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Nida Sheibat-Othman



# Nida SHEIBAT OTHMAN #### Doctor in Chemical Engineering "Génie des Procédés" * Nida is a CNRS director of research in the Laboratoire d’Automatique et de Génie des Procédés et de Génie Pharmaceutique/ (CNRS / Université Claude Bernard Lyon-I), Lyon / France. * Her activities concern modelling and monitoring of dispersed systems, mainly polymerization and emulsification processes. * Responsible of the research group PRODIS « PROcesses in DISpersed media »: since 2016, composed of 14 permanent members and about 10 PhD students. LAGEPP, Bât. 308G 43, Bd du 11 Nov. 1918 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex Tel.: 00.33 (0) e-mail: # Projects #### Ongoing projects * November 2022-October 2026: Projet IFPEN Recycling Partners: Maud Rey-Bayle / IFPEN, Vincent Monteil / CP2M, LAGEPP “Méthodes spectrales pour le suivi en ligne de procédés de recyclage de polyoléfines par dissolution-précipitation” * November/2022- October/2026: ANR Jeune chercheur DEPMod Coordinated by Dr. Noureddine Lebaz “Multiscale continuous double emulsification processes: monitoring and modelling” * 2021 - 2025: Pack Ambition Recherche - Région Rhône Auvergne PVDF Coordinated by Dr. Timothy Mckenna, Partners: Arkema, LAGEPP “Dispersed phase polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride” * October/2023 – October/2026: CIFRE Michelin EBR Partners: CP2M, Michelin, LAGEPP “Réduction de gel dans la polymérisation catalytique en solution de l’éthylène et du butadiène” * September/2024 –September/2027: PRIMA (Partnership for research & innovation in the Mediterranean area) / section 2 Partners: UCBL / LAGEPP, Istanbul Bilgi Univ. (Coordinator), National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens, Luxembourg Inst. of Sci. & Tech., German Inst. of food tech., Ülker Bisküvi, Polinas Plastic Company. “Intégrer des micro/nanoémulsions (par microfluidisation/émulsification membranaire) dans des polymères d’emballage (BOPP, PE, PA) pour avoir des films antimicrobiens” #### Previous projects * October/2021-September/2024: 80|PRIME 2021 TPOlefin “Chimie et procédé de synthèse d’élastomères thermoplastiques à base d’oléfines et de butadiène” Partners: Dr. C. Boisson / CP2M- Villeurbanne, Dr. C. Dire / Michelin * October/2018-March/2022: ANR “Clean Poly” (Partner) “Clean polymerization reactors: Elimination of fouling and coagulum in polymerization reactors” Partners: CP2M/ Villeurbanne, Arkema, Kem One * 2020-2021: Consortium ANCRE « Sciences de Base pour l’Energie » “AModELL” (Partner) “Amélioration des Modèles d’Extraction Liquide-Liquide pour les procédés biosourcés et le recyclage des métaux critiques” Partners: IFPEN, CEA/Marcoule, LGC/Toulouse, IMFT/Toulouse, LAGEPP * 2016-March 2021: ANR Franco-Suisse “Thermopoly” (Coordinator) “Experimental and modeling study of ethylene polymerization in gas phase reactors: impact of thermodynamics” Partners: C2P2/ Villeurbanne, ETH Zürich / Switzerland * 2017-2020: Pole LPSE “Lyon Polymer Science and Engineering” (Coordinator) “Coupling of techniques / sensors and numerical modeling - Statistical Process Control” Partners: Arkema, Elkem Silicones, Nexans, Solvay, Axel’One * November 2015-November 2019: European project « ModLife » (Partner) “Advancing Modeling for Process-Product Innovation, Optimization, Monitoring and Control in Life Science Industries” Industrial partners: Bayer, Alfa Laval, Unilever, Janssen pharmaceuticals, S-PACT, Art Phonics Academic partners: Danmarks Tekniske Univ (DTU: coordinator), Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL), University of Strathclyde (USTRATH), Imperial college London, Aachen University (RWTH) * March 2013- April 2017: ANR MATEPRO “Scale-Up” (Partner) “Innovations in the design and scale-up of latex-based coatings technologies” Partners: LCPP/ Villeurbanne, LGC / Toulouse, Arkema * 2013-June 2016: Carnot @ Lyon Project “Ardent” (Coordinator) “Synthèse et caractérisation de microsphères pharmaceutiques pour la régénération des tissus dentaires” Partners: MATEIS / INSA Lyon, Universidade de São Paulo, Faculté d'odontologie de Marseille, Faculté d'odontologie de Lyon * 2013-2015: ANR Jeunes Chercheurs “PickEP” (Coordinator) “Modeling of Pickerin0g Emulsion Polymerization” Partner: LCPP / Villeurbanne * 2009-2013: European project “MULTIMOD” (Partner) “Multi-Scale Computational Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Systems” Industrial partners: Unilever, Bayer Technology Services, Alfa Laval, Borealis, BP Int Ltd. Academic partners: Centre for research and technology Hellas (CERTH/Grece), Univerity of Strathclyde Glasgow (USTR), Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Aachen University (RWTH), Ghent University, Imperial College London, Politecnico di Milano, Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (UCBL) * 2012: PEPS EOL “Projets exploratoires dans le domaine de l'Energie” (Coordinator) “Détection de défaut et reconfiguration de la commande d'un système éolien” Partner: CRAN/Nancy * 2007-2010: ANR CLPP (Partner) “Capteurs logiciels Plug & Play” Partners: GIPSA-lab/Grenoble; Enitiaa/Nantes * 2003-2005: ACI NMAC CAPLOG (Coordinator) “Développement de capteurs logiciels pour les procédés chimiques” Partners: GIPSA-lab/Grenoble; LSGC/Nancy; LGC/Toulouse # PhD students and post-docs #### Ongoing PhDs 1. Micheli Nolasco (June 2022 – May 2025) PhD supervisor: Timothy Mckenna Co-supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman (30 %), Salima Bouti/Arkema Funding: Région Title: Dispersed phase polymerization of Vinylidene Fluoride 2. Kristy Touma (October 2022 – September 2025) PhD supervisor: Nida Sheibat-Othman (50 %) Co-supervisor Noureddine Lebaz Funding: Ministère Title: Population balance modelling of emulsification processes: parameters identification and uncertainty analysis 3. Grégory Bana (October 2022 – September 2025) PhD supervisors: Nida Sheibat-Othman (20 %), Fabrice Lamadie / CEA Co-supervision: Sophie Charton / CEA, Didier Lucor / LISN Paris Saclay Funding: CEA Title: Contribution of machine learning for the monitoring of emulsions by direct coupling between imaging and population balance assessment. 4. Sofiane Ferchichi (November 2022 – October 2025) PhD supervisor: Vincent Monteil / CP2M Co-supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman (50 %), Maud Rey-Bayle / IFPEN Funding: IFPEN Title: Méthodes spectrales pour le suivi en ligne de procédés de recyclage de polyoléfines par dissolution-précipitation 5. Ranim Chakleh (April 2023 – March 2025) PhD supervisor: Nida Sheibat-Othman (50 %) Co-supervision: Noureddine Lebaz Funding: ANR Title: Procédés continus pour l'émulsification double: suivi et modélisation 6. Manon Mondillon (10/2023 – 10/2026) PhD supervisor: Timothy Mckenna Co-supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman (50 %), Christophe Boisson Funding: CIFRE Michelin Title: Réduction de gel dans la polymérisation catalytique en solution de l’éthylène et du butadiène #### Defended PhDs 1. Christel Rimlinger (2001-2006, defended le 29/11/2006) Ecole doctorale EEA, spécialité automatique PhD director: Hassan Hammouri; Co-encadrement: Nida Sheibat-Othman Title: Estimation et Commande de Procédés de Polymérisation en Solution Future: Professeur en lycée professionnel 2. Kefan Ni, (2002-2006, defended 14/6/2006) Ecole doctorale de chimie (collaboration franco-chinoise) PhD director: G.R. Shan; Co-encadrement N. Sheibat-Othman et E. Bourgeat-Lami pendant 12 mois Title: Kinetics and modeling of hybrid core-shell nanoparticles synthesized by seeded emulsion (co)polymerization of styrene and g-methacryloyloxy propyl trimethoxy silane Future: Technical Director / Henkel China 3. Bruno DaSilva (2005-2008, defended 5/12/2008) Ecole doctorale EEA, spécialité automatique PhD director: Sami Othman; Co-encadrement N. Sheibat-Othman et Pascal Dufour Title: Contribution au contrôle de la distribution de la taille des particules lors d'un procédé de polymérisation en émulsion 4. Shihai CAO (2006-2008, defended 12/2008) Ecole doctorale de chimie (collaboration franco-chinoise) PhD director: G.R. Shan; Co-encadrement: N. Sheibat-Othman et E. Bourgeat-Lami pendant 12 mois Title: Miniemulsion copolymerization of styrene and g-methacryloxy propyl trimethoxysilane: kinetics and mechanism 5. Alexandre Deloge (2003-2008, defended le 28/9/2010) Ecole Doctoral Interdisciplinaire Sciences-Santé (EDISS) PhD director: Hatem Fessi; Co-encadrement: N. Sheibat-Othman Ttile: Etude de la production de microsphères par un procédé d'émulsion multiple: application à l'encapsulation du TGFβ1 afin de favoriser la régénération de la pulpe dentaire Future: dentiste 6. Nader Kalaji (2007-2010, defended 25/10/2010) Ecole Doctoral Interdisciplinaire Sciences-Santé (EDISS) PhD director: Hatem Fessi; Co-encadrement N. Sheibat-Othman Title: Controlled release carriers of FGF-2 and TGFß1 for a potential use in conservative dentistry and endodontics Future: Researcher/University of Oslo 7. Nassim Laouti (2008-2012, defended 21/9/2012) Ecole doctorale EEA, spécialité automatique PhD director: Nida Sheibat-Othman; Co-encadrement Sami Othman Title: Détection et isolation de défaut et reconfiguration de la commande avec application aux réacteurs chimiques Future: Assistant professor/Algeria 8. Barbara Browning (2009-2013, defended 9/7/2013) Ecole doctorale de Chimie, spécialité génie des procédés PhD director: Tim McKenna; Co-encadrement: Isabelle Pitault et Nida Othman Title: Modeling of stop flow polymerization reactors Future: Engineer /University of Lyon 9. Julian Becker (2010-2013, defended 23/9/2013) Ecole doctorale de Chimie, spécialité génie des procédés PhD director: Nida Sheibat-Othman Title: Mutli-scale modeling of 2 phase incompressible flow systems PhD Prize of CODEGEPRA 2014 (Comité de Développement du Génie des Procédés en Rhône- Alpes) Future: Process Engineer/ IFPEN 10. Barthélemy Brunier (2013- 2015, defended 4/12/2015) Ecole doctorale de Chimie, spécialité génie des procédés PhD director: Nida Sheibat-Othman, co-encadrement: Yves Chevalier, Elodie Bourgea-Lami Title: Modelling of Pickering emulsion polymerizations Future: Engineer/CEA Dijon 11. Solmaz Aryafar (January 2013- defended 23/11/2016) Ecole doctorale de Chimie, spécialité génie des procédés PhD director: Timothy McKenna; Co-encadrement: Nida Sheibat-Othman Title: Scale-up of emulsion polymerization reactors Future: Process Engineer / SOFREGAZ 12. Ana-Carolina Méndez (June 2014- defended 18/10/2016) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité génie des procédés PhD director: Timothy Mckenna; Co-direction: Nida Sheibat-Othman Title: Modeling of polyvinyl chloride emulsion polymerisation Future: Chemical Engineering Consultant / Altran 13. Mohamed Benlahrache (October 2013- June 2016, defended 8/7/2016) Ecole doctorale EEA, spécialité automatique Directeur de thèse: Sami Othman; Co-encadrement: Nida Sheibat-Othman Titre: Reconfiguration de la commande en cas de défaut d’une éolienne Future: Project Leader R&D on Flight Control Research / Altran 14. Behnam Khadem (May 2016 – April 2019, defended 14/7/2019) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité Génie des procédés PhD director: Nida Sheibat-Othman; Co-supervision: Unilever Title: Design, scale-up and optimization of double emulsion processes Future: Care R&D manager / Henkel Thesis Prize of Codegepra 2020 (Comité de Développement du Génie des Procédés en Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes) Thesis Prize of SFGP 2020 (Société française de génie des procédés) 15. Simone Castellano (October 2016 – October 2019, defense 5/11/2019) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité Génie des procédés PhD supervisors: Sophie Charton/CEA, Nida Sheibat-Othman, Daniele Marchisio/Polito, Antonio Buffo/Polito Title: Étude et modélisation multi-échelle des propriétés des émulsions pour les procédés d’extraction liquide-liquide. Adaptation des noyaux de rupture et de coalescence aux cas industriels Future: Process control engineer / Eli Lilly & Compagny 16. Amel Ben Mrad (July 2017 – December 2020, defense 11/12/2020) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité Génie des procédés PhD supervisor: Timothy McKenna. Co-supervisor: Nida Sheibat-Othman Title: Thermodynamics of polyolefines polymerizations Future: Research engineer / Michelin 17. Manis Gheghiani (October 2017 – October 2020, defense 15/12/2020) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité Génie des procédés PhD supervisor: Nida Sheibat-Othman. Co-supervisor: Noémie Caillol / Axel’One Title: Coupling of techniques / sensors and numerical modeling - Statistical Process Control Future: Recherche & Développement/ Axel’One 18. Sabrine Kardous (Septembre 2017 – Septembre 2020, defense 31/3/2021) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité Génie des procédés PhD supervisor: Nida Sheibat-Othman; Co-supervisor: Timothy Mckenna/C2P2 Title: Optimization of grade transition in Polyethylene polymerization in a fluidized bed reactor Future: Researcher at Vencorex 19. Estela Kamile Gelinski (January 2019 – defense 7/9/2022) Ecole doctorale de chimie, spécialité Génie des procédés PhD supervisor: Timothy McKenna; Co-supervisors Nida Sheibat-Othman; Salima Boutti / Arkema Title: Elimination of fouling and coagulum in polymerization reactors – PVDF Future: Researcher at Arkema 20. Kusuma Kulajanpeng (September 2019 – defense 17/02/2023) PhD supervisor: Timothy McKenna; co-supervisors: Nida Sheibat-Othman; Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon and Siricharn Jirapongphan / SCG Thailand Title: Study of gas phase polypropylene polymerization Future: Researcher at SCG 21. Samy Alioui (13 September 2021 – September 2024) PhD supervisor: Christophe Boisson/CP2M Co-supervisors: Franck Dagosto/CP2M, Nida Sheibat-Othman (50 %) /LAGEPP, Damien Montarnal/CP2M; Charlotte Dire/Michelin, Francois Jean-Baptiste dit Dominique/Michelin Funding: CNRS Title: Chimie et procédé de synthèse d’élastomères thermoplastiques à base d’oléfines et de 1,3-diènes #### Post-doctorants / ATER / Engineers 1. David Edoaurd, Post-doc, project ACI “Caplog” Supervision: Hassan Hammouri, Nida Sheibat-Othman 6 months (2004) 2. Mamdouh Kharrat: Post-doc (company Merylithe) Supervision: Gilles Févotte, Nida Sheibat-Othman 6 months (2005) 3. Julian Becker: Post-doc, European projet “Multimod” Supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman, François Puel 4 months (2013) 4. Elodie Chabanon: ATER IUT Supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman, François Puel 12 months (2013/2014) 5. Alexandre Monnier: Post-doc, project Carnot “Ardent” Supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman, Hatem Fessi 14 months (2013/2014) 6. Dang Cheng: Post-doc, project “Scale-up” Supervision: Timothy Mckenna, Nida Sheibat-Othman 16 months (2016-2017) 7. Tanmoy Kanti DEB: Engineer (June 2016 – May 2019), European project “ModLife” Supervision: Nida Sheibat-Othman, Mahir Ozdemir/Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Gürkan Sin / DTU Denmark Title: Modelling the stability of nanosuspensions


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In-situ Dissolved Polypropylene Prediction by Raman and ATR-IR spectroscopy for its Recycling

Sofiane Ferchichi , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Olivier Boyron , Charles Bonnin , Sébastien Norsic
Analytical Methods, 2024, 16 (19), pp.3109-3117. ⟨10.1039/D4AY00667D⟩
Journal articles hal-04664681v1

Centrifugal creaming of concentrated oil-in-water emulsions: experimental investigation and modelling

Kristy Touma , Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2024, 208, pp.899-909. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2024.07.049⟩
Journal articles hal-04655348v1
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Modelling W/O/W double emulsions preparation in static mixers: accounting for the shear-thinning behaviour of the dispersed phase

Noureddine Lebaz , Kristy Touma , Ranim Chakleh , Fouad Azizi , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2024, 204, pp.461-470. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2024.02.052⟩
Journal articles hal-04501952v1
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Multicomponent solubility in gas‐phase polypropylene processes

Kusuma Kulanjanpeng , Yesmine Bel Hadj Hassine , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon , Timothy F L Mckenna
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2023, 140 (47), ⟨10.1002/app.54695⟩
Journal articles hal-04275327v1
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Polyethylene Slurries: Swelling and Solubility

Amel Ben Mrad , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Ana Paula Alves Amorim , Roberta Lopes Do Rosario , Timothy Mckenna
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 2023, 17 (3), pp.2300020. ⟨10.1002/mren.202300020⟩
Journal articles hal-04275210v1
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Mass transfer in emulsion polymerization: An experimental and modelling study

Estela Kamile Gelinski , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, inPress, ⟨10.1002/cjce.25120⟩
Journal articles hal-04275315v1
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An original continuous process for double emulsions preparation using static mixers: Focus on the viscosity

Noureddine Lebaz , Kristy Touma , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2023, 674, pp.131984. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfa.2023.131984⟩
Journal articles hal-04153103v1
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7th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling 2022

Noureddine Lebaz , Alain Liné , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Jérôme Morchain
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2023, 194, pp.787-788. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2023.05.031⟩
Journal articles hal-04101009v1
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Modeling Droplet Breakage in Continuous Emulsification Using Static Mixers in the Framework of the Entire Spectrum of Turbulent Energy

Noureddine Lebaz , Fouad Azizi , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2022, 61 (1), pp.541-553. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.1c03529⟩
Journal articles hal-03522969v1
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Diffusivity of multicomponent gas mixtures in polyethylene

Amel Ben Mrad , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sina Valaei , Michael Bartke , Timothy Mckenna
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2022, 223 (2), pp.2100406. ⟨10.1002/macp.202100406⟩
Journal articles hal-03762876v1
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ColHySE: An Advanced Column Hydrodynamic-based model for Solvent Extraction

Sophie Charton , Simone Castellano , Samer Alzyod , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2022, 179, pp.188-200. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2022.01.016⟩
Journal articles cea-03564262v1
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Model Predictive Control with Integrated Model Reduction for a Continuous Lactide Ring-Opening Polymerization Process

Nawel Afsi , Sami Othman , Toufik Bakir , Anis Sakly , Nida Sheibat-Othman
ACS Omega, 2022, pp.acsomega.1c06483. ⟨10.1021/acsomega.1c06483⟩
Journal articles hal-03579303v1
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Population balance modelling of a continuous static mixer-based emulsification process

Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2022, 7th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling 2022, 188, pp.645-654. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2022.10.022⟩
Journal articles hal-03815945v1
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Polymerization of Ethylene in the Gas Phase - A new combined hardware and software tool

Yashmin Blazzio , Sebastien Norsic , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 100 (9), pp.2491-2504. ⟨10.1002/cjce.24412⟩
Journal articles hal-03658887v1
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A numerical evaluation of flows through an SMX-Plus mixer

Fouad Azizi , Walid Abou-Hweij , Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2022, 178, pp.382-394. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2021.12.030⟩
Journal articles hal-03518109v1
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Multiscale modelling of multizone gas phase propylene (co)polymerization reactors—A comprehensive review

Kusuma Kulajanpeng , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Wiwut Tanthapanichakoon , Timothy Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 100 (9), pp.2505-2545. ⟨10.1002/cjce.24471⟩
Journal articles hal-03762864v1
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Modeling polystyrene homogeneous-coagulative nucleation in Pickering emulsion polymerization

Barthélémy Brunier , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 2022, 7 (8), pp.2200016. ⟨10.1002/mren.202200016⟩
Journal articles hal-03762901v1
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Monitoring and Modeling of Creaming in Oil-in-Water Emulsions

Tanmoy Kanti Deb , Noureddine Lebaz , Mahir Sinan Ozdemir , Ruxandra Govoreanu , Adel Mhamdi
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2022, 61 (13), pp.4638-4647. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.1c04722⟩
Journal articles hal-03633657v1
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Optimization of Polyethylene Grade Transitions in Fluidized Bed Reactors with Constraints on the Polymer Sticking Temperature

Sabrine Kardous , Timothy Mckenna , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2021, 60 (5), pp.2089-2100. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.0c05466⟩
Journal articles hal-03199067v1
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Online Monitoring of the Particle Size in Semibatch Emulsion Copolymerization Using Spatially Resolved Spectroscopy and Raman Spectroscopy

Manis Gheghiani , Noémie Caillol , Timothy Mckenna , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2021, 60 (7), pp.2861-2870. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.0c05770⟩
Journal articles hal-03199081v1
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A novel approach for the estimation of the Sanchez-Lacombe interaction parameters for the solubility of ternary polyolefins systems

Amel Ben Mrad , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Jorik Hill , Michael Bartke , Timothy F.L. Mckenna
Chemical Engineering Journal, inPress, 421 (2), pp.127778. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2020.127778⟩
Journal articles hal-03142064v1
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Low‐Field High‐Resolution PFG‐NMR to Predict the Size Distribution of Inner Droplets in Double Emulsions

Behnam Khadem , Andrew Parrott , Alison Nordon , Nida Sheibat-Othman
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology, 2021, 123 (1), pp.2000193. ⟨10.1002/ejlt.202000193⟩
Journal articles hal-03199063v1
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Emulsion polymerisation of Vinylidene Fluoride: Effects of Mixing and Reaction Conditions on the Initial Rate of Polymerisation

Ana Carolina M. Ecoscia , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, inPress, 100 (4), pp.654-665. ⟨10.1002/cjce.24145⟩
Journal articles hal-03142061v1
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Monitoring of polymer content in an emulsion polymerization using spatially resolved spectroscopy in the near infrared region and Raman spectroscopy

Manis Gheghiani , Noémie Caillol , Serge Henrot , Timothy Mckenna , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Polymer Engineering and Science, 2020, 60 (9), pp.2248-2261. ⟨10.1002/pen.25467⟩
Journal articles hal-02941351v1
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Modelling study of emulsion latex coagulation processes in coagulators

Dang Cheng , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2020, ⟨10.1002/cjce.23851⟩
Journal articles hal-02992613v1
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Thermodynamic Effects on Grade Transition of Polyethylene Polymerization in Fluidized Bed Reactors

Sabrine Kardous , Timothy Mckenna , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 2020, 14 (4), pp.2000013. ⟨10.1002/mren.202000013⟩
Journal articles hal-02749293v3
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Model-Based Optimization of Semibatch Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene

Eduardo Schultz , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Alexander Mitsos , Adel Mhamdi
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2020, 59 (37), pp.16368-16379. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.0c02771⟩
Journal articles hal-02941357v1
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Model predictive control for continuous lactide ring‐opening polymerization processes

Nawel Afsi , Sami Othman , Toufik Bakir , Liborio Costa , Anis Sakly
Asian Journal of Control, 2020, ⟨10.1002/asjc.2453⟩
Journal articles hal-02991993v1
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Modeling of double emulsions using population balance equations

Behnam Khadem , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 366, pp.587-597. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2019.02.092⟩
Journal articles hal-02094586v1
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Using the full turbulence spectrum for describing droplet coalescence and breakage in industrial liquid-liquid systems: Experiments and modeling

Simone Castellano , Lorenzo Carrillo , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Daniele L. Marchisio , Antonio Buffo
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 374, pp.1420-1432. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2019.06.032⟩
Journal articles hal-02188208v1
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Modeling Emulsification in Static Mixers: Equilibrium Correlations versus Population Balance Equations

Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2019, 42 (8), pp.1691-1701. ⟨10.1002/ceat.201900109⟩
Journal articles hal-02130395v1
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Investigating swelling-breakdown in double emulsions

Behnam Khadem , Maya Khellaf , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2019, pp.124181. ⟨10.1016/j.colsurfa.2019.124181⟩
Journal articles hal-02361469v1
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A population balance model for the prediction of breakage of emulsion droplets in SMX+ static mixers

Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 361, pp.625-634. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2018.12.090⟩
Journal articles hal-01966545v1
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Modeling droplets swelling and escape in double emulsions using population balance equations

Behnam Khadem , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, pp.122824. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2019.122824⟩
Journal articles hal-02321212v1
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Theoretical and Experimental Investigations of Double Emulsion Preparation by Ultrasonication

Behnam Khadem , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2019, 58 (19), pp.8220-8230. ⟨10.1021/acs.iecr.9b00556⟩
Journal articles hal-02130399v1
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Effect of Pickering stabilization on radical entry in emulsion polymerization

Barthélémy Brunier , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
AIChE Journal, 2018, 64 (7), pp.2612-2624. ⟨10.1002/aic.16159⟩
Journal articles hal-02139828v1
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Particle Coagulation of Emulsion Polymers: A Review of Experimental and Modelling Studies

Dang Cheng , Solmaz Ariafar , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Jordan Pohn , Timothy Mckenna
Polymer Reviews, 2018, 58 (4), pp.717-759. ⟨10.1080/15583724.2017.1405979⟩
Journal articles hal-02992600v1
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Description of droplet coalescence and breakup in emulsions through a homogeneous population balance model

Simone Castellano , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Daniele L. Marchisio , Antonio Buffo , Sophie Charton
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2018, 354, pp.1197-1207. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2018.07.176⟩
Journal articles hal-02094574v1
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Reaction engineering of the emulsion homopolymerization of vinylidene fluoride: Progress and challenges

Ana Carolina Mendez Ecoscia , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy Frederick Llewellyn Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2018, 97 (1), pp.207-216. ⟨10.1002/cjce.23308⟩
Journal articles hal-02361626v1

Modelling particle growth under saturated and starved conditions in emulsion polymerization

Barthélémy Brunier , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2017, 95 (2), pp.208-221. ⟨10.1002/cjce.22640⟩
Journal articles hal-02139837v1

Coupling of CFD Simulations and Population Balance Modeling to Predict Brownian Coagulation in an Emulsion Polymerization Reactor

Solmaz Aryafar , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy F. L. Mckenna
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 2017, 11 (5), pp.1600054. ⟨10.1002/mren.201600054⟩
Journal articles hal-01872870v1

Multivariable model predictive control of wind turbines based on Laguerre functions

Mohamed Abdelmoula Benlahrache , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Wind Engineering, 2017, 41 (6), pp.409 - 420. ⟨10.1177/0309524X17721997⟩
Journal articles hal-01901756v1

Fault Tolerant Control of Wind Turbine Using Robust Model Predictive Min-Max approach

Mohamed Benlahrache , Khaled Laib , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat-Othman
IFAC-PapersOnLine, 2017, 50 (1), pp.9902 - 9907. ⟨10.1016/j.ifacol.2017.08.1622⟩
Journal articles hal-01901768v1
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Is Modeling the PSD in Emulsion Polymerization a Finished Problem? An Overview

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Hugo M. Vale , Jordan M. Pohn , Timothy F. L. Mckenna
Macromolecular Reaction Engineering, 2017, 11 (5), pp.1600059. ⟨10.1002/mren.201600059⟩
Journal articles hal-01872869v1
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Drop size distribution monitoring of oil-in-water emulsions in SMX+ static mixers: Effect of operating and geometrical conditions

Elodie Chabanon , Nida Sheibat-Othman , O. Mdere , Jean-Pierre Valour , Sébastien Urbaniak
International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2017, 92, pp.61 - 69. ⟨10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2017.03.001⟩
Journal articles hal-01507424v1

Numerical Solution of the Drop Population Balance Equation Using Weighted Residual and Finite Volume Methods

Jannike Solsvik , Per J. Becker , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hugo A. Jakobsen
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2016, 37 (1), pp.80-88. ⟨10.1080/01932691.2015.1028550⟩
Journal articles hal-01920791v1

Physical explanations about the improvement of PolyHydroxyButyrate ductility: Hidden effect of plasticizer on physical ageing

R. Crétois , J.-M. Chenal , Nida Sheibat-Othman , A. Monnier , C. Martin
Polymer, 2016, 102, pp.176-182. ⟨10.1016/j.polymer.2016.09.017⟩
Journal articles hal-01804507v1

Poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) Microspheres for the Encapsulation and Controlled Release of Heparin

Alexandre Monnier , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Jean-Marc Chenal , Amilton Martins Dos Santos , Hatem Fessi
Journal of Colloid Science and Biotechnology, 2016, 5 (1, SI), pp.100-108. ⟨10.1166/jcsb.2016.1133⟩
Journal articles hal-01814068v1

Preparation and characterization of biodegradable polyhydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate/polyethylene glycol-based microspheres

Alexandre Monnier , Charlotte Rombouts , Dania Kouider , Imad About , Hatem Fessi
International Journal of Pharmaceutics, 2016, 513 (1-2), pp.49-61. ⟨10.1016/j.ijpharm.2016.08.066⟩
Journal articles hal-01454787v1
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Investigation of Four Different Laponite Clays as Stabilizers in Pickering Emulsion Polymerization

Barthélémy Brunier , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Mehdi Chniguir , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Langmuir, 2016, 32 (24), pp.6046 - 6057. ⟨10.1021/acs.langmuir.6b01080⟩
Journal articles hal-01859558v1

A Practical Approach to Reaction Calorimetry in Presence of Supercritical Vinylidene Fluoride

Ana C. Méndez-Ecoscia , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy F. L. Mckenna
Macromolecular Symposia, 2016, 370 (1), pp.75-91. ⟨10.1002/masy.201600084⟩
Journal articles hal-01925244v1

A New Methodology for Measuring the Stability of Emulsion Polymer Particles

Ana C. Méndez-Ecoscia , André F. Prates-Pereira , Margarida B. Fonseca-Marques , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Timothy F. L. Mckenna
Macromolecular Symposia, 2016, 360 (1), pp.142-151. ⟨10.1002/masy.201500097⟩
Journal articles hal-01925247v1

Viscous Drop Breakage in Liquid\textendashLiquid Stirred Dispersions: Population Balance Modeling

Jannike Solsvik , Per Julian Becker , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Itishree Mohallick , Reza Farzad
Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 2015, 36 (4), pp.577-594. ⟨10.1080/01932691.2014.910471⟩
Journal articles hal-01920796v1
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Partitioning of Laponite Clay Platelets in Pickering Emulsion Polymerization

Barthélémy Brunier , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Langmuir, 2015, 32 (1), pp.112 - 124. ⟨10.1021/acs.langmuir.5b03576⟩
Journal articles hal-01859561v1

Evaluation of breakage kernels for liquid-liquid systems: Solution of the population balance equation by the least-squares method

Jannike Solsvik , Zsolt Borka , Per Julian Becker , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hugo A. Jakobsen
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 92 (2), pp.234-249. ⟨10.1002/cjce.21876⟩
Journal articles hal-01925111v1

Combination of Model-based Observer and Support Vector Machines for Fault Detection of Wind Turbines

Nassim Laouti , Sami Othman , Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman
International Journal of Automation and Computing, 2014, 11 (3), pp.274 - 287. ⟨10.1007/s11633-014-0790-9⟩
Journal articles hal-01902690v1

Development of an improved breakage kernel for high dispersed viscosity phase emulsification

Per Julian Becker , François Puel , Hugo Atle Jakobsen , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 109, pp.326-338. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2014.02.008⟩
Journal articles hal-01273019v1

On the solution of the dynamic population balance model describing emulsification: Evaluation of weighted residual methods

Jannike Solsvik , Per J. Becker , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hugo A. Jakobsen
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 92 (2), pp.250-265. ⟨10.1002/cjce.21875⟩
Journal articles hal-01920802v1

Monitoring silicone oil droplets during emulsification in stirred vessel: Effect of dispersed phase concentration and viscosity

Per Julian Becker , François Puel , Yves Chevalier , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 92 (2), pp.296-306. ⟨10.1002/cjce.21885⟩
Journal articles hal-01273011v1

Coupled population balance–CFD simulation of droplet breakup in a high pressure homogenizer

Per Julian Becker , François Puel , Arend Dubbelboer , Jo Janssen , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2014, 68, pp.140-150. ⟨10.1016/j.compchemeng.2014.05.014⟩
Journal articles hal-01273154v1

Development of a CFD-PBE coupled model for the simulation of the drops behaviour in a pulsed column

Abdenour Amokrane , Sophie Charton , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Julian Becker , Jean P. Klein
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 92 (2), pp.220-233. ⟨10.1002/cjce.21933⟩
Journal articles hal-01273007v1

Population balance model: Breakage kernel parameter estimation to emulsification data

Jannike Solsvik , Per J. Becker , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hugo A. Jakobsen
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, ⟨10.1002/cjce.21928⟩
Journal articles hal-01920800v1

A 2-D observer to estimate the reaction rate in a stopped flow fixed bed reactor for gas phase olefin polymerization

Barbara Browning , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Isabelle Pitault , Timothy Mckenna
AIChE Journal, 2014, 60 (10), pp.3511 - 3523. ⟨10.1002/aic.14538⟩
Journal articles hal-01923776v1

Usefulness of Controlled Release of Growth Factors in Investigating the Early Events of Dentin-pulp Regeneration

Sylvie Mathieu , Charlotte Jeanneau , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Mohamed Nader Kalaji , Hatem Fessi
Journal of Endodontics, 2013, 39 (2), pp.228-235. ⟨10.1016/j.joen.2012.11.007⟩
Journal articles hal-00925125v1
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Inferential MIMO predictive control of the particle size distribution in emulsion polymerization

Bruno da Silva , Pascal Dufour , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
Computers & Chemical Engineering, 2012, 38(5), pp. 115-125. ⟨10.1016/j.compchemeng.2011.11.003⟩
Journal articles hal-00648963v2

Dynamic modelling of a stopped flow fixed bed reactor for gas phase olefin polymerisation

Barbara Browning , I. Pitault , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Estevan Tioni , Vincent Monteil
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2012, 207 (208), pp.635-644. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2012.07.027⟩
Journal articles hal-00925114v1

Investigation of Discrete Population Balance Models and Breakage Kernels for Dilute Emulsification Systems

Per Julian Becker , François E. Puel , Reynald Henry , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2011, 50, pp.11358-11374. ⟨10.1021/ie2006033⟩
Journal articles hal-00925079v1

Multivariable control of the polymer molecular weight in emulsion polymerization processes

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman , Olivier Boyron , Mazen Alamir
Journal of Process Control, 2011, 21 (6), pp.861-873. ⟨10.1016/j.jprocont.2011.03.010⟩
Journal articles hal-00584426v1

A Kinetic Investigation of Surfactant-Free Emulsion Polymerization of Styrene Using Laponite Clay Platelets as Stabilizers

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Ana Maria Cenacchi Pereira , Amilton Martin dos Santos , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2011, 49 (22), pp.4771-4784. ⟨10.1002/pola.24924⟩
Journal articles hal-00723722v1

Synthesis of oily core-hybrid shell nanocapsules through interfacial free radical copolymerization in miniemulsion: droplet formation and nucleation

Z.H. Cao , G. R. Shan , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Jean-Luc Putaux , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 2010, 48 (3), pp.593-603
Journal articles hal-00533252v1

Development and Monitoring of a Continuous Polyurethane Pilot Reactor

Gérard Nadjiadjim , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Févotte , Jérôme Dupuy
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2010, 33 (11 Special Issue), pp.1900-1908. ⟨10.1002/ceat.201000296⟩
Journal articles hal-00578607v1

Controlled Release Carriers of Growth Factors FGF-2 and TGFβ1: Synthesis, Characterization and Kinetic Modelling

Nader Kalaji , Alexander Deloge , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Olivier Boyron , Imad About
Journal of Biomedical Nanotechnology, 2010, 6 (2), pp.106--116. ⟨10.1166/jbn.2010.1102⟩
Journal articles hal-02001500v1

Measurement Based Modeling and Control of Bimodal Particle Size Distribution in batch Emulsion Polymerization

Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
AIChE Journal, 2010, 56 (8), pp.2122-2136. ⟨10.1002/aic.12148⟩
Journal articles hal-00533255v1

A lab-scale reaction calorimeter for olefin polymerization

Virginie F. Tisse , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Timothy F. L. Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2010, 88 (5), pp.783-792. ⟨10.1002/cjce.20336⟩
Journal articles hal-01923371v1

Modelling and monitoring of a continuous polyurethane process

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gérard Nadjiadjim , Gilles Fevotte , Jérôme Dupuy
Chemical Engineering and Technology, 2010, 33 (11), pp.1900-1908
Journal articles hal-00925140v1

Colloidal and physicochemical characterization of proteincontaining poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) microspheres before and after drying

Nader Kalaji , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hassan Saadaoui , Abdelhamid Elaissari , Hatem Fessi
e-Polymers, 2009, 9 (1), pp.110--121
Journal articles hal-02001502v1

Use of silica particles for the formation of organic-inorganic particles by surfactant-free emulsion polymerization

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Langmuir, 2009, 25 (17), pp.10121-10133. ⟨10.1021/la900895z⟩
Journal articles hal-00533227v1

Preparation Conditions Effect on the Morphology and Release Kinetics of Biodegradable Particles: A Mathematical Approach

Alexandre Deloge , Nader Kalaji , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Victor Shengzhao Lin , Pierre Farge
Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2009, 8, pp.467-474
Journal articles hal-00358494v1

Preparation of hybrid nanocapsules

Kefan F. Ni , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat-Othman , G. R. Shan , Gilles Fevotte
Macromolecular Symposia, 2008, 271, pp.120-128
Journal articles hal-00358423v1

Miniemulsion Copolymerization of Styrene and γ-Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane: Kinetics and Mechanism

Z.H. Cao , J.R. Shan , Gilles Fevotte , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Macromolecules, 2008, 41 (14), pp.5166-5173. ⟨10.1021/ma800326x⟩
Journal articles hal-00724909v1

Miniemulsion copolymerization of styrene and gama-methacryloxy propyl trimethoxysilane: kinetics and mechanism

Z. H. Cao , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat-Othman , G. Shan , Gilles Fevotte
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2008, 41 (14), pp.5166-5173
Journal articles hal-00358512v1

On the use of Nonlinear Receding Horizon Observers in Batch Terpolymerization Reactors

Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
International Journal of Modelling, Identification and Control, 2008, 4 (1), pp.79-88
Journal articles hal-00160744v1

Preparation of pH-sensitive particles by membrane contactor

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Tim Burne , Catherine Charcosset , Hatem Fessi
Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 2008, 315, pp.13-22
Journal articles hal-00358472v1

Nonlinear observers for parameter estimation in a solution polymerization process using infrared spectroscopy

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Dominique Peycelon , Sami Othman , Jean-Marc Suau , Gilles Fevotte
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2008, 140 (1-3), pp.529-538. ⟨10.1016/j.cej.2007.11.039⟩
Journal articles emse-00498031v1

Receding horizon control for polymerization processes

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Olivier Garrigues , Sami Othman
Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 2007, 46, pp.251-259
Journal articles hal-00358523v1

Constrained nonlinear predictive control for maximizing production in polymerization processes

Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2007, 15 (2), pp.315-323. ⟨10.1109/TCST.2006.883192⟩
Journal articles hal-00086527v1

A Population Balance Model of the Solution-Mediated Phase Transition of Citric Acid

Gilles Fevotte , Alexandre Caillet , Nida Sheibat-Othman
AIChE Journal, 2007, 53 (10), pp.2578-2589. ⟨10.1002/aic.11261⟩
Journal articles hal-00358533v1

Crystallization of monohydrate citric acid. 2. Modeling through population balance equations

Alexandre Caillet , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Fevotte
Crystal Growth & Design, 2007, 7 (10), pp.2088-2095. ⟨10.1021/cg0606343⟩
Journal articles emse-00497985v1


Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2006, 45, pp.206-211
Journal articles hal-00358544v1


Chistelle Rimlinger , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Hassan Hammouri
The Mediterranean Journal of Measurement and Control, 2006, 2 (1), pp.12-21
Journal articles hal-00358541v1

Observer design for particle size distribution in emulsion polymerization

David Edouard , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Hassan Hammouri
AIChE Journal, 2006, 52 (1), pp.282-291. ⟨10.1002/aic.10602⟩
Journal articles hal-02137194v1

Near Infrared Spectroscopy for the monitoring and control of polymerization processes

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Dominique Peycelon , Jean-Bernard Egraz , Jean-Marc Suau , Gilles Fevotte
NIR news, 2005, 16 (4), pp.8-9
Journal articles hal-00358550v1

Observer Design for Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization

David Edouard , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Hassan Hammouri
AIChE Journal, 2005, 51 (12), pp.3167-3185
Journal articles hal-00358748v1

Synthesis of Hybrid Core-Shell Nanoparticles by Emulsion (Co)polymerization of Styrene and gamma-Methacryloxypropyltrimethoxysilane

Kefan F. Ni , G. R. Shan , Z. X. Weng , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Fevotte
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2005, 38, pp.7321-7329
Journal articles hal-00358744v1

Synthesis of hybrid core-shell nanoparticles by emulsion (co)polymerization of styrene and gamma-methacryloxy propyl trimethoxy silane : Kinetics and modeling

Kefan F. Ni , Nida Sheibat-Othman , G. R. Shan , Gilles Fevotte , Z. X. Weng
International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2005, 38 (22), pp.9100 -9109
Journal articles hal-00358558v1
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Biobjective control of emulsion polymerizations: control of the polymer composition and the concentration of monomer in the polymer particles

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Fevotte , Timothy Mckenna
Chemical Engineering Journal, 2004, 98 (1-2), pp.69-79
Journal articles hal-00358753v1

Monitoring and Control of Free-Radical Polymerizations Using Near-Infrared Spectroscopy

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Dominique Peycelon , Gilles Févotte
Industrial and engineering chemistry research, 2004, 43, pp.7383-7391
Journal articles hal-00358750v1

Control of the polymer molecular weight using near infrared spectroscopy

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Dominique Peycelon , Jean-Bernard Egraz , Jean-Marc Suau , Gilles Fevotte
AIChE Journal, 2004, 50 (3), pp.654-664
Journal articles hal-00366381v1

Nonlinear continuous-discrete observers: application to emulsion polymerization reactors

C.-M. Astorga , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman , Hassan Hammouri , Timothy Mckenna
Control Engineering Practice, 2002, 10 (1), pp.3-13. ⟨10.1016/S0967-0661(01)00100-9⟩
Journal articles hal-00366388v1

Monitoring of emulsion polymerisations: A study of reaction kinetics in the presence of secondary nucleation

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Amilton M. Santos , Gilles Févotte , Timothy Mckenna
Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2002, 80, pp.88-104
Journal articles hal-00366385v1

Polymer Composition Control in Emulsion Co- and Terpolymerizations

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Fevotte , Timothy Mckenna
Industrial and engineering chemistry, 2002, 41, pp.1261-1275
Journal articles hal-00366383v1


Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Févotte , Timothy Mckenna
Polymer Reaction Engineering, 2001, 9 (4), pp.271-296
Journal articles hal-00366389v1

On-line Monitoring of Methyl Methacrylate-Vinyl Acetate Emulsion Copolymerisation

Amilton M. Santos , Gilles Fevotte , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman , Timothy Mckenna
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2000, 75 (13), pp.1667-1683. ⟨10.1002/(SICI)1097-4628(20000328)75:13<1667::AID-APP12>3.0.CO;2-2⟩
Journal articles hal-00366399v1


Amilton M. Santos , Gilles Fevotte , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman , Timothy Mckenna
Macromolecular Symposia, 2000, 150, pp.115-120
Journal articles hal-00366394v1


Philippe Guinot , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Gilles Févotte , Timothy Mckenna
Polymer Reaction Engineering, 2000, 8 (2), pp.115-134
Journal articles hal-00366391v1


Nida Sheibat-Othman , Amilton M. Santos , Gilles Fevotte , Timothy Mckenna
Macromolecular Symposia, 2000, 150, pp.109-114
Journal articles hal-00366398v1

Centrifugal creaming study of concentrated oil-in-water emulsions

Kristy Touma , Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
27th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA), Aug 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-04682464v1

Continuous turbulent liquid-liquid emulsification using open-cell solid foams

Kristy Touma , Noureddine Lebaz , Régis Philippe , Nida Sheibat-Othman
27th International Congress of Chemical and Process Engineering (CHISA), Aug 2024, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-04682446v1

Centrifugal creaming study of oil-in-water emulsions: Experimental and modeling approach

Kristy Touma , Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
1st Population Balance Modelling Webinar, Nov 2023, Virtual (Turin), Italy
Conference papers hal-04317048v1

Population Balance Modelling of W/O/W Double Emulsions Preparation in Static Mixers

Noureddine Lebaz , Kristy Touma , Ranim Chakleh , Fouad Azizi , Nida Sheibat-Othman
17th European Conference on Mixing, Jul 2023, Porto, Portugal
Conference papers hal-04153108v1

Modélisation par bilan de population de la formation d’émulsions doubles par des mélangeurs statiques

Noureddine Lebaz , Kristy Touma , Nida Sheibat-Othman
18ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Nov 2022, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-03848924v1

Population balance modelling of single and double emulsions preparation using static mixers

Noureddine Lebaz , Nida Sheibat-Othman
7th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, May 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03668994v1

Dynamic optimization of a continuous Lactide ring-opening polymerization process

Nawel Afsi , Sami Othman , Toufik Bakir , Liborio Costa , Anis Sakly
2019 International Conference on Control, Automation and Diagnosis (ICCAD), Jul 2019, Grenoble, France. pp.1-6, ⟨10.1109/ICCAD46983.2019.9037934⟩
Conference papers hal-02541208v1

Modélisation de la formation des émulsions et des double-émulsions

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Behnam Khadem , Noureddine Lebaz
35ème Club Emulsion, Oct 2018, Nantes, France
Conference papers hal-02190105v1

Multivariable model predictive control of wind turbines in presence of actuator fault

Mohamed Benlahrache , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat-Othman
2017 8th International Renewable Energy Congress (IREC), Mar 2017, Amman, France. ⟨10.1109/IREC.2017.7926034⟩
Conference papers hal-01901791v1

Estimation of the mean crystal size and the moments of the crystal size distribution in batch crystallization processes

Nawel Afsi, , Toufik Bakir , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Anis Sakly
Conference papers hal-01557757v1

Population balance / CFD modelling of emulsions systems

Julian Aryafar , Nida Sheibat -Othman , T.F.L. Mckenna
66 the Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference (CSCHE 2016), 2016, Québec City, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01920789v1

Modelling of Pickering emulsion polymerisation

Barthélémy Brunier , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat -Othman
11th Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering (PRE), May 2016, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01996678v1

Fault tolerant control of wind turbine using Laguerre and Kautz MPC for compensation

Mohamed Abdelmoula Benlahrache , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat-Othman
2016 European Control Conference (ECC), Jun 2016, Aalborg, France. ⟨10.1109/ECC.2016.7810570⟩
Conference papers hal-01901787v1

Drop size distribution monitoring and modeling of oil-in-water emulsions in SMX+ static mixers.

Elodie Chabanon , Nida Sheibat-Othman , François Puel
DEFI Dynamic and Evolving Phases Interphases, Oct 2016, Solaize, France
Conference papers hal-01823137v1

Estimation of the wind turbine yaw error by support vector machines

Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman , T. Raoaa , A. Sakly , Peter F. Odgaard
9th IFAC symposium on Control of Power and Energy Systems (CPES 2015),, Dec 2015, Delhi, India
Conference papers hal-01996669v1

Encapsulation of Heparin in PHBHV-based microspheres by double emulsion-solvent evaporation technique

Alexandre Monnier , Hatem Fessi , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Rodolfo M. Moraes , M.A. Gizelda
XIV Brazilian MRS, Sep 2015, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-01996682v1


Alexandre Monnier , Nida Sheibat -Othman , C. Rombouts , I. About , H. Fessi
3rd European Congress of Applied Biotechnology, Sep 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-01996676v1

Modelling of Pickering surfactant-free emulsion polymerisation

Barthélémy Brunier , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat -Othman
European Congress of Chemical Engineering (ECCE) 2015, Sep 2015, Nice, France
Conference papers hal-01996677v1

Faults Tolerant Control of Wind Turbine Based On Laguerre Model Predictive Compensator

Mohamed Benlahrache , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat -Othman
European Control Conference (ECC) 2015, Jul 2015, Linz, Austria
Conference papers hal-01996679v1

PHB-HV microspheres: Effect of polymer molecular weight on heparin encapsulation and release

Alexandre Monnier , Nida Sheibat -Othman , J.M. Chenal , A. Martins dos Santos , H. Fessi
2d International conference on bio-based polymers and composites, Aug 2014, Visegrad, Hungary
Conference papers hal-01996675v1

Optimisation of polymer processes

Nida Sheibat -Othman
The 7th Jordan International Chemical Engineering (JIChE 07) Conference, 2014, Amman, Jordan
Conference papers hal-01920801v1

Liquid/liquid dispersions and breakup kernels

Nida Sheibat -Othman
EMN Meeting on droplets, energy Materials Nanotechnology, 2014, San Sebastian, Spain
Conference papers hal-01925106v1

Evaluation of laponite partitioning in pickering emulsion polymerization

Barthélémy Brunier , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat -Othman
Frontiers Of Polymer Colloids 2014, Jul 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers hal-01996681v1

A Coupled Population Balance CFD Framework in OpenFoam for a High-Pressure Homogenizer

Per Julian Becker , François Puel , Arend Dubbelboer , Nida Sheibat-Othman
Récents Progrès en Génie des Procédés, 2013, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01925249v1

Optimisation of the process of production of bimodal latex

Nida Sheibat -Othman , Sami Othman , Timothy Mckenna
11th Workshop on Polymer Reaction Engineering (PRE), May 2013, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-02001495v1

Coupling of Population Balance Modelling to Computational Fluid Dynamics

Julian Becker , François Puel , Nida Sheibat -Othman
Multimod ITN : 3rd Workshop, 2013, Chalkidiki, Greece
Conference papers hal-01925232v1

Investigation of Pickering emulsion polymerization processes

Barthélémy Brunier , Julien Blanquet , Yves Chevalier , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat -Othman
2nd Working Party on Polymer Reaction Engineering, May 2013, Hamburg, Germany
Conference papers hal-02001497v1

Future innovation in process system engineering

Nida Sheibat -Othman
FIPSE1, 2012, Western Peloponnese, Greece
Conference papers hal-01925127v1

Dynamic modelling of a short-stop fixed bed reactor for the gas phase polymerisation of olefins

B. Browning , I. Pitault , E. Tioni , Nida Sheibat -Othman , V. Monteil
ISCRE 22 - Chemical Reaction Engineering, 2012, Maastricht, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-01925240v1

Coupling of discrete population balance to CFD in OpenFOAM

Julian Becker , François Puel , Nida Sheibat -Othman
Multimod ITN : 2nd Workshop, 2012, Milan, Italy
Conference papers hal-01925233v1

Optimization of the process of production of bimodal latex

Nida Sheibat -Othman , Sami Othman
Polymer in Dispersed Media, Apr 2012, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-02001493v1

Coupling Population Balance Modeling to Computational Fluid Dynamics in a High-Pressure Homogenizer

Julian Becker , François Puel , Arend Dubbelboer , Nida Sheibat -Othman
25th Meetings J. Cartier : Emulsification : Modeling Applications and Technologies, 2012, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01925241v1

Support Vector Machines for Fault Detection in Wind Turbines

Nassim Laouti , Sami Othman , Nida Sheibat -Othman
IFAC 18th World Congress, Aug 2011, Milano, Italy
Conference papers hal-02001490v1

Controlled Release Carriers of FGF-2 and TGFB1 for dentin regeneration

Nader Kalaji , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hatem Fessi , Imad About
88th General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, Jul 2010, Barcelona, Spain
Conference papers hal-02001501v1

Iterative Learning Control of the Particle Size Distribution in Emulsion Polymerization Processes

Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
PBM 2010 - 4th International Conference on Population Balance Modelling, Sep 2010, Berlin, Germany. pp.n.c
Conference papers hal-00472085v1

Pulp biology and regeneration group, tissue injury and regeneration

Nader Kalaji , Nida Sheibat -Othman , Hatem Fessi , Imad About
IADR, Jul 2010, Geneva, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02001492v1

CLPP: A User-Friendly Platform for Nonlinear Robust Observer Design

Mazen Alamir , Pascal Bellemain , Lionel Boillereaux , Isabelle Queinnec , Mariana Titica
DYCOPS 2010 - 9th International Symposium on Dynamics and Control of Process Systems (DYCOPS 2010), Jul 2010, Leuven / Louvain, Belgium. pp.n.c
Conference papers hal-00469478v1

A calorimetric study of surfactant-free emulsion polymerization stabilised by Laponite clays

Nida Sheibat-Othman , A. dos Santos , Elodie Bourgeat-Lami
Proceedings of the DECHEMA Polymer Reaction Engineering, 2010, Hambourg, Germany
Conference papers hal-01923374v1

Synthesis of high solids content Laponite-armored polymer latexes by soap-free emulsion polymerization and mechanical properties of the latex films

Elodie Bourgeat-Lami , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Amilton dos Santos
IUPAC, 2010, Glasgow, UK, Unknown Region
Conference papers hal-01917601v1
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Model predictive control of free surfactant concentration in emulsion polymerization

Bruno da Silva , Pascal Dufour , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) World Congress, Jul 2008, Seoul, South Korea. paper 1693, pp. 8375-8380, ⟨10.3182/20080706-5-KR-1001.1693⟩
Conference papers hal-00352737v2
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MPC@CB Software : A solution for Model Predictive Control

Bruno da Silva , Pascal Dufour , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
EFCE-European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE), Jun 2008, Lyon, France. pp.659-664
Conference papers hal-00352476v2
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On The Use of Nonlinear Receding-Horizon Observers in Batch Terpolymerization Processes

Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
NOLCOS 2007 - 7th IFAC Symposium on Nonlinear Control Systems, Aug 2007, Petroria, South Africa. ⟨10.3182/20070822-3-ZA-2920.00123⟩
Conference papers hal-00116962v1
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Constrained nonlinear receding-horizon control for maximizing production in polymerization processes.

Mazen Alamir , Nida Sheibat-Othman , Sami Othman
2006, 6 p
Conference papers hal-00083908v1
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Nida Sheibat-Othman
Chemical and Process Engineering. Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I, 2000. English. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00366694v1