The Advantages of Being Disadvantaged
Alexandre Bohas
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Punishment Menus and their Deterrent Effects: An Exploratory Analysis
Gilles Grolleau
Murat C Mungan
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Why University Social Responsibility Initiatives Can Backfire and What to Do About It?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Marie Stadge
Prometheus, inPress
Journal articles
The Timing of (Green) Incentives: Exploiting Opportunity Windows
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Emilien Prost
International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics, 2024, 18 (4), pp.491-521. ⟨10.1561/101.00000170⟩
Journal articles
Does NGO Origin Influence Moral Judgment? A Study of the Attitudes of Algerian Participants Toward Foreign NGOs
Hind Dib-Slamani
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Emotional labour in the analysis of farm-based hospitality projects
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Qurat-Ul-Ain Talpur
Journal articles
Does a company’s origin matter in moral judgment?
Hind Dib-Slamani
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Harnessing the Power of Words to Address the COVID-19 Crisis
Katherine Farrow
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Greening the greenwashers – How to push greenwashers towards more sustainable trajectories
Dejan Glavas
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Transforming scandals into entrepreneurial opportunities: The case of the hospitality industry
Cynthia Assaf
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Quiet environments and the intentional practice of silence: Towards a new perspective in the analysis of silence in organizations
Alexandre Asselineau
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Polluting for (Higher) Profits: Does an Economic Gain Influence Moral Judgment of Environmental Wrongdoings?
Gilles Grolleau
Luc Meunier
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Eco-innovations and Job Satisfaction: A Moderated Mediation Approach
Alice Falchi
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
Changing the World with Words? Euphemisms in Climate Change Issues
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Deborah Peterson
Marjorie Tendero
Journal articles
The Effect of Distance on the Moral Judgment of Environmental Wrongdoings
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette L. Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Seemingly irrelevant information? The impact of legal team size on third party perceptions
Gilles Grolleau
Murat Mungan
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
A Good Servant But a Poor Master: The Side Effects of Numbers and Metrics
Alexandre Asselineau
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
An empirical analysis of the relationship between innovation activities and job satisfaction among French firms
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
How research institutions can make the best of scandals – once they become unavoidable
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Letting Offenders Choose Their Own Punishment ?
Gilles Grolleau
Murat Mungan
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Making Change Easy Is Not Always Good
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Deborah Peterson
Journal articles
Why companies might under‐communicate their efforts for sustainable development and what can be done?
Alice Falchi
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Robbing a robber is not robbing
Hind Dib-Slamani
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
The unexpected power of negative awards
Jérémy Celse
Bruno Frey
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Fluency and the perceived ethicality of corporate social (ir)responsibility
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Scott Wright
Journal articles
Is theft considered less severe when the victim is a foreign company?
Hind Dib‐slamani
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
How relative concerns affect unethical behaviors
Latifa Barbara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
‘Let's call a spade a spade, not a gardening tool’: How euphemisms shape moral judgement in corporate social responsibility domains
Katherine Farrow
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Scandals : a ‘reset button’ to drive change?
Gilles Grolleau
Alain Marciano
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Moral judgment of environmental harm caused by a single versus multiple wrongdoers: A survey experiment
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Coopetition in innovation activities and firms' economic performance: An empirical analysis
Sanja Pekovic
Gilles G. Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Do activating legacy concerns make farmers more likely to support conservation programmes?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Claude Napoleone
Claire Pellegrin
Journal articles
The scope for the strategic use of scandals
Gilles Grolleau
Alain Marciano
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Is a 'bad individual' more condemnable than several 'bad individuals'? Examining the scope-severity paradox
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Harnessing the power of identity to encourage farmers to protect the environment
Sonia Lequin
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Does advertising the green benefits of products contribute to sustainable development goals? A quasi-experimental test of the dilution effect
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Angela Sutan
Journal articles
When more is not better: three common mistakes in health messaging interventions
Katherine Farrow
Gilles G. Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Attracting employees in developing countries through corporate social responsibility initiatives
Latifa Barbara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Does higher place difficulty predict increased attachment? The moderating role of identity
Leonith Hinojosa Valencia
Naoufel Mzoughi
Claude Napoleone
Wilma Guerrero Villegas
Journal articles
Arsenite and chromate sequestration onto ferrihydrite, siderite and goethite nanostructured minerals: Isotherms from flow-through reactor experiments and XAS measurements
S. Hajji
G. Montes-Hernandez
G. Sarret
A. Tordo
G. Morin
Journal articles
Positional concerns and framing effects in financial preferences
Assia Houfaf Khoufaf
Latifa Barbara
Gilles G. Grolleau
Assia Houfaf Khoufaf
Youcef Meriane
Journal articles
Does the identifiable victim effect matter for plants? Results from a quasi-experimental survey of French farmers
Claire Pellegrin
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Claude Napoleone
Journal articles
How status seeking may prevent Coasean bargaining
Gilles G. Grolleau
Alain Marciano
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Environmental investments: too much of a good thing?
Sanja Pekovic
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
What in the word! The scope for the effect of word choice on economic behavior.
Katherine Farrow
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Less is more in energy conservation and efficiency messaging
Katherine Farrow
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Social norm interventions as an underappreciated lever for behavior change in energy conservation
Kate Farrow
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal of Energy and Development, 2018, 43 (1), pp.235--249
Journal articles
Il faut comprendre les émotions pour changer les comportements
Katherine Farrow
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Le Monde.fr, 2018, pp.[en ligne]
Journal articles
Constraints to farming in the Mediterranean Alps: Reconciling environmental and agricultural policies
Leonith Hinojosa Valencia
Eric Lambin
Naoufel Mzoughi
Claude Napoleone
Journal articles
Behavioral insights for the analysis of green tips
Gilles Grolleau
Estelle Midler
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
The impact of monitoring and sanctions on cheating: experimental evidence from Tunisia
Insaf Bekir
Sana El Harbi
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Angela Sutan
Journal articles
Place attachment as a factor of mountain farming permanence: a survey in the French Southern Alps
Leonith Hinojosa Valencia
Eric Lambin
Naoufel Mzoughi
Claude Napoleone
Journal articles
Determination of Synthetic Musks in Surface Sediment from the Bizerte Lagoon by QuEChERS Extraction Followed by GC-MS
M. Necibi
Laurent Lanceleur
Naoufel Mzoughi
Mathilde Monperrus
Journal articles
Do you prefer having more or more than others in the workplace? A quasi-experimental survey in algeria
Latifa Barbara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Helping eco-labels to fulfil their promises
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Mario F. Teisl
Journal articles
Work Recognition and Labor Productivity: Evidence from French Data
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
Does future implementation increase public support of a soil conservation tax?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Les incitations monétaires dans la politique agro-environnementale : peut-on faire mieux avec moins ?
G. Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sophie Thoyer
Revue d'Etudes en Agriculture et Environnement - Review of agricultural and environmental studies, 2015, 96 (2), pp.241-257
Journal articles
Environmental management practices: good or bad news for innovations delivering environmental benefits? The moderating effect of market characteristics
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
Do organic farmers feel happier than conventional ones? An exploratory analysis
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Contaminated sediment resuspension induces shifts in phytoplankton structure and function in a eutrophic Mediterranean lagoon
C. Lafabrie
A.S. Hlaili
C. Leboulanger
I. Tarhouni
H.B. Othman
Journal articles
Is business performance related to the registration of quality and environmental-related standards?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
Is there a relationship between workplace atmosphere and innovation activities? An empirical analysis among french firms
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
Introduction. L’écologisation, une voie pour reconditionner les modèles agricoles et dépasser leur simple évolution incrémentale
Naoufel Mzoughi
Claude Napoleone
Journal articles
How can transaction cost economics help regulators choose between environmental policy instruments?
Douadia Bougherara
Naoufel Mzoughi
Gilles Grolleau
Journal articles
How can positional concerns prevent the adoption of socially desirable innovations?
Salima Salhi
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Angela Sutan
Journal articles
Being the best or doing the right thing? An investigation of positional, prosocial and conformist preferences in provision of public goods
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Green not (only) for profit: an empirical examination of the effect of environmental-related standards on employees’ recruitment
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Journal articles
Do you believe that others are more positional than you? results from an empirical survey on positional concerns in France
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sandra Said
Journal articles
Farmers adoption of integrated crop protection and organic farming: Do moral and social concerns matter?
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Assessment of total aromatic hydrocarbons, aliphatic and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in surface sediment and fish from the Gulf of Tunis (Tunisia)
Naoufel Mzoughi
L. Chouba
Gaetane Lespes
Journal articles
How to make promises without having to fulfill them? An application to the food stamp program (SNAP) and rebate schemes
Douadia Bougherara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Too much of a good thing ? Why altruism can harm the environment
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
The impact of envy-related behaviors on development
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Angela Sutan
Journal articles
The 'Make or Buy' Decision in Private Environmental Transactions
Douadia Bougherara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
How cognitive biases can affect the performance of eco-labeling schemes
Antoine Beretti
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Buy local, pollute less: what drives households to join a community supported farm?
Douadia Bougherara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
L'efficacité environnementale de la norme ISO 14001: un concept aux dimensions multiples. Commentaire de l'article de Riedinger Nicolas et Thévenot Céline : La norme ISO 14001 est-elle efficace ? Une étude économétrique sur l'industrie française. Economie Statistique n° 411, 2008-03-19
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics, 2008, 411, pp.21-23
Journal articles
Please do not pirate it, you will rob the poor! An experimental investigation on the effect of charitable donations on piracy
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Déterminants de la diffusion internationale de la norme ISO 14001
Gilles Grolleau
Jérémy Lamri
Naoufel Mzoughi
Economie et Prévision, 2008, 2008-4 (185), pp.123-138
Journal articles
Une introduction à l'économie des faux diplomes
Gilles Grolleau
Tarik Lakhal
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal of Economic Issues, 2008, 42 (3), pp.673-693
Journal articles
Contracting for environmental property rights: the case of Vittel
Christophe Depres
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Les « alliances vertes » entre les entreprises et les associations de protection de l’environnement : une réelle réconciliation ou une « instrumentalisation » réciproque ?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Luc Thiébaut
Journal articles
An introduction to the Economics of Fake Degrees
Gilles Grolleau
Tarik Lakhal
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal of Economic Issues, 2008, 42 (3), pp.673-693
Journal articles
Consommer plus ou consommer plus que les autres ? Une analyse empirique des biens de position
Gilles Grolleau
Tarik Lakhal
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
What drives agrifood firms to register for an Environmental Management System?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Alban Thomas
Journal articles
Industrialists hand in hand with environmentalists: how eco-labeling schemes can help firms to raise rivals' costs
Gilles Grolleau
Lisette Ibanez
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
The characteristics of chemical firms registering for ISO 14001 or Responsible Care
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Sanja Pekovic
Economics Bulletin, 2007, 12 (29), pp.1-11
Journal articles
La nouvelle économie des ressources (NER) : panacée ou boîte de Pandore
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Chahira Nouira
Brussels Economic Review , 2007, 50 (4), pp.445-461
Journal articles
Is more information always better ? An analysis applied to information-based policies for environmental protection
Douadia Bougherara
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Organotin speciation in Bizerte lagoon (Tunisia)
Naoufel Mzoughi
Gaetane Lespes
M. Bravo
M. Dachraoui
M. Potin-Gautier
Journal articles
Analyse exploratoire de quelques stratégies de fourniture ‘non publique’ des biens ‘publics’
Christophe Depres
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales, 2005, 74, pp.27-46
Journal articles
L’élaboration des normes : un ‘nouvel’ espace de compétition ? Une application à la norme ISO 14001
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
2005, 111, pp.1-28
Journal articles
Analyse exploratoire de quelques stratégies de fourniture "non publique" des biens "publics"
Christophe Depres
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Cahiers d'économie et sociologie rurales, 2005, 74, pp.27-45
Journal articles
Overcomplying for profit
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
L'élaboration des normes : un "nouvel" espace de compétition ? Une application à la norme ISO 14001
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Analyse exploratoire de quelques stratégies de fourniture 'non publique' de biens 'publics'
Christophe Depres
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Cahiers d'économie et sociologie rurales, 2005, 74, pp.28-45
Journal articles
Les instruments volontaires : un nouveau mode de régulation de l'environnement ?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Luc Thiébaut
Revue internationale de droit économique, 2004, 4, pp.461-481
Journal articles
Does ethical activism lead to firm relocation?
Gilles Grolleau
Tarik Lakhal
Naoufel Mzoughi
Journal articles
Les instruments volontaires: un nouveau mode de régulation de l'environnement ?
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Luc Thiébaut
Revue internationale de droit économique, 2004, pp.461-481
Journal articles
Public purchasing and eco-labelling schemes : making the connection and renforcing policy coherence
Gilles Grolleau
Naoufel Mzoughi
Chahira Nouira
Journal of Interdisciplinary Economics, 2004, 15 (1), pp.131-151
Journal articles
Inorganic mercury and methylmercury in surface sediments and mussel tissues from a microtidal lagoon (Bizerte, Tunisia)
Naoufel Mzoughi
T. Stoichev
M. Dachraoui
A. El Abed
David Amouroux
Journal of Coastal Conservation: planning and management, 2002, 8 (2), pp.141-145
Journal articles