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Olivier Allais



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Effective policies to promote sugar reduction in soft drinks: lessons from a comparison of six European countries

Olivier Allais , Géraldine Enderli , Franco Sassi , Louis-Georges Soler
European Journal of Public Health, 2023, 33 (6), pp.1095-1101. ⟨10.1093/eurpub/ckad157⟩
Journal articles hal-04204294v1
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Assessment of the Commitments and Performance of the European Food Industry to Improve Population Nutrition

Iris van Dam , Emilie Guillon , Ella Robinson , Olivier Allais , Gary Sacks
International Journal of Public Health, 2022, 67, ⟨10.3389/ijph.2022.1604116⟩
Journal articles hal-03761087v1

Market concentration and the healthiness of packaged food and non-alcoholic beverage sales across the European single market

Iris van Dam , Olivier Allais , Stefanie Vandevijvere
Public Health Nutrition, 2022, 25 (11), pp.3131-3136. ⟨10.1017/S1368980022001926⟩
Journal articles hal-04044964v1

A detailed mapping of the food industry in the European single market: similarities and differences in market structure across countries and sectors

Iris van Dam , Benjamin Wood , Gary Sacks , Olivier Allais , Stefanie Vandevijvere
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2021, 18 (1), ⟨10.1186/s12966-021-01117-8⟩
Journal articles hal-03275525v1
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The long-run effects of war on health: Evidence from World War II in France

Olivier Allais , Guy Fagherazzi , Julia Mink
Social Science & Medicine, 2021, 276, 13 p. ⟨10.1016/j.socscimed.2021.113812⟩
Journal articles hal-03275491v1
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Associations between early-life food deprivation during World War II and risk of hypertension and type 2 diabetes at adulthood

Julia Mink , Marie-Christine Boutron-Ruault , Marie-Aline Charles , Olivier Allais , Guy Fagherazzi
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-62576-w⟩
Journal articles inserm-02542118v1

Changes in food purchases at retirement in France

Olivier Allais , Pascal Leroy , Julia Mink
Food Policy, 2020, 90 (January 2020), pp.1-10. ⟨10.1016/j.foodpol.2019.101806⟩
Journal articles hal-02624836v1

The Welfare Cost of Inflation Risk under Imperfect Insurance

Olivier Allais , Yann Algan , Edouard Challe , Xavier Ragot
Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2020, 138, pp.1. ⟨10.15609/annaeconstat2009.138.0001⟩
Journal articles hal-03275498v1
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Effects of front-of-pack labels on the nutritional quality of supermarket food purchases: evidence from a large-scale randomized controlled trial

Pierre Dubois , Paulo Albuquerque , Olivier Allais , Céline Bonnet , Patrice Bertail
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2020, 49 (Online Early), pp.1-52. ⟨10.1007/s11747-020-00723-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02562456v1
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The impact of the French soda tax on prices and purchases: an ex post evaluation

Sara Capacci , Olivier Allais , Celine Bonnet , Mario Mazzacchi
PLoS ONE, 2019, 14 (10), ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0223196⟩
Journal articles hal-02619862v1

The impact of the French soda tax on prices and purchases. An ex post evaluation

Sara Capacci , Olivier Allais , Celine Bonnet , Mario Mazzocchi
PLoS ONE, 2019, 14 (10), pp.e0223196. ⟨10.1371/journal.pone.0223196⟩
Journal articles hal-03275507v1
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Determinants of diet and physical activity (DEDIPAC): a summary of findings

Johannes Brug , Hidde P. van Der Ploeg , Anne Loyen , Wolfgang Ahrens , Olivier Allais
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 2017, 14, pp.1-24. ⟨10.1186/s12966-017-0609-5⟩
Journal articles hal-02629411v1

Getting more people on the stairs: The impact of point-of-decision prompts

Olivier Allais , Pascale Bazoche , Sabrina Teyssier
Social Science & Medicine, 2017, 192 (10), pp.18-27. ⟨10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.09.006⟩
Journal articles hal-03275490v1

Getting more people on the stairs: The impact of point-of-decision prompts

Olivier Allais , Pascale Bazoche , Sabrina Teyssier
Social Science & Medicine, 2017, 192, pp.18 - 27. ⟨10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.09.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01798241v1

Mandatory labels, taxes and market forces: An empirical evaluation of fat policies

Olivier Allais , Fabrice Etilé , Sébastien Lecocq
Journal of Health Economics, 2015, 43, pp.27-44. ⟨10.1016/j.jhealeco.2015.06.003⟩
Journal articles halshs-01213319v1
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Solving the incomplete markets model with aggregate uncertainty using parameterized cross-sectional distributions

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Wouter J den Haan
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2010, 34 (1), pp.59 - 68. ⟨10.1016/j.jedc.2009.03.010⟩
Journal articles hal-02662044v1

The effects of a fat tax on French households' purchases: a nutritional approach

Olivier Allais , Patrice Bertail , Véronique Nichèle
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2010, 92 (1), pp.228-245. ⟨10.1093/ajae/aap004⟩
Journal articles hal-02664131v1
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The weak effects of a “fat tax” on French households’ food purchases: A nutritional approach

Olivier Allais , Patrice Bertail , Véronique Nichèle
INRA sciences sociales, 2010, 3, pp.1-4
Journal articles hal-02667933v1
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Using decomposed household food acquisitions as inputs of a Kinetic Dietary Exposure Model.

Olivier Allais , Jessica Tressou
Statistical Modelling, 2009, 9 (1), pp.27-50. ⟨10.1177/1471082X0800900103⟩
Journal articles hal-00139914v3

Macroeconomic implications of financial policy

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Eva Carceles-Poveda
Review of Economic Dynamics, 2009, 12 (4), pp.678-696. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-03596477v1

Solving heterogeneous-agent models with parameterized cross-sectional distributions

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Wouter den Haan
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2008, 32 (3), pp.875 - 908. ⟨10.1016/j.jedc.2007.03.007⟩
Journal articles hal-03596370v1
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Solving heterogeneous-agent models with paramaterized cross-sectional distribution

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Wouter J. den Haan
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 2008, 32 (3), pp.875-908. ⟨10.1016/j.jedc.2007.03.007⟩
Journal articles halshs-00754295v1

Capturing structural changes in French meat and fish demand over the period 1991-2002

Olivier Allais , Véronique Nichèle
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2007, 34 (4), pp.517-538. ⟨10.1093/erae/jbm033⟩
Journal articles hal-02659609v1

Risque alimentaire et consommation de produits de la mer : évaluation de l'exposition individuelle de long terme au méthylmercure en France

Olivier Allais , Jessica Tressou
INRA sciences sociales, 2005, 3/04, pp.1-4
Journal articles hal-01068805v1

Incomplete unemployment insurance under aggregate fluctuations

Y. Algan , Olivier Allais
Economics Bulletin, 2004, 5 (14), pp.1-7. ⟨10.1016/s1094-2025(03)00005-x⟩
Journal articles hal-02679283v1
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Incomplete Unemployment Insurance under Aggregate Fluctuations

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais
Bulletin of Indonesian Economic Studies, 2004, 5 (14), pp.1-7
Journal articles hal-01020122v1

Local substitution and habit persistence : matching the moments of the equity premium and the risk-free rate

Olivier Allais
Review of Economic Dynamics, 2004, 7, pp.265-296. ⟨10.1016/⟩
Journal articles hal-02678771v1
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Compte rendu d'ouvrage - Histoire des peurs alimentaires, du Moyen Age à l'aube du XXe siècle.

Olivier Allais , Anne Lhuissier
Cahiers d'Economie et de Sociologie Rurales, 2003, 66, pp.88-91
Journal articles hal-01201037v1
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Evolution des parts de marché des marques engagées dans la démarche Nutri-score en France entre 2018 et 2022

Ghislaine Narayanane , Jade Dulieu , Blandine Giraudeau , Olivier Allais , Louis-Georges Soler
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-04053736v1
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Évolution des parts de marché des marques engagées dans la démarche nutri-score en France entre 2018 et 2020

Gayaneh Kyureghian , Ghislaine Narayanane , Lara Martinovic , Florence Stévenin , Olivier Allais
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-03022589v1

Impact of Analytic and Synthetic Front-of-pack Graphical Nutrition Labels on the Nutritional Quality of Supermarket Food Purchases : Evidence from a French Randomized Control Experiment.

Pierre Dubois , Olivier Allais , Paolo Albuquerque , Patrice Bertail , Céline Bonnet
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01710268v1
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The Welfare Cost of Inflation Risk Under Imperfect Insurance

Olivier Allais , Yann Algan , Edouard Challe , Xavier Ragot
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01169656v1
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Olivier Allais , Yann Algan , Edouard Challe , Xavier Ragot
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01157168v1
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Mandatory labels, taxes and market forces: An empirical evaluation of fat policies

Olivier Allais , Fabrice Etilé , Sébastien Lecocq
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-00736556v1
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Monetary Shocks Under Incomplete Markets

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Edouard Challe , Xavier Ragot
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01169658v1
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Mandatory labeling vs. the fat tax: an empirical evaluation of fat policies in the French fromage blanc and yogurt market

Olivier Allais , Fabrice Etilé , Sebastien Lecocq
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-02809804v1
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The effects of a "fat tax" on the nutrient intake of French households

Olivier Allais , Patrice Bertail , Véronique Nichèle
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-02822827v1
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Solving Heterogeneous-agent Models with Parameterized Cross-sectional Distributions

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Wouter J den Haan
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01065666v1
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Solving Heterogeneous-agent Models with Parameterized Cross-sectional Distributions

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Wouter J den Haan
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-01065663v1
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Solving heterogeneous-agent models with parameterized cross-sectional distributions

Yann Algan , Olivier Allais , Wouter J. den Haan
Preprints, Working Papers, ... halshs-00589129v1

Modeling structural change in French beef, poultry, and fish demand : a markov Switching AIDS model

Olivier Allais , Véronique Nichèle
Preprints, Working Papers, ... hal-02825305v1
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Towards causal modeling of nutritional outcomes

Ksenia Gasnikova , Philippe Caillou , Olivier Allais , Michèle Sebag
Causal Analysis Workshop Series (CAWS) 2021, Jul 2021, online, United States. pp.5-19
Conference papers hal-03620867v1
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Wolfgang Ahrens , Jeroen Lakerveld , Hidde P. van Der Ploeg , Willemieke Kroeze , Olivier Allais
12th European Nutrition Conference (FENS), Oct 2015, Berlin, Germany. pp.2
Conference papers hal-02741499v1

Mandatory Labels, taxes and market forces : An empirical evaluation of fat policies

Olivier Allais , Fabrice Etilé , Sebastien Lecocq
Conférence de l'AFSE, Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE). FRA., Jun 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France. 41 p
Conference papers hal-02807791v1
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Identifying sustainable diets compatible with consumer preferences

Xavier Irz , Pascal Leroy , Vincent V. Requillart , Louis Georges Soler , Olivier Allais
134. EAAE Seminar : Labels on sustainability : an issue for consumers, producers, policy makers, and NGOs, Institut National de Recherche Agronomique (INRA). UR Alimentation et Sciences Sociales (1303)., Mar 2013, Paris, France. 22 p
Conference papers hal-02804826v1

Mandatory labeling vs. the fat tax: an empirical evaluation of fat policies in the French fromage blanc and yogurt market

Olivier Allais , Fabrice Etilé , Sebastien Lecocq
21. European Workshop on Econometrics and Health Economics, International Health Economics Association., Sep 2012, Lund, Sweden. 42 p
Conference papers hal-02747620v1

The impact of conspicuous information on fat tax efficiency

Olivier Allais , Fabrice Etilé , Sebastien Lecocq
1. Joint EAAE/AAEA Seminar, European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). INT.; Agricultural and Applied Economics Association (AAEA). USA., Sep 2010, Munich, Germany. n.p
Conference papers hal-02816012v1

Public policy and diet quality: impact of prices on nutrient adequacy using French expenditure data from 1996 to 2005

Thomas Allen , Olivier Allais , Véronique Nichèle , Martine Padilla
27. International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Pre-Conference Workshop: Diet and Obesity: Role of Prices and Policies, International Association of Agricultural Economists (IAAE). INT., Aug 2009, Pékin, China. 17 p
Conference papers hal-02818515v1

Public policy and diet quality: impact of prices on nutrient adequacy using French expenditure data from 1996 to 2005

T. Allen , O. Allais , V. Nichèle , M. Padilla
27. International Conference of Agricultural Economists: Pre-Conference Workshop: Diet and Obesity: Role of Prices and Policies, Aug 2009, Pékin, China. pp.17
Conference papers hal-02192590v1
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The effects of a "fat tax" on the nutrient intake of French households

Olivier Allais , Patrice Bertail , Véronique Nichèle
12. EAAE Congress, European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). INT., Aug 2008, Ghent, Belgium. 9 p
Conference papers hal-02818327v1

Enjeux de la taxation nutritionnelle en France : le cas des lipides

Olivier Allais , Patrice Bertail , Véronique Nichèle
25. Journées de Microéconomie Appliquée, Université de la Réunion. REU., May 2008, Saint Denis de la Réunion, France. 36 p
Conference papers hal-02820794v1

Risque alimentaire et consommation de produits de la mer : évaluation de l'exposition individuelle de long terme au méthylmercure en France

Olivier Allais , Jessica Tressou
Journée du département SAE2 : La consommation alimentaire : de l'emprise des goûts à l'appréhension des risques, Oct 2005, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-01073581v1
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Etude l'évolution du secteur des Plats cuisinés ambiants - Oqali - Données 2010, 2016 et 2020 - Rapport détaillé

Odeline Molle , Olivier Allais , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis-Georges Soler , Jade Dulieu
INRAE PSAE - Oqali. 2023, 452 p
Reports hal-04073343v1
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Etude l'évolution du secteur des Plats cuisinés ambiants - Oqali - Données 2010, 2016 et 2020 - Bilan

Odeline Molle -Inrae , Olivier Allais , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis-Georges Soler , Jade Dulieu
INRAE PSAE - Oqali. 2023, 38 p
Reports hal-04084413v1
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Etude d'évolution du secteur des Plats cuisinés frais - Oqali - Données 2009, 2016 et 2020

Blandine Giraudeau , Olivier Allais , Odeline Molle , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis-Georges Soler
INRAE PSAE - Oqali. 2023
Reports hal-04338131v1
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Suivi du Nutri-score par l'Oqali

Hélène Mathiot , Jade Dulieu , Blandine Giraudeau , Ghislaine Narayanane , Julie Gauvreau-Béziat
[0] Anses - Oqali. 2022, 80 p
Reports anses-04189829v1
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Étude d'évolution du secteur de la Panification croustillante et moelleuse - Oqali - Données 2009, 2012 et 2019

Blandine Giraudeau , Ghislaine Narayanane , Odeline Molle , Olivier Allais , Louis-Georges Soler
[Rapport de recherche] INRAE PSAE - Oqali. 2022, 310 p
Reports hal-03788520v1
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Étude d'évolution du secteur de la Panification croustillante et moelleuse - Oqali - Données 2009, 2012 et 2019

Blandine Giraudeau , Ghislaine Narayanane , Odeline Molle , Olivier Allais , Louis Georges Soler
[Rapport de recherche] INRAE PSAE - Oqali. 2022, 24 p
Reports hal-03796172v1
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Etude d'évolution du secteur des Biscuits et gâteaux industriels - Oqali - Données 2008, 2011 et 2018

Solène Malfatto , Olivier Allais , Odeline Molle , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis-Georges Soler
[0] INRAE PSAE - Oqali. 2022, 250 p
Reports hal-03524605v1
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Suivi du Nutri-score par l'Oqali

Hélène Mathiot , Jade Dulieu , Ghislaine Narayanane , Julie Gauvreau-Béziat , Karine Vin
[0] Anses - Oqali. 2021, 71 p
Reports anses-04189806v1
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Etude d'évolution du secteur des Céréales pour le petit-déjeuner - Oqali - Données 2008, 2011 et 2018

Morgane Champion , Odeline Molle , Olivier Allais , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis Georges Soler
[0] INRAE ALISS - Oqali. 2020, 284 p. + bilan 39 p
Reports hal-03106350v1
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Etude du secteur des Confiseries – Oqali – Données 2017

Marine Landreau , Olivier Allais , Odeline Molle , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis Georges Soler
[0] INRAE ALISS - Oqali. 2020
Reports hal-02999155v1
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Suivi du Nutri-score par l'Oqali

Hélène Mathiot , Ghislaine Narayanane , Julie Gauvreau-Béziat , Jean-Luc Volatier , Olivier Allais
[0] Anses - Oqali. 2020, 53 p
Reports anses-04189511v1
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Etude d'évolution du secteur des Sauces chaudes - Oqali - Données 2010 et 2017

Lara Martinovic , Marine Landreau , Morgane Tayeau , Olivier Allais , Odeline Molle
[0] INRAE ALISS - Oqali. 2020
Reports hal-02909254v1
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Bouillons et Potages. Evolution du secteur entre 2011 et 2017. Rapport détaillé.

Jade Dulieu , Morgane Fialon , Olivier Allais , Ghislaine Narayamane , Louis Georges Soler
[Rapport Technique] Inconnu. 2019, 254 p
Reports hal-02492370v1
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Contributions de l'offre et de la demande à l'évolution de la qualité nutritionelle de l'alimentation

Morgane Champion , Olivier Allais , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis Georges Soler , Morgane Fialon
[Rapport Technique] Inconnu. 2019, 47 p
Reports hal-02177365v1
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Plats cuisinés appertisés

Morgane Champion , Olivier Allais , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis Georges Soler , Laureen Cochin
[Rapport Technique] Inconnu. 2018, 274 p
Reports hal-01985353v1
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Plats cuisinés frais - Evolution du secteur entre 2009 et 2016

Joséphine Roux , Olivier Allais , Géraldine Enderli , Ghislaine Narayanane , Louis Georges Soler
[Rapport Technique] ANSES, Oqali. 2018, 294 p
Reports hal-01846132v1
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PRODUITS TRAITEURS FRAIS. Evolution du secteur entre 2009 et 2015

Marine Spiteri , Mathilde Mabilat , Ghislaine Narayanane , Olivier Allais , Pierre Combris
[Rapport Technique] auto-saisine. 2017, 506 p
Reports hal-01582299v1
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Barres céréalières - Evolution du secteur entre 2010 et 2016 - Rapport détaillé.

Ghislaine Narayanane , Olivier Allais , Géraldine Enderli , Louis Georges Soler , Marine Spiteri
[Rapport Technique] Inconnu. 2017, 148 p
Reports hal-01685931v1