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Nasser Mebarki





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Evaluation of a new decision-aid parameter for job shop scheduling under uncertainties

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Zaki Sari
RAIRO - Operations Research, 2019, 53 (2), pp.593-608. ⟨10.1051/ro/2017073⟩
Journal articles hal-01709666v1

Tardiness minimization heuristic for job shop scheduling under uncertainties using group sequences

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Zaki Sari
International Journal of Intelligent Engineering Informatics, inPress, ⟨10.1504/ijiei.2018.10012053⟩
Journal articles hal-01709744v1

Human-machine cooperation in planning and scheduling: a case study on an unstable environment

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Farouk Belkadi , Atif Muhammad Shahzad , Alain Bernard
European Journal of Industrial Engineering, 2018, 12 (6), pp.757. ⟨10.1504/ejie.2018.096388⟩
Journal articles hal-01984203v1
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Learning Dispatching Rules for Scheduling: A Synergistic View Comprising Decision Trees, Tabu Search and Simulation

Atif Muhammad Shahzad , Nasser Mebarki
Computers, 2016, 5 (1), pp.3. ⟨10.3390/computers5010003⟩
Journal articles hal-02014267v1

The Nature of Expertise in Scheduling: The Case of Timetabling

Jean-Michel Hoc , Clément Guerin , Nasser Mebarki
Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing and Service Industries, 2014, 24 (2), pp.192-206. ⟨10.1002/hfm.20359⟩
Journal articles hal-01160217v1
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A study of the robustness of the group scheduling method using an emulation of a complex FMS

Olivier Cardin , Nasser Mebarki , Guillaume Pinot
International Journal of Production Economics, 2013, 146, pp.199 - 207. ⟨10.1016/j.ijpe.2013.06.023⟩
Journal articles hal-01115937v1
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Correlation among tardiness-based measures for scheduling using priority dispatching rules

Nasser Mebarki , Atif Muhammad Shahzad
International Journal of Production Research, 2013, 51 (12), pp.3688 - 3697. ⟨10.1080/00207543.2012.762131⟩
Journal articles hal-01740868v1

The nature of expertise in industrial scheduling: Strategic and tactical processes, constraint and object management

Clément Guerin , Jean-Michel Hoc , Nasser Mebarki
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 2012, 42 (5), pp.457-468. ⟨10.1016/j.ergon.2012.07.005⟩
Journal articles hal-01160212v1

Data mining based job dispatching using hybrid simulation-optimization approach for shop scheduling problem

Atif Shahzad , Nasser Mebarki
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 2012, 25 (6), pp.1173-1181. ⟨10.1016/j.engappai.2012.04.001⟩
Journal articles hal-03149283v1

Minimizing the number of mail sorting sessions as a variant of vector bin-packing: A case study at La Poste

Emmanuelle Amann , Evgeny Gurevsky , Arnaud Laurent , Nasser Mebarki
18th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing (INCOM 2024), Aug 2024, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-04682816v1
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Machine Learning prediction model for Dynamic Scheduling of Hybrid Flow-Shop based on Metaheuristic

Abdelhakim Ghiles Hamiti , Wassim Bouazza , Arnaud Laurent , Mebarki Nasser
INCOM 2024, Aug 2024, Vienne (AUT), France
Conference papers hal-04726660v1
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Constitution optimale des sessions de tri du courrier à La Poste

Emmanuelle Amann , Arnaud Laurent , Evgeny Gurevsky , Nasser Mebarki
2ème Congrès Annuel de la Société d'Automatique, de Génie Industriel et de Productique (SAGIP 2024), May 2024, Villeurbanne, France
Conference papers hal-04531525v1

Optimisation du tri du courrier: un cas d'étude à La Poste

Emmanuelle Amann , Evgeny Gurevsky , Nasser Mebarki
24ème Congrès Annuel de la Société Française de Recherche Opérationnelle et d'Aide à la Décision (ROADEF 2023), Feb 2023, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-03998128v1

Mail sorting optimization: a case study of the French postal company La Poste

Emmanuelle Amann , Evgeny Gurevsky , Arnaud Laurent , Nasser Mebarki
22nd IFAC World Congress, Jul 2023, Yokohama, Japan. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.1574⟩
Conference papers hal-04122904v1
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Using Knowledge Graphs and Human-Centric Artificial Intelligence for Reconfigurable Supply Chains: A Research Framework

Benjamin Rolf , Nasser Mebarki , Sebastian Lang , Tobias Reggelin , Olivier Cardin
MIM 2022: 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control, Jun 2022, Nantes, France. pp.1693-1698, ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2022.09.641⟩
Conference papers hal-03982239v1
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Towards a Digital Twin for Cyber-Physical Production Systems: A Multi-Paradigm Modeling Approach in the Postal Industry

Asmaa Niati , Cyrine Selma , Dalila Tamzalit , Hugo Bruneliere , Nasser Mebarki
ACM/IEEE 23rd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS '20 Companion), Oct 2020, Virtual Event, Canada. ⟨10.1145/3417990.3421438⟩
Conference papers hal-02925123v2
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Erica Capawa Fotsoh , Pierre Castagna , Nasser Mebarki , Pascal Berruet
Conference papers hal-03177750v1
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Solving an Integration Process Planning and Scheduling in a Flexible Job Shop Using a Hybrid Approach

Nassima Keddari , Nasser Mebarki , Atif Shahzad , Zaki Sari
6th IFIP International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Its Applications (CIIA), May 2018, Oran, Algeria. pp.387-398, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-89743-1_34⟩
Conference papers hal-01913923v1
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A new HMI scheduling model implemented on a real manufacturing scheduling system

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki
7th workshop on Service-Orientation in Holonic and Multi agent manufacturing (SOHOMA’2017) , Oct 2017, nantes, France. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-73751-5_25⟩
Conference papers hal-01710260v1
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Minimizing tardiness for job shop scheduling under uncertainties

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Zaki Sari
3rd International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT’2016) , Apr 2016, Sain Julien, Malta
Conference papers hal-01740863v1

Investigations on the flexibility of a Group Sequence and its effect on the Best-Case Schedule

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Zaki Sari
IEEE Third International Conference on Control, Engineering and Information Technology , May 2015, Tlemcen, Algeria
Conference papers hal-01740842v1
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Une amélioration de la méthode exacte pour trouver le meilleur des cas dans un ordonnancement de groupes

Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Zaki Sari
International Conference on Modeling and Simulation, Sep 2014, Blida, Algérie
Conference papers hal-01740847v1
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Zakaria Yahouni , Nasser Mebarki , Zaki Sari
MOSIM 2014, 10ème Conférence Francophone de Modélisation, Optimisation et Simulation, Nov 2014, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01166589v1
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Mehdi Souier , Ahmed Hassam , Zaki Sari , Nasser Mebarki
9th International Conference on Modeling, Optimization & SIMulation, Jun 2012, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers hal-00728689v1
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An exact method for the best case in a group sequence: Application to a general shop problem

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser
13th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Jun 2009, Moscou, Russia. pp.1269-1274
Conference papers hal-00410125v1

A new human-machine system for group sequencing

Guillaume Pinot , Nasser Mebarki , Jean-Michel Hoc
International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management (IESM'2009), 2009, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers hal-00470368v1
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Heuristiques pour le meilleur des cas dans un ordonnancement de groupes

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser
MOSIM' 2008, Mar 2008, Paris, France. pp.Actes électroniques
Conference papers hal-00409942v1
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Une étude sur l'ordonnancement de groupes par rapport aux temps de transport dans une chaîne de production

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser
ROADEF 2008, Feb 2008, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.Livres des Résumés
Conference papers hal-00409909v1

Coopération homme-machine pour la mise en œuvre d'un ordonnancement de groupe

Guillaume Pinot , Nasser Mebarki , Jean-Michel Hoc
5ème Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique, 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie
Conference papers hal-00456834v1

The nature of expertise in scheduling : the case of university timetable design

Jean-Michel Hoc , Clément Guerin , Nasser Mebarki
HOPS Final Conference, 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-00456842v1
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Cooperation between human and machine for shop scheduling under uncertainties

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser , Jean-Michel Hoc
Human and Organisational Factors in Planning and Scheduling Conference, Sep 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.Actes électoniques
Conference papers hal-00409950v1
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Best-case lower bounds in a group sequence for the job shop problem

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser
17th IFAC World Congress, 2008, Jul 2008, Seoul, South Korea. pp.14876-14881, ⟨10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.1295⟩
Conference papers hal-00410124v1
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Coopération homme-machine pour la mise en œuvre d'un ordonnancement de groupes

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser , Jean-Michel Hoc
Conférence Internationale Francophone d'Automatique (CIFA) 2008, Sep 2008, Bucarest, Roumanie. pp.Actes électroniques
Conference papers hal-00409943v1
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Le meilleur des cas dans un ordonnancement de groupes

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser
ROADEF 2008, Feb 2008, Clermont-Ferrand, France. pp.Livre des Résumés
Conference papers hal-00409907v1
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Coopération homme machine pour la mise en œuvre d'un ordonnancement de groupes

Guillaume Pinot , Mebarki Nasser
ROADEF 2007, Feb 2007, Grenoble, France. pp.Livres des Résumés
Conference papers hal-00409911v1
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A study on the group sequencing method in regards with transportation in an industrial FMS

Guillaume Pinot , Olivier Cardin , Mebarki Nasser
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2007), Oct 2007, Montreal, Canada. pp.151-156, ⟨10.1109/ICSMC.2007.4414227⟩
Conference papers hal-00410115v1
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Towards a Reference Model for Configuration of Reconfigurable Manufacturing System (RMS)

Erica Capawa Fotsoh , Nasser Mebarki , Pierre Castagna , Pascal Berruet , Francisco Gamboa
Advances in Production Management Systems. The Path to Digital Transformation and Innovation of Production Management Systems, 591, Springer International Publishing, pp.391-398, 2020, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-57993-7_44⟩
Book sections hal-03536035v1

A Classification for Reconfigurable Manufacturing Systems

Erica Capawa-Fotsoh , Nasser Mebarki , Pierre Castagna , Pascal Berruet
From Design to Implementation. Springer Series in Advanced Manufacturing, 2019
Book sections hal-02477943v1
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Industry 4.0 and Service Companies: The Case of the French Postal Service

Cyrine Selma , Dalila Tamzalit , Nasser Mebarki , Olivier Cardin , Loic Bruggeman
Theodor Borangiu, Damien Trentesaux, André Thomas, Sergio Cavalieri. Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing - Proceedings of SOHOMA 2018, 803, Springer, pp.436-447, 2018, Studies in Computational Intelligence, ⟨10.1007/978-3-030-03003-2_34⟩
Book sections hal-01982994v1
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Robust Machine Scheduling Based on Group of Permutable Jobs

Christian Artigues , Jean-Charles Billaut , Azeddine Cheref , Nasser Mebarki , Zakaria Yahouni
Doumpos M., Zopounidis C., Grigoroudis E. Robustness Analysis in Decision Aiding, 241, Springer, pp.191-220, 2016, Optimization, and Analytics. International Series in Operations Research & Management Science, 978-3-319-33119-5. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-33121-8_9⟩
Book sections hal-01875889v1

Design of scheduling algorithms.

Riezebos Jan , Jean-Michel Hoc , Mebarki Nasser , Dimopoulos Christos , Wezel Wout Van
J.C. Fransoo, T. Wäfler, & J.R. Wilson. Behavioral operations in planning and scheduling, Springer, pp.299-322, 2010
Book sections hal-00521388v1

Design of scheduling algorithms : applications

Riezebos Jan , Jean-Michel Hoc , Mebarki Nasser , Christos Dimopoulos , Wezel Wout Van
J.C. Fransoo, T. Wäfler, & J.R. Wilson. Behavioral operations in planning and scheduling, Springer, pp.371-412, 2010
Book sections hal-00521393v1