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Noémie Gaudio



Researcher in agroecology and modelling


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A workflow for processing global datasets: application to intercropping

Rémi Mahmoud , Pierre Casadebaig , Nadine Hilgert , Noémie Gaudio
Peer Community Journal, 2024, 4, pp.e24. ⟨10.24072/pcjournal.389⟩
Journal articles hal-04145269v4
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Modeling soil-plant functioning of intercrops using comprehensive and generic formalisms implemented in the STICS model

Rémi Vezy , Sebastian Munz , Noémie Gaudio , Marie Launay , Patrice Lecharpentier
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2023, 43 (5), pp.61. ⟨10.1007/s13593-023-00917-5⟩
Journal articles hal-04189857v1
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Species choice and N fertilization influence yield gains through complementarity and selection effects in cereal-legume intercrops

Rémi Mahmoud , Pierre Casadebaig , Nadine Hilgert , Lionel Alletto , Grégoire T. Freschet
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2022, 42 (2), ⟨10.1007/s13593-022-00754-y⟩
Journal articles hal-03582634v1
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A modelling chain combining soft and hard models to assess a bundle of ecosystem services provided by a diversity of cereal-legume intercrops

Clémentine Meunier , Lionel Alletto , Laurent Bedoussac , Jacques-Eric Bergez , Pierre Casadebaig
European Journal of Agronomy, 2022, 132, pp.126412. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2021.126412⟩
Journal articles hal-03418638v1
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Exploring complementarities between modelling approaches that enable upscaling from plant community functioning to ecosystem services as a way to support agroecological transition

Noémie Gaudio , Gaëtan Louarn , Romain Barillot , Clémentine Meunier , Rémi Vezy
in silico Plants, 2022, 4 (1), pp.1-13. ⟨10.1093/insilicoplants/diab037/6449487⟩
Journal articles hal-03470234v2
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Interspecific interactions regulate plant reproductive allometry in cereal–legume intercropping systems

Noémie Gaudio , Cyrille Violle , Xavier Gendre , Florian Fort , Rémi Mahmoud
Journal of Applied Ecology, 2021, 58 (11), pp.2579-2589. ⟨10.1111/1365-2664.13979⟩
Journal articles hal-03343737v1
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Interspecific interactions regulate plant reproductive allometry in cereal-legume intercropping systems

Noémie Gaudio , Cyrille Violle , Xavier Gendre , Florian Fort , Rémi Mahmoud
Journal articles hal-04145273v1

Plant nitrogen nutrition status in intercrops– a review of concepts and methods

Gaetan Louarn , Laurent Bedoussac , Noémie Gaudio , Etienne-Pascal Journet , Delphine Moreau
European Journal of Agronomy, 2021, 124, 14p. ⟨10.1016/j.eja.2021.126229⟩
Journal articles hal-03121558v1

Cross-analysis for the assessment of urban environmental quality: An interdisciplinary and participative approach

Sinda Haouès-Jouve , Aude Lemonsu , Gauvrau Benoit , Amossé Alexandre , Arnaud Can
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 2021, 49 (3), pp.1024-1047. ⟨10.1177/23998083211037350⟩
Journal articles hal-03388093v1

Correction to: Design and multicriteria assessment of low-input cropping systems based on plant diversification in southwestern France

Catherine Bonnet , Noémie Gaudio , Lionel Alletto , Didier Rafaillac , Jacques-Eric Bergez
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2021, 41 (6), ⟨10.1007/s13593-021-00733-9⟩
Journal articles hal-03454988v1
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Design and multicriteria assessment of low-input cropping systems based on plant diversification in southwestern France

Catherine Bonnet , Noémie Gaudio , Lionel Alletto , Didier Raffaillac , Jacques ‐ Eric Bergez
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2021, 41 (5), pp.65. ⟨10.1007/s13593-021-00719-7⟩
Journal articles hal-03348784v1
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Current knowledge and future research opportunities for modeling annual crop mixtures. A review

Noémie N. Gaudio , Abraham Escobar Gutierrez Escobar-Gutiérrez , Pierre Casadebaig , Jochem Evers , Frederic F. Gerard
Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 2019, 39 (2), pp.1-39. ⟨10.1007/s13593-019-0562-6⟩
Journal articles hal-02228974v1
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Comparison of microclimate measurements and perceptions as part of a global evaluation of environmental quality at neighbourhood scale

A. Lemonsu , A. Amossé , D. Chouillou , Noémie Gaudio , Sinda Haouès-Jouve
International Journal of Biometeorology, 2019, 64 (2), pp.265-276. ⟨10.1007/s00484-019-01686-1⟩
Journal articles hal-02368732v1
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Simuler les effets combinés de la pollution atmosphérique et du changement climatique sur les écosystèmes forestiers

Anne Probst , Simon Rizzetto , Salim Belyazid , Jean-Claude Gegout , Noémie Gaudio
Rendez-vous Techniques de l'ONF, 2018, RENECOFOR : 25 ans de suivi des écosystèmes forestiers, bilan et perspectives, 58-59-60 spécial "RENECOFOR : 25 ans de suivi des écosystèmes forestiers, bilan et perspectives", pp.84-92
Journal articles hal-02364436v1
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Impact of tree canopy on thermal and radiative microclimates in a mixed temperate forest: A new statistical method to analyse hourly temporal dynamics

Noémie Gaudio , Xavier Gendre , M. Saudreau , Vincent Seigner , Philippe Balandier
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2017, 237-238, pp.71-79. ⟨10.1016/j.agrformet.2017.02.010⟩
Journal articles hal-01597074v1
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Modelling the impact of climate change and atmospheric N deposition on French forests biodiversity

Simon Rizzetto , Salim Belyazid , Jean-Claude Gégout , Manuel Nicolas , Didier Alard
Environmental Pollution, 2016, vol. 213, pp. 1016-1027. ⟨10.1016/j.envpol.2015.12.048⟩
Journal articles hal-01360660v1
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Combined effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate change on temperate forest soil biogeochemistry: A modeling approach

Noémie Gaudio , Salim Belyazid , Xavier Gendre , Arnaud Mansat , Manuel Nicolas
Ecological Modelling, 2014, vol. 306, pp. 24-34. ⟨10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2014.10.002⟩
Journal articles hal-01167015v1

Growth of understorey Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) saplings in response to light in mixed temperate forest

Noémie N. Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Sandrine Perret , Christian Ginisty
Forestry, 2011, 84 (2), pp.187-195. ⟨10.1093/forestry/cpr005⟩
Journal articles hal-00964478v1
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Growth and morphology of three forest understorey species (Calluna vulgaris, Molinia caerulea and Pteridium aquilinum) according to light availability

Noémie Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , Christian Ginisty
Forest Ecology and Management, 2011, 261 (3), p. 489 - p. 498. ⟨10.1016/j.foreco.2010.10.034⟩
Journal articles hal-00590768v1

Light-mediated influence of three understorey species (Calluna vulgaris, Pteridium aquilinum, Molinia caerulea) on the growth of Pinus sylvestris seedlings

Noemie N. Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Gwenaël Philippe , Yann Dumas , Frédéric F. Jean
European Journal of Forest Research, 2011, 130 (1), pp.77-89. ⟨10.1007/s10342-010-0403-2⟩
Journal articles hal-00964576v1
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Régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre sous couvert : contrainte de la végétation monopoliste de sous-bois en milieu acide

Noémie Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , Christian Ginisty
Rendez-vous Techniques de l'ONF, 2011, 33-34, pp.18-24
Journal articles hal-02642817v1
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Régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre sous couvert : contrainte de la végétation monopoliste de sous-bois en milieu acide

Noémie Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , Christian Ginisty
Rendez-vous Techniques de l'ONF, 2011, 33-34, p. 18 - p. 24
Journal articles hal-00709191v1
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Light-dependent development of two competitive species (Rubus idaeus, Cytisus scoparius) colonizing gaps in temperate forest

Noemie N. Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , André A. Marquier
Annals of Forest Science, 2008, 65 (1), pp.104-108. ⟨10.1051/forest:2007076⟩
Journal articles hal-00964734v1
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Régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre en forêt mélangée chêne - pin de l'Orléanais

Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , Gwenaël Philippe , Noémie Gaudio , Christian Ginisty
Forêt Entreprise, 2008, 183, p. 24 - p. 27
Journal articles hal-00585334v1
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Régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre en forêt mélangée chêne - pin de l'Orléanais

Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , Gwenaël Philippe , Noémie N. Gaudio , Christian Ginisty
Forêt Entreprise, 2008, 183, pp.24-27
Journal articles hal-00964712v1
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Light-dependent development of two competitive species (Rubus idaeus, Cytisus scoparius) colonizing gaps in temperate forest

Noémie Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , André Marquier
Annals of Forest Science, 2008, 65 (1), pp.1-5
Journal articles hal-00884147v1

Differences in growth features between species are driving cereal-legume intercrop yield

Pierre Casadebaig , Noémie Gaudio , Rémi Mahmoud , Nadine Hilgert
18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2024, Rennes, France
Conference papers hal-04684690v1

Modeling Key Interactions in Bi-Specific Intercropping Systems: Enhancing the STICS Soil-Crop Model for Sustainable Agriculture

Rémi Vezy , Sebastian Munz , Noémie Gaudio , Marie Launay , Patrice Lecharpentier
XIIIème Séminaire des Utilisateurs de STICS, Nov 2023, Latresne (33), France. pp.50-50
Conference papers hal-04798287v1
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Predicting intercrops yield, from data gathering to modeling

Rémi Mahmoud , Noémie Gaudio , Pierre Casadebaig , Nadine Hilgert
XVII Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2022, Postdam, Germany. 38p
Conference papers hal-03798396v1

Predicting intercrops yield, from data gathering to modeling: a workflow

Rémi Mahmoud , Nadine Hilgert , Pierre Casadebaig , Noémie Gaudio
International Biometric Conference, Jul 2022, Riga, Latvia
Conference papers hal-03735464v1
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Species choice and N fertilisation influence the biodiversity effect and its components in intercrops

Remi Mahmoud , Pierre Casadebaig , Nadine Hilgert , Noemie Gaudio
Intercropping for sustainability, 2021, Reading, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-03455069v1
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Recent advances in intercropping modelling: the new version of the STICS soil-crop model simulates consistently a wide range of bi-specific annual intercrops.

Eric Justes , Rémi Vezy , Sebastian Munz , Kirsten Paff , Laurent Bedoussac
Conference on Intercropping for sustainability. Research developments and their application, Association of Applied Biologists, Jan 2021, Online, France
Conference papers hal-03121584v1

Simuler les processus écologiques dans les agrosystèmes diversifiés pour la transition agroécologique

C Robert , Nathalie Colbach , Noémie Gaudio , M Launay, , C Noûs
Séminaire INRA CIRAD modélisation des cultures, Dec 2021, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-03610005v1
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What is the potential of cover crops and what do farmers say?

Lionel Alletto , Sophie Ducos-Boue , Noémie Gaudio , Guillaume Hustet-Caou , Jay Ram Lamichhane
The soil carbon farming network, Climate-KIC, Oct 2021, Webinaire, France. 17p
Conference papers hal-03964837v1
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Exploring FSPMs and crop models complementarities in up-and down-scaling from plant to field with a focus on modelling crop mixtures (Keynote)

Marie Launay , Noémie Gaudio
9th International Conference on FUNCTIONAL-STRUCTURAL PLANT MODELS (FSPM2020), Oct 2020, Hannover, Germany. pp.1-2
Conference papers hal-02964555v1
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Design and assessment of diversified low input cropping systems in southwestern France: an application of agroecological principles aiming at decreasing pesticides and N-fertilizers use

Noémie Gaudio , Catherine Bonnet , Didier Raffaillac , Lionel Alletto , Laurent Bedoussac
1. European Conference on Crop Diversification 2019, Sep 2019, Budapest, Hungary. 369 p
Conference papers hal-02738225v1

Design and assessment of diversified low input cropping systems in SW France: an application of agroecological principles aiming at drastically decrease pesticides and fertilizer-N use

Noémie Gaudio , Catherine Bonnet , Didier Raffaillac , Lionel Alletto , Laurent Bedoussac
European Conference on Crop Diversification 2019,, Sep 2019, Budapest, Hungary. 12p
Conference papers hal-04846111v1
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A trait-based approach to understand and predict the performance of arable annual mixed crops

Rémi Mahmoud , Noemie Gaudio , Pierre Casadebaig , Xavier Gendre , Laurent Bedoussac
International Conference on Ecological Sciences (Sfécologie 2018), Oct 2018, Rennes, France. 825 p
Conference papers hal-02738363v1
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Does a mixture of pea varieties with different leaf morphology improve crop performance?

Georg Carlsson , Laurent Bedoussac , Branko Cupina , Vuk Djordjevic , Noemie Gaudio
International Conference on advances in grain legume cultivation and use, Sep 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia
Conference papers hal-02786810v1
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Évaluation et amélioration du module microclimatique de STICS

Wafa Ben Othman , Noemie Gaudio , Marie Launay , Patrice Lecharpentier , Dominique Ripoche
11. Séminaire des utilisateurs de Stics, Oct 2017, La Rochelle, France. 25 p
Conference papers hal-02788537v1
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Evaluation of the STICS soil-crop model for modelling arable intercrops

Noémie Gaudio , Dominique Ripoche , Marie Launay , Hélène Tribouillois , Eric E. Justes
International Crop Modelling Symposium, Mar 2016, Berlin, Germany. pp.2
Conference papers hal-02739293v1

Environmental quality at district scale: A transdisciplinary approach within the EUREQUA project

Benoit Gauvreau , Gwenaël Guillaume , Arnaud Can , Noémie Gaudio , Le Bras Julien
Ficup 2016, First International Conference on Urban Physics, Sep 2016, QUITO, France. 13p
Conference papers hal-01382781v1
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Observation of urban climate variability at local scale and comparison with human perception

Noémie Gaudio , Sabrina Marchandise , Julien Le Bras , Aude Lemonsu , Sinda Haouès-Jouve
9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02738944v1
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Cross-analysis between variability of the urban climate and the landscape heterogeneity at the scale of a neighbourhood for a subgrid parametrization in TEB model

Julien Le Bras , Noémie Gaudio , Aude Lemonsu , Dominique Legain , Valéry Masson
9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02738555v1
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Spatial variability, horizontal anisotropy and diurnal evolution of measured infra-red fluxes in a city neighborhood of Toulouse

Bertrand Carissimo , Yongfeng Qu , Raphaël Bresson , Noelie Daviau , Noémie Gaudio
9th International Conference on Urban Climate, Jul 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02740132v1
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Cross-analysis between variability of the urban climate and the landscape heterogeneity at the scale of a neighborhood in the city of Toulouse (France)

Noémie Gaudio , Aude Lemonsu , Valéry Masson , Julien Le Bras , Sinda Haouès-Jouve
3rd International Conference on Countermeasures to Urban Heat Island, Oct 2014, Venise, Italy
Conference papers hal-02738810v1
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Combined effect of atmospheric nitrogen deposition and climate change on temperate forest soil biogeochemistry: a modelling approach

Noémie Gaudio , Salim Belyazid , Simon Rizzetto , Arnaud Mansat , Harald Sverdrup
19th biennial ISEM Conference - Ecological Modelling for Ecosystem Sustainability in the context of Global Change, Oct 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02746093v1
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Modelling the impact of atmospheric nitrogen deposition on french forests in the context of climate change

Noémie Gaudio , Carole Obeidy , Salim Belyazid , Arnaud Mansat , Harald Sverdrup
GIP Ecofor, Tackling climate change: the contribution of forest scientific knowledge, May 2012, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02749521v1

RReShar (Regeneration and Resource Sharing): a model to simulate uneven-aged forest stand dynamics

Noemie N. Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Nicolas N. Dones , Francois F. Rouault de Coligny , Christian Ginisty
21. Century forestry: Integrating ecologicaly baseduneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests, International Union of Forest Research Organisations (IUFRO). Vienne, AUT. University of Ljubljana., Sep 2010, Ljubjana, Slovenia. pp.64
Conference papers hal-00964771v1

RReShar (Regeneration and Resource Sharing): A model to simulate uneven-aged forest stand dynamics

Noémie Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Nicolas Donès , F. de Coligny , Christian Ginisty
7th IUFRO international conference on 21st Century forestry: Integrating ecologically based, uneven-aged silviculture with increased demands for forests, Sep 2010, Ljubjana, Slovenia. pp.64-64
Conference papers hal-02594126v1

Light-mediated influence of three understorey species (Calluna vulgaris, Pteridium aquilinum, Molinia caerulea) on growth and morphology of Pinus sylvestris seedlings

Noémie N. Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Gwenaël Philippe , Yann Dumas , Frédéric F. Jean
COST E47 : European Network for Forest Vegetation Management - Towards Environmental Sustainability (2005-2009), May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 70-72
Conference papers hal-00964570v1

RReShar, a model to simulate forest regeneration relative to light and water shared with under storey vegetation

Nicolas N. Dones , Noémie N. Gaudio , Philippe Balandier
Gestion des forêts mélangées: apport de la biologie des populations et de l'écologie fonctionnelle, 2009, Champenoux, France. pp.15
Conference papers hal-00964547v1

Methods for describing light capture by understorey weeds in temperate forests: consequences for tree regeneration

Philippe Balandier , André A. Marquier , Noémie N. Gaudio , Léon L. Wehrlen , Eric E. Casella
COST E47 : European Network for Forest Vegetation Management - Towards Environmental Sustainability (2005-2009), May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 73-75
Conference papers hal-00964621v1
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Light-mediated influence of three understorey species (Calluna vulgaris, Pteridium aquilinum, Molinia caerulea) on growth and morphology of Pinus sylvestris seedlings

Noémie Gaudio , Philippe Balandier , Gwenaël Philippe , Yann Dumas , F. Jean
Final COST E47 conference Forest vegetation management towards environmental sustainability, May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 70 - p. 72
Conference papers hal-00468648v1
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Methods for describing light capture by understorey weeds in temperate forests: consequences for tree regeneration

Philippe Balandier , A. Marquier , Noémie Gaudio , L. Wehrlen , E. Casella
Final COST E47 conference Forest vegetation management towards environmental sustainability, May 2009, Vejle, Denmark. p. 73 - p. 75
Conference papers hal-00468643v1

Etude des conditions de régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre en forêt mélangée chêne-pin de l'Orléanais

Philippe Balandier , Gwenaël Philippe , Yann Dumas , Noémie Gaudio , Christian Ginisty
Atelier "Reconstitution Après Tempête", Nancy, 4-5 mars 2008, Mar 2008, Nancy, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-02590399v1

La lumière en forêt, une histoire de partage

Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , André Marquier , Gwenaël Philippe , Denis da Silva
Xème Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle (JEF), Apr 2008, La Grande Motte, France. pp.1
Conference papers hal-02590474v1
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Light sharing among different forest strata for sustainable management of vegetation and regeneration

Philippe Balandier , A. Marquier , Yann Dumas , Noémie Gaudio , Gwenaël Philippe
Forestry in achieving millennium goals, Nov 2008, Novi Sad, France. p. 81 - p. 86
Conference papers hal-00468830v1

La lumière en forêt, une histoire de partage

Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas , André A. Marquier , Gwanaël G. Philippe , David D. da Silva
10. Journées d'Ecologie Fonctionnelle, 2008, La Grande Motte, France. pp.62
Conference papers hal-00964848v1
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Croissance et morphologie des jeunes pins sylvestres en reponse a la lumiere sous couvert forestier

Noémie Gaudio , Emmanuelle Lancelle , Sandrine Perret , Philippe Balandier , Yann Dumas
Séminaire du Groupe d'Etude de l'Arbre (GEA), Oct 2008, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-02757466v1

Etude des conditions de régénération naturelle du pin sylvestre en forêt mélangée chêne-pin de l'Orléanais

Philippe Balandier , Gwenaël Philippe , Yann Dumas , Noémi N. Gaudio , Christian Ginisty
"Reconstitution après tempête", 2008, Nancy, France. 1 pp
Conference papers hal-00964665v1

Light sharing among different forest strat for sustainable management of vegetation and regeneration

Philippe Balandier , André Marquier , Yann Dumas , Noémie Gaudio , Gwenaël Philippe
International scientific conference "Forestry in archieving millennium goals", 2009, Novi Sad, pp.81-86, 2009
Proceedings hal-01189397v1