Thermal and hydraulic behaviors of a finned coil heat exchanger coupled with fixed-speed fans during frost formation in an industrial food freezer: numerical modelling and field experimental validation
Deyae Badri
Cyril Toublanc
Michel Havet
Olivier Rouaud
ICR2023 | 26th International Congress of Refrigeration | Paris, France, Aug 2023, Paris, France, France
Conference papers
Optimization of temperature profile of cake batter in a ohmic-assisted heater for 3D food printing applications
Mamadou Lamine Niane
Olivier Rouaud
Anthony Oge
Delphine Queveau
Alain Le-Bail
Conference papers
Dynamic Modeling and simulation of frost formation on blast freezer heat exchanger
Deyae Badri
Cyril Toublanc
Olivier Rouaud
Michel Havet
Conference papers
Procédés de cristallisation innovants assistés par des champs magnétique, électrique et électromagnétiques externes ; application à la congélation d'aliments et autres champs d'application
Alain Lebail
Piyush Kumar Jha
Mathieu E Sadot
Vanessa Jury
Sébastien Curet
17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Study of continuous pre-baking in a rectangular channel using ohmic heating
Olivier Rouaud
Monique Khodeir
Vanessa Jury
Anthony Ogé
Patricia Le Bail
13th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF13), Sep 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Développement d'un procédé de précuisson de produit de panification en continu par chauffage ohmique
Monique Khodeir
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
Anthony Ogé
Patricia Le Bail
17ème Congrès SFGP, Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
ElectroHydroDynamic enhancement of heat and mass transfer in food process: a review
Michel Havet
Erik Bardy
Olivier Rouaud
13th International Congress on Engineering and Food (ICEF13), Sep 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Influence of 2.45 GHz microwave radiation supplied with or without intermittency on the size of ice crystals during an innovative freezing process
Mathieu E Sadot
Olivier Rouaud
S. Chevallier
Sébastien Curet
Alain E Le-Bail
25th IIR International congress of refrigeration, Aug 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Evaluation d'un procédé de congélation assistée par micro-ondes
Mathieu E Sadot
Sébastien Curet
S. Chevallier
Olivier Rouaud
Michel Havet
17ème Congrès de la Société Française de Génie des Procédés, Oct 2019, Nantes, France
Conference papers
FREEZEWAVE or microwave assisted freezing; the NITOM and the NIMIW effects may explain the reduction of the size of ice crystals
Alain Lebail
Piyush Kumar Jha
Mathieu E Sadot
S. Chevallier
Sébastien Curet
53rd Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI 53), Jun 2019, Las Végas, United States
Conference papers
Study of continuous cake pre-baking in a rectangular channel using ohmic heating
Olivier Rouaud
Monique Khodeir
Vanessa Jury
Patricia Le Bail
Alain Le-Bail
International Congress on Engineering and Food, Sep 2019, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
Innovative Freezing Processes assisted by external electro – magnetic fields and assessment of freeze damage in frozen foods; an overview
Alain E Le-Bail
Piyush Kumar Jha
Mathieu Sadot
Vanessa Jury
Sébastien Curet
10th International Conference on Water in Food, Sep 2018, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Influence of microwaves on the size of ice crystals during innovative food freezing
Mathieu Sadot
Olivier Rouaud
S. Chevallier
Sébastien Curet
Alain Le Bail
the 32th EFFoST International Conference, Nov 2018, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Modelling water immersion thawing of raw tuna fishes
Sébastien Curet
Olivier Rouaud
J.-M. Bonny
Leslie Mazuel
2018 COMSOL Conference, Oct 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Microwave Assisted Crystallization; Recent Advanced Applied to Freezing of Foods (FREEZEWAVE Project)
Alain Le Bail
Piyush Kumar Jha
Mathieu Sadot
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
IMPI’s 52th Annual Microwave Power Symposium (IMPI52), Jun 2018, Long Beach, United States
Conference papers
Freezewave: A new European project on freezing under microwaves irradiation
Alain Le Bail
Sébastien Curet
Michel Havet
Piyush Jha
Vanessa Jury
Conference papers
Modeling of pound cake baking behavior in continuous flow
Monique Khodeir
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
Patricia Le Bail
2018 COMSOL Conference, Oct 2018, Lausanne, Switzerland
Conference papers
Temperature-dependent dielectric properties of foods during freezing and thawing
Sven Isaksson
Mathieu Sadot
Alexandra da Silva
Sébastien Curet
Olivier Rouaud
16th International Conference on Microwave and High Frequency Heating, AMPERE 2017, Sep 2017, Delft, Netherlands
Conference papers
3D Numerical modelling of crustless bread baking with ohmic heating technology
Timothée Gally
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
Alain Le Bail
Michel Havet
31st EFFoST International Conference 2017, Nov 2017, Sitges, France
Conference papers
Microwave processing assisted enzymatic digestion: a new approach for the reduction of whey protein and b-lactoglobulin allergenicity
Kamel Eddine El Mecherfi
Sébastien Curet
Roberta Lupi
Colette Larre
Olivier Rouaud
Biopolymers, Nov 2017, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Microwave Assisted Freezing: Experiments and Modelling
Mathieu E Sadot
Sébastien Curet
Olivier Rouaud
A. Le Bail
Michel Havet
10th World Congress of Chemical Engineering (WCCE10), Oct 2017, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
Electrohydrodynamic (EHD) heat transfer enhancement for low primary airflow velocities
Erik Bardy
Michel Havet
Olivier Rouaud
2nd Thermal and Fluids Engineering Conference, TFEC2017, Apr 2017, Las Vegas, United States
Conference papers
X-ray micro-tomography and enhancement methods to study food structure
Sylvie Chevallier
Piyush Kumar Jha
Alain Le Bail
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
10th World Congress on Chemical Engineering (WCCE), Oct 2017, Barcelone, Spain
Conference papers
3D imaging analysis method to measure ice crystal size
Mathieu Sadot
Sylvie Chevallier
Sébastien Curet
Olivier Rouaud
Alain E Le-Bail
31st EFFoST International Conference, Nov 2017, Sitges, Spain
Conference papers
Ohmic heating applied to the baking process: experimental and numerical approaches
Timothée Gally
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
Alain E Le-Bail
Michel Havet
11th European PhD Workshop on Food Engineering and Technology, Apr 2017, singen, Germany
Conference papers
Glass transition in biopolymers in link with the baking process; application to bread crust
Alain Le Bail
S. Chevallier
Vanessa Jury
C. Loisel
Jean-Yves Monteau
Biopolymers 2017, Nov 2017, Nantes, France
Conference papers
Modélisation d’un procédé de congélation assistée par micro-ondes
Mathieu Sadot
Sébastien Curet
Olivier Rouaud
Alain Le Bail
Michel Havet
SFT 2016 - Congrès Français de Thermique, May 2016, toulouse, France
Conference papers
Experimental investigation on convective Heat Transfer Enhancement by EHD
Merouane Hamdi
Michel Havet
Olivier Rouaud
16th International Symposium on Transport Phenomena and Dynamics of Rotating Machinery, Apr 2016, honolulu, United States
Conference papers
Numerical study of an innovative microwave-assisted freezing process
Olivier Rouaud
Mathieu Sadot
Sébastien Curet
Michel Havet
30th EFFoST International Conference, Nov 2016, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Drying kinetics of methylcellulose gel vs. mango fruit in forced convection drying with and without electrohydrodynamic enhancement
Erik Bardy
Sabrine Manai
Michel Havet
Olivier Rouaud
First Pacific Rim Thermal Engineering Conference, Mar 2016, Hawaï, United States
Conference papers
A comparative study on bread baking: ohmic heating vs. conventional heating
Priya Rajkumar
Timothée Gally
Vanessa Jury
Olivier Rouaud
Alain Le-Bail
15th European Young Cereal Scientist and Technologists Workshop, Apr 2016, Bergame, Italy
Conference papers
Etude numérique de la congélation assistée par micro-ondes
Mathieu Sadot
Olivier Rouaud
Sébastien Curet
Alain Le Bail
Michel Havet
Journée Thématique ‘Thermique et Agro-Alimentaire/Agro-Ressources’ de la Société Française de Thermique, Nov 2016, Paris, France
Conference papers
Impact of static and oscillating electric and magnetic field on phase change of water and lipids; a review
Alain Le Bail
Piyush Kumar Jha
Mathieu E Sadot
Vanessa Jury
Olivier Rouaud
International Conference on Water in Food (EuroFoodWater2016; EFW2016), May 2016, Leuven, Belgium
Conference papers
Multiscale study of the structuring of foods
Sylvie Chevallier
Vanessa Jury
Olivier Rouaud
Nesrin Hesso
Catherine Loisel
30th EFFoST Conference, Nov 2016, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
X-ray microtomography to study the baking of bread. A dynamic approach to follow crust and crumb formation
Sylvie Chevallier
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
Bruker Micro-CT User Meeting 2016, May 2016, Mondorf-les-Bains, Luxembourg
Conference papers
Modelling microwave heating during batch processing of liquid sample in a single mode cavity
Sébastien Curet
Fernando Bellicanta Begnini
Olivier Rouaud
Lionel Boillereaux
2015 COMSOL Conference, Oct 2015, Grenoble, France
Conference papers
Development of ohmic cells dedicated to the baking of crust-less bread
Timothée Gally
Olivier Rouaud
Vanessa Jury
Alain Le-Bail
29th EFFoST International Conference, Nov 2015, Athènes, Greece
Conference papers
Drying Kinetics Comparisonof Methylcellulose Gel VersusMango Fruit in Forced ConvectiveDrying With and WithoutElectrohydrodynamic Enhancement
Erik Bardy
Sabrine Manai
Michel Havet
Olivier Rouaud
11th International Congress on Engineering and Food, (ICEF11), Jun 2015, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Optimising combined cryogenic and conventional freezing with respect to mass loss and energy criteria
Olivier Rouaud
Alain Le-Bail
24th IIR International Congress of Refrigeration, Aug 2015, Yokohama, Japan
Conference papers
Optimizing combined cryogenic and conventional freezing with respect to mass loss and energy criteria
Olivier Rouaud
Alain Le-Bail
24th IIR International Congress on Refrigeration, Aug 2015, Yokohama, Japan
Conference papers
Further investigations on energy saving by jet impingement in bread baking process
Xiao-Dong Li
Mazen Alamir
Emmanuel Witrant
Guy Della Valle
Olivier Rouaud
Conference papers
Robust Estimation of temperature field during microwave tempering under unknown dielectric properties
Lionel Boillereaux
Mazen Alamir
Sébastien Curet
Olivier Rouaud
Pascal Bellemain
IFAC WC 2011 - 18th IFAC World Congress, Aug 2011, Milan, Italy
Conference papers