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Nicolas Poirel



Effects of parental socioeconomic status on offspring’s fetal neurodevelopment

Julia Mathan , Mélanie Maximino-Pinheiro , Qin He , Gabriela Rezende , Iris Menu
Cerebral Cortex, 2024, 34 (11), ⟨10.1093/cercor/bhae443⟩
Journal articles hal-04938373v1
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Neural correlates underlying local and global processing during visual search across adulthood

Gaelle Doucet , Jordanna A Kruse , Noah Hamlin , Carole Peyrin , Nicolas Poirel
PLoS ONE, 2024, 19 (6), pp.e0303796. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0303796⟩
Journal articles hal-04682849v1

Effects of general anaesthesia in early childhood on local and global visual processing: a post hoc analysis of the APEX cohort study

Jean-Philippe Salaün , Grégoire Borst , Arnaud Cachia , François Orliac , Denis Vivien
British Journal of Anaesthesia, 2024, 133 (2), pp.344-350. ⟨10.1016/j.bja.2024.05.007⟩
Journal articles hal-04938395v1
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Impaired Global Precedence Effect in Severe Alcohol Use Disorder and Korsakoff's Syndrome: A Pilot Exploration through a Global/Local Visual Paradigm

Anne Lise Pitel , Alice Laniepce , Céline Boudehent , Nicolas Poirel
Journal of Clinical Medicine, 2023, 12 (11), pp.3655. ⟨10.3390/jcm12113655⟩
Journal articles inserm-04144516v1
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Consequences of General Anesthesia in Infancy on Behavior and Brain Structure

Jean-Philippe Salaün , Audrey Chagnot , Arnaud Cachia , Nicolas Poirel , Valérie Datin-Dorrière
Anesthesia & Analgesia, 2023, 136 (2), pp.240-250. ⟨10.1213/ANE.0000000000006233⟩
Journal articles hal-03957734v1

Approach in green, avoid in red? Examining interindividual variabilities and personal color preferences through continuous measures of specific meaning associations

Sabrina Bouhassoun , Mikaël Naveau , Nicolas Delcroix , Nicolas Poirel
Psychological Research, 2022, ⟨10.1007/s00426-022-01732-5⟩
Journal articles hal-03957738v1

Télévision et troubles cognitifs du jeune enfant : la réponse à quatre questions clés

Nicolas Poirel
In-Mind FR, 2022
Journal articles hal-03957723v1

Framing the area: An efficient approach for avoiding visual interference and optimising visual search in adolescents

Sabrina Bouhassoun , Christian Gerlach , Grégoire Borst , Nicolas Poirel
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 2022, 75 (11), pp.2012-2022. ⟨10.1177/17470218211065011⟩
Journal articles hal-03957721v1

The forest, the trees, and the leaves across adulthood: Age-related changes on a visual search task containing three-level hierarchical stimuli

Sabrina Bouhassoun , Nicolas Poirel , Noah Hamlin , Gaelle Doucet
Attention, Perception, and Psychophysics, 2022, 84 (3), pp.1004-1015. ⟨10.3758/s13414-021-02438-3⟩
Journal articles hal-03945326v1

Link between fluid/crystallized intelligence and global/local visual abilities across adulthood

Gaelle Doucet , Noah Hamlin , Jordanna Kruse , Brittany Taylor , Nicolas Poirel
Consciousness and Cognition, 2022, 106, pp.103429. ⟨10.1016/j.concog.2022.103429⟩
Journal articles hal-04058381v1
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Preventing the Long-term Effects of General Anesthesia on the Developing Brain: How Translational Research can Contribute

Jean-Philippe Salaün , Nicolas Poirel , Souhayl Dahmani , Audrey Chagnot , Clément Gakuba
Neuroscience, 2021, 461, pp.172-179. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroscience.2021.02.029⟩
Journal articles hal-03236950v1
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Cortical Thickness and Natural Scene Recognition in the Child’s Brain

François Orliac , Grégoire Borst , Grégory Simon , Katell Mevel , Julie Vidal
Brain Sciences, 2020, 10 (6), pp.329. ⟨10.3390/brainsci10060329⟩
Journal articles hal-02975355v1

Complex and subtle structural changes in prefrontal cortex induced by inhibitory control training from childhood to adolescence

Lisa Delalande , Marine Moyon , Cloélia Tissier , Valérie Dorriere , Bernard Guillois
Developmental Science, 2020, 23 (4), pp.100664. ⟨10.1111/desc.12898⟩
Journal articles hal-02905268v1

Who's got the global advantage? Visual field differences in processing of global and local shape

Christian Gerlach , Nicolas Poirel
Cognition, 2020, 195, pp.104131. ⟨10.1016/j.cognition.2019.104131⟩
Journal articles hal-03042871v1

The forest, the trees, and the leaves in preterm children: the impact of prematurity on a visual search task containing three-level hierarchical stimuli

Valérie Datin-Dorriere , Grégoire Borst , Bernard Guillois , Arnaud Cachia , Nicolas Poirel
European Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, inPress, ⟨10.1007/s00787-020-01510-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02923775v1
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Age-related neural correlates of facial trustworthiness detection during economic interaction.

Emilie Salvia , Katell Mevel , Grégoire Borst , Nicolas Poirel , Grégory Simon
Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology, and Economics, 2020, 13 (1), pp.19-33. ⟨10.1037/npe0000112⟩
Journal articles hal-03025378v1

Anatomical Connectivity of the Visuospatial Attentional Network in Schizophrenia: A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography Study

Elise Leroux , Nicolas Poirel , Sonia Dollfus
Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences, 2020, 32 (3), pp.266-273. ⟨10.1176/appi.neuropsych.19040101⟩
Journal articles hal-03957717v1
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Developmental frontal brain activation differences in overcoming heuristic bias

Katell Mevel , Grégoire Borst , Nicolas Poirel , Grégory Simon , François Orliac
Cortex, 2019, 117, pp.111-121. ⟨10.1016/j.cortex.2019.03.004⟩
Journal articles hal-02923653v1
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Sulcal Polymorphisms of the IFC and ACC Contribute to Inhibitory Control Variability in Children and Adults

Cloélia Tissier , Adriano Linzarini , Geneviève Allaire-Duquette , Katell Mevel , Nicolas Poirel
eNeuro, 2018, 5 (1), pp.197 - 214. ⟨10.1523/ENEURO.0197-17.2018⟩
Journal articles hal-01741539v1

Children inhibit global information when the forest is dense and local information when the forest is sparse

Claire-Sara Krakowski , Gregoire Borst , Julie Vidal , Olivier Houde , Nicolas Poirel
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2018, 173, pp.155 - 167. ⟨10.1016/j.jecp.2018.03.020⟩
Journal articles hal-01856214v1
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Neural basis of functional fixedness during creative idea generation: an EEG study

Anaëlle Camarda , Emilie Salvia , Julie Vidal , Benoit Weil , Nicolas Poirel
Neuropsychologia, inPress
Journal articles hal-01761372v1

Navon’s classical paradigm concerning local and global processing relates systematically to visual object classification performance

Christian Gerlach , Nicolas Poirel
Scientific Reports, 2018, 8 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-017-18664-5⟩
Journal articles hal-03042873v1

Neural basis of functional fixedness during creative idea generation: An EEG study

Anaëlle Camarda , Émilie Salvia , Julie Vidal , Benoit Weil , Nicolas Poirel
Neuropsychologia, 2018, 118, pp.4-12. ⟨10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2018.03.009⟩
Journal articles hal-03942015v1

The forest, the trees, and the leaves: Differences of processing across development.

Claire-Sara Krakowski , Nicolas Poirel , Julie Vidal , Margot Roëll , Arlette Pineau
Developmental Psychology, 2016, 52 (8), pp.1262-1272. ⟨10.1037/dev0000138⟩
Journal articles hal-02905170v1

Fixation effect in creative ideas generation: Opposite impacts of example in children and adults

Mathieu Cassotti , Anaëlle Camarda , Nicolas Poirel , Olivier Houdé , Marine Agogué
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2016, 19, pp.146 - 152. ⟨10.1016/j.tsc.2015.10.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01633856v1

When I Met my brain: Participating in a neuroimaging study influences children’s naïve mind–brain conceptions

Sandrine Rossi , Céline Lanoë , Nicolas Poirel , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houdé
Trends in Neuroscience and Education, 2015, 4 (4), pp.92-97. ⟨10.1016/j.tine.2015.07.001⟩
Journal articles hal-03957705v1

You can detect the trees as well as the forest when adding the leaves: Evidence from visual search tasks containing three-level hierarchical stimuli

Claire-Sara Krakowski , Grégoire Borst , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houde , Nicolas Poirel
Acta Psychologica, 2015, 157, pp.131-143. ⟨10.1016/j.actpsy.2015.03.001⟩
Journal articles hal-02905156v1

The Role of Self-Action in 2-Year-Old Children: An Illustration of the Arithmetical Inversion Principle before Formal Schooling

Amélie Lubin , Sandrine Rossi , Nicolas Poirel , Céline Lanoë , Arlette Pineau
Child Development Research, 2015, 2015, pp.1-7. ⟨10.1155/2015/879258⟩
Journal articles hal-03957701v1

Socio-Emotional Context and Adolescents' Decision Making: The Experience of Regret and Relief After Social Comparison

Marianne Habib , Grégoire Borst , Nicolas Poirel , Olivier Houdé , Sylvain Moutier
Journal of Research on Adolescence, 2015, 25 (1), pp.81-91. ⟨10.1111/jora.12092⟩
Journal articles hal-02888575v1
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Changes in Cortical Thickness in 6-Year-Old Children Open Their Mind to a Global Vision of the World

Nicolas Poirel , Elise Leroux , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houdé , Grégory Simon
BioMed Research International , 2014, 2014, pp.1-7. ⟨10.1155/2014/362349⟩
Journal articles hal-03957698v1
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The impacts of examples on creative design : explaining fixation and stimulation effects

Marine Agogué , Akin Osman Kazakçi , Armand Hatchuel , Pascal Le Masson , Benoit Weil
Journal of Creative Behavior, 2014, 48 (1), pp.1-12
Journal articles hal-00707354v1

Do You Want to See the Tree? Ignore the Forest

Nicolas Poirel , Claire Sara Krakowski , Sabrina Sayah , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houde
Experimental Psychology, 2014, 61 (3), pp.205-214. ⟨10.1027/1618-3169/a000240⟩
Journal articles hal-02904856v1
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The impact of age and training on creativity: a design-theory approach to study fixation effects

Marine Agogué , Nicolas Poirel , Olivier Houde , Arlette Pineau , Mathieu Cassotti
Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2014, 11 (1), pp.33-41
Journal articles hal-00825289v1
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Folding of the anterior cingulate cortex partially explains inhibitory control during childhood: A longitudinal study

G. Borst , A. Cachia , J. Vidal , Grégory Simon , A. Pineau
Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 2014, 9, pp.126-135. ⟨10.1016/j.dcn.2014.02.006⟩
Journal articles hal-02904873v1
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Numerical Transcoding Proficiency in 10-Year-Old Schoolchildren is Associated with Gray Matter Inter-Individual Differences: A Voxel-Based Morphometry Study

Amélie Lubin , Sandrine Rossi , Grégory Simon , Céline Lanoë , Gaëlle Leroux
Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4, pp.197. ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00197⟩
Journal articles hal-02127384v1

Structural brain correlates of executive engagement in working memory: Children's inter-individual differences are reflected in the anterior insular cortex

Sandrine Rossi , Amélie Lubin , Grégory Simon , Céline Lanoë , Nicolas Poirel
Neuropsychologia, 2013, 51 (7), pp.1145-1150. ⟨10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.03.011⟩
Journal articles hal-02951749v1
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Dynamics of the Anatomical Changes That Occur in the Brains of Schoolchildren as They Learn to Read

Grégory Simon , Céline Lanoë , Nicolas Poirel , Sandrine Rossi , Amélie Lubin
PLoS ONE, 2013, 8 (12), pp.e81789. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0081789⟩
Journal articles hal-01958840v1

Inhibitory control efficiency in a Piaget-like class-inclusion task in school-age children and adults: A developmental negative priming study.

G. Borst , Nicolas Poirel , A. Pineau , M. Cassotti , O. Houdé
Developmental Psychology, 2013, 49 (7), pp.1366-1374. ⟨10.1037/a0029622⟩
Journal articles hal-03957662v1
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Global interference during early visual processing: ERP evidence from a rapid global/local selective task

Virginie Beaucousin , Grégory Simon , Mathieu Cassotti , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houdé
Frontiers in Psychology, 2013, 4, ⟨10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00539⟩
Journal articles hal-02951755v1

Inhibitory control in number-conservation and class-inclusion tasks: A neo-Piagetian inter-task priming study

Gregoire Borst , Nicolas Poirel , Arlette Pineau , Mathieu Cassotti , Olivier Houde
Cognitive Development, 2012, 27, pp.283-298
Journal articles hal-00839879v1

Pleasant emotional induction broadens the visual world of young children

Nicolas Poirel , Mathieu Cassotti , Virginie Beaucousin , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houde
Cognition and Emotion, 2012, 26 (1), pp.186-191
Journal articles hal-00839632v1

Positive Emotional Context Eliminates the Framing Effect in Decision-Making

Mathieu Cassotti , Marianne Habib , Nicolas Poirel , Ania Aïte , Olivier Houde
Emotion, 2012, 12 (5), pp.926-931
Journal articles hal-00839628v1

Food imprinting and visual generalization in embryos and newly hatched cuttlefish, Sepia officinalis

Mathieu Guibé , Nicolas Poirel , Olivier Houdé , Ludovic Dickel
Animal Behaviour, 2012, 84 (1), pp.213-217. ⟨10.1016/j.anbehav.2012.04.035⟩
Journal articles hal-00867061v1

Is human decision making under ambiguity guided by loss frequency regardless of the costs? A developmental study using the Soochow Gambling Task

Ania Aïte , Mathieu Cassotti , Sandrine Rossi , Nicolas Poirel , Amélie Lubin
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2012, 113 (7), pp.286-294
Journal articles hal-00839623v1
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Number Conservation is Related to Children’s Prefrontal Inhibitory Control: An fMRI Study of a Piagetian Task

Nicolas Poirel , Grégoire Borst , Grégory Simon , Sandrine Rossi , Mathieu Cassotti
PLoS ONE, 2012, 7 (7), pp.e40802. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0040802⟩
Journal articles hal-02951748v1
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Functional magnetic resonance imaging study of Piaget’s conservation-of-number task in preschool and school-age children: A neo-Piagetian approach

Olivier Houdé , Arlette Pineau , Gaëlle Leroux , Nicolas Poirel , Guy Perchey
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2011, 110 (3), pp.332-346. ⟨10.1016/j.jecp.2011.04.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01154325v1

ERP evidence of a meaningfulness impact on visual global/local processing: When meaning captures attention

Virginie Beaucousin , Mathieu Cassotti , Grégory Simon , Arlette Pineau , Milena Kostova
Neuropsychologia, 2011, 49 (5), pp.1258-1266. ⟨10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.01.039⟩
Journal articles hal-02951462v1

ERP evidences of a meaningfulness impact on visual global/local processing: When meaning captures attention

Virginie Beaucousin , Mathieu Cassotti , Grégory Simon , Arlette Pineau , Milena Kostova
Neuropsychologia, 2011, 49, pp.1258-1266
Journal articles hal-00839620v1
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The Shift from Local to Global Visual Processing in 6- Year-Old Children Is Associated with Grey Matter Loss

Nicolas Poirel , Grégory Simon , Mathieu Cassotti , Gaëlle Leroux , Guy Perchey
PLoS ONE, 2011, 6 (6), pp.e20879. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0020879⟩
Journal articles hal-02951491v1

Evidence of different developmental trajectories for length estimation according to egocentric and allocentric viewpoints in children and adults.

Nicolas Poirel , Manuel Vidal , Arlette Pineau , Céline Lanoë , Gaëlle Leroux
Experimental Psychology, 2011, 58 (2), pp.142-6. ⟨10.1027/1618-3169/a000079⟩
Journal articles hal-00599765v1

Pedagogical Effect of Action on Arithmetic Performances in Wynn-Like Tasks Solved by 2-Year-Olds

Amélie Lubin , Nicolas Poirel , Sandrine Rossi , Céline Lanoë , Arlette Pineau
Experimental Psychology, 2010, 57 (6), pp.405-411. ⟨10.1027/1618-3169/a000049⟩
Journal articles hal-03956899v1

Meaningfulness and global-local processing in schizophrenia

Nicolas Poirel , Perrine Brazo , Marie-Renée Turbelin , Laurent Lecardeur , Grégory Simon
Neuropsychologia, 2010, 48 (10), pp.3062 - 3068. ⟨10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2010.06.017⟩
Journal articles hal-02951480v1

Math in actions: Actor mode reveals the true arithmetic abilities of French-speaking 2-year-olds in a magic task

Amélie Lubin , Nicolas Poirel , Sandrine Rossi , Arlette Pineau , Olivier Houdé
Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 2009, 103 (3), pp.376-385. ⟨10.1016/j.jecp.2009.02.002⟩
Journal articles hal-03956895v1

What does the nature of the stimuli tell us about the Global Precedence Effect?

Nicolas Poirel , Arlette Pineau , Emmanuel Mellet
Acta Psychologica, 2008, 127 (1), pp.1-11. ⟨10.1016/j.actpsy.2006.12.001⟩
Journal articles hal-03956893v1

First came the trees, then the forest: Developmental changes during childhood in the processing of visual local-global patterns according to the meaningfulness of the stimuli.

Nicolas Poirel , Emmanuel Mellet , Olivier Houdé , Arlette Pineau
Developmental Psychology, 2008, 44 (1), pp.245-253. ⟨10.1037/0012-1649.44.1.245⟩
Journal articles hal-03956892v1

Seeing the Forest Before the Trees Depends on Individual Field-Dependency Characteristics

Nicolas Poirel , Arlette Pineau , Gael Jobard , Emmanuel Mellet
Experimental Psychology, 2008, 55 (5), pp.328-333. ⟨10.1027/1618-3169.55.5.328⟩
Journal articles hal-03956889v1

Implicit identification of irrelevant local objects interacts with global/local processing of hierarchical stimuli

Nicolas Poirel , A. Pineau , E. Mellet
Acta Psychologica, 2006, 122 (3), pp.321-336. ⟨10.1016/j.actpsy.2005.12.010⟩
Journal articles hal-03956888v1
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Neural correlates underlying local and global processing during visual search across adulthood

Gaelle Doucet , Jordana Kruse , Noah Hamlin , Carole Peyrin , Nicolas Poirel
CNS 2024 Annual Meeting, Mar 2023, San Francisco California, United States
Conference poster hal-04043229v1
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Framing the area for avoiding visual interference and optimizing visual search in adolescents and adults

Sabrina Bouhassoun , Christian Gerlach , Grégoire Borst , Nicolas Poirel
FLUX, Sep 2022, Paris, France.
Conference poster hal-04043209v1
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Who’s got the global advantage? Visual field differences in processing of global and local shape

Christian Gerlach , Nicolas Poirel
42nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Aug 2019, Leuven, Belgium
Conference poster hal-04043173v1
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Inhibitory control training induces cortical thickness changes linked to global/local visual abilities in children

Nicolas Poirel , Arnaud Cachia , Marine Moyon , Lisa Delalande , Valérie Datin-Dorrière
26th Cognitive Neuroscience Society meeting, Mar 2019, San Francisco, United States.
Conference poster hal-04043192v1

Changes in the insula and caudate nucleus activity during SST induced by inhibitory control training. A fMRI study in school-age children

Emilie Salvia , Sylvain Charron , Valérie Dorrière , Marine Moyon , Cloélia Tissier
FLUX, Aug 2019, New York (USA), United States
Conference poster hal-03942803v1
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Anatomical connectivity of the visuospatial attentional network in schizophrenia: a DTI-based tractography study

Elise Leroux , Nicolas Poirel , Sonia Dollfus
6th Biennial Schizophrenia International Research Society Conference, Apr 2018, Florence, Italy.
Conference poster hal-04043167v1

Functional Connectivity Changes In School-Age Children After Intensive Inhibitory Control Training

Marine Moyon , Mickael Naveau , François Orliac , Lisa Delalande , Valérie Datin-Dorriere
Human Brain Mapping (HBM), Jun 2018, Rome, Italy
Conference poster hal-04059457v1
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Neural basis of functional fixedness during creative idea generation: an EEG study.

Anaëlle Camarda , Emilie Salvia , Julie Vidal , Benoit Weil , Nicolas Poirel
The Society for the Neuroscience of Creativity, Mar 2018, Cambridge, USA, France
Conference poster hal-01761410v1

Cortical thickness and global/local visual abilities in children

Marine Moyon , Lisa Delalande , Katell Mevel , François Orliac , Sonia Dollfus
CNS Annual Meeting, Apr 2017, San Francisco, United States
Conference poster hal-01952237v1

Natural scene recognition in the children’s brain

Nicolas Poirel , Grégory Simon , Sonia Dollfus , Olivier Houdé , Carole Peyrin
Cognitive Neuroscience Society, Mar 2015, San Francisco, United States
Conference poster hal-01982493v1

Cortical thickness and spatial frequency processing during natural scenes perception in children

François Orliac , Grégory Simon , Sonia Dollfus , Olivier Houdé , Carole Peyrin
Organization of Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2015, Honolulu, United States
Conference poster hal-01982450v1

Les écrans, mauvais pour les enfants ?

Nicolas Poirel
N. Beddiar. Les jeunes face au numérique, Edition des archives contemporaines, 2022
Book sections hal-03957597v1

Le développement de l’attention visuelle

Nicolas Poirel
P. Fourniret & E. Gentaz. Le développement neurocognitif de la naissance à l’adolescence, Elsevier, 2022
Book sections hal-03957604v1

L’attention visuelle globale/locale

Nicolas Poirel
N. Poirel. Neurosciences cognitives développementales, De Boeck, 2020
Book sections hal-03957607v1

L’utilisation de l’imagerie par résonance magnétique : la collecte des données

Maryline Larose , Arlette Pineau , Nicolas Poirel
S. Masson & G. Borst. Méthodes de recherche en neuroéducation, Presses Universitaires du Québec (PUQ), 2017
Book sections hal-03957629v1

Neural bases of topographical representation in humans: contribution of neuroimaging studies

Nicolas Poirel , Laure Zago , Laurent Petit , Emmanuel Mellet
A. Guillot & C. Collet. The Neurophysiological Foundations of Mental and Motor Imagery, Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp.17-30, 2010
Book sections hal-03957640v1