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Nathalie Boissot



Mes travaux de recherche visent à comprendre le rôle des pressions de sélections anciennes et récentes dans l’apparition et le maintien de clones de puceron capables de contourner les défenses de la plante. L’enjeu est de proposer des stratégies d’utilisation des résistances des plantes aux pucerons et aux virus qu’ils transmettent qui assurent la durabilité de ces résistances. Ces travaux portent sur la résistance à *Aphis gossypii*, une espèce polyphage avec une race d’hôtes spécialisée sur les Cucurbitacées. J’organise mes travaux autour de trois questions : 1. Comment est contrôlée la résistance aux pucerons et aux virus qu’ils transmettent chez le melon, et quelles sont les forces évolutives qui s’exercent sur les locus concernés ? 2. Comment les pucerons s’adaptent à ces résistances, quelles sont les relations entre l’adaptation à la résistance génétique et l’adaptation aux Cucurbitacées chez *A. gossypii* ? 3. Comment construire des systèmes de lutte durables contre les pucerons et les virus qu’ils transmettent en utilisant la résistance génétique comme pilier de cette lutte ?
Understanding the role of old and recent selective pressures in the emergence of aphid clones able to overcome the plant resistance is the long-term goal of my research program. This will offer knowledge to build strategies for using resistances to aphids and viruses they transmit that ensure the sustainability of the resistance effects. We focus on *Aphis gossypii/Cucumis melo* interaction because it contains all the essential characteristics to conduct this research program i/ *A. gossypii* is a polyphaqous aphid species containing clones specializing on Cucurbit plants, these clones gather in specific genetic clusters, *ii/ Cucumis melo* species contains several resistance genes to *A. gossypii*. Moreover one of these genes, Vat, is unique because it also confers resistance to viruses when *A. gossypii* clones inoculate the *Vat* plants with viruses. I organize my work around three questions: 1\. How is controlled resistance to aphids and viruses they transmit in melon, and what are the evolutionary forces acting on the different loci? 2\. What are the similarities/dissimilarities between adaptation to heritable plant resistance and adaptation to Cucurbits in *A. gossypii* species? 3\. How to build sustainable systems to control aphids and viruses they transmit using genetic resistance as a pillar of these systems?


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A highly diversified NLR cluster in melon contains homologs that confer powdery mildew and aphid resistance

Nathalie Boissot , Véronique Chovelon , Vincent Rittener-Ruff , Nathalie Giovinazzo , Pascale Mistral
Horticulture Research, inPress, ⟨10.1093/hr/uhad256⟩
Journal articles hal-04315083v1
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Aphid adaptation to cucurbits: sugars, cucurbitacin and phloem structure in resistant and susceptible melons

Pierre Sadon , Marie-Noëlle Corre , Raphael Lugan , Nathalie Boissot
BMC Plant Biology, 2023, 23 (1), pp.239. ⟨10.1186/s12870-023-04248-1⟩
Journal articles hal-04101668v1
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NLRs are highly relevant resistance genes for aphid pest

Nathalie Boissot
Current Opinion in Insect Science, In press, 56, pp.101008. ⟨10.1016/j.cois.2023.101008⟩
Journal articles hal-03972031v1
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Unravelling cucumber resistance to several viruses via genome-wide association studies highlighted resistance hotspots and new QTLs

Severine Monnot , Melissa Cantet , Tristan Mary-Huard , Laurence Moreau , Rebecca Lowdon
Horticulture research, 2022, 9, pp.uhac184. ⟨10.1093/hr/uhac184⟩
Journal articles hal-03971463v1
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Deciphering the Genetic Architecture of Plant Virus Resistance by GWAS, State of the Art and Potential Advances

Severine Monnot , Henri Desaint , Tristan Mary-Huard , Laurence Moreau , Valerie Schurdi-Levraud
Cells, 2021, 10 (11), pp.3080. ⟨10.3390/cells10113080⟩
Journal articles hal-03424384v1
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Aphis gossypii/Aphis frangulae collected worldwide: Microsatellite markers data and genetic cluster assignment

Pascale Mistral , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti , Sonia Elbelt , Nathalie Boissot
Data in Brief, 2021, 36, pp.106967. ⟨10.1016/j.dib.2021.106967⟩
Journal articles hal-03229073v1
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Building a cluster of NLR genes conferring resistance to pests and pathogens: the story of the Vat gene cluster in cucurbits

Véronique Chovelon , Rafael Feriche-Linares , Guillaume Barreau , Joël Chadoeuf , Caroline Callot
Horticulture research, 2021, 8 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41438-021-00507-0⟩
Journal articles hal-03216497v1
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The quasi-universality of nestedness in the structure of quantitative plant-parasite interactions

Benoît Moury , Jean-Marc Audergon , Sylvie Baudracco-Arnas , Safa Ben Krima , François Bertrand
Peer Community Journal, 2021, 1, pp.e44. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.51⟩
Journal articles hal-03461843v1
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Impact of Vat resistance in melon on viral epidemics and genetic structure of virus populations

Alexandra Schoeny , Cecile Desbiez , Pauline Millot , Catherine Wipf-Scheibel , Karine Nozeran
Virus Research, 2017, 241, pp.105-115. ⟨10.1016/j.virusres.2017.05.024⟩
Journal articles hal-01535203v1

Résistance et agroécologie, des fleurs pour ‘Margot’ le melon

Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot
Jardins de France, 2017, 647, pp.71-73
Journal articles hal-02624300v1

Dossier Melon - Préserver le gène Vat

Véronique Bargain , Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot
Réussir Fruits et Légumes, 2016, 367, pp.64-66
Journal articles hal-01606440v1
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Vat, an amazing gene conferring resistance to aphids and viruses they carry: from molecular structure to field effects

Nathalie Boissot , Alexandra Schoeny , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7, pp.1420. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2016.01420⟩
Journal articles hal-01512038v1
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Insight into the durability of plant resistance to aphids from a demo-genetic study of Aphis gossypii in melon crops

Sophie Thomas , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti , Pascale Mistral , Anne Loiseau , Nathalie Boissot
Evolutionary Applications, 2016, 9 (6), pp.756-768. ⟨10.1111/eva.12382⟩
Journal articles hal-02633315v1
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NBS-LRR-mediated resistance triggered by aphids: viruses do not adapt; aphids adapt via different mechanisms

Nathalie Boissot , Sophie Thomas , Veronique Chovelon , Hervé Lecoq
BMC Plant Biology, 2016, 16, pp.25. ⟨10.1186/s12870-016-0708-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02641458v1
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Nouvelles sources de résistance au puceron Aphis gossypii chez le melon

Nathalie Boissot , Sophie Thomas , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron
Innovations Agronomiques, 2014, 35, pp.89-95. ⟨10.17180/q3gf-7g30⟩
Journal articles hal-02638897v1
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Conception d'associations en maraîchage de plein champ : exemple de production de melons associés à des bandes fleuries pour lutter contre les pucerons et les virus

Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot , Jérôme Lambion , Catherine Wipf-Scheibel , Pascale Mistral
Innovations Agronomiques, 2014, 40, pp.113-124. ⟨10.17180/rtc4-gs06⟩
Journal articles hal-02638166v1
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What do spring migrants reveal about sex and host selection in the melon aphid?

Sophie Thomas , Nathalie Boissot , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti
BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2012, 12 (47), 16 p. ⟨10.1186/1471-2148-12-47⟩
Journal articles hal-02650759v1
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Association between Aphis gossypii genotype and phenotype on melon accessions

Sophie Thomas , Catherine Dogimont , Nathalie Boissot
Arthropod-Plant Interactions, 2012, 6 (1), pp.93-101. ⟨10.1007/s11829-011-9155-2⟩
Journal articles hal-02650233v1
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A consensus linkage map for molecular markers and Quantitative Trait Loci associated with economically important traits in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Aurora Díaz , Mohamed Fergany , Gelsomina Formisano , Peio Ziarsolo , José Blanca
BMC Plant Biology, 2011, 11, pp.111. ⟨10.1186/1471-2229-11-111⟩
Journal articles hal-02652237v1
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Combinaison gène majeur/QTL : quel intérêt pour la résistance du melon à Aphis gossypii

Sophie Thomas , Nathalie Boissot , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti
Innovations Agronomiques, 2011, 15, pp.45-54. ⟨10.17180/59je-e042⟩
Journal articles hal-02643696v1
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Mapping and validation of QTLs for resistance to aphids and whiteflies in melon

Nathalie Boissot , Sophie Thomas , Nicolas Sauvion , Cécile Marchal , Claude Pavis
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2010, 121 (1), pp.9-20. ⟨10.1007/s00122-010-1287-8⟩
Journal articles hal-01927472v1

Host plant resistance to aphids in cultivated crops: Genetic and molecular bases, and interactions with aphid populations

Catherine Dogimont , Abdelhafid A. Bendahmane , Veronique Chovelon , Nathalie Boissot
Comptes Rendus Biologies, 2010, 333 (6-7), pp.566-573
Journal articles hal-02654712v1
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Genetic diversity of the melon aphid Aphis gossypii Glover in different melon growing areas of France

Sophie Thomas , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Bastien Barral , Nathalie Boissot
Redia, 2009, XCII, pp.47-50
Journal articles hal-02662676v1

Vector and graft inoculations of Potato yellow mosaic virus reveal recessive resistance in Solanum pimpinellifolium

Nathalie Boissot , Cica Urbino , Jacques Dintinger , Claude Pavis
Annals of Applied Biology, 2008, 152 (2), pp.263-269. ⟨10.1111/j.1744-7348.2007.00213.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02665225v1

Insect-screened cultivation to reduce the invasion of tomato crops by Bemisia tabaci: modelling the impact on virus disease and vector

J. Holt , Claude Pavis , M. Marquier , T.C.B. Chancellor , Cica Urbino
Agricultural and Forest Entomology, 2008, 10 (1), pp.61-67. ⟨10.1111/j.1461-9563.2007.00356.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02657986v1

Partial resistance of pepper to bacterial wilt is oligogenic and stable under tropical conditions

Denis Lafortune , M. Beramis , A.M. Daubèze , Nathalie Boissot , Alain Palloix
Plant Disease, 2005, 89 (5), pp.502-506
Journal articles hal-02674596v1
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Evaluation of maize inbreds for maize stripe virus and maize mosaic virus resistance: disease progress in relation to time and the cumulative number of planthoppers

Jacques Dintinger , Nathalie Boissot , Frédéric Chiroleu , P. Hamon , Bernard Reynaud
Phytopathology, 2005, 95 (6), pp.600-607. ⟨10.1094/PHYTO-95-0600⟩
Journal articles hal-02675954v1

Impact of melon accessions resistant to aphids on the demographic potential of silverleaf whitefly

Nicolas Sauvion , V. Mauriello , Benjamin Renard , Nathalie Boissot
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2005, 98 (2), pp.557-567
Journal articles hal-02681741v1

Diversity of the parasitoids of Bemisia tabaci B-biotype (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) in Guadeloupe island (West Indies)

Claude Pavis , J.H. Huc , Gérard Delvare , Nathalie Boissot
Environmental Entomology, 2003, 32 (3), pp.608-613
Journal articles hal-02673565v1

Field resistance to Bemisia tabaci in Cucumis melo

Nathalie Boissot , Denis Lafortune , Claude Pavis , Nicolas Sauvion
HortScience, 2003, 38 (1), pp.77-80
Journal articles hal-02672201v1

Resistance to Diaphania hyalinata (Lepidoptera : Crambidae) in Cucumis species

Ronald Guillaume , Nathalie Boissot
Journal of Economic Entomology, 2001, 94 (3), pp.719-723
Journal articles hal-02678841v1

One dominant gene conferring the resistance to the leafminer, Liriomyza trifolii (Burgess) diptera : Agromyzidae in melon (Cucumis melo L.)

Catherine Dogimont , D. Bordat , C. Pages , Nathalie Boissot , Michel Pitrat
Euphytica, 1999, 105, pp.63-67. ⟨10.1023/A:1003436428847⟩
Journal articles hal-02697103v1

Caractérisation de Bemisia tabaci gennadius "Biotype B" en Guadeloupe (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae)

Nicolas Sauvion , Claude Pavis , Albert Huc , M. Rousseau , Nathalie Boissot
Annales de la Société Entomologique de France, 1999, 35, pp.46-53
Journal articles hal-02693236v1

Temporal analysis of western flower thrips (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) population dynamics on Réunion Island.

Nathalie Boissot , Bernard Reynaud , Philippe Letourmy
Environmental Entomology, 1998, 27 (6), pp.1437-1443
Journal articles hal-02697980v1

Le point sur les biotechnologies du riz a l'IRAT

E. Guiderdoni , B. Courtois , Nathalie Boissot , H. Chair , V. Avenant
Agronomie Tropicale, 1992, 46 (1), pp.51-57
Journal articles hal-02714659v1

Plant regeneration from leaf and seed-derived calli and suspensions cultures of the African perenial wild rice (Oryza longistaminata)

Nathalie Boissot , Maria Valdez , Emmanuel Guiderdoni
Plant Cell Reports, 1990, 9, pp.447-450. ⟨10.1007/BF00232270⟩
Journal articles hal-01847692v1

Host plant resistance to pests and pathogens, the genetic leverage in integrated pest and disease management

Véronique Lefebvre , Nathalie Boissot , Jean-Luc Gallois
Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops, 9, Springer International Publishing, pp.259-284, 2020, Developments in Plant Pathology, 978-0-306-47585-6
Book sections hal-02788869v1

Stratégies d’optimisation des défenses naturelles des plantes

Marie-Helene Sauge-Collet , Nathalie Boissot , Julien Saguez , Philippe Giordanengo
Interactions insectes-plantes, Editions Quae IRD Editions, 749 p., 2013, 978-2-7592-2018-2 978-2-7099-1746-9
Book sections hal-02810163v1

Rice somatic tissue and anther cultures: Currents status in France.

Emmanuel Guiderdoni , Brigitte Courtois , Nathalie Boissot , Maria Valdez
Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry book series : Rice, 14, Editions Springer, pp.27, 1991, Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-83986-3_37⟩
Book sections hal-02851252v1

Cucurbit attractivity to Aphis gossypii is under polygenic control

Severine Monnot , Eva Coindre , Pascale Mistral , Karine Leyre , Joel Chadoeuf
12e réunion annuelle du réseau BAPOA, May 2022, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-03672570v1

Adaptation of GWAS models for plant resistance to viruses: from rediscovering major genes to highlighting of new complex traits in breeding germplasm.

Severine Monnot , Laurence Moreau , Tristan Mary-Huard , Mélissa Cantet , Nathalie Boissot
XIIe Eucarpia Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics and Breeding, May 2021, Almeria, Spain. pp.1-16
Conference papers hal-03662437v1
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Une structure emboîtée universelle pour les interactions quantitatives entre les plantes et leurs parasites ?

Benoît Moury , Jean-Marc Audergon , Sylvie Baudracco-Arnas , Safa Ben Krima , François Bertrand
Réunion annuelle du réseau E3GP3, Dec 2021, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers hal-03553078v1
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Many different recipes but one flavor: A universal nested structure of quantitative interactions between plant genotypes and their parasites, including viruses

Benoît Moury , Jean-Marc Audergon , Sylvie Baudracco-Arnas , Safa Ben Krima , François Bertrand
18. Rencontres de virologie végétale (RVV 2021), INRAE; CIRAD, Sep 2021, Aussois, France
Conference papers hal-03553180v1
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Resistance to aphids in melon: R-cluster and QTLs

Nathalie Boissot
Plant-Insect-Symbiont interaction meeting, 2nd annual meeting of Japan-France PISI-net, Nov 2019, Le Rheu, France
Conference papers hal-03973344v1
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Resistance to aphids in melon: R-cluster and QTLs

Nathalie Boissot
Plant-Insect-Symbiont interaction meeting, 2nd annual meeting of Japan-France PISI-net, Nov 2019, Le Rheu, France
Conference papers hal-03973261v1
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Aphid triggered immunity in melon: key determinants for durable resistance to virus and aphids

Nathalie Boissot
Cucurbitaceae 2018, University of California [Davis] (UC Davis). USA., Nov 2018, Davis, United States
Conference papers hal-02734670v1
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Barcoding pour étudier les forces sélection/dérive génétique dans des populations de puceron

Rafael Feriche-Linares , Nathalie Boissot
Detection, Gestion et Analyse du Polymorphisme des Genomes Végétaux, EPGV, Oct 2018, Evry, France
Conference papers hal-03973500v1

Contournement de la résistance Vat : un peu, beaucoup, pas du tout

Nathalie Boissot , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Alexandra Schoeny , Hervé Lecoq
10. journées réseau Biologie et Adaptation des Pucerons et Organismes Associés (BAPOA), Nov 2017, Colmar, France
Conference papers hal-02787574v1
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Résistance aux pucerons chez le melon et durabilité

Nathalie Boissot , Alexandra Schoeny , Cecile Desbiez , Frédéric Fabre , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti
10. Rencontres du GIS PICLég, Groupement d'Intérêt Scientifique pour la Production Intégrée en Cultures légumières (Gis Piclèg). FRA., Nov 2017, Marseille, France
Conference papers hal-02789645v1

Effet sur la démographie et la composition génétique des populations de pucerons dans les cultures de melons résistants vs sensibles

Nathalie Boissot
3. Meeting Resistance, Nov 2016, Lauret, France
Conference papers hal-01403403v1

Durabilité des résistances médiées par Vat

Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot
Rencontre Ecophyto Melon Sud-Est, Dec 2016, Avignon, France. 15 p
Conference papers hal-01604758v1
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lnsights into the genetic control of resistance to Aphis gossypii in melon: what we learned from the diversity of aphids

Nathalie Boissot , Sophie Thomas , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Vincent Rittener
2.congrès International Hemipteran-Plant Interactions Symposium. HPIS 2014, Jun 2014, Riverside, United States
Conference papers hal-02739307v1
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Conception d'associations en maraîchage de plein champ : exemple de production de melons associés à des bandes fleuries pour lutter contre les pucerons et les virus

Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot , Jérôme Lambion , Catherine Wipf-Scheibel , Pascale Mistral
CIAG 2014 : Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique "Associations Végétales", Nov 2014, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02744024v1

Des bandes fleuries pour lutter contre les pucerons et les virus en culture de melons : retour d’expérience(s)

Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot , Jérôme Lambion , Catherine Wipf-Scheibel , Pascale Mistral
Journées du réseau Biologie et Adaptation des Pucerons et Organismes Associés (BAPOA), Nov 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-02800381v1

Profil de résistance aux pucerons conféré par le gène Vat: apport des plantes transgéniques

Veronique Chovelon , Nathalie Boissot , Catherine Dogimont
7. journées du réseau Biologie et Adaptation des Pucerons et Organismes Associés, Réseau Biologie Adaptative des Pucerons et des Organismes Associés (BAPOA). FRA., Nov 2014, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-02795129v1

Comment utiliser les résistances des plantes pour gérer durablement l'évolution des virus et des pucerons ?

Nathalie Boissot
Programme ANR SYSTERRA: "Agricultures et écosystèmes : du développement durable aux changements globaux - Des programmes thématiques pour impulser des recherches nouvelles ?, Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR). FRA., Dec 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02740142v1

Effects of genetic resistance combinations in melon on density and genetic diversity of Aphis gossypii populations in fields

Sophie Thomas , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti , Nathalie Boissot
9. International Symposium on Aphids (9ISA 2013), Jun 2013, Beijing, China
Conference papers hal-02749110v1

Which strategies to search for avirulence factor in resistance plant/aphid interaction

Leslie Dutartre , Nathalie Boissot
6. Effectome meeting, Sep 2013, Lauret, France
Conference papers hal-02804159v1

Characterization of adaptation to a resistance gene with a pleiotropic effect, the Vat gene in melon

Nathalie Boissot , S. Thomas , Virginie Chareyron , Pascale Mistral
Congrès international plant Resistance sustainability 2012, Oct 2012, La Colle-Sur-Loup, France. 2 p
Conference papers hal-02807786v1

Effects of resistance combinations in melon on Aphis gossypii field populations

Sophie Thomas , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti , Virginie Chareyron , Pascale Mistral , Nathalie Boissot
Congres international plant resistance sustainability 2012, Oct 2012, La Colle-Sur-Loup, France
Conference papers hal-02749700v1

Insect resistance in melon and its modification by molecular breeding

Catherine Dogimont , Nathalie Boissot
8. Joint Conference on Solanaceae Genomics (SOL), Nov 2011, Kobe, Japan. 265 p., ⟨10.1007/978-3-662-48535-4_12⟩
Conference papers hal-01293535v1
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Combination of field margin manipulation and genetic resistance to limit Aphis gossypii outbreaks and virus epidemics in melon crops

Alexandra Schoeny , Patrick Gognalons , Nathalie Boissot , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron
Towards a multi-scale approach for improving pest management. System management for sustainable insect pest control: from local to regional approaches, Oct 2011, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02744706v1

Projet ANR Systerra : VirAphid Comment utiliser les résistances des plantes pour gérer durablement l'évolution des virus et des pucerons ?

Nathalie Boissot
Journées du réseau Biologie et Adaptation des Pucerons et Organismes Associés (BAPOA), Oct 2010, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02814476v1

Approche populationnelle de la durabilité de la résistance au puceron Aphis gossypii chez le melon : Projet Aptipuce

Nathalie Boissot
2. Journées du réseau Biologie et Adaptation des Pucerons et Organismes Associés (BAPOA), Réseau Biologie Adaptative des Pucerons et des Organismes Associés (BAPOA). FRA., Jun 2009, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02817842v1
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Genetic diversity of the melon aphid Aphis gossypii Glover in different melon growing areas of France

Sophie Thomas , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Bastien Barral , Nathalie Boissot
8. International Symposium on Aphids, Jun 2009, Catania, Italy
Conference papers hal-02752596v1
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A new view on aphid resistance in melon: the role of Aphis gossypii variability

Nathalie Boissot , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Catherine Dogimont
9. congrès international Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., May 2008, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-02753751v1
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Molecular diversity at the Vat/Pm-W resistance locus in melon

Catherine Dogimont , Veronique Chovelon , Sarah Tual , Nathalie Boissot , Vincent Rittener-Ruff
9. Congrès international Eucarpia Meeting on Genentics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., May 2008, Avignon, France
Conference papers hal-02758122v1

Aphid and virus resistance triggered by the CC-NBS-LRR Vat melon gene

Catherine Dogimont , Nathalie Boissot , Veronique Chovelon , Sarah Tual , Xavier Grand
International Conference, Nov 2008, Cadiz, Spain
Conference papers hal-02755966v1
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Lutte génétique contre les bioagresseurs des cultures : la durabilité, un nouveau critère de sélection

Alain Palloix , Nathalie Boissot , Valérie Ayme , Bérenger Janzac , Hervé Lecoq
4. Rencontres du Végétal, Jan 2007, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02756913v1

Déterminants de spécificité des interactions plantes-bioagresseurs: caractérisation moléculaire du locus de résistance Vat chez le melon

Catherine Dogimont , Veronique Chovelon , Sarah Tual , Vincent Rittener , Nathalie Giovinazzo
Rencontres Scientifiques du DGAP, Sep 2006, Batz sur mer, France
Conference papers hal-02756489v1

Identification of QTL involved in resistance to Hemiptera in Cucumis melo

Nathalie Boissot , C. Marchal , Nicolas Sauvion , Denis Lafortune , Virginie Chareyron
16. Biennal international plant resistance to insects workshop, Mar 2004, Baton Rouge, United States. 1 p
Conference papers hal-02827223v1

Etude des interactions Bemisia/begomovirus/plante maraîchères en Guadeloupe

Cica Urbino , Nathalie Boissot , Claude Pavis , Nicolas Sauvion , Denis Lafortune
Journées Annuelles du Flhor, Aug 2002, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02759518v1

Betocarib : un projet pour identifier des stratégies de lutte contre les maladies à begomovirus de la tomate dans la Caraïbe

Cica Urbino , Claude Pavis , Nathalie Boissot
38. Annual meeting, Jun 2002, Isabela, France
Conference papers hal-02758954v1

Insect resistance in Cucumis melo accession 90625

Nathalie Boissot , Claude Pavis , Ronald Guillaume , Denis Lafortune , Nicolas Sauvion
7. EUCARPIA Meeting on Cucurbit Genetics Breeding, Mar 2000, Ma'ale Ha Hamisha, Israel. ⟨10.17660/ActaHortic.2000.510.49⟩
Conference papers hal-02771308v1

Caractérisation de Bemisia tabaci Gennadius biotype B (Hemiptera : Aleyrodidae) en Guadeloupe

Nicolas Sauvion , Claude Pavis , Albert Huc , M. Rousseau , Nathalie Boissot
4. Conférence internationale francophone d'entomologie (CIFE), Jul 1998, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers hal-02766822v1

Is the Mi gene efficient for resistance against Bemisia argentifolii ?

Claude Pavis , Cica Urbino , Nathalie Boissot , Nicolas Sauvion , M.L. Caruana
2. International workshop, Jun 1998, San Juan, Puerto Rico
Conference papers hal-02765172v1
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Which phloem in Cucumis melo is exploited by Aphis gossypii ?

Pierre Sadon , Marie-Noëlle Corre , Pascale Mistral , Raphaël Lugan , Olivier Chevallier
Réunion scientifique plénière BAPOA, May 2022, Nice, France
Conference poster hal-03657121v1
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Hybrid de novo genome assembly using Oxford Nanopore Technology, 10X Genomics Linked-Reads sequencing, and Bionano optical map of a non-model species: the case of the melon-cotton aphid Aphis gossypii

Jacques Lagnel , Rafael Feriche-Linares , Pierre Bertrand , William Marande , Anne Loiseau
JOBIM, 2020, En ligne, France
Conference poster hal-04009338v1
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Are sown flower strips an efficient tool to limit aphid colonization and viral epidemics in melon crops?

Alexandra Schoeny , Nathalie Boissot , Catherine Wipf-Scheibel , Karine Nozeran , Pascale Mistral
10. Conférence de la Société française de phytopathologie, 12. European foundation for plant pathology conference, May 2017, Malo-les-Bains, France. , 2017, Deepen knowledge in plant pathology for innovative agro-ecology
Conference poster hal-01605708v1
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The resistance to virus triggered by aphid inoculation in Vat melon is not systemic

Pascale Mistral , Nathalie Boissot
13. International Plant Virus Epidemiology Symposium, Jun 2016, Avignon, France. 177 p., 2016
Conference poster hal-02739588v1
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Identification by a RNAseq approach of virulence gene candidates in the non-model species Aphis Gossypii

Leslie Dutartre-Fricaux , Jean-Paul Bouchet , Coralie Beucher , Nathalie Boissot , Catherine Dogimont
2. International Hemipteran-Plant Interactions Symposium. HPIS 2014, Jun 2014, Riverside, United States. 2014
Conference poster hal-02801072v1
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Couplage entre résistance génétique et aménagement parcellaire : vers une gestion efficace et durable du puceron Aphis gossypii et des épidémies virales en cultures de melon

Alexandra Schoeny , Patrick Gognalons , Nathalie Boissot , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron
14. Rencontres de Virologie Végétale (RVV 2013), Jan 2013, Aussois, France. 2013
Conference poster hal-02749408v1
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Combination of genetic resistance and management of field borders: towards an effective and sustainable control of Aphis gossypii outbreaks and virus epidemics in cantaloupe melon crops

Alexandra Schoeny , Patrick Gognalons , Nathalie Boissot , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron
9. International Symposium on Aphids (9ISA 2013), Jun 2013, Pékin, China. 2013, 9ISA Program & Abstracts book
Conference poster hal-02749673v1
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What do spring migrants reveal about sex and host selection in the melon aphid

Sophie Thomas , Nathalie Boissot , Flavie Vanlerberghe-Masutti
34. Réunion annuelle du Groupe d’Etude de Biologie et Génétique des Populations (Petit Pois Déridé 2012), Aug 2012, Avignon, France. 2012
Conference poster hal-02805852v1

Marker assisted selection of genes and QTLs for resistance combinations to Aphis gossypii in melon

Sophie Thomas , Pascale Mistral , Virginie Chareyron , Nathalie Boissot
9. congrès international Eucarpia Meeting on Genetics and Breeding of Cucurbitaceae, May 2008, Avignon, France. Pitrat Michel, 2008, Cucurbitaceae 2008
Conference poster hal-02756577v1

Molecular determinants of recognition specificity at the aphid and powdery mildew Vat/Pm-W resistance locus in melon

Catherine Dogimont , Veronique Chovelon , Sarah Tual , Nathalie Boissot , Vincent Rittener
13. International congress on molecular plant-microbe interactions, Jun 2007, Sorrento, Italy. 2007, 13. International congress on molecular plant-microbe interactions. Book of abstracts
Conference poster hal-02754072v1

Epidémiologie des maladies à begomovirus en Guadeloupe

Claude Pavis , Cica Urbino , M. Marquier , J. Agrapart , Marie Robin
10. Rencontres de virologie végétale, Mar 2005, Aussois, France. 1 p., 2005
Conference poster hal-02833867v1

En quoi l'étude de l'épidémiologie des maladies à bégomovirus de la tomate peut-elle aider à la conception de systèmes de culture innovants ?

Claude Pavis , Cica Urbino , Maure Rousseau , David Lange , Marie Robin
41. Annual ùmeeting CFCS, Jul 2005, Le Gosier, Guadeloupe, France. Caribbean Food Crops Society, Caribbean Food Crops Society Proceedings, 41 (n° 2), 601 p., 2005, Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting "Alternatives to high input agriculture in the Caribbean: towards the elaboration on innovative systems"
Conference poster hal-02761180v1

Identification of resistance to potato yellow mosaic virus (Guadeloupe) and Tomato yellow Mosaic Virus (Reunion) among some Lycopersicon species.

Hélène Delatte , Cica Urbino , Martial Grondin , Albert Huc , Nathalie Boissot
1st International symposium on tomato disease and 19th annual tomato disease worshop, Jun 2004, Orlando, United States. 2004
Conference poster hal-02828837v1