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Science et Technologie des Poudres et Milieux Granulaires. Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, France.


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SPH 3D simulation of jet break-up driven by external vibrations

Sandra Geara , Sylvain Martin , S. Adami , J. Allenou , B. Stepnik
Computational Particle Mechanics, 2024, 11, pp.313 à 328. ⟨10.1007/s40571-023-00624-8⟩
Journal articles emse-04158630v1
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Long time extrapolation of DEM with heat conduction in a moving granular medium

Clara Haydar , Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 277, pp.118815. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2023.118815⟩
Journal articles emse-04093980v1
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A new SPH density formulation for 3D free-surface flows

Sandra Geara , Sylvain Martin , S. Adami , W. Petry , J. Allenou
Computers and Fluids, 2022, 232, pp.105193. ⟨10.1016/j.compfluid.2021.105193⟩
Journal articles emse-03561813v1
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Characterization of the incorporation of a granular medium into elastomer matrices during mixing process

Nikhil Tembhurnikar , Jean-Charles Majesté , Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Journal of Applied Polymer Science, In press, pp.52280. ⟨10.1002/app.52280⟩
Journal articles emse-03592923v1
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Extrapolation of DEM simulations to large time scale. Application to the mixing of powder in a conical screw mixer

Xavier Bednarek , Sylvain Martin , Abibadou Ndiaye , Véronique Peres , Olivier Bonnefoy
Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 197, pp.223-234. ⟨10.1016/j.ces.2018.12.022⟩
Journal articles hal-01968891v1
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Qualitative and quantitative DEM analysis of cohesive granular material behaviour in FT4 shear tester

Haithem Louati , Xavier Bednarek , Sylvain Martin , Abibatou Ndiaye , Olivier Bonnefoy
Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 148, pp.155 à 163. ⟨10.1016/j.cherd.2019.05.059⟩
Journal articles hal-02163782v1
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Reactor scale study of self-heating and self-ignition of torrefied wood in contact with oxygen

Brieuc Evangelista , Patricia Arlabosse , Alexandre Govin , Sylvain Salvador , Olivier Bonnefoy
Fuel, 2018, 214, pp.590-596. ⟨10.1016/j.fuel.2017.11.048⟩
Journal articles hal-01650705v1
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Study by X-Ray microtomography of the horizontal vibration effects on sand densification

L. Olmos , Jean-Marc Chaix , Sébastien Nadler , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Louis Gelet
Granular Matter, 2016, 18 (3), pp.61. ⟨10.1007/s10035-016-0661-x⟩
Journal articles hal-01346078v1
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Analysis of the densification of a vibrated sand packing

Ahmed Raihane , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Marc Chaix , Jean-Louis Gelet , Gérard Thomas
Powder Technology, 2011, 208 (2), pp.289-295. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2010.08.018⟩
Journal articles hal-00578354v1
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Parametric study of horizontally vibrated grain packings - Comparison between Discrete Element Method and experimental results

Sébastien Nadler , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Marc Chaix , G. Thomas , Jean-Louis Gelet
European Physical Journal E: Soft matter and biological physics, 2011, 34 (6), pp.66. ⟨10.1140/epje/i2011-11066-y⟩
Journal articles hal-00608038v1
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Influence of the formulation of an alumina powder on compaction

David Souriou , Patrice Goeuriot , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , Florence Doré
Powder Technology, 2009, 190 (1-2), pp.152-159. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2008.04.074⟩
Journal articles hal-00410221v1
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Velocity field computation in vibrated granular media using an optical flow based multiscale image analysis method

Johan Debayle , Ahmed Raihane , Abdelkrim Belhaoua , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
Image Analysis & Stereology, 2009, 28, pp.35-43
Journal articles hal-00379921v1
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Experimental study of a 3D dry granular medium submitted to horizontal shaking

Ahmed Raihane , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Louis Gelet , Jean-Marc Chaix , Gérard Thomas
Powder Technology, 2009, 190 (1-2), pp.252-257. ⟨10.1016/j.powtec.2008.04.068⟩
Journal articles hal-00410199v1
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Formulation d'une poudre d'alumine et formation par compaction grande vitesse : influence sur les propriétés du comprimé - Formulation of an alumina powder and high velocity compaction forming: influence on compact properties.

David Souriou , Patrice Goeuriot , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , Florence Doré
Mechanics & Industry, 2008, 9 (5), pp.429 - 435. ⟨10.1051/meca/2009006⟩
Journal articles hal-00517784v1
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La nano-intégration : un besoin d'adaptation des procédés de fabrication actuels

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Lettre Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2008, 9, pp.10-11
Journal articles emse-00518062v1
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Development of a new mixing rheometer for studying rheological behaviour of concentrated energetic suspensions

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , Yves Ménard , Luc Brunet , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 2008, 151 (1-3), pp.136-144. ⟨10.1016/j.jnnfm.2007.12.007⟩
Journal articles emse-00495289v1
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A Flow Time Model for Melt-Cast Insensitive Explosive Process

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , Luc Brunet , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
Propellants Explosives Pyrotechnics, 2007, 32 (3), pp.261-266. ⟨10.1002/prep.200700028⟩
Journal articles hal-00518103v1
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Application d'un modèle de viscosité à la coulée d'explosifs : Modélisation du temps de coulée.

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , A. Werckerle , L. Brunet , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
Rhéologie, 2006, 10, pp.40-48
Journal articles hal-00127198v1

A priori calculation of the refractive index of some simple gas hydrates of structures I and II

Olivier Bonnefoy , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Michel Herri
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 89 (2-3), pp.336-344. ⟨10.1016/j.matchemphys.2004.09.007⟩
Journal articles emse-00497662v1
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A-priori calculation of the refractive index of some simple gas hydrates of structures I and II

Olivier Bonnefoy , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Michel Herri
Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2005, 89(2-3), pp.336. ⟨10.1016/j.matchemphys.2004.09.007⟩
Journal articles hal-00125048v1
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Van der Waals interactions in systems involving gas hydrates.

Olivier Bonnefoy , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Michel Herri
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2005, 231(2), pp.176. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2005.02.004⟩
Journal articles hal-00125056v1

Van der Waals interactions in systems involving gas hydrates

Olivier Bonnefoy , Frédéric Gruy , Jean-Michel Herri
Fluid Phase Equilibria, 2005, 231 (2), pp.176-187. ⟨10.1016/j.fluid.2005.02.004⟩
Journal articles emse-00497660v1

Modélisation des Procédés Granulaires

P. Pizette , Olivier Bonnefoy , Cendrine Gatumel , Henri Berthiaux , J. Lopez-Cuesta
Colloque IMT - Modélisation, contrôle et optimisation des procédés : de la donnée au jumeau numérique, Mar 2023, Mines Saint-Étienne, France
Conference papers hal-04136197v1
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Comparison of interface models to account for surface tension in SPH method

Sandra Geara , S. Adami , Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy , J. Allenou
PARTICLES 2019 - VI International Conference on Particle-Based Methods. Fundamentals and Applications, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering (CIMNE); Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); European Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS); International Association for Computational Mechanics (IACM), Oct 2019, Barcelona, Spain. pp.714 à 725
Conference papers emse-02442782v1

Analysis of mixing dynamics of powders in conical screw mixer using DEM simulation

Haithem Louati , Xavier Bednarek , Sylvain Martin , Abibadou Ndiaye , Olivier Bonnefoy
8th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT 8), Particulate Solid Research, Inc. (PSRI); AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), Apr 2018, Orlando, United States. paper 65c
Conference papers hal-01807011v1

Synthesis of spherical particles with a targeted size distribution

Andrea Valentini , Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
8th World Congress on Particle Technology (WCPT 8), Particulate Solid Research, Inc. (PSRI); AIChE (American Institute of Chemical Engineers), Apr 2018, Orlando, United States. paper 134d
Conference papers hal-01813375v1
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Étude expérimentale et numérique de la réaction entre le bois torréfié et l’oxygène à faible temperature

Brieuc Evangelista , Patricia Arlabosse , Alexandre Govin , Sylvain Salvador , Olivier Bonnefoy
SFGP 2017 - 16ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, SFGP (Société Française de Génie des Procédés); EFCE ( European Federation of Chemical Engineering); LRGP (Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés); CNRS (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique); Université de Lorraine, Jul 2017, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01643777v1

Experimental study of self-heating phenomenon at the reactor-scale. Safety assessment of a fixed-bed filled with torrefied wood chips

Brieuc Evangelista , Olivier Bonnefoy , Alexandre Govin , Patricia Arlabosse , Sylvain Salvador
WCCE10 - 10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering, Anque; Enginyers Industrials de catalunya; SEQUI; A IQS, Oct 2017, Barcelone, France. pp.2448
Conference papers hal-01720397v1
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Calibration of DEM parameters on shear test experiments using Kriging method

Xavier Bednarek , Sylvain Martin , Abibatou Ndiaye , Véronique Peres , Olivier Bonnefoy
Powders and Grains 2017 – 8th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media, LMGC, CNRS, Université de Montpellier; IATE, INRA, Montpellier, Jul 2017, Montpellier, France. ⟨10.1051/epjconf/201714015016⟩
Conference papers hal-01570602v1
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Observation par imagerie de rayons X à 106 d'images par seconde de l'arc dans un fusible opérant sous décharge de condensateur

Jean-Louis Gelet , Jean-Marc Chaix , Xavier Just , Pierre Lhuissier , Gérard Thomas
13ème édition du Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques (CAE XIII) - 3ème Workshop Arcs et Contacts Electriques (ACE 2017), Institut Jean Lamour (UMR CNRS - Université de Lorraine), Mar 2017, Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01504879v1
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Observation of Arcing inside a Fuse under VSI Short Circuit Conditions using 5.106 Frames per Sec. X-ray Imaging

Jean-Louis Gelet , Jean-Marc Chaix , Xavier Just , Pierre Lhuissier , Gérard Thomas
COSYS-DC 2017 - International Conference on Components and SYStems for DC Grid, APIME, Mar 2017, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01505692v1
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Etude par radiographie ultrarapide des transformations et du rôle des matériaux lors du fonctionnement d’un fusible

Xavier Just , Margie P. Olbinado , Pierre Lhuissier , Jean-Louis Gelet , Alexander Rack
Journées Annuelles SF2M - JA 2017 "Matériaux, Microstructures et Fonctionnalités" , Section Sud-Est de la SF2M ; Laboratoire MATEIS de l’INSA de Lyon; Laboratoires CETHIL de l’INSA de Lyon; Membres de la fédération d’ingénierie Lyon Saint Etienne (Ingélyse); Membres de l’Institut Carnot I@L., Oct 2017, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-01538109v1
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Jamming/flowing transition of non-Brownian particles suspended in a iso-density fluid flowing in a 2D rectangular duct

Maxym Burel , Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Powders and Grains 2017 – 8th International Conference on Micromechanics on Granular Media, LMGC, CNRS, Université de Montpellier; IATE, INRA, Montpellier, Jul 2017, Montpellier, France. ⟨10.1051/epjconf/201714003086⟩
Conference papers hal-01570734v1

Études expérimentales et modélisation du phénomène d’auto-échauffement, application au refroidissement de plaquettes de bois torréfiées.

Brieuc Evangelista , Patricia Arlabosse , Alexandre Govin , Sylvain Salvador , Olivier Bonnefoy
Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2016, CODEGEPRA Comité de DÉveloppement du GÉnie des Procédés en Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, Nov 2016, Saint-Martin d'Hères, France
Conference papers hal-01429734v1

Experimental study of self-heating phenomena during torrefaction of spherical wood particles

Brieuc Evangelista , Patricia Arlabosse , Elsa Weiss-Hortala , Alexandre Govin , Sylvain Salvador
6th International Conférence on Engineering for Waste and Biomass valorisation - WasteEng2016, WasteEng conference series; Mines Albi-Carnaux, May 2016, Albi, France
Conference papers hal-01331853v1

Numerical simulation of reactive flow in granular media using a LBM approach. Application to the study of biomass torrefaction.

Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
IV International Conference on Particle-Based Methods - Particles 2015, International Center for Numerical Methods in Engineering ( CIMNE ); Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC); Eurapean Community on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences (ECCOMAS); international Assiciation for Computational Mechanics (IACM); European Research Council (ERC); Computational Particle Mechanics, a Springer Journal, Sep 2015, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers emse-01245465v1

Jamming/flowing transition of a non Brownian suspension.

Maxym Burel , Olivier Bonnefoy
Crossroad of the Particle Science and Technology Joint conference of the 5th UK-China and 13th UK Particle Technology Forum, Université de Leeds, Jul 2015, Leeds, United Kingdom
Conference papers emse-01212198v1

Study of interaction between high energy discharge and granular field in a confined environment for fuses applications

Xavier Just , Jean-Marc Chaix , Rémy Dendievel , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
International Conference on Lightning & Static Electricity (ICOLSE 2015), the International Conference on Lightning & Static Electricity, Sep 2015, Toulouse, France. pp.57 (7 .) (1), ⟨10.1049/ic.2015.0204⟩
Conference papers hal-02011092v1
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Transition blocage/écoulement d'une suspension non brownienne dans un liquide

Maxym Burel , Olivier Bonnefoy
Colloque STPMF 2015, LRGP (Laboratoire Réactions et Génie des Procédés); LEM3 (Laboratoire d'Etudes des Microstructures et de Mécanique des Matériaux); LIBio (Laboratoire d'Ingénierie des Biomolécules); IJL (Institut Jean Lamour), Apr 2015, Nancy, France. pp.N°Article 1 à 8
Conference papers emse-01144014v1

Synthesis and Fluidization of Wood Powders Application to biofuel production

Olivier Bonnefoy , Alexandre Govin , Mélanie Almendros , Elena Sanz , Willi Nastoll
7Th World Congress on Particucle Technology, May 2014, Pékin, China
Conference papers hal-01052666v1

Macrodispersion of amorphous precipitated silica micropearls in an elastomer matrix: Role of silica intrinsic parameters

Innocent Boudimbou , Edith Peuvrel-Disdier , Timothée Dumas , Olivier Bonnefoy , Philippe Grosseau
Conférence Internationale du Caoutchouc / International Rubber conference, IRC 2013, Mar 2013, Vitry-sur-Seine, France
Conference papers hal-00847108v1

Macrodispersion of amorphous precipitated silica micropearls in an elastomer matrix: Role of silica intrinsic parameters

Innocent Boudimbou , Edith Peuvrel-Disdier , Timothée Dumas , Olivier Bonnefoy , Philippe Grosseau
International Rubber Conference 2013, , Mar 2013, Paris, France. 1p
Conference papers hal-01502187v1
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Etude de procédés de compaction par vibrations horizontales en milieu ouvert ou fermé - Approches expérimentales et numériques.

Olivier Bonnefoy , Sébastien Nadler , Gérard Thomas , Jean-Marc Chaix , Jean-Louis Gelet
XIV° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2013, Lyon, France. pp.No 496
Conference papers hal-00875473v1
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Internal structure and fragmentation kinetics of silica granules

Philippe Grosseau , Timothée Dumas , Olivier Bonnefoy , Lionel Barriquand , Laurent Guy
POWDERS AND GRAINS 2013, Jul 2013, Sydney, Australia. pp.1007, ⟨10.1063/1.4812104⟩
Conference papers hal-00847074v1

Mechanisms of dispersion in silica filled elastomers: Input of different approaches

Innocent Boudimbou , Edith Peuvrel-Disdier , Frédéric Vincent , Jean-Charles Majesté , Christian Carrot
10th Rubber Fall Colloquium, Nov 2012, Hannovre, Germany. 1p
Conference papers hal-01500799v1

Fluidization and rheological approaches for characterization of wood biomass flowability

Mélanie Almendros , Henri Besset , Olivier Bonnefoy , Vincent Bracco , Alexandre Govin
MAPI (Multiscale Approaches for Process Innovation, Jan 2012, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-00667275v1

Rheological and morphological characterization of torrefied wood biomass

Mélanie Almendros , Olivier Bonnefoy , Alexandre Govin , Willi Nastoll , Elena Sanz
International Workshop on Biomass Torrefaction for Energy, Albi, 10 et 11 mai 2012, May 2012, Albi, France
Conference papers emse-00723032v1
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Changes on wood powder morphology and flowability due to thermal pretreatment,

Mélanie Almendros , Olivier Bonnefoy , Alexandre Govin , Willi Nastoll , Elena Sanz
XIII° Congrès de la SFGP 2011 Société Française de Génie des Procédés : Des procédés au service du produit au coeur de l'Europe, Nov 2011, Lille, France. pp.N°207
Conference papers hal-00658252v1
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New methods to analyse fragmentation mechanisms of precipitated silicas

Timothée Dumas , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , Sébastien Nebut , Laurent Guy
5th International Workshop on Granulation. Granulation Conference Lausanne, Zwitzerland,, Jun 2011, Lausanne, Switzerland. pp.10
Conference papers hal-00616514v1
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Influence of torrefaction treatment on wood powder properties

Mélanie Almendros , Olivier Bonnefoy , Alexandre Govin , Willi Nastoll , Elena Sanz
19th European Biomass Conference 2011, Jun 2011, Berlin, Germany. pp.1902-1904, ⟨10.5071/19thEUBCE2011-OC8.5⟩
Conference papers hal-00667159v1
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Milieu granulaire soumis à des vibrations horizontales : simulations numériques

Sébastien Nadler , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Marc Chaix , Jean-Louis Gelet , Gérard Thomas
Journées Annuelles du Groupe Français de la Céramique 2010, Mar 2010, Saint-Etienne, France. Aucune pagination
Conference papers hal-00622940v1
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Analysis of the densification of a vibrated sand packing

Ahmed Raihane , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Marc Chaix , Jean-Louis Gelet , Gérard Thomas
STPMF 2009 (Science et Technologie des Poudres et Matériaux Frittés), May 2009, Montpellier, France
Conference papers hal-00409785v1
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Numerical Simulation Of Granular Media Under Horizontal Vibrations.

Sébastien Nadler , Olivier Bonnefoy , Ahmed Raihane , Jean-Marc Chaix , Jean-Louis Gelet
6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Jul 2009, Golden, Colorado, United States. pp.725-728
Conference papers hal-00411051v1
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Convective Flow in a Horizontally Vibrated 3D Granular Packing

Ahmed Raihane , Olivier Bonnefoy , Sébastien Nadler , Jean-Louis Gelet , Jean-Marc Chaix
Powders and Grains 2009: 6th International Conference on Micromechanics of Granular Media, Jul 2009, Golden, United States. pp.721-724
Conference papers hal-00409723v1
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Modelling the influence of process parameters on the densification of granular media under horizontal vibrations.

Sébastien Nadler , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Marc Chaix , Ahmed Raihane , Gérard Thomas
XII ° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés Pour relever les défis industriels du XXI° siècle A la croisée des Sciences et des Cultures, Oct 2009, Marseille, France. pp.P-883
Conference papers hal-00425573v1
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Emptying time of a tank filled up with explosive paste. Comparison between experimental measurements and predictions based on rheological characterization of the paste

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , L. Brunet , N. Forichon-Chaumet
15th International Congress on Rheology, Aug 2008, Monterey, United States
Conference papers hal-00409985v1
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A Flow Time Model for Melt-Cast Insensitive Explosive Process

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , Luc Brunet , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas
XI° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés. Des réponses industrielles pour une société en mutation., Oct 2007, Saint Etienne, France. pp.ISBN=2-910239-70-5
Conference papers hal-00457829v1
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Procédé de densification de sable par vibrations horizontales. Etude expérimentale des mouvements granulaires en géométrie 3D.

Ahmed Raihane , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Louis Gelet , Gérard Thomas , Jean-Marc Chaix
XI° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés. Des réponses industrielles pour une société en mutation., Oct 2007, Saint Etienne, France. pp.ISBN=2-910239-70-5
Conference papers hal-00457925v1
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Formulation d'une poudre d'alumine et formation par Compaction Grande Vitesse : influence sur les propriétés du comprimé

David Souriou , Patrice Goeuriot , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , Florence Doré
XI° Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés. Des réponses industrielles pour une société en mutation., Oct 2007, Saint Etienne, France. pp.ISBN=2-910239-70-5
Conference papers hal-00457578v1

Compaction dynamique des poudres céramiques : conséquences sur la densification ».

David Souriou , D. Goeuriot , Olivier Bonnefoy , G. Thomas , F. Doré
Colloques Matériaux 2006, 2006, Dijon, France. pp.édition sur DVD
Conference papers hal-00293710v1
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Comparison of conventional and High Velocity Compaction of alumina powders

David Souriou , Patrice Goeuriot , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , Sylvain Drapier
11th International Ceramics Congress and 4th Forum on New Materials, Acireale, Sicily, Italy, June 4-9, 2006, Jun 2006, Acireale, Italy. pp.893-898, ⟨10.4028/⟩
Conference papers hal-00128232v1
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Compaction dynamique des poudres céramiques

David Souriou , Patrice Goeuriot , Olivier Bonnefoy , Gérard Thomas , Florence Doré
Matériaux 2006, Nov 2006, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-00129175v1

High Velocity Compaction for ceramic powders

David Souriou , Patrice Goeuriot , G. Thomas , Olivier Bonnefoy , Sylvain Drapier
11th International Ceramics Congress (CIMTEC 2006), Jun 2006, Acireale, Italy. pp.session E6
Conference papers hal-00295019v1
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Micro-Nano : des comportements différents, des procédés à adapter

Jean-Philippe Guillemin , Peggy Lamy , Gérard Thomas , Olivier Bonnefoy
8ème CIMATS (Colloque Industriel sur les Matériaux et Traitement de Surface (Nano matériaux, nano composites, nano structures : un point sur la réalité industrielle) 7 et 8 décembre 2005, Dec 2005, Belfort-Montbéliard, France
Conference papers hal-00125086v1
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Formation & Dissociation of Methane Hydrates in Sediments. Part II : Numerical modelling

Laurent Jeannin , Aude Bayi , Gérard Renard , Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Michel Herri
4th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, May 2002, Yokohama, Japan
Conference papers hal-00126016v1
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Formation & Dissociation of Methane Hydrates in Sediments.Part I : A New Experimental Set-up for Measurements and Modelling at the Core Scale

Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Michel Herri
4th International Conference on Gas Hydrates, May 2002, Yokohama, Japan
Conference papers hal-00126018v1
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A new experimental set-up for the study of the formation and dissociation of methane hydrate in sediments

Olivier Bonnefoy , Jean-Michel Herri , Jean-Pierre Monfort , Pierre Henry , Philippe Bernada
EAGE 63rd Conference and Exhibition, Jun 2001, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference papers hal-00846009v1
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Simulation par la méthode SPH du problème de Stefan : conduction thermique et changement de phase solide/liquide

Sandra Geara , Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Journée Scientifique 2018 du Codegepra, Nov 2018, Saint-Etienne, France. , Journée scientifique du CODEGEPRA - Le Génie des Procédés en Rhône-Alpes Auvergne, pp.P21
Conference poster hal-01980052v1
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Transition blocage/écoulement d’une suspension non brownienne dans un liquide

Maxym Burel , Olivier Bonnefoy , Philippe Grosseau
Journée Scientifique du CODEGEPRA 2015, Nov 2015, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Conference poster emse-01272981v1
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Utilisations de la tomographie à rayons X pour l'étude de la mise en forme des poudres

Eric Serris , Olivier Valfort , Olivier Bonnefoy
Matériaux 2014, Nov 2014, Montpellier, France.
Conference poster emse-01099981v1

Les poudres métalliques

Marc Thomas , Stefan Drawin , Olivier Bonnefoy
La fabrication additive des alliages métalliques 1 - procédés, matière première et simulation numérique, 1 (Section 2.1), ISTE Editions, pp.103 à 136, 2022, Science des matériaux – Procédés en science des matériaux, 978-1-78948-054-2
Book sections emse-03881417v1

Metal powders

Marc Thomas , Stefan Drawin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Additive Manufacturing of Metal Alloys 1 - Processes, Raw Materials and Numerical Simulation, 1 (Section 2.1), ISTE Editions; Wiley, pp.97 à 129, 2022, Materials Science – Processes in Materials Science, 978-1-78945-054-5
Book sections emse-03878331v1

Méthode de Boltzmann sur réseau - Application à la mécanique des fluides

Sylvain Martin , Olivier Bonnefoy
Sciences fondamentales, Mathématiques, Techniques de l'ingénieur, pp.BM5220 V1, 2019, Sciences fondamentales | Mathématiques, ⟨10.51257/a-v1-bm5220⟩
Book sections emse-02456859v1
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Influence des cristaux d'hydrates de gaz ou de glace sur la perméabilité d'un milieu poreux

Olivier Bonnefoy
Energie électrique. Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Etienne, 2005. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Theses tel-00009658v1