Precipitation frequency in Med-CORDEX and EURO-CORDEX ensembles from 0.44° to convection-permitting resolution: impact of model resolution and convection representation
Minh Ha
Sophie Bastin
Philippe Drobinski
Lluís Fita
Jan Polcher
Journal articles
An improved vertical correction method for the inter-comparison and inter-validation of integrated water vapour measurements
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
Carl Mears
Journal articles
Outliers and uncertainties in GNSS ZTD estimates from double-difference processing and precise point positioning
Katarzyna Stępniak
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
Paweł Wielgosz
Journal articles
GNSSseg, a Statistical Method for the Segmentation of Daily GNSS IWV Time Series
Annarosa Quarello
Olivier Bock
Emilie Lebarbier
Journal articles
Global warming at near-constant tropospheric relative humidity is supported by observations
H. Douville
Saïd Qasmi
Aurélien Ribes
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
IWV retrieval from ground GNSS receivers during NAWDEX
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
Integrated water vapour content retrievals from ship-borne GNSS receivers during EUREC4A
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
Cyrille Flamant
Sandrine Bony
Sabrina Speich
Journal articles
Sensitivity of Change-Point Detection and Trend Estimates to GNSS IWV Time Series Properties
Khanh Ninh Nguyen
Annarosa Quarello
Olivier Bock
Emilie Lebarbier
Journal articles
La campagne Caddiwa dans la région des îles du Cap-Vert
Cyrille Flamant
Julien Delanoë
Jean-Pierre Chaboureau
Christophe Lavaysse
Marco Gaetani
Journal articles
Integrated water vapour observations in the Caribbean arc from a network of ground-based GNSS receivers during EUREC4A
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
Cyrille Flamant
Erik Doerflinger
Friedhelm Jansen
Journal articles
Bjorn Stevens
Sandrine Bony
David Farrell
Felix Ament
Alan M. Blyth
Journal articles
A new segmentation method for the homogenisation of GNSS-derived IWV time-series
Annarosa Quarello
Olivier Bock
Emilie Lebarbier
Journal articles
Sensitivity of GPS tropospheric estimates to mesoscale convective systems in West Africa
Samuel Nahmani
Olivier Bock
Françoise Guichard
Journal articles
The AROME-WMED reanalyses of the first special observation period of the Hydrological cycle in the Mediterranean experiment (HyMeX)
Nadia Fourrié
Mathieu Nuret
P. Brousseau
Olivier Caumont
Alexis Doerenbecher
Journal articles
Consistency and representativeness of integrated water vapour from ground-based GPS observations and ERA-Interim reanalysis
Olivier Bock
Ana Claudia Parracho
Journal articles
Impact of humidity biases on light precipitation occurrence: observations versus simulations
Sophie Bastin
Philippe Drobinski
Marjolaine Chiriaco
Olivier Bock
Romain Roehrig
Journal articles
A breakpoint detection in the mean model with heterogeneous variance on fixed time intervals
Olivier Bock
Xavier Collilieux
François Guillamon
Emilie Lebarbier
Claire Pascal
Journal articles
Precipitable water vapour content from ESR/SKYNET sun–sky radiometers: validation against GNSS/GPS and AERONET over three different sites in Europe
Monica Campanelli
Alessandra Mascitelli
Paolo Sanò
Henri Diémoz
Victor Estellés
Journal articles
Does Long-Term GPS in the Western Alps Finally Confirm Earthquake Mechanisms?
A. Walpersdorf
L. Pinget
P. Vernant
C. Sue
A. Deprez
Journal articles
Multi‐scale observations of atmospheric moisture variability in relation to heavy precipitating systems in the northwestern Mediterranean during HyMeX IOP12
Samiro Khodayar
Beata Czajka
Alberto Caldas‐alvarez
Sebastian Helgert
Cyrille Flamant
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2018, 144 (717), pp.2761-2780. ⟨10.1002/qj.3402⟩
Journal articles
Global IWV trends and variability in atmospheric reanalyses and GPS observations
Ana Claudia Parracho
Olivier Bock
Sophie Bastin
Journal articles
Comparison of total water vapour content in the Arctic derived from GNSS, AIRS, MODIS and SCIAMACHY
Dunya Alraddawi
Alain Sarkissian
Philippe Keckhut
Olivier Bock
Stefan Noël
Journal articles
Study and mitigation of calibration factor instabilities in a water vapor Raman lidar
Leslie David
Olivier Bock
Christian Thom
Pierre Bosser
Jacques Pelon
Journal articles
Enhanced MODIS Atmospheric Total Water Vapour Content Trends in Response to Arctic Amplification
Dunya Alraddawi
Philippe Keckhut
Alain Sarkissian
Olivier Bock
Abdanour Irbah
Journal articles
Frequency of extreme Sahelian storms tripled since 1982 in satellite observations
Christopher M. Taylor
Danijel Belušić
Françoise Guichard
Douglas J. Parker
Théo Vischel
Journal articles
Review of the state of the art and future prospects of the ground-based GNSS meteorology in Europe
Guergana Guerova
Jonathan Jones
Jan Douša
Galina Dick
Siebren de Haan
Journal articles
The variability of water vapour and pre-convective conditions over the mountainous island of Corsica
Bianca Adler
Norbert Kalthoff
Martin Kohler
Jan Handwerker
Andreas Wieser
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142, pp.335-346. ⟨10.1002/qj.2545⟩
Journal articles
A seamless weather-climate multi-model intercomparison on the representation of a high impact weather event in the western Mediterranean: HyMeX IOP12
S. Khodayar
Giorgia Fosser
S. Berthou
S. Davolio
P. Drobinski
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142, pp.433-452. ⟨10.1002/qj.2700⟩
Journal articles
Diagnostic study of a high-precipitation event in the Western Mediterranean: adequacy of current operational networks
S. Khodayar
F. Raff
N. Kalthoff
Olivier Bock
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142, pp.72-85. ⟨10.1002/qj.2600⟩
Journal articles
Water vapor measurements by mobile Raman lidar over the Mediterranean Sea in the framework of HyMeX: application to multi-platform validation of moisture profiles
Julien Totems
Patrick Chazette
Xiaoxia Shangt
Cyrille Flamant
Jean-Christophe Raut
Journal articles
A high-quality reprocessed ground-based GPS dataset for atmospheric process studies, radiosonde and model evaluation, and reanalysis of HyMeX Special Observing Period
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
R. Pacione
Mathieu Nuret
Nadia Fourrié
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142, pp.56-71. ⟨10.1002/qj.2701⟩
Journal articles
A multi-instrument and multi-model assessment of atmospheric moisture variability over the western Mediterranean during HyMeX
Patrick Chazette
Cyrille Flamant
Xiaoxia Shang
Julien Totems
Jean-Christophe Raut
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142 (S1), pp.7-22. ⟨10.1002/qj.2671⟩
Journal articles
Offshore deep convection initiation and maintenance during the HyMeX IOP 16a heavy precipitation event
Fanny Duffourg
Olivier Nuissier
Véronique Ducrocq
Cyrille Flamant
Patrick Chazette
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2016, 142 (S1), pp.259-274. ⟨10.1002/qj.2725⟩
Journal articles
A high-quality, homogenized, global, long-term (1993-2008) DORIS precipitable water data set for climate monitoring and model verification
Olivier Bock
Pascal Willis
Junhong Wang
Carl Mears
Journal articles
Comparison of individual and combined zenith tropospheric delay estimations during CONT08 campaign
A. Pollet
D. Coulot
Olivier Bock
S. Nahmani
Journal articles
HyMeX-SOP1: The Field Campaign Dedicated to Heavy Precipitation and Flash Flooding in the Northwestern Mediterranean
Véronique Ducrocq
Isabelle Braud
Silvio Davolio
Rossella Ferretti
Cyrille Flamant
Journal articles
DORIS and GPS monitoring of the Gavdos calibration site in Crete
Pascal Willis
Stelios Mertikas
Don Argus
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
HyMeX, le cycle de l'eau méditerranéen à la loupe
Philippe Drobinski
Véronique Ducrocq
Philippe Arbogast
Claude Basdevant
Sophie Bastin
Journal articles
HyMeX, les campagnes de mesures : focus sur les événements extrêmes en Méditerranée
Véronique Ducrocq
Sophie Belamari
Brice Boudevillain
Olivier Bousquet
Philippe Cocquerez
Journal articles
Comparison of IASI water vapour products over complex terrain with COPS campaign data
Guido Masiello
Carmine Serio
Thomas Deleporte
Hervé Herbin
Paolo Di Girolamo
Journal articles
Accuracy assessment of water vapour measurements from in situ and remote sensing techniques during the DEMEVAP 2011 campaign at OHP
Olivier Bock
P. Bosser
T. Bourcy
Leslie David
Florence Goutail
Journal articles
Le cycle de l'eau dans le système de mousson d'Afrique de l'Ouest
Christophe Peugeot
Olivier Bock
Aaron Boone
Bernard Cappelaere
Marielle Gosset
Journal articles
Les leçons de l'expérience AMMA en matière de prévision numérique du temps
Fatima Karbou
Florent Beucher
Olivier Bock
Jean-Philippe Lafore
Mumba Ziloré
Journal articles
Study of seasonal-scale atmospheric water cycle with ground-based GPS receivers, radiosondes and NWP models over Morocco
Achraf Koulali
Driss Ouazar
Olivier Bock
Abdelali Fadil
Journal articles
Hydrological deformation induced by the West African Monsoon: Comparison of GPS, GRACE and loading models
Samuel Nahmani
Olivier Bock
Marie-Nöelle Bouin
Alvaro Santamaría-Gómez
Jean-Paul Boy
Journal articles
The large-scale water cycle of the West African monsoon
Olivier Bock
Françoise Guichard
Remi Meynadier
Sébastien Gervois
A. Agustí-Panareda
Journal articles
Operational meteorology in West Africa: observational networks, weather analysis and forecasting
A. H. Fink
A. Agustí-Panareda
D. J. Parker
Jean-Philippe Lafore
J.-B. Ngamini
Journal articles
Mesoscale water cycle within the West African Monsoon
C. Peugeot
Françoise Guichard
Olivier Bock
Dominique Bouniol
M. Chong
Journal articles
The AMMA field campaigns : accomplishments and lessons learned
Douglas J Parker
Cyrille Flamant
Hartmut Höller
Jan Polcher
Jean-Luc Redelsperger
Journal articles
An inter-comparison of zenith tropospheric delays derived from DORIS and GPS data
Olivier Bock
Pascal Willis
Maïté Lacarra
Pierre Bosser
Journal articles
The ECMWF re-analysis for the AMMA observational campaign
Anna Agustí-Panareda
Anton Beljaars
Maike Ahlgrimm
Gianpaolo Balsamo
Olivier Bock
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2010, 136 (651), pp.1457-1472. ⟨10.1002/qj.662⟩
Journal articles
West African Monsoon water cycle: 2. Assessment of numerical weather prediction water budgets
Remi Meynadier
Olivier Bock
Sébastien Gervois
Françoise Guichard
Jean-Luc Redelsperger
Journal articles
A case study of using Raman lidar measurements in high-accuracy GPS applications
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
Christian Thom
Jacques Pelon
Pascal Willis
Journal articles
Global 4DVAR Assimilation and Forecast Experiments Using AMSU Observations over Land. Part II: Impacts of Assimilating Surface-Sensitive Channels on the African Monsoon during AMMA
Fatima Karbou
Florence Rabier
Jean-Philippe Lafore
Jean-Luc Redelsperger
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
Synoptic variability of the monsoon flux over West Africa prior to the onset
Fleur Couvreux
Françoise Guichard
Olivier Bock
Bernard Campistron
Jean-Philippe Lafore
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2010, 136 (S1), pp.159-173. ⟨10.1002/qj.473⟩
Journal articles
West African Monsoon water cycle: 1. A hybrid water budget data set
Remi Meynadier
Olivier Bock
Françoise Guichard
A. Boone
P. Roucou
Journal articles
An Intercomparison of Simulated Rainfall and Evapotranspiration Associated with a Mesoscale Convective System over West Africa
Francoise Guichard
Nicole Asencio
Christophe Peugeot
Olivier Bock
Jean-Luc Redelsperger
Journal articles
Diurnal cycle of the intertropical discontinuity over West Africa analysed by remote sensing and mesoscale modelling
B. Pospichal
Diana Bou Karam
S. Crewell
Cyrille Flamant
A. Hünerbein
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2010, 136 (S1), pp.92-106. ⟨10.1002/qj.435⟩
Journal articles
Water vapour variability induced by urban/rural surface heterogeneities during convective conditions
Cedric Champollion
Philippe Drobinski
M. Haeffelin
Olivier Bock
Jérome Tarniewicz
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2009, 135, pp.1266-1276. ⟨10.1002/qj.446⟩
Journal articles
Mesoscale GPS tomography applied to the 12 June 2002 convective initiation event of IHOP_2002
Cédric Champollion
Cyrille Flamant
Olivier Bock
F. Masson
D.D. Turner
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2009, 135 (640), pp.645-662. ⟨10.1002/qj.386⟩
Journal articles
International Heliophysical Year: GPS Network in Africa
Christine Amory-Mazaudier
S. Basu
Olivier Bock
A. Combrink
K. Groves
Journal articles
The Impacts of AMMA Radiosonde Data on the French Global Assimilation and Forecast System
C. Faccani
Florence Rabier
Nadia Fourrié
A. Agusti-Panareda
Fatima Karbou
Journal articles
On the late northward propagation of the West African monsoon in summer 2006 in the region of Niger/Mali
Philippe Drobinski
Sophie Bastin
Serge Janicot
Olivier Bock
Alain Dabas
Journal articles
Verification of NWP Model Analyses and Radiosonde Humidity Data with GPS Precipitable Water Vapor Estimates during AMMA
Olivier Bock
Mathieu Nuret
Journal articles
Correction of Humidity Bias for Vaisala RS80-A Sondes during the AMMA 2006 Observing Period
Mathieu Nuret
Jean-Philippe Lafore
Olivier Bock
Françoise Guichard
Anna Agusti-Panareda
Journal articles
Large-scale overview of the summer monsoon over West Africa during the AMMA field experiment in 2006
Serge Janicot
Chris D. Thorncroft
Abdou Ali
Nicole Asencio
Gareth J. Berry
Journal articles
West African Monsoon observed with ground-based GPS receivers during African Monsoon Multidisciplinary Analysis (AMMA)
Olivier Bock
Marie-Noëlle Bouin
E. Doerflinger
P. Collard
F. Masson
Journal articles
An Improved Mean-Gravity Model for GPS Hydrostatic Delay Calibration
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
Jacques Pelon
Christian Thom
Journal articles
Comparison of ground-based GPS precipitable water vapour to independent observations and NWP model reanalyses over Africa
Olivier Bock
Marie-Noëlle Bouin
A. Walpersdorf
Jean-Philippe Lafore
Serge Janicot
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2007, 133 (629), pp.2011-2027. ⟨10.1002/qj.185⟩
Journal articles
Diurnal Cycle of Water Vapor as Documented by a Dense GPS Network in a Coastal Area during ESCOMPTE IOP2
Sophie Bastin
Cédric Champollion
Olivier Bock
Phillipe Drobinski
Frédéric Masson
Journal articles
Study of the statistics of water vapor mixing ratio determined from Raman lidar measurements
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
Christian Thom
Jacques Pelon
Applied optics, 2007, 46 (33), pp.8170-8180
Journal articles
Airborne observations of the impact of a convective system on the planetary boundary layer thermodynamics and aerosol distribution in the inter-tropical discontinuity region of the West African Monsoon
Cyrille Flamant
Jean-Pierre Chaboureau
D.J. Parker
C.M. Taylor
Jean-Pierre Cammas
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2007, 133 (626), pp.1175-1189. ⟨10.1002/qj.97⟩
Journal articles
Multiscale analysis of precipitable water vapor over Africa from GPS data and ECMWF analyses
Olivier Bock
Francoise Guichard
Serge Janicot
Jean-Philippe Lafore
Marie-Noëlle Bouin
Journal articles
SIRTA, a ground-based atmospheric observatory for cloud and aerosol research
M. Haeffelin
Laurent Barthès
Olivier Bock
C. Boitel
S. Bony
Journal articles
On the use of GPS tomography to investigate water vapor variability during a Mistral//sea breeze event in southeastern France
Sophie Bastin
Cédric Champollion
Olivier Bock
Phillipe Drobinski
Frédéric Masson
Journal articles
GPS water vapour tomography: preliminary results from the ESCOMPTE field experiment
Cédric Champollion
Frédéric Masson
Marie-Noelle Bouin
Andrea Walpersdorf
Eric Doerflinger
Journal articles
Validation of precipitable water from ECMWF model analyses with GPS and radiosonde data during the MAP SOP.
Olivier Bock
C. Keil
E. Richard
Cyrille Flamant
M.N. Bouin
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 2005, 131 (612), pp.3013-3036. ⟨10.1256/qj.05.27⟩
Journal articles
Data analysis of a dense GPS network operated during the ESCOMPTE campaign: first results
A. Walpersdorf
Olivier Bock
E. Doerflinger
F. Masson
J. van Baelen
Journal articles
GPS water vapor project associated to the ESCOMPTE programme: description and first results of the field experiment
Olivier Bock
E. Doerflinger
F. Masson
A. Walpersdorf
J. Van-Baelen
Journal articles
La campagne IHOP 2002 - Une campagne de mesure de la vapeur d'eau dans la couche limite
Cyrille Flamant
Françoise Guichard
Joël van Baelen
Olivier Bock
Fleur Couvreux
Journal articles
Raman lidar for external GPS path delay calibration devoted to high accuracy height determination
J Tarniewicz
Olivier Bock
Jacques Pelon
C Thom
Journal articles
The effect of inhomogeneities in the lower atmosphere on coordinates determined from GPS measurements
Olivier Bock
J. Tarniewicz
Ch. Thom
Jacques Pelon
Journal articles
Wide-angle airborne laser range data analysis for relative height determination of ground-based benchmarks
Olivier Bock
C. Thom
Journal articles
Effect of small-scale atmospheric inhomogeneity on positioning accuracy with GPS
Olivier Bock
Jérôme Tarniewicz
Christian Thom
Jacques Pelon
Journal articles
Study of external path delay correction techniques for high accuracy height determination with GPS
Olivier Bock
J. Tarniewicz
C. Thom
Jacques Pelon
M. Kasser
Journal articles
Atmospheric modeling in GPS data analysis for high accuracy positioning
Olivier Bock
E. Doerflinger
Journal articles
Results of the first aircraft experiment with the wide-angle airborne laser ranging system
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
Relative positioning precision of the wide-angle airborne laser ranging system
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
Multilateration with the wide-angle laser ranging system: ranging performance and first ground-based validation experiment
Olivier Bock
C. Thom
M. Kasser
J.R. Pelon
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1999, 37 (2), pp.739-747. ⟨10.1109/36.752190⟩
Journal articles
Multilateration with the wide-angle airborne laser ranging system: positioning precision and atmospheric effects
Olivier Bock
Journal articles
A wide-angle airborne laser ranging system for millimetre accuracy subsidence measurements
Olivier Bock
Michel Kasser
Christian Thom
Journal articles
Study of a wide-angle laser ranging system for relative positioning of ground-based benchmarks with millimeter accuracy
Olivier Bock
M. Kasser
C. Thom
Jacques Pelon
Journal articles