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Ninon Burgos

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[Ninon Burgos]( is a CNRS researcher at the [Paris Brain Institute]( in the [ARAMIS Lab]( She completed her PhD at University College London in the [Centre for Medical Image Computing]( She received an MSc in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London and an Engineering degree from a French Graduate School in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ENSEA). Her research currently focuses on the development of computational imaging tools to improve the understanding and diagnosis of neurological diseases.


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Recent advances in the open-source ClinicaDL software for reproducible neuroimaging with deep learning

Ravi Hassanaly , Camille Brianceau , Mauricio Diaz , Sophie Loizillon , Elina Thibeau-Sutre
SPIE Medical Imaging, Feb 2024, San Diego, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-04419141v1
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Unsupervised anomaly detection in 3D brain FDG PET: A benchmark of 17 VAE-based approaches

Ravi Hassanaly , Camille Brianceau , Olivier Colliot , Ninon Burgos
Deep Generative Models workshop at the 26th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI 2023), Oct 2023, Vancouver, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-04185304v1