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Nicolas Guéguen



Oh my darling clementine: presence vs absence of fruit leaves on the judgment of a fruit-juice.

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , Christine Bougeard-Delfosse
European Journal of Management and Marketing Studies, 2024, 8 (4), pp.199-206. ⟨10.46827/ejmms.v8i4.1712⟩
Journal articles hal-04593217v1

With a Little Help From Adults: Positive Emotion as an Excuse for Underage Drinking

Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Basic and Applied Social Psychology, 2017, 39 (5), pp.287 - 291. ⟨10.1080/01973533.2017.1351973⟩
Journal articles hal-01764883v1

Motorcyclists’ intention to exceed the speed limits on a 90km/h road: effect of the type of motorcyclists

Chloe Eyssartier , Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2017
Journal articles hal-03796040v1
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Experimental clues in favor of a generalized norm of reciprocity

Sébastien Meineri , Mickaël Dupré , Nicolas Guéguen , Boris Vallée
Polish Psychological Bulletin, 2017, ⟨10.1515/ppb-2017-0043⟩
Journal articles hal-02486830v1

Motorcyclists’ intention to exceed the speed limit on a 90km/h road: Effect of the type of motorcycles

Chloé Eyssartier , Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2017, 45, pp.183-193
Journal articles hal-01960451v1

Effect of Interviewer’s Eyeglasses on Compliance with a Face-to-face Survey Request and Perception of the Interviewer

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin
Field Methods, 2017, 29 (3), pp.194-204
Journal articles hal-01999835v1

Does the sense of the geographic proximity of a requester influence donation? Three evaluations in field studies

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2017, 28 (2), pp.193 - 203. ⟨10.1080/10911359.2017.1355291⟩
Journal articles hal-01764880v1

Holding your flag: The effects of exposure to a regional symbol on people's behavior

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Jordy Stefan
European Journal of Social Psychology, 2017, 47 (5), pp.539-552
Journal articles hal-01999837v1

Impact of verbal mimicry on children’s fruit consumption

Angélique Martin , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Food Quality and Preference, 2016, 49, pp.100-105
Journal articles hal-01999873v1

Foot-in-the-door technique and reduction of driver’s aggressiveness: A field study

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Fabien Silone , Mathieu David
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2016, 36, pp.1-5
Journal articles hal-02000035v1

Effects of Active Listening, Reformulation, and Imitation on Mediator Success: Preliminary Results

Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Lubomir Lamy , Nicolas Guéguen , Alexandre Dubarry
Psychological Reports, 2016, 118 (3), pp.994 - 1010. ⟨10.1177/0033294116646159⟩
Journal articles hal-01764902v1

Remember it with love: Effects of love priming on text recall

Lubomir Lamy , Nicolas Guéguen , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Annual Review of Psychology, 2016, 23 (1-2), pp.3 - 14. ⟨10.21465/rp0023.0001⟩
Journal articles hal-01764886v1

A pedestrian's smile and drivers' behavior: When a smile increases careful driving

Nicolas Guéguen , Chloé Eyssartier , Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Safety Research, 2016, 56, pp.83-88
Journal articles hal-01960571v1

Hey Buddy, Can You Give Me 37 s of Your Time? Extension of the Pique Technique to a Non-monetary Solicitation and Test of Justification for Compliance

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Alexandre Pascual , Fabien Girandola , Fabien Silone
Current Psychology, 2016, 35 (4), pp.583-586. ⟨10.1007/s12144-015-9324-z⟩
Journal articles hal-01960584v1
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L’imitation humaine: Une synthèse de 50 années de recherche en psychologie sociale.

Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Canadian Psychology, 2016, 57 (2), pp.101-119. ⟨10.1037/cap0000048⟩
Journal articles hal-01999862v1

“Wrong place to get help”: A field experiment on luxury stores and helping behavior

Lubomir Lamy , Nicolas Guéguen , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Jérôme Guegan
Social Influence, 2016, 11 (2), pp.130 - 139. ⟨10.1080/15534510.2016.1160839⟩
Journal articles hal-01764891v1
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Promising reciprocity: When proposing a favor for a request increases compliance even if the favor is not accepted

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Clément Ruiz , Alexandre Pascual
Journal of Social Psychology, 2016, 156 (5), pp.498-512. ⟨10.1080/00224545.2015.1129304⟩
Journal articles hal-01960565v1

Compliance without pressure for minimal income policy management.

Fabien Silone , Alexandre Pascual , Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, 2016, 22 (3), pp.330-340
Journal articles hal-01960472v1
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Small clicks, great effects: Immediate and delayed influence of web sites containing serious games on behavior and attitude

Didier Courbet , Marie-Pierre Fourquet-Courbet , Nicolas Guéguen , Robert-Vincent Joule , Severine Halimi
International Journal of Advertising, 2016, 35 (6), pp.949-969. ⟨10.1080/02650487.2015.1082226⟩
Journal articles sic_01560526v1

Door-in-the-Face and But-You-Are-Free

Sébastien Meineri , Michaël Dupré , Nicolas Guéguen , Boris Vallée
Psychological Reports, 2016, 119 (1), pp.276-289
Journal articles hal-01960499v1

A pedestrian's smile and drivers' behavior: When a smile increases careful driving

Nicolas Guéguen , Chloé Eyssartier , Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Safety Research, 2016
Journal articles hal-03796052v1
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The foot-in-the-door technique, crime, and the responsive bystander: A field experiment

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Fabien Silone , Alexandre Pascual
Crime Prevention and Community Safety, 2016, 18 (1), pp.60-68
Journal articles hal-01999856v1

When a service request precedes the target request: another compliance without pressure technique?

Sébastien Meineri , Mickaël Dupré , Boris Vallée , Nicolas Guéguen
Social Influence, 2015, 10 (4), pp.278-285. ⟨10.1080/15534510.2015.1102762⟩
Journal articles hal-01960595v1

A pedestrian’s stare and drivers’ stopping behavior: A field experiment at the pedestrian crossing

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Chloé Eyssartier , Sebastien Meineri , Sebastien Meineri
Safety Science, 2015
Journal articles hal-03796092v1

The positive effect of the mere presence of a religious symbol on compliance with an organ donation request

Nicolas Guéguen , Christine Bougeard-Delfosse , Celine Jacob
Social Marketing Quaterly, 2015, 21 (2)
Journal articles hal-04059824v1

Négociation et genre : l’approche « contextuelle » en psychologie sociale

Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Négociations, 2015, 23, pp.93-104
Journal articles hal-02069168v1

Effets d'une procédure incitative associée à une identification de l'action sur des comportements et attitudes professionnelles de salariés

Sébastien Meineri , Isabelle Grandjean , Nicolas Guéguen
Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 2015, 21 (3), pp.191-226. ⟨10.1016/S1420-2530(16)30007-3⟩
Journal articles hal-01960742v1

Repeating what children say positively influences their learning and motivation

Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen
Learning and Motivation, 2015, 52, pp.48-53
Journal articles hal-01999876v1
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The Pique Then Reframe Technique: Replication and Extension of the Pique Technique

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Alexandre Pascual , Fabien Girandola
Communication Research Reports, 2015, 32 (2), pp.143-148. ⟨10.1080/08824096.2015.1016151⟩
Journal articles hal-01960623v1

Operationalizations of the “but you are free” technique with the word liberty and the Statue of Liberty symbol on clothes: effects on compliance-gaining

Alexandre Pascual , Sébastien Meineri , Chris Carpenter , Milena Jugel , Patrice Guy
Social Influence, 2015, 10 (3), pp.149-156. ⟨10.1080/15534510.2015.1026390⟩
Journal articles hal-01960757v1

The Pique Technique: A Goal-Oriented Effect?

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Communication Reports, 2015, 29 (2), pp.115 - 125. ⟨10.1080/08934215.2015.1050120⟩
Journal articles hal-01764934v1

Sequential love priming: Love as a compliance-gaining technique

Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen , Jérôme Guegan
North American Journal of Psychology, 2015, 17, pp.607-615
Journal articles hal-01764929v1

Influence des plantes d’intérieur et d’extérieur sur la santé: Synthèse des recherches.

Jordy Stefan , Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri
Canadian Psychology, 2015, 56 (4), pp.405-425
Journal articles hal-01960607v1

“I am sure you’ll succeed”: When a teacher’s verbal encouragement of success increases children’s academic performance

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Castano Rio Andrea
Learning and Motivation, 2015, 52, pp.54-59
Journal articles hal-01999848v1

A pedestrian’s stare and drivers’ stopping behavior: A field experiment at the pedestrian crossing

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Chloé Eyssartier
Safety Science, 2015, 75, pp.87-89
Journal articles hal-01960954v1

Places for Help: Micro-Level Variation in Helping Behavior toward a Stranger

Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Psychological Reports, 2015, 116 (1), pp.242 - 248. ⟨10.2466/21.PR0.116k14w6⟩
Journal articles hal-01764941v1

The effect of priming with a love concept on blood donation promise

Virginie Charles-Sire , Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Angélique Martin , Andrea Bullock
Transfusion and Apheresis Science, 2014, 50 (1), pp.87-91. ⟨10.1016/j.transci.2013.10.009⟩
Journal articles hal-01960641v1

Communication engageante appliquée au tri sélectif : comparaison entre les techniques du pied-dans-la-porte et du double-pied-dans-la-porte.

Mickael Dupre , Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
Les cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 2014, Numéro 102 (2), pp.259
Journal articles hal-01961018v1

Who cares about women’s talk? A field experiment

Lubomir Lamy , Nicolas Guéguen , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Review of psychology, 2014, 21, pp.17-22
Journal articles hal-01764967v1

Labeling of previous donation to encourage subsequent donation among experienced blood donors

Cécile Sénémeaud , Patrice Georget , Nicolas Guéguen , Nathalie Callé , Candice Plainfossé
Health Psychology, 2014, 33 (7), pp.656-659. ⟨10.1037/a0033426⟩
Journal articles hal-02180678v1

Car status as an inhibitor of passing responses to a low-speed frustrator

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Angélique Martin , Camilo Charron
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2014, 22, pp.245-248. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2013.12.014⟩
Journal articles halshs-01164327v1

Foot-in-the-door and action identification. Binding communication applied to environmental conservation

Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
European Review of Applied Psychology / Revue Européenne de Psychologie Appliquée, 2014, 64 (1), pp.3-11
Journal articles hal-01961023v1

Imitation in Mediation: Effects of the Duration of Mimicry on Reaching Agreement

Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy , Angélique Martin , Andrea Bullock
Social behavior and personality, 2014, 42 (2), pp.189 - 195. ⟨10.2224/sbp.2014.42.2.189⟩
Journal articles hal-01764944v1

The Effect of Facial Makeup on the Frequency of Drivers Stopping for Hitchhikers

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Psychological Reports, 2013, 113 (1), pp.97 - 101. ⟨10.2466/17.07.PR0.113x12z5⟩
Journal articles hal-01764971v1
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Didier Courbet , Nicolas Guéguen , Severine Halimi , Robert-Vincent Joule , Marie Marchand
Social behavior and personality, 2013, 41 (2), pp.199-202
Journal articles sic_00870107v1

Women's Hair Color and Survey Response Rate: A Field Experiment

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 2013, 23 (3), pp.383 - 387. ⟨10.1080/10911359.2013.764210⟩
Journal articles hal-01764979v1

Repeating “Yes” in a First Request and Compliance with a Later Request: the Four Walls Technique

Nicolas Guéguen , Robert-Vincent Joule , Didier Courbet , Séverine Halimi-Falkowicz
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal, 2013, 41 (2), pp.199-202. ⟨10.2224/sbp.2013.41.2.199⟩
Journal articles hal-02303099v1

Men’s music ability and attractiveness to women in a real-life courtship context

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Psychology of Music, 2013, 42 (4), pp.545-549. ⟨10.1177/0305735613482025⟩
Journal articles hal-02069177v1

Compliments and Receptivity to a Courtship Request: A Field Experiment

Nicolas Guéguen , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Lubomir Lamy
Psychological Reports, 2013, 112 (1), pp.239 - 242. ⟨10.2466/28.07.21.PR0.112.1.239-242⟩
Journal articles hal-01765118v1

“Even a single marble will make him/her happy …”: Further evidence and extension of the legitimizing paltry contribution technique on helping

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Sébastien Meineri
Social Influence, 2013, 8 (1), pp.18-26
Journal articles hal-01961100v1

Weather and Helping: Additional Evidence of the Effect of the Sunshine Samaritan

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Journal of Social Psychology, 2013, 153 (2), pp.123 - 126. ⟨10.1080/00224545.2012.720618⟩
Journal articles hal-01765116v1

Exposure to altruism quotes and tipping behavior in a restaurant

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , Renzo Ardiccioni , Cécile Sénémeaud
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2013, 32 (1), pp.299-301. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhm.2012.03.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02180719v1

Effets des prix à terminaison 9 sur le choix des consommateurs

Nicolas Guéguen , Patrick Legoherel , Paul-Valentin N'Gobo
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2013, 261-262 (3-4), pp.17 - 25
Journal articles hal-03066733v1
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I'm free but I'll comply with your request: generalization and multidimensional effects of the “evoking freedom” technique

Nicolas Guéguen , Robert-Vincent Joule , Séverine Halimi-Falkowicz , Alexandre Pascual , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2013, 43 (1), pp.116-137. ⟨10.1111/j.1559-1816.2012.00986.x⟩
Journal articles hal-02069189v1
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The Influence of Incidental Similarity on Self-Revelation in Response to an Intimate Survey

Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen
Social behavior and personality, 2013, 41 (3), pp.353-356. ⟨10.2224/sbp.2013.41.3.353⟩
Journal articles hal-02000178v1

Do child pedestrians deliberately take risks when they are in a hurry? An experimental study on a simulator

Camilo Charron , Aurélie Festoc , Nicolas Guéguen
Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2013, 15, pp.635-643. ⟨10.1016/j.trf.2012.07.001⟩
Journal articles hal-00943065v1

Men’s Social Status and Attractiveness

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 2012, 71 (3), pp.157 - 160. ⟨10.1024/1421-0185/a000083⟩
Journal articles hal-01765130v1

Priming emotion concepts and helping behavior: How unlived emotions can influence action

Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Social behavior and personality, 2012, 40 (1), pp.55 - 61. ⟨10.2224/sbp.2012.40.1.55⟩
Journal articles hal-01765132v1

Induction sémantique de l'amour et comportement d'aide envers des réfugiés : amour + réfugiés = amour des réfugiés ?

Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Les cahiers Internationaux de Psychologie Sociale, 2012, Numéro 93 (1), pp.63-76. ⟨10.3917/cips.093.0063⟩
Journal articles hal-01765124v1
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Words as Environmental Cues: The Effect of the Word “Loving” on Compliance to a Blood Donation Request

Virginie Charles-Sire , Nicolas Guéguen , Alexandre Pascual , Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Psychology, 2012, 146 (5), pp.455-470. ⟨10.1080/00223980.2012.654519⟩
Journal articles hal-01961056v1

"Say It with Flowers" ... to Female Drivers: Hitchhikers Holding Flowers and Driver Behavior

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Jordy Stefan
North American Journal of Psychology, 2012, 14 (3), pp.623-628
Journal articles hal-01961080v1

She wore something in a hair : the effect of ornementations on tiping, Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 21, 4, 414 - 420.

Celine Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , Christine Bougeard-Delfosse
Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management, 2012, 21 (4), pp.414-420
Journal articles hal-04059849v1

Nature pro sociale du don de sang

Virginie Charles-Sire , Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Sébastien Meineri
Transfusion Clinique et Biologique, 2012, 19 (2), pp.49-51
Journal articles hal-01961067v1

The effect of the word “love” on compliance to a request for humanitarian aid: An evaluation in a field setting

Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Social Influence, 2011, 6 (4), pp.249 - 258. ⟨10.1080/15534510.2011.627771⟩
Journal articles hal-01765143v1

L'effet du mimétisme d'un vendeur sur le comportement d'achat d'un client et son jugement du personnel et du lieu de vente

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , Gaëlle Boulbry
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2011, 26 (1), pp.5-22. ⟨10.1177/076737011102600101⟩
Journal articles hal-02055285v1

Effects of the Door-in-the-Face technique on restaurant customers’ behavior

Nicolas Guéguen , Céline Jacob , Sébastien Meineri
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2011, 30 (3), pp.759-761
Journal articles hal-01980948v1

Similarity and Social Interaction: When Similarity Fosters Implicit Behavior Toward a Stranger

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Social Psychology, 2011, 151 (6), pp.671-673
Journal articles hal-01961117v1

Retail salespeople's mimicry of customers: Effects on consumer behavior

Celine Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Gaëlle Boulbry
Journal of retailing and consumer services, 2011, 18 (5), pp.381-388
Journal articles hal-02000187v1

Comment recruter plus efficacement les « publics précaires » ? Une approche contextuelle et collective des recrutements sur les postes de bas niveaux de qualification

Boris Vallée , Alexandre Pascual , Nicolas Guéguen
L'Orientation scolaire et professionnelle, 2011, 40/2, ⟨10.4000/osp.3112⟩
Journal articles hal-02493348v1

Mimicry and Helping Behavior: An Evaluation of Mimicry on Explicit Helping Request

Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin , Sébastien Meineri
Journal of Social Psychology, 2011, 151 (1), pp.1-4
Journal articles hal-01980913v1

“I Hope I'm Not Disturbing You, Am I?” Another Operationalization of the Foot-in-the-Mouth Paradigm1

Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 2011, 41 (4), pp.965-975
Journal articles hal-01980941v1

Mimicry and Propagation of Prosocial Behavior in a Natural Setting

Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen , Lubomir Lamy
Psychological Reports, 2011, 108 (2), pp.599 - 605. ⟨10.2466/07.17.21.PR0.108.2.599-605⟩
Journal articles hal-01765145v1

The Combined Effect of the Foot-in-the-Door Technique and the “But You Are Free” Technique: An Evaluation on the Selective Sorting of Household Wastes

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Angélique Martin , Isabelle Grandjean
Ecopsychology, 2010, 2 (4), pp.231-237
Journal articles hal-01980967v1

A cross-category investigation into the effects of nine-ending pricing on brand choice

Paul-Valentin N'Gobo , Patrick Legoherel , Nicolas Guéguen
Journal of retailing and consumer services, 2010, 17 (5), pp.374 - 385. ⟨10.1016/j.jretconser.2010.03.018⟩
Journal articles hal-03066726v1

The Impact of Guilt on Mimicry Behavior

Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen , Jacques Fischer-Lokou
Social behavior and personality, 2010, 38 (7), pp.987-991
Journal articles hal-02000210v1

Attitudinal and Behavioural effects of a Foot-in-the-door procedure in a company

Isabelle Grandjean , Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
Psychologie du travail et des organisations, 2010, 16 (3), pp.199-218
Journal articles hal-01980957v1

Improving Medication Adherence by Using Practitioner Nonverbal Techniques: A Field Experiment on the Effect of Touch

Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , Virginie Charles-Sire
Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 2010, 33 (6), pp.466-473
Journal articles hal-01961092v1

Valentine Street Promotes Chivalrous Helping

Lubomir Lamy , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Nicolas Guéguen
Swiss Journal of Psychology, 2010, 69 (3), pp.169 - 172. ⟨10.1024/1421-0185/a000019⟩
Journal articles hal-01765150v1

Sentiment de liberté et comportement de soumission: deux expériences sur l’impact de l’évocation de la liberté d’un internaute à accepter une requête formulée par e-mail

Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen
European Journal of Social Sciences, 2010, 17 (3), pp.372-381
Journal articles hal-02000198v1

Nine-ending prices and consumer's behavior: A field study in a restaurant

Nicolas Guéguen , Céline Jacob , Patrick Legoherel , Paul-Valentin N'Gobo
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2009, 28 (1), pp.170 - 172. ⟨10.1016/j.ijhm.2008.03.009⟩
Journal articles hal-03066710v1

L'effetto di elementi figurativi sul comportamento di consumo: un'illustrazione nell'influenza nella scelta di un piatto al ristorante

Renzo Ardiccioni , Celine Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen
Micro & Macro Marketing, 2009
Journal articles hal-04067684v1

‘Love is in the air’: Effects of songs with romantic lyrics on compliance with a courtship request

Nicolas Guéguen , Céline Jacob , Lubomir Lamy
Psychology of Music, 2009, 38 (3), pp.303 - 307. ⟨10.1177/0305735609360428⟩
Journal articles hal-01765157v1

A web replication of Snyder, Decker and Bercheid (1977)'s experiment on the self-fulfilling nature of social stereotypes

Nicolas Guéguen , M. Lourel , Camilo Charron , Jacques Fischer-Lokou , Loubomir Lamy
Journal of Social Psychology, 2009, 5 (149), pp.600-602
Journal articles halshs-00624104v1

Beginner Research on Tourism and the Tourist: Beware of words and carricatures!

Christine Petr , Nicolas Guéguen
Tourism Analysis, 2006, 11, 14 p
Journal articles halshs-00260159v1

Odors and consumer behavior in a restaurant

Christine Petr , Nicolas Guéguen
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006, 25, pp.335-339
Journal articles hal-04065880v1

Odors and consumer behavior in a

Nicolas Guéguen , Christine Petr
International Journal of Hospitality Management, 2006, 25, pp.335-339
Journal articles halshs-00094108v1

Beginner Research on Tourism and the Tourist: Beware of words and carricatures!

Christine Petr , Nicolas Guéguen
Tourism Analysis, 2006, 11 (4), pp.251-264
Journal articles hal-04065870v1

Prix à terminaison 9 et influence du comportement d'achat : une évaluation lors d'une vente en porte-à-porte

Christine Petr , Nicolas Guéguen
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2005, 214-215, pp.55-62
Journal articles hal-04065902v1

Prix à terminaison 9 et influence du comportement d'achat : une évaluation lors d'une vente en porte-à-porte

Nicolas Guéguen , Christine Petr
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2005, 214-215, pp.55-62
Journal articles halshs-00094546v1

The emergence of the contextual role of the e-book in cognitive processes through an ecological and functional analysis

Thierry Morineau , Caroline Blanche , Laurence Tobin , Nicolas Guéguen
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies, 2005, 62 (3), pp.329-348
Journal articles hal-01982046v1

Communication médiatisée par ordinateur et sollicitation à une requête: une évaluation de l'efficacité de la technique du "Pied-dans-la-Porte" lors d'une interaction par e-mail ou sur un site Web

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , P. Legohérel
Revue Internationale de Psychologie Sociale = International review of social psychology, 2003, 1, pp.125-155
Journal articles halshs-00069576v1

Sollicitation de participation à une enquête par courriel : effet de la présence sociale et de l'attrait physique du demandeur sur le taux de réponse

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , P. Legohérel
Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 2003, 35 (2), pp.84-96
Journal articles halshs-00069507v1

L'effet d'une musique d'ambiance sur le comportement du consommateur : Une illustration en extérieur

Nicolas Guéguen , Céline Jacob , Patrick Legoherel
Décisions Marketing, 2002, 25, pp.53-59. ⟨10.7193/DM.025.53.59⟩
Journal articles halshs-02920045v1

L'impact du statut d'un requêteur dans le cas d'une sollicitation par courriel (e-mail) : application dans le cas d'une participation à une enquête sur Internet

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen
La Revue des Sciences de Gestion, 2002, 193, pp.87-95
Journal articles halshs-00069511v1

L'effet d'une musique d'ambiance sur le comportement du consommateur : une illustration en extérieur

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , P. Legohérel
Décisions Marketing, 2002, 25, pp.53-58
Journal articles halshs-00071139v1

The influence of music on temporal perceptions in a On-Hold waiting situation

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen
Psychology of Music, 2002, 30, pp.210-214
Journal articles halshs-00069512v1

Variations du volume d'une musique de fond et effets sur le comportement de consommation : une évaluation en situation naturelle

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2002, 17 (4), pp.35-43
Journal articles halshs-00071136v1

L’effet perceptif des prix à terminaison 9 : une illustration expérimentale sur le prix du tabac

Celine Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen , Christine Bougeard-Delfosse , Pierre Charles Soulié
L’effet perceptif des prix à terminaison 9 : Une illustration expérimentale sur le prix du tabac, AFM, May 2024, Tours (FR), France
Conference papers hal-04593252v1

Inclusive Language Has Persuasive Appeal Only for Ingroup Sources

Fabien Silone , Viviane Seyranian , Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen
The European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Jul 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01981067v1

The "Binding Identities" Meta-Theory: Evidences Toward an Inclusive Theory of Social Identity and Influence

Fabien Silone , Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri , A. Martin
The European Conference on Psychology & the Behavioral Sciences, Jul 2017, Brighton, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-01981079v1

Etiquetage différencié selon le genre et don de sang

Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen , Virginie Charles-Sire
9ème colloque International de Psychologie Sociale Appliquée., Aug 2011, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-01981480v1

L’effet du mimétisme d’un vendeur sur les réactions affectives et comportementales d’un client

Celine Jacob , Christine Bougeard-Delfosse , Nicolas Guéguen
1ère Journée de Recherche, IUT de Saint Denis, IUT de Saint Denis, Mar 2011, Saint Denis (97400), France
Conference papers hal-04061030v1

Imitation et changement de comportements alimentaires

Angélique Martin , Nicolas Guéguen , Sébastien Meineri
8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, Aug 2010, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-01981547v1

J’espère que je ne vous dérange pas ? » Une opérationnalisation alternative du paradigme de Pied-dans-la-bouche

Sébastien Meineri , Nicolas Guéguen , Angélique Martin
8ème Congrès International de Psychologie Sociale en Langue Française, Aug 2010, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-01981500v1

La chaussure-leurre : une application de la technique du leurre sur le comportement du consommateur

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen
Actes du Congrès international de l'AFM - 2006, May 2006, 15 p
Conference papers halshs-00090724v1

A first approach to tourism and the tourist: beware of words and caricatures!

Christine Petr , Nicolas Guéguen
4th CPTHL Symposium: Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure Research, HEC Montréal, Jul 2005, 37 p
Conference papers halshs-00094708v1

L'expérimentation on-line

Céline Jacob , Nicolas Guéguen
P. Robert-Demontrond. Méthodes d'observation et d'expérimentation, Apogée, pp.197-215, 2004
Book sections halshs-00076851v1