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XCSP3 and its ecosystem

Gilles Audemard , Frédéric Boussemart , Christophe Lecoutre , Cédric Piette , Olivier Roussel
Constraints Journal (Constraints), 2020, pp.1-23
Journal articles hal-03299472v1

The International SAT Solver Competitions

Matti Jarvisalo , Daniel Le Berre , Olivier Roussel
AI magazine, 2012, 1 (33), pp.89-94. ⟨10.1609/aimag.v33i1.2395⟩
Journal articles hal-00868244v1
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Controlling a Solver Execution: the runsolver Tool

Olivier Roussel
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, 2011, 7 (4), pp.139-144. ⟨10.3233/SAT190083⟩
Journal articles hal-00868234v1

Promoting Robust Black-Box Solvers Through Competitions

Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel , Marc~r.C. van Dongen
Constraints, 2010, 15 (3), pp.317-326
Journal articles hal-00868156v1

The First Evaluation of Pseudo-Boolean Solvers (PB'05)

V. Manquinho , Olivier Roussel
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, 2006, 2, pp.103-143
Journal articles hal-00110082v1

A Translation of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints to SAT

Olivier Bailleux , Yacine Boufkhad , Olivier Roussel
Journal on Satisfiability, Boolean Modeling and Computation, 2006, 2, pp.191-200
Journal articles hal-00159880v1

The Achievement of Knowledge Bases by Cycle Search

Philippe Mathieu , Olivier Roussel
Information and Computation, 2000, 162, pp.43--58
Journal articles hal-00731919v1
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Compressing UNSAT CDCL Trees with Caching

Anthony Blomme , Daniel Berre , Anne Parrain , Olivier Roussel
ICAART 2024: 16th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Feb 2024, Rome, Italy. pp.792-799, ⟨10.5220/0012393000003636⟩
Conference papers hal-04486327v1
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Compresser des arbres de recherche UNSAT à l’aide d’un système de cache

Anthony Blomme , Daniel Le Berre , Anne Parrain , Olivier Roussel
Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'23), Jul 2023, Strasbourg, France. pp.38-45
Conference papers hal-04425245v1
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Compressing UNSAT Search Trees with Caching

Anthony Blomme , Daniel Le Berre , Anne Parrain , Olivier Roussel
ICAART 2023 : 15th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, Feb 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal. pp.358-365, ⟨10.5220/0011671800003393⟩
Conference papers hal-04015616v1
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Identifying Soft Cores in Propositional Formulae

Gilles Audemard , Jean-Marie Lagniez , Marie Miceli , Olivier Roussel
14th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART, Feb 2022, Online, France. ⟨10.5220/0010892700003116⟩
Conference papers hal-03699521v1

Les contraintes table fragmentées : combiner la compression et la réduction tabulaire

Nebras Gharbi , Fred Hemery , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
10èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'14), 2014, Angers, France. pp.133-142
Conference papers hal-03300635v1
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Sliced Table Constraints: Combining Compression and Tabular Reduction

Nebras Gharbi , Fred Hemery , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR 2014), May 2014, Cork, Ireland. pp.120-135, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-07046-9_9⟩
Conference papers hal-01141409v1

Coherences de tuples pour WCSP

Djamel-Eddine Dehani , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
9èmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'13), 2013, Aix en provence, France. pp.105-113
Conference papers hal-03300932v1
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STR et compression de contraintes tables

Nebras Gharbi , Fred Hemery , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
9ièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'13), 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France. pp.143-146
Conference papers hal-00869930v1
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Substituabilité au voisinage pour le cadre WCSP

Christophe Lecoutre , Djamel-Eddine Dehani , Olivier Roussel
JFPC - Huitièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes - 2012, Apr 2013, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00818527v1
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Extension des cohérences WCSP aux tuples

Djamel-Eddine Dehani , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
9ièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'13), 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France. pp.105-113
Conference papers hal-00869928v1
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Résolution du problème WCSP par extraction de noyaux insatisfiables minimaux

Christophe Lecoutre , Nicolas Paris , Olivier Roussel , Sébastien Tabary
9ièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC'13), 2013, Aix-en-Provence, France. pp.195-204
Conference papers hal-00869934v1
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WCSP Integration of Soft Neighborhood Substitutability

Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel , Djamel-Eddine Dehani
18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'12), 2012, Québec, Canada. pp.406-421
Conference papers hal-00866333v1
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Propagation des contraintes tables souples Etude pr eliminaire

Christophe Lecoutre , Nicolas Paris , Sébastien Tabary , Olivier Roussel
JFPC 2012, May 2012, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-00810477v1

Behind the Scene of Solvers Competitions: the evaluation Experience

Olivier Roussel
Comparative Empirical Evaluation of Reasoning Systems (COMPARE'12), 2012, Manchester, United Kingdom. pp.66-77
Conference papers hal-00865610v1
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Propagating Soft Table Constraints

Christophe Lecoutre , Nicolas Paris , Olivier Roussel , Sébastien Tabary
18th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'12), 2012, Québec, Canada. pp.390-405
Conference papers hal-00865618v1
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Cohérences basées sur les valeurs en échec

Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
Cinquièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, Jun 2009, Orléans, France. pp.355-365
Conference papers hal-00387854v1
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Failed Value Consistencies for Constraint Satisfaction

Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
15th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP'09), 2009, Lisbon, Portugal. pp.554-568
Conference papers hal-00865327v1

New Encodings of Pseudo-Boolean Constraints into CNF

Olivier Bailleux , Yacine Boufkhad , Olivier Roussel
Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing - SAT 2009, Jun 2009, Swansea, United Kingdom. pp.181-194
Conference papers hal-00415126v1
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Une technique de décomposition pour Max-CSP

Hachémi Bennaceur , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
JFPC 2008- Quatrièmes Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, LINA - Université de Nantes - Ecole des Mines de Nantes, Jun 2008, Nantes, France. pp.219-226
Conference papers inria-00291628v1
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A Decomposition Technique for Solving {Max-CSP}

Hachemi Bennaceur , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
18th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI'08), 2008, Patras, Greece. pp.500-504
Conference papers hal-00865285v1

A decomposition strategy to reduce the search space of solutions of WCSP

Hachemi Bennaceur , Christophe Lecoutre , Olivier Roussel
9th Workshop on Preferences and Soft Constraints (Soft'08), 2008, Sydney, Australia. pp.73-87
Conference papers hal-00870842v1

Some notes on the implementation of csp2sat+zchaff, a simple translator from CSP to SAT

Olivier Roussel
Second International Workshop on Constraint Propagation and Implementation(CPAI05), Oct 2005, Sitges, Spain. pp.83-88
Conference papers hal-00460851v1
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Une autre conversion de SAT vers CSP

Olivier Roussel
Premières Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes, CRIL - CNRS FRE 2499, Jun 2005, Lens, France. pp.49-58
Conference papers inria-00000045v1

The long way from conflict driven clause learning to conflict driven constraint learning

Daniel Le Berre , Anne Parrain , Olivier Roussel
Guangzhou Symposium on Satisfiability and its applications (Guangzhou04), 2004, Guangzhou, China
Conference papers hal-03300804v1

OpenSAT: une plateforme SAT Open Source

Gilles Audemard , Daniel Le Berre , Olivier Roussel
JNPC'03, 2003, Amiens, France
Conference papers hal-03299519v1

OpenSAT: an open source SAT software project

Gilles Audemard , Daniel Le Berre , Olivier Roussel , Ines Lynce , Joao Marques-Silva
Sixth International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT2003), 2003, Portofino, Italy
Conference papers hal-03299485v1

Une compilation logique exacte en calcul des prédicats : le cas de l'achèvement total

Olivier Roussel , Philippe Mathieu
Actes de la 3ème conférence nationale sur la résolution pratique de problèmes NP-complets (JNPC'97), 1997, undef, France. pp.61--66
Conference papers hal-00732026v1

Exact Knowledge Compilation in Predicate Calculus: the Partial Achievement Case

Philippe Mathieu , Olivier Roussel
Proceedings of 14th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE'14), 1997, undef, France. pp.161--175
Conference papers hal-00731972v1

How to Use Cycles for Logicial Compilation

Philippe Mathieu , Olivier Roussel
Proceedings of the European Conference on Artificial Intelligence's Workshop on Advances in Propositional Deduction (APD@ECAI'96), 1996, undef, France. pp.53--60
Conference papers hal-00731984v1

Une nouvelle Methode de Compilation Logique : L'Achèvement par Cycles

Philippe Mathieu , Olivier Roussel
Actes des Journées Francophones de Programmation Logique et Contraintes (JFPLC'96), 1996, undef, France
Conference papers hal-00732014v1

A New Method for Knowledge Compilation: The Achievement by Cycle Search

Olivier Roussel , Philippe Mathieu
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Automated Deduction (CADE'13), 1996, undef, France. pp.493--507
Conference papers hal-00731971v1

Evaluation des méthodes d'achèvement par parties

Olivier Roussel , Philippe Mathieu
Actes des Journées Francophones de Programmation Logique (JFPL'95), 1995, undef, France. pp.175--189
Conference papers hal-00732012v1

Pseudo-Boolean and Cardinality Constraints

Olivier Roussel , Vasco Manquinho
Armin Biere; Marijn Heule; Hans van Maaren; Toby Walsh. Handbook of Satisfiability, second edition, 336, IOS Press, pp.1087-1129, 2021, Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 978-1-64368-160-3. ⟨10.3233/FAIA201012⟩
Book sections hal-04461963v1

Pseudo-Boolean and Cardinality Constraints

Vasco Manquinho , Olivier Roussel
Armin Biere, Marijn Heule, Hans van Maaren and Toby Walsh. Handbook of Satisfiability,, IOS Press, pp.695-733, 2009, volume 2
Book sections hal-00870005v1