Nicolas Guyot
Physical and antimicrobial protection of the hen’s egg throughout the extended laying cycleInternational Poultry Congress, May 2024, Bursa, Turkey
Conference papers
L’œuf, un aliment multifacetteFête de la science 2024 : un océan de savoirs, Centre Sciences, Oct 2024, Tours, France
Conference papers
Conséquences de l'allongement de la durée de ponte des poules pondeuses sur la qualité de la membrane vitelline de l'oeuf15.Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2024, Tours, France
Conference papers
Effects of hen age and egg storage conditions on the quality and protein composition of the vitelline membraneXVI. European Poultry Conference 2024, Jun 2024, Valencia, Spain
Conference papers
Marcher sur des oeufs : des oeufs à l’élevage des poulesLe village des sciences, Centre Sciences/INRAE Centre Val de Loire, Oct 2023, Nouzilly, France
Conference papers
Proteome and biological functions of inner and outer perivitelline layers in the chicken egg26. World’s Poultry Congress, Aug 2022, Paris, France. pp.ID: 1676
Conference papers
Evaluation de la qualité des oeufs par des méthodes d'imagerie non invasives et non destructrices14. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2022, Tours, France. pp.147
Conference papers
Relevance of non-invasive and non-destructive imaging tools to assess internal quality of table eggs26. World’s Poultry Congress, Aug 2022, Paris, France. pp.168-168
Conference papers
Phylogenetic and structural evolution of egg antimicrobial proteins and peptidesLe studium conferences : Innate immunity in a biomineralized context: trade-offs or synergies?, Maxwell Hincke; Sophie Réhault-Godbert, Mar 2021, Tours, France
Conference papers
Proteomic study of inner and outer hen egg vitelline membranes: insights into the biological functions of vitelline membrane layersCombined Worshop of "Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal development in Poultry" and "Incubation and Fertility Research Group", Aug 2019, Tours, France
Conference papers
Expression of Chemerin in the magnum of chicken oviduct, perivitelline membranes, egg white and in extraembryonic annexes: a potential role in embryo development?Combined Workshop of WPSA “Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry” and “Incubation and Fertility Research Group”, Aug 2019, Tours, France
Conference papers
Evolution of innate immunity components during incubation of the avian eggCombined worshop of Fundamental physiology and Perinatal development in Poultry and Incubation and Fertility Research Group, Aug 2019, Tours, France. ⟨10.1399/eps.2019.291⟩
Conference papers
Alternatives aux anti-infectieux : peptide anti-microbiens, nouveaux antiparasitaires, phagothérapie, nutrition/microbioteWhat’s Up Immunothérapie et alternatives aux anti-infectieux : Innover avec l’Inra en santé animale et humaine, INRAE; Atlanpôle Biothérapies, Dec 2019, Nouzilly, France
Conference papers
Gga-AvBD11, the archetype of a new structural family of defensins21e réunion du Groupe Français des Peptides et des Protéines (GFPP21), May 2019, Amboise, France
Conference papers
1ère structure 3D d’une défensine à double motif β-défensine, Gga-AvBD11 du poulet Gallus gallus, et explorations fonctionnelles5es Journées GDR MuFoPAM, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). FRA., Oct 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Présentation des travaux de recherche sur l’oeufCommission technique et réglementaire du CNPO, Oct 2017, Nouzilly, France
Conference papers
La poule aux oeufs d'orVillage des sciences - INRA Nouzilly, Oct 2016, Nouzilly, France
Conference papers
L’ovalbumin-related protein X (OVAX) est une protéine apparentée à l'ovalbumine qui possède des activités antibactériennes11.Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmidèdes à Foie Gras, Apr 2015, Tours, France
Conference papers
Antibacterial activity of egg albumen during incubation16. European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products - 22. European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., May 2015, Nantes, France. 218 p
Conference papers
Egg ovalbumins revisited: investigating the specificities of ovalbumin, ovalbumin-related protein X and ovalbumin-related protein YCongres Eggmeat, May 2015, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Egg white antimicrobial proteins: identification, characterization and regulation of antimicrobial activitiesWroclaw Banff Egg Forum, Jun 2014, Wroclaw, Poland. pp.35
Conference papers
Egg white antimicrobial proteins: characterization of novel molecules and regulation of egg white activities (invited lecture).4. Mediterranean Poultry Summit, Sep 2014, Beirut, Lebanon
Conference papers
Egg antimicrobial protection in domestic birdsXIVth European Poultry Conference, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., Jun 2014, Stavanger, Norway
Conference papers
Défenses antimicrobiennes de l’œuf : de la caractérisation à l’applicationSession Régionale d'Information Pondeuses et Poulettes dans le Sud-Ouest, Mar 2014, Valence, France. 1 p
Conference papers
Ovalbumin related protein X is a heparin-binding glycoprotein exhibiting antimicrobial activities14. European Poultry Conference, Jun 2014, Stavanger, Norway
Conference papers
Variabilité de l’activité antimicrobienne de l’œuf et valorisation des œufs clairs27. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Oct 2014, Seillac, France
Conference papers
Functional and structural characterization of egg defensinsBanff Egg Forum, Jun 2014, Wroclaw, Poland. 12 diapositives
Conference papers
Insights into the structure-function relationship of egg defensinsXIVth European Poultry Conference, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., Jun 2014, Stavanger, Norway
Conference papers
Identification of novel antimicrobial egg proteins and new insights into the regulation of egg innate immunity.48th annual convention of the WPSA-Israel Branch, Mar 2013, Jerusalem, Israel. pp.9-10
Conference papers
Modulation des propriétés antibactériennes du blanc d’œuf par la poule en réponse à différents stimuli microbiens10. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Institut Technique de l'Aviculture et des Elevages de Petits Animaux (ITAVI). Paris, FRA., Mar 2013, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
Antibacterial activity of egg white: influence of physico-chemical conditions15. European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. 21. European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, Sep 2013, Bergamo, Italy. 124 p
Conference papers
Microbial environment and immune challenge modulate the molecular innate defence of the hen egg15. European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products. 21. European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, Sep 2013, Bergamo, Italy. 124 p
Conference papers
Défenses antimicrobiennes de l’œuf : de la caractérisation à l’applicationJournée Nationale des professionnels de la poule pondeuse et de l’œuf de consommation, Dec 2013, Pacé, France. 1 p
Conference papers
New insights on egg proteins and their biological activities related to its physical and chemical protection15. European Symposium on the Quality og Eggs and Egg Products. 21. European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, Sep 2013, Bergamo, Italy. 124 p
Conference papers
New advances on egg proteins and their potential for food and non food uses104th AOCS Annual Meeting and Expo, Apr 2013, Montreal, Canada
Conference papers
Identification and functional characterization of novel antimicrobial proteins using high-throughput, biochemical and microbial approachesBanff Egg Forum, Mar 2012, Banff, Canada
Conference papers
New insights in egg proteins involved in egg protection using transcriptomics, proteomics and data mining: novel candidates for exploring regulation of egg innate immunity?3. Mediterranean Summit of WPSA / 6. International Poultry Conference, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., Mar 2012, Alexandria, Egypt
Conference papers
Modulation de l'immunité innée moléculaire de l'oeuf2. Symposium de la Recherche en Sciences Avicoles, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., Oct 2012, Batna, Algérie
Conference papers
Microbial environment of the hen modulates the innate immune defence of the egg against bacteriaAnnual Meeting of the Incubation and Fertility Research Group, Incubation and Fertility Research Group (IFRG). WPSA Working Group 6 (Reproduction)., Jun 2012, Pise, Italy
Conference papers
Modulation de l’activité antimicrobienne du blanc d’œuf : effet des conditions de stockage des oeufsJournée Technique Avicole 2012 du SYSAAF, Mar 2012, Nouzilly, France. 21 diapositives
Conference papers
Effect of an immune stimulation in the hen on the antimicrobial potential of the egg white14. European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, World's Poultry Science Association (WPSA). INT., Sep 2011, Leipzig, Germany
Conference papers
Antimicrobial activity of egg white: identification of novel proteins and changes in anti-Salmonella activity during incubationIncubation and Fertility Research Group (IFRG) Meeting, Aug 2011, Ede, Netherlands
Conference papers
New insights in egg proteins applying cDNA microarrays to hen oviduct and liver and extensive proteomic data mining5. Combined Workshop on Fundamental Physiology and Perinatal Development in Poultry, Aug 2011, Wageningen, Netherlands
Conference papers
New insights in egg white proteins using cDNA microarrays and extensive proteomic data mining14. European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Products, Sep 2011, Leipzig, Germany
Conference papers
Gene expression of two egg proteins, VMO1 and AvBD11, in the laying henXVI. European Poultry Conference 2024, Jun 2024, Valencia, Spain
Conference poster
Eggshell quality in extended laying cycleXVI. European Poultry Conference 2024, Jun 2024, Valence, Spain
Conference poster
Possible functional clues for chicken egg VMO1 protein are provided by its gene expression pattern and the identification of conserved regions in avian and nonavian homologues47. FEBS Congress, Jul 2023, Tours, France
Conference poster
Chicken eggshell quality in the late phase of the laying cycle17. International Symposium on Biomineralization (BIOMIN XVII), Aug 2023, Saint-Etienne, France
Conference poster
Confocal Raman microspectroscopy study of vitelline membranes from hen eggsRamanFest, Nov 2023, Paris, France
Conference poster
Confocal Raman microspectroscopy as a tool to access the quality of chicken eggEuropean Conference on the Spectroscopy of Biological Molecules, Aug 2022, Reims, France
Conference poster
Conséquences de l'allongement de la période de ponte des poules pondeuses sur la qualité des oeufs14. Journées de la Recherche Avicoles et Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2022, Tours, France. 2022
Conference poster
Effects of lengthening the laying period of laying hens on egg quality26. World’s Poultry Congress, Aug 2022, Paris, France
Conference poster
A new structural family for antimicrobial defensinsNMR : a tool for biology XIth, Jan 2019, Paris, France
Conference poster
Etude protéomique et fonctionnelle des couches interne et externe de la membrane vitelline de l’œuf de poule32. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Oct 2019, Seillac, France
Conference poster
Analyse protéomique des couches interne et externe de la membrane vitelline de l’œuf de poule (Gallus gallus)31. Colloque Biotechnocentre, Oct 2018, Seillac, France
Conference poster
Etude du rôle des protéines liant l'héparine sécrétées par l'oviducte de poule dans la fertilité du spermatozoïdeJournées d’Animation des Crédits Incitatifs du Département de Physiologie Animale et Systèmes d’Elevage (JACI Phase 2016), Apr 2016, Tours, France. , 115 p., 2016, Crédits Incitatifs financés entre 2011 et 2014
Conference poster
Identification de la β-défensine 11 aviaire (AvBD11) dans l’oeuf de cane (Anas platyrhynchos)2. Journées du GDR MuFoPAM « MultiFonction des Peptides antimicrobiens », Oct 2015, Orléans, France. , 2015
Conference poster
Activité antibactérienne du blanc d'oeuf au cours de l'incubation11. Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras, Mar 2015, Tours, France. , 2015, 11èmes Journées de la Recherche Avicole et des Palmipèdes à Foie Gras
Conference poster
Gallin is a chicken egg beta-defensin with a narrow antibacterial spectrum4. International Symposium on Antimicrobial Peptides, Jun 2014, Lorient, France. 1 p., 2014
Conference poster
Microbial environment of the hen modulates the innate immune defence of the egg against bacteria24. World's Poultry Congress, Aug 2012, Bahia, Brazil. 4 p., 2012
Conference poster
Vitellogenesis and Yolk Proteins, BirdsReference Module in Biomedical Sciences, Elsevier, 2024, ⟨10.1016/B978-0-443-21477-6.00101-2⟩
Book sections
CHAPTER 3. Egg biosynthesis, structure and general compositionProf. Yoshinori Mine; Dr. Vincent Guyonnet. Handbook of Egg Science and Technology, CRC Press, 2023, 1032156600
Book sections
Innate defenses of the avian egg.Bernd Kaspers Karel Schat Thomas Göbel Lonneke Vervelde. Avian Immunology. 3rd Edition, Academic Press, 2021, 9780128187081
Book sections
CHAPTER 14. Bioactive Minor Egg ComponentsWu J. Eggs as Functional Foods and Nutraceuticals for Human Health, Royal Society of Chemistry, pp.406, 2019, Food Chemistry, Function and Analysis, 978-1-78801-213-3. ⟨10.1039/9781788013833-00259⟩
Book sections
Understanding the natural antibacterial defences of egg white and their regulationAchieving sustainable production of eggs, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited, 430 p, 2017, 9781786760760
Book sections
Vitellogenesis and yolk proteins, BirdsEncyclopedia of Reproduction, Volume 6: Comparative Reproduction (2ème ed.), Elsevier, Academic Press, 2017, 978-0-12-815145-7. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-12-809633-8.20568-2⟩
Book sections
Egg formation and chemistryImproving the safety and quality of eggs and egg products. Vol.1 Egg chemistry, production and consumption, 213, Woodhead Publishing Ltd, 2011, Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition, 978-1-84569-754-9
Book sections
Peptides dérivés d'une beta-défensine 11 aviaire et leurs utilisationsFrance, N° de brevet: WO 2020/030773 A1. AMV; SA, 3IMo, AIM. 2020
AvBD11, une protéine naturelle de l’œuf au potentiel thérapeutique prometteur2020
Other publications
Mardi de la science : conférence sur le thème de "l’œuf aux trésors"-L'oeuf médicament2019
Other publications