Oh my darling clementine: presence vs absence of fruit leaves on the judgment of a fruit-juice.
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Christine Bougeard-Delfosse
Journal articles
With a Little Help From Adults: Positive Emotion as an Excuse for Underage Drinking
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Motorcyclists’ intention to exceed the speed limits on a 90km/h road: effect of the type of motorcyclists
Chloe Eyssartier
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2017
Journal articles
Experimental clues in favor of a generalized norm of reciprocity
Sébastien Meineri
Mickaël Dupré
Nicolas Guéguen
Boris Vallée
Journal articles
Motorcyclists’ intention to exceed the speed limit on a 90km/h road: Effect of the type of motorcycles
Chloé Eyssartier
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2017, 45, pp.183-193
Journal articles
Effect of Interviewer’s Eyeglasses on Compliance with a Face-to-face Survey Request and Perception of the Interviewer
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Field Methods, 2017, 29 (3), pp.194-204
Journal articles
Does the sense of the geographic proximity of a requester influence donation? Three evaluations in field studies
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal articles
Holding your flag: The effects of exposure to a regional symbol on people's behavior
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Jordy Stefan
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2017, 47 (5), pp.539-552
Journal articles
Impact of verbal mimicry on children’s fruit consumption
Angélique Martin
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Food Quality and Preference, 2016, 49, pp.100-105
Journal articles
Foot-in-the-door technique and reduction of driver’s aggressiveness: A field study
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Fabien Silone
Mathieu David
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, 36, pp.1-5
Journal articles
Effects of Active Listening, Reformulation, and Imitation on Mediator Success: Preliminary Results
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Lubomir Lamy
Nicolas Guéguen
Alexandre Dubarry
Journal articles
Remember it with love: Effects of love priming on text recall
Lubomir Lamy
Nicolas Guéguen
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal articles
A pedestrian's smile and drivers' behavior: When a smile increases careful driving
Nicolas Guéguen
Chloé Eyssartier
Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Safety Research, 2016, 56, pp.83-88
Journal articles
Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me 37 s of Your Time? Extension of the Pique Technique to a Non-monetary Solicitation and Test of Justification for Compliance
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Alexandre Pascual
Fabien Girandola
Fabien Silone
Journal articles
L’imitation humaine: Une synthèse de 50 années de recherche en psychologie sociale.
Angélique Martin
Nicolas Guéguen
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal articles
“Wrong place to get help”: A field experiment on luxury stores and helping behavior
Lubomir Lamy
Nicolas Guéguen
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Jérôme Guegan
Journal articles
Promising reciprocity: When proposing a favor for a request increases compliance even if the favor is not accepted
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Clément Ruiz
Alexandre Pascual
Journal articles
Compliance without pressure for minimal income policy management.
Fabien Silone
Alexandre Pascual
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2016, 22 (3), pp.330-340
Journal articles
Small clicks, great effects: Immediate and delayed influence of web sites containing serious games on behavior and attitude
Didier Courbet
Marie-Pierre Fourquet-Courbet
Nicolas Guéguen
Robert-Vincent Joule
Severine Halimi
Journal articles
Door-in-the-Face and But-You-Are-Free
Sébastien Meineri
Michaël Dupré
Nicolas Guéguen
Boris Vallée
Psychological Reports, 2016, 119 (1), pp.276-289
Journal articles
A pedestrian's smile and drivers' behavior: When a smile increases careful driving
Nicolas Guéguen
Chloé Eyssartier
Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Safety Research, 2016
Journal articles
The foot-in-the-door technique, crime, and the responsive bystander: A field experiment
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Fabien Silone
Alexandre Pascual
Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 2016, 18 (1), pp.60-68
Journal articles
When a service request precedes the target request: another compliance without pressure technique?
Sébastien Meineri
Mickaël Dupré
Boris Vallée
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
A pedestrian’s stare and drivers’ stopping behavior: A field experiment at the pedestrian crossing
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Chloé Eyssartier
Sebastien Meineri
Sebastien Meineri
Safety Science, 2015
Journal articles
The positive effect of the mere presence of a religious symbol on compliance with an organ donation request
Nicolas Guéguen
Christine Bougeard-Delfosse
Celine Jacob
Social Marketing Quaterly, 2015, 21 (2)
Journal articles
Négociation et genre : l’approche « contextuelle » en psychologie sociale
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Négociations, 2015, 23, pp.93-104
Journal articles
Effets d'une procédure incitative associée à une identification de l'action sur des comportements et attitudes professionnelles de salariés
Sébastien Meineri
Isabelle Grandjean
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Repeating what children say positively influences their learning and motivation
Angélique Martin
Nicolas Guéguen
Learning and Motivation, 2015, 52, pp.48-53
Journal articles
The Pique Then Reframe Technique: Replication and Extension of the Pique Technique
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Alexandre Pascual
Fabien Girandola
Journal articles
Operationalizations of the “but you are free” technique with the word liberty and the Statue of Liberty symbol on clothes: effects on compliance-gaining
Alexandre Pascual
Sébastien Meineri
Chris Carpenter
Milena Jugel
Patrice Guy
Journal articles
The Pique Technique: A Goal-Oriented Effect?
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
Sequential love priming: Love as a compliance-gaining technique
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Jérôme Guegan
North American Journal of Psychology, 2015, 17, pp.607-615
Journal articles
Influence des plantes d’intérieur et d’extérieur sur la santé: Synthèse des recherches.
Jordy Stefan
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Canadian Psychology, 2015, 56 (4), pp.405-425
Journal articles
“I am sure you’ll succeed”: When a teacher’s verbal encouragement of success increases children’s academic performance
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Castano Rio Andrea
Learning and Motivation, 2015, 52, pp.54-59
Journal articles
A pedestrian’s stare and drivers’ stopping behavior: A field experiment at the pedestrian crossing
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Chloé Eyssartier
Safety Science, 2015, 75, pp.87-89
Journal articles
Places for Help: Micro-Level Variation in Helping Behavior toward a Stranger
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
The effect of priming with a love concept on blood donation promise
Virginie Charles-Sire
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Angélique Martin
Andrea Bullock
Journal articles
Communication engageante appliquée au tri sélectif : comparaison entre les techniques du pied-dans-la-porte et du double-pied-dans-la-porte.
Mickael Dupre
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
Les cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 2014, Numéro 102 (2), pp.259
Journal articles
Who cares about women’s talk? A field experiment
Lubomir Lamy
Nicolas Guéguen
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Review of psychology, 2014, 21, pp.17-22
Journal articles
Labeling of previous donation to encourage subsequent donation among experienced blood donors
Cécile Sénémeaud
Patrice Georget
Nicolas Guéguen
Nathalie Callé
Candice Plainfossé
Journal articles
Car status as an inhibitor of passing responses to a low-speed frustrator
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Angélique Martin
Camilo Charron
Journal articles
Foot-in-the-door and action identification. Binding communication applied to environmental conservation
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 2014, 64 (1), pp.3-11
Journal articles
Imitation in Mediation: Effects of the Duration of Mimicry on Reaching Agreement
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Angélique Martin
Andrea Bullock
Journal articles
The Effect of Facial Makeup on the Frequency of Drivers Stopping for Hitchhikers
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
Didier Courbet
Nicolas Guéguen
Severine Halimi
Robert-Vincent Joule
Marie Marchand
Social behavior and personality, 2013, 41 (2), pp.199-202
Journal articles
Women's Hair Color and Survey Response Rate: A Field Experiment
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
Repeating “Yes” in a First Request and Compliance with a Later Request: the Four Walls Technique
Nicolas Guéguen
Robert-Vincent Joule
Didier Courbet
Séverine Halimi-Falkowicz
Journal articles
Men’s music ability and attractiveness to women in a real-life courtship context
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal articles
Compliments and Receptivity to a Courtship Request: A Field Experiment
Nicolas Guéguen
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
“Even a single marble will make him/her happy …”: Further evidence and extension of the legitimizing paltry contribution technique on helping
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Sébastien Meineri
Social Influence, 2013, 8 (1), pp.18-26
Journal articles
Weather and Helping: Additional Evidence of the Effect of the Sunshine Samaritan
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
Exposure to altruism quotes and tipping behavior in a restaurant
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Renzo Ardiccioni
Cécile Sénémeaud
Journal articles
Effets des prix à terminaison 9 sur le choix des consommateurs
Nicolas Guéguen
Patrick Legoherel
Paul-Valentin N'Gobo
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2013, 261-262 (3-4), pp.17 - 25
Journal articles
I'm free but I'll comply with your request: generalization and multidimensional effects of the “evoking freedom” technique
Nicolas Guéguen
Robert-Vincent Joule
Séverine Halimi-Falkowicz
Alexandre Pascual
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal articles
The Influence of Incidental Similarity on Self-Revelation in Response to an Intimate Survey
Angélique Martin
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Do child pedestrians deliberately take risks when they are in a hurry? An experimental study on a simulator
Camilo Charron
Aurélie Festoc
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Men’s Social Status and Attractiveness
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
Priming emotion concepts and helping behavior: How unlived emotions can influence action
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Induction sémantique de l'amour et comportement d'aide envers des réfugiés : amour + réfugiés = amour des réfugiés ?
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Words as Environmental Cues: The Effect of the Word “Loving” on Compliance to a Blood Donation Request
Virginie Charles-Sire
Nicolas Guéguen
Alexandre Pascual
Sébastien Meineri
Journal articles
"Say It with Flowers" ... to Female Drivers: Hitchhikers Holding Flowers and Driver Behavior
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Jordy Stefan
North American Journal of Psychology, 2012, 14 (3), pp.623-628
Journal articles
She wore something in a hair : the effect of ornementations on tiping, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 21, 4, 414 - 420.
Celine Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Christine Bougeard-Delfosse
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 2012, 21 (4), pp.414-420
Journal articles
Nature pro sociale du don de sang
Virginie Charles-Sire
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Sébastien Meineri
Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 2012, 19 (2), pp.49-51
Journal articles
The effect of the word “love” on compliance to a request for humanitarian aid: An evaluation in a field setting
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
L'effet du mimétisme d'un vendeur sur le comportement d'achat d'un client et son jugement du personnel et du lieu de vente
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Gaëlle Boulbry
Journal articles
Effects of the Door-in-the-Face technique on restaurant customers’ behavior
Nicolas Guéguen
Céline Jacob
Sébastien Meineri
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2011, 30 (3), pp.759-761
Journal articles
Similarity and Social Interaction: When Similarity Fosters Implicit Behavior Toward a Stranger
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Social Psychology, 2011, 151 (6), pp.671-673
Journal articles
Retail salespeople's mimicry of customers: Effects on consumer behavior
Celine Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Gaëlle Boulbry
Journal of retailing and consumer services, 2011, 18 (5), pp.381-388
Journal articles
Comment recruter plus efficacement les « publics précaires » ? Une approche contextuelle et collective des recrutements sur les postes de bas niveaux de qualification
Boris Vallée
Alexandre Pascual
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Mimicry and Helping Behavior: An Evaluation of Mimicry on Explicit Helping Request
Nicolas Guéguen
Angélique Martin
Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Social Psychology, 2011, 151 (1), pp.1-4
Journal articles
“I Hope I'm Not Disturbing You, Am I?” Another Operationalization of the Foot-in-the-Mouth Paradigm1
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2011, 41 (4), pp.965-975
Journal articles
Mimicry and Propagation of Prosocial Behavior in a Natural Setting
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Angélique Martin
Nicolas Guéguen
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
The Combined Effect of the Foot-in-the-Door Technique and the “But You Are Free” Technique: An Evaluation on the Selective Sorting of Household Wastes
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Angélique Martin
Isabelle Grandjean
Ecopsychology, 2010, 2 (4), pp.231-237
Journal articles
A cross-category investigation into the effects of nine-ending pricing on brand choice
Paul-Valentin N'Gobo
Patrick Legoherel
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
The Impact of Guilt on Mimicry Behavior
Angélique Martin
Nicolas Guéguen
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Social behavior and personality, 2010, 38 (7), pp.987-991
Journal articles
Attitudinal and Behavioural effects of a Foot-in-the-door procedure in a company
Isabelle Grandjean
Sébastien Meineri
Nicolas Guéguen
Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 2010, 16 (3), pp.199-218
Journal articles
Improving Medication Adherence by Using Practitioner Nonverbal Techniques: A Field Experiment on the Effect of Touch
Nicolas Guéguen
Sébastien Meineri
Virginie Charles-Sire
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2010, 33 (6), pp.466-473
Journal articles
Valentine Street Promotes Chivalrous Helping
Lubomir Lamy
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Nicolas Guéguen
Journal articles
Sentiment de liberté et comportement de soumission: deux expériences sur l’impact de l’évocation de la liberté d’un internaute à accepter une requête formulée par e-mail
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Angélique Martin
Nicolas Guéguen
European Journal of Social Sciences, 2010, 17 (3), pp.372-381
Journal articles
Nine-ending prices and consumer's behavior: A field study in a restaurant
Nicolas Guéguen
Céline Jacob
Patrick Legoherel
Paul-Valentin N'Gobo
Journal articles
L'effetto di elementi figurativi sul comportamento di consumo: un'illustrazione nell'influenza nella scelta di un piatto al ristorante
Renzo Ardiccioni
Celine Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Micro & Macro Marketing, 2009
Journal articles
‘Love is in the air’: Effects of songs with romantic lyrics on compliance with a courtship request
Nicolas Guéguen
Céline Jacob
Lubomir Lamy
Journal articles
A web replication of Snyder, Decker and Bercheid (1977)'s experiment on the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes
Nicolas Guéguen
M. Lourel
Camilo Charron
Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Loubomir Lamy
Journal of Social Psychology, 2009, 5 (149), pp.600-602
Journal articles
Beginner Research on Tourism and the Tourist: Beware of words and carricatures!
Christine Petr
Nicolas Guéguen
Tourism Analysis, 2006, 11, 14 p
Journal articles
Odors and consumer behavior in a restaurant
Christine Petr
Nicolas Guéguen
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006, 25, pp.335-339
Journal articles
Odors and consumer behavior in a restaurant
Nicolas Guéguen
Christine Petr
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006, 25, pp.335-339
Journal articles
Beginner Research on Tourism and the Tourist: Beware of
words and carricatures!
Christine Petr
Nicolas Guéguen
Tourism Analysis, 2006, 11 (4), pp.251-264
Journal articles
Prix à terminaison 9 et influence du comportement d'achat :
une évaluation lors d'une vente en porte-à-porte
Christine Petr
Nicolas Guéguen
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2005, 214-215, pp.55-62
Journal articles
Prix à terminaison 9 et influence du comportement d'achat : une évaluation lors d'une vente en porte-à-porte
Nicolas Guéguen
Christine Petr
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2005, 214-215, pp.55-62
Journal articles
The emergence of the contextual role of the e-book in cognitive processes through an ecological and functional analysis
Thierry Morineau
Caroline Blanche
Laurence Tobin
Nicolas Guéguen
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2005, 62 (3), pp.329-348
Journal articles
Communication médiatisée par ordinateur et sollicitation à une requête: une évaluation de l'efficacité de la technique du "Pied-dans-la-Porte" lors d'une interaction par e-mail ou sur un site Web
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
P. Legohérel
Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale = International review of social psychology, 2003, 1, pp.125-155
Journal articles
Sollicitation de participation à une enquête par courriel : effet de la présence sociale et de l'attrait physique du demandeur sur le taux de réponse
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
P. Legohérel
Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 2003, 35 (2), pp.84-96
Journal articles
L'effet d'une musique d'ambiance sur le comportement du consommateur : Une illustration en extérieur
Nicolas Guéguen
Céline Jacob
Patrick Legoherel
Journal articles
L'impact du statut d'un requêteur dans le cas d'une sollicitation par courriel (e-mail) : application dans le cas d'une participation à une enquête sur Internet
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2002, 193, pp.87-95
Journal articles
L'effet d'une musique d'ambiance sur le comportement du consommateur : une illustration en extérieur
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
P. Legohérel
Décisions Marketing, 2002, 25, pp.53-58
Journal articles
The influence of music on temporal perceptions in a On-Hold waiting situation
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Psychology of Music, 2002, 30, pp.210-214
Journal articles
Variations du volume d'une musique de fond et effets sur le comportement de consommation : une évaluation en situation naturelle
Céline Jacob
Nicolas Guéguen
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2002, 17 (4), pp.35-43
Journal articles