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Ninon Burgos

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[Ninon Burgos]( is a CNRS researcher at the [Paris Brain Institute]( in the [ARAMIS Lab]( She completed her PhD at University College London in the [Centre for Medical Image Computing]( She received an MSc in Biomedical Engineering from Imperial College London and an Engineering degree from a French Graduate School in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (ENSEA). Her research currently focuses on the development of computational imaging tools to improve the understanding and diagnosis of neurological diseases.


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Advances in the Clinica software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies

Omar El Rifai , Mauricio Diaz Melo , Ravi Hassanaly , Matthieu Joulot , Alexandre M Routier
OHBM 2022 - Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2022, Glasgow, United Kingdom
Communication dans un congrès hal-03728243v1
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Clinica: an open-source software platform for reproducible clinical neuroscience studies

Omar El-Rifai , Mauricio Diaz Melo , Ravi Hassanaly , Matthieu Joulot , Alexandre M Routier
MRI Together 2021 - A global workshop on Open Science and Reproducible MR Research, Dec 2021, Online, France
Communication dans un congrès hal-03513920v1
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New longitudinal and deep learning pipelines in the Clinica software platform

Alexandre Routier , Arnaud Marcoux , Mauricio Diaz Melo , Jorge Samper-González , Adam Wild
OHBM 2020 - Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2020, Montreal / Virtual, Canada
Communication dans un congrès hal-02549242v1
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How serious is data leakage in deep learning studies on Alzheimer's disease classification?

Junhao Wen​ , Elina Thibeau--Sutre​ , Jorge Samper-González​ , Alexandre M Routier , Simona Bottani​
2019 OHBM Annual meeting - Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2019, Rome, Italy
Communication dans un congrès hal-02105133v2
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New advances in the Clinica software platform for clinical neuroimaging studies

Alexandre Routier , Arnaud Marcoux , Mauricio Diaz Melo , Jérémy Guillon , Jorge Samper-González
OHBM 2019 - Annual Meeting on Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Jun 2019, Roma, Italy. ⟨10.1016/j.neuroimage.2011.09.015⟩
Communication dans un congrès hal-02132147v2