Differences in growth features between species are driving cereal-legume intercrop yield
Pierre Casadebaig
Noémie Gaudio
Rémi Mahmoud
Nadine Hilgert
18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers
Modeling Key Interactions in Bi-Specific Intercropping Systems: Enhancing the STICS Soil-Crop Model for Sustainable Agriculture
Rémi Vezy
Sebastian Munz
Noémie Gaudio
Marie Launay
Patrice Lecharpentier
XIIIème Séminaire des Utilisateurs de STICS, Nov 2023, Latresne (33), France. pp.50-50
Conference papers
Predicting intercrops yield, from data gathering to modeling
Rémi Mahmoud
Noémie Gaudio
Pierre Casadebaig
Nadine Hilgert
XVII Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2022, Postdam, Germany. 38p
Conference papers
Predicting intercrops yield, from data gathering to modeling: a workflow
Rémi Mahmoud
Nadine Hilgert
Pierre Casadebaig
Noémie Gaudio
International Biometric Conference, Jul 2022, Riga, Latvia
Conference papers
Species choice and N fertilisation influence the biodiversity effect and its components in intercrops
Remi Mahmoud
Pierre Casadebaig
Nadine Hilgert
Noemie Gaudio
Intercropping for sustainability, 2021, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Recent advances in intercropping modelling: the new version of the STICS soil-crop model simulates consistently a wide range of bi-specific annual intercrops.
Eric Justes
Rémi Vezy
Sebastian Munz
Kirsten Paff
Laurent Bedoussac
Conference on Intercropping for sustainability. Research developments and their application, Association of Applied Biologists, Jan 2021, Online, France
Conference papers
Simuler les processus écologiques dans les agrosystèmes diversifiés pour la transition agroécologique
C Robert
Nathalie Colbach
Noémie Gaudio
M Launay,
C Noûs
Séminaire INRA CIRAD modélisation des cultures, Dec 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
What is the potential of cover crops and what do farmers say?
Lionel Alletto
Sophie Ducos-Boue
Noémie Gaudio
Guillaume Hustet-Caou
Jay Ram Lamichhane
The soil carbon farming network, Climate-KIC, Oct 2021, Webinaire, France. 17p
Conference papers
Exploring FSPMs and crop models complementarities in up-and down-scaling from plant to field with a focus on modelling crop mixtures (Keynote)
Marie Launay
Noémie Gaudio
9th International Conference on FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURAL PLANT MODELS (FSPM2020), Oct 2020, Hannover, Germany. pp.1-2
Conference papers
Design and assessment of diversified low input cropping systems in southwestern France: an application of agroecological principles aiming at decreasing pesticides and N-fertilizers use
Noémie Gaudio
Catherine Bonnet
Didier Raffaillac
Lionel Alletto
Laurent Bedoussac
1. European Conference on Crop Diversification 2019, Sep 2019, Budapest, Hungary. 369 p
Conference papers
Design and assessment of diversified low input cropping systems in SW France: an application of agroecological principles aiming at drastically decrease pesticides and fertilizer-N use
Noémie Gaudio
Catherine Bonnet
Didier Raffaillac
Lionel Alletto
Laurent Bedoussac
European Conference on Crop Diversification 2019,, Sep 2019, Budapest, Hungary. 12p
Conference papers
A trait-based approach to understand and predict the performance of arable annual mixed crops
Rémi Mahmoud
Noemie Gaudio
Pierre Casadebaig
Xavier Gendre
Laurent Bedoussac
International Conference on Ecological Sciences (Sfécologie 2018), Oct 2018, Rennes, France. 825 p
Conference papers
Does a mixture of pea varieties with different leaf morphology improve crop performance?
Georg Carlsson
Laurent Bedoussac
Branko Cupina
Vuk Djordjevic
Noemie Gaudio
International Conference on advances in grain legume cultivation and use, Sep 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia
Conference papers
Évaluation et amélioration du module microclimatique de STICS
Wafa Ben Othman
Noemie Gaudio
Marie Launay
Patrice Lecharpentier
Dominique Ripoche
11. Séminaire des utilisateurs de Stics, Oct 2017, La Rochelle, France. 25 p
Conference papers
Evaluation of the STICS soil-crop model for modelling arable intercrops
Noémie Gaudio
Dominique Ripoche
Marie Launay
Hélène Tribouillois
Eric E. Justes
International Crop Modelling Symposium, Mar 2016, Berlin, Germany. pp.2
Conference papers
Environmental quality at district scale: A transdisciplinary approach within the EUREQUA project
Benoit Gauvreau
Gwenaël Guillaume
Arnaud Can
Noémie Gaudio
Le Bras Julien
Ficup 2016, First International Conference on Urban Physics, Sep 2016, QUITO, France. 13p
Conference papers
Observation of urban climate variability at local scale and comparison with human perception
Noémie Gaudio
Sabrina Marchandise
Julien Le Bras
Aude Lemonsu
Sinda Haouès-Jouve
9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Cross-analysis between variability of the urban climate and the landscape heterogeneity at the scale of a neighbourhood for a subgrid parametrization in TEB model
Julien Le Bras
Noémie Gaudio
Aude Lemonsu
Dominique Legain
Valéry Masson
9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Spatial variability, horizontal anisotropy and diurnal evolution of measured infra-red fluxes in a city neighborhood of Toulouse
Bertrand Carissimo
Yongfeng Qu
Raphaël Bresson
Noelie Daviau
Noémie Gaudio
9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Cross-analysis between variability of the urban climate and the landscape heterogeneity at the scale of a neighborhood in the city of Toulouse (France)
Noémie Gaudio
Aude Lemonsu
Valéry Masson
Julien Le Bras
Sinda Haouès-Jouve
3rd International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, Oct 2014, Venise, Italy
Conference papers
Combined effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate change on temperate forest soil biogeochemistry: a modelling approach
Noémie Gaudio
Salim Belyazid
Simon Rizzetto
Arnaud Mansat
Harald Sverdrup
19th biennial ISEM Conference - Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, Oct 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Modelling the impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on french forests in the context of climate change
Noémie Gaudio
Carole Obeidy
Salim Belyazid
Arnaud Mansat
Harald Sverdrup
GIP Ecofor, Tackling climate change: the contribution of forest scientific knowledge, May 2012, Tours, France
Conference papers
RReShar (Regeneration and Resource Sharing): a model to simulate uneven-aged forest stand dynamics
Noemie N. Gaudio
Philippe Balandier
Nicolas N. Dones
Francois F. Rouault de Coligny
Christian Ginisty
21. Century forestry: Integrating ecologicaly baseduneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests, International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO). Vienne, AUT. University of Ljubljana., Sep 2010, Ljubjana, Slovenia. pp.64
Conference papers
RReShar (Regeneration and Resource Sharing): A model to simulate uneven-aged forest stand dynamics
Noémie Gaudio
Philippe Balandier
Nicolas Donès
F. de Coligny
Christian Ginisty
7th IUFRO international conference on 21st Century forestry: Integrating ecologically based, uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests, Sep 2010, Ljubjana, Slovenia. pp.64-64
Conference papers
Light-mediated influence of three understorey species (Calluna vulgaris, Pteridium aquilinum, Molinia caerulea) on growth and morphology of Pinus sylvestris seedlings
Noémie N. Gaudio
Philippe Balandier
Gwenaël Philippe
Yann Dumas
Frédéric F. Jean
COST E47 : European Network for Forest Vegetation Management - Towards Environmental Sustainability (2005-2009), May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 70-72
Conference papers
RReShar, a model to simulate forest regeneration relative to light and water shared with under storey vegetation
Nicolas N. Dones
Noémie N. Gaudio
Philippe Balandier
Gestion des forêts mélangées: apport de la biologie des populations et de l'écologie fonctionnelle, 2009, Champenoux, France. pp.15
Conference papers
Methods for describing light capture by understorey weeds in temperate forests: consequences for tree regeneration
Philippe Balandier
André A. Marquier
Noémie N. Gaudio
Léon L. Wehrlen
Eric E. Casella
COST E47 : European Network for Forest Vegetation Management - Towards Environmental Sustainability (2005-2009), May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 73-75
Conference papers
Light-mediated influence of three understorey species (Calluna vulgaris, Pteridium aquilinum, Molinia caerulea) on growth and morphology of Pinus sylvestris seedlings
Noémie Gaudio
Philippe Balandier
Gwenaël Philippe
Yann Dumas
F. Jean
Final COST E47 conference Forest vegetation management towards environmental sustainability, May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 70 - p. 72
Conference papers
Methods for describing light capture by understorey weeds in temperate forests: consequences for tree regeneration
Philippe Balandier
A. Marquier
Noémie Gaudio
L. Wehrlen
E. Casella
Final COST E47 conference Forest vegetation management towards environmental sustainability, May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 73 - p. 75
Conference papers
Etude des conditions de régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre en forêt mélangée chêne-pin de l'Orléanais
Philippe Balandier
Gwenaël Philippe
Yann Dumas
Noémie Gaudio
Christian Ginisty
Atelier "Reconstitution Après Tempête", Nancy, 4-5 mars 2008, Mar 2008, Nancy, France. pp.1
Conference papers
La lumière en forêt, une histoire de partage
Philippe Balandier
Yann Dumas
André Marquier
Gwenaël Philippe
Denis da Silva
Xème Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle (JEF), Apr 2008, La Grande Motte, France. pp.1
Conference papers
Light sharing among different forest strata for sustainable management of vegetation and regeneration
Philippe Balandier
A. Marquier
Yann Dumas
Noémie Gaudio
Gwenaël Philippe
Forestry in achieving millennium goals, Nov 2008, Novi Sad, France. p. 81 - p. 86
Conference papers
La lumière en forêt, une histoire de partage
Philippe Balandier
Yann Dumas
André A. Marquier
Gwanaël G. Philippe
David D. da Silva
10. Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, 2008, La Grande Motte, France. pp.62
Conference papers
Croissance et morphologie des jeunes pins sylvestres en reponse a la lumiere sous couvert forestier
Noémie Gaudio
Emmanuelle Lancelle
Sandrine Perret
Philippe Balandier
Yann Dumas
Séminaire du Groupe d'Etude de l'Arbre (GEA), Oct 2008, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Etude des conditions de régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre en forêt mélangée chêne-pin de l'Orléanais
Philippe Balandier
Gwenaël Philippe
Yann Dumas
Noémi N. Gaudio
Christian Ginisty
"Reconstitution après tempête", 2008, Nancy, France. 1 pp
Conference papers