-temporal data on innovation. Diagnosis, monitoring and evaluation of territorial innovation policies
**Key words**
Economics of Innovation, Collaborative networks, Innovation policy, evaluation, applied econometrics
Economics of innovation, Introduction to econometrics, Research methodology in applied economics, Industrial and Innovation policy, Economic geography and territorial policy
**Current Position**
- Professor in Economics at the University Grenoble Alpes and member of GAEL since September 2014
- Deputy Director of the [Doctoral College]( of the University Grenoble Alpes
**Professeur Université Grenoble Alpes**
**Chercheure au laboratoire GAEL**
**E-mail : <>**
**Ideas-Repec : <>**
- 2001-2003 : professeure d'économie à l'INSA de LYON
- 2003-2014 : professeure d'économie Université Jean Monnet Saint-Etienne
- 2014- : professeure d'économie à l'Université Grenoble Alpes
**Thèmes de recherche**
Mes recherches portent sur l’économie géographique de l’innovation. Plus particulièrement mes travaux d’économétrie appliquée éclairent les choix de localisation des activités de recherche et d’innovation, les réseaux d’innovation et leur inscription spatiale. Les recherches intègrent aussi ces problématiques spatiales dans l’analyse des politiques de la R&D et de l’innovation tant pour leur justification, leur design que leur évaluation.
**Domaine d'application et expertise**
Données spatio-temporelle de l’innovation, diagnostic, pilotage et évaluation des politiques territorialisées d’innovation
**Responsabilité scientifique**
- Directrice Adjointe du [Collège Doctoral]( pour les disciplines ALLSHS, Université Grenoble Alpes
**Mots clefs**
Géographie de l’innovation, réseaux collaboratifs, politique d’innovation, évaluation, économétrie appliquée.
Economic Analysis ; Introduction à l'économétrie ; Démarche de l'économétrie appliquée ; Economie de l'innovation ; Politiques industrielle et de l'innovation
Economie géographique et politiques territoriales
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Evaluating the impact of public policies on large firms: a synthetic control approach to science industry transfer policiesAQR Seminar (Regional Quantitative Analysis Group), University of Barcelona, Oct 2020, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Amenities, accessibility and inventors' mobility. A new hierarchy of urban zonesWorkshop "Innovative Data for Economic Analysis" - IDEA, May 2018, Nice, France
Conference papers
Collaboration dynamics within clusters and impact analysis4th Geography of Innovation Conference. GeoInno 2018, Jan 2018, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Regimes of R&D policy mix in France: New evidence from a NUTS3 spatial analysis56th ERSA Congress, Aug 2016, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Susbsidies and cluster policy in French NUTS3 Regions. Direct and indirect effects through space and co-patenting networksGAEL Conference : "What's new in the economics of innovation? Theory, empirics and public policy", Dec 2016, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Presentation of the "European Localized Innovation Observatory" (Eurolio)Skema - Gredeg Workshop "Spatial evolution of industries, jobs and innovative activities. New methods and data", Apr 2016, Sophia-Antipolis, France
Conference papers
Regimes of R&D policy mix in France: New evidence from a NUTS3 spatial analysis3rd Geography of Innovation Conference, Jan 2016, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Regimes of R&D policy mix in France: New evidence from a NUTS3 spatial analysisSéminaire France Stratégie-CEPII : "Articulations des données micro-macro entreprises (AMMEs), Nov 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Intensity of private R and D in regions: Impacts and interdependencies of financial public supportsGeography of Innovation 2014, Jan 2014, Utrecht, Netherlands
Conference papers
Underinvestment of firms in R&D : Myth or Reality ? Revisiting theoretical and empirical arguments in the light of the growth literature including geographical dimensionFirst European Seminar Geography of Innovation, Jan 2012, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers
The determinants of innovation adpotionR&D, Innovation and Intellectual Property : International Conference in Honor of Jacques Mairesse, Sep 2010, Malakoff, France
Conference papers
Innovation et proximité : débats et enjeux pour le diagnostic et l'évaluationSixièmes Journées de la Proximité. Dynamiques de proximité : le temps des débats, Oct 2009, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Productivity Changes and Intangible Assets: Evidences from French PlantsDIME Workshop on Technology Skills and Geography, Sep 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Affiliation network: representations and analysis13th Coalition Theory Network Workshop, Jan 2008, Venise, Italy
Conference papers
Innovation et espace, des externalités aux réseauxIndustrial organization in the last thirty years: results and perspectives, Revue d'Economie Industrielle : 30 ans, Nov 2008, Juan les pins, France
Conference papers
The location of new biotechnology SMEs. Empirical evidence from the French case47th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Aug 2007, Paris, France
Conference papers
Network Effects in R&D Partnership Evidence from the European Collaborations in Micro and NanotechnologiesDIME - Workshop on "Interdependencies of interactions in local and sectoral innovation systems", Mar 2007, IENA, France
Conference papers
Network effects in R&D partnership : Evidence from the European collaborations in micro and nanotechnologieGOSPI, IPI 2006, Nov 2006, Allevard, France
Conference papers
Geographical Agglomerations and Fuzzy Innovation Dynamics9th annual conference of The Competitiveness Institute (TCI), Oct 2006, Lyon, France
Conference papers
Formation of cooperative networksADRES International Conference, Sep 2006, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference papers
Décisions d'implantation des PME de biotechnologies5 èmes Journées de la Proximité., Jun 2006, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Le rôle des Tableaux de Bord de la Science et de la Technologie dans une démarche d'Intelligence Economique TerritorialeColloque Européen d'Intelligence Economique : Approche comparée des pratiques, Jan 2005, Poitiers, France
Conference papers
Pecuniary and Knowledge Externalities as Agglomeration Forces: Empirical Evidence from Individual French DataRegional Studies Association International Conference, May 2005, Aalborg, Denmark
Conference papers
Proximity, Accessibility to Knowledge and Innovation.Regional Studies Association International Conference. Regional Studies Association International Conference, May 2005, Aalborg, Denmark
Conference papers
Pecuniary and Knowledge Externalities as Agglomeration Forces: Empirical Evidence from Individual French DataKnowledge and Regional Economic Development, Jun 2005, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Geography of innovation: new trends and implications for public policy renewalRoutledge, 110, 116 p., 2018, Regions and cities, 9781138209145
Géographie de l'innovation en EuropeLa documentation française, pp.112, 2012, Travaux (DATAR) ; 15, DATAR
Spatial knowledge diffusion though collaborative networks. Special issue in Papers in Regional ScienceBlackwell Publishing, pp.183, 2007
Innovation and space : From externalities to networksJohansson, Karlsson and Stough. The Regional Economics of Knowledge and Talent: Local Advantage in a Global Context, E. Elgar, pp.63-97, 2012, New Horizons in regional science
Book sections
Les déterminants géographiques de l'innovation : diffusion spatiale des connaissances et choix de localisationConseil d'Analyse Economique. Innovation et compétitivité des régions : Rapport pour le Conseil d'Analyse Economique, Documentation française, pp.227-266, 2008
Book sections
Rôle des Tableaux de bord de la Science et de la Technologie dans une démarche d'Intelligence Economique TerritorialeLarat, P. Benchmark européen de pratiques en Intelligence Economique, L'Harmattan, 2008
Book sections
La mesure de la production et des coopérations scientifiques dans l'agglomération stéphanoise : une approche par la veille scientifique territorialeConseil d'Analyse Economique. Innovation et compétitivité des régions : Rapport pour le Conseil d'Analyse Economique, documentation française, pp.301-316, 2008
Book sections
Le débat sur la nature des agglomérations innovantes : éclairages théoriques et empiriquesAlain RALLET; André TORRE. Quelles proximités pour innover ?, l'Harmattan, 222 p., 2007, Géographies en liberté
Book sections
Pecuniary and Knowledge Externalities as Agglomeration Forces: Empirical Evidence from Individual French DataJordi Suriñach, Rosina Moreno and Esther Vayá. Knowledge Externalities, Innovation Clusters And Regional Development, Edward Elgar, 2007
Book sections
Proximités et activités de R&dEntreprises et territoires. Les nouveaux enjeux de la proximité, La Documentation Française, pp.71-90, 2003
Book sections
Creation and growth of high-tech SMEs : the role of the local environmentLaage-Hellman, J., McKelvey, M., Rickne. The Economic Dynamics of Modern Biotechnologies: Europe in Global Trends, Edward Elgar, pp.356-392, 2003
Book sections
The determinants of innovation adoption2010
Other publications
Knowledge diffusion and innovation policies within the European regions: Challenges based on recent empirical evidence2010
Other publications
Productivity Changes and Intangible Assets : Evidence from French Plants2010
Other publications
Etude sur la conception et l'analyse d'indicateurs stratégiques de l'innovation dans les territoires2008
Other publications
Evaluating the impact of public policies on large firms: a synthetic control approach to science industry transfer policies2020
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Animate the cluster or subsidize collaborative R&D? A multiple overlapping treatments approach to assess the impact of the French cluster policy2019
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
R&D policy regimes in France: New evidence from a spatio-temporal analysis2017
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
R&D policies in France: New evidence from a NUTS3 spatial analysis2015
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Is financial support for private R&D always justified ? A discussion based on literature on growth2013
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
The geography of innovation : challenge to technology policy within regions2009
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
The Thematic Assessment of the Partnership Principle in France[Research Report] CEPEL - Université de Montpellier. 1998