Monocentric prospective study to valid multidisciplinary diagnostic and therapeutic approach for Nutcracker syndrome
Gwenaël John
Frederic Wilhelm
Louis Magnus
Mathilde Burgaud
Tristan Leterrier
Journal articles
Patient-Reported Outcomes of Endovascular Treatment of Post-Thrombotic Syndrome: Ancillary Study of a French Cohort
Kévin Guillen
Frédéric Thony
Costantino del Giudice
Gilles Goyault
Arthur David
Journal articles
High-flow priapism: Highly selective embolization of a traumatic arterio-cavernosal fistula
H Dang
C Perazzini
S Caudron
A Ravel
E Dumousset
Journal articles
How to use the aortic valve calcium score to improve the results of transcatheter aortic valve implantation with a self-expanding prosthesis
Guillaume Clerfond
Nicolas Combaret
Jean Pascal Salazard
Andrea Innorta
Bruno Pereira
Journal articles
Intravascular foreign body retrieval: Three techniques in one patient
P Allard
J Colamarino
A Catala
A Gallon
Lucie Cassagnes
Journal articles
Impact of take-home messages written into slide presentations delivered during lectures on the retention of messages and the residents’ knowledge: a randomized controlled study
Alexandre Lautrette
Alexandre Boyer
Didier Gruson
Laurent Argaud
Carole Schwebel
Journal articles
Combined biembolization induces higher hypertrophy than portal vein embolization before major liver resection
Bertrand Le Roy
Arnaud Gallon
Francois Cauchy
Bruno Pereira
Johan Gagnière
Journal articles
Quantification of steatosis in alcoholic and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: Evaluation of four MR techniques versus biopsy
Claire Boudinaud
Armand Abergel
Juliette Joubert-Zakeyh
Mikael Fontarensky
Bruno Pereira
Journal articles
Ontology-Based Approach for Liver Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment
Rim Messaoudi
Faouzi Jaziri
Achraf Mtibaa
Manuel Grand-Brochier
Hawa Mohamed Ali
Journal articles
Automatic segmentation methods for liver and hepatic vessels from CT and MRI volumes, applied to the Couinaud scheme
Marie-Ange Lebre
Antoine Vacavant
Manuel Grand-Brochier
Hugo Rositi
Armand Abergel
Journal articles
A robust multi-variability model based liver segmentation algorithm for CT-scan and MRI modalities
Marie-Ange Lebre
Antoine Vacavant
Manuel Grand-Brochier
Hugo Rositi
Robin Strand
Journal articles
Liver hypertrophy: Underlying mechanisms and promoting procedures before major hepatectomy
B. Le Roy
A. Dupré
A. Gallon
Pascal Chabrot
J. Gagnière
Journal articles
Combined Preoperative Portal and Hepatic Vein Embolization (Biembolization) to Improve Liver Regeneration Before Major Liver Resection: A Preliminary Report
Bertrand Le Roy
Antoine Perrey
Mikael Fontarensky
Johan Gagnière
Armand Abergel
Journal articles
Looking for a lost subdermal contraceptive implant? Think about the pulmonary artery
A. Gallon
M. Fontarensky
C. Chauffour
L. Boyer
P. Chabrot
Journal articles
CT patterns of acute type A aortic arch dissection: longer, higher, more anterior
François-Daniel Ardellier
Nicolas D’ostrevy
Lucie Cassagnes
Lemlih · Ouchchane
Emilie Dubots
Journal articles
Interventional endoscopic ultrasound: A new promising way for intrahepatic portosystemic shunt with portal pressure gradient
Laurent Poincloux
Pascal Chabrot
Aurélien Mulliez
Julien Genes
Louis Boyer
Journal articles
Aortic stent-grafts: Endoleak surveillance
L. Cassagnes
R. Pérignon
F. Amokrane
A. Petermann
T. Bécaud
Journal articles
Ovarian thrombosis and uterine synechiae after arterial embolization for a late postpartum haemorrhage
Françoise Vendittelli
Denis Savary
Brigitte Storme
Virginie Rieu
Pascal Chabrot
Journal articles
Non-lethal Right Liver Atrophy After TIPS Occlusion in A Cirrhotic Patient: Introducing The Hepatic Biembolization
Bertrand Le Roy
Johan Gagniere
Denis Pezet
Emmanuel Buc
Jerome Tavernier
Journal articles
Chimioembolisation trans-artérielle lipiodolée répétée chez des patients porteurs de
carcinome hépatocellulaire
Abdoulaye Ndoye Diop
Lucie Cassagnes
Abdoulaye Dione Diop
Louis Boyer
Diop Sokhna Ba
Journal Africain d'Imagerie Médicale, 2014
Journal articles
Comparison of two transarterial chemoembolization strategies for hepatocellular carcinoma.
Jerome Tavernier
Philippe Fagnoni
Pascal Chabrot
Boris Guiu
Lucie Vadot
Anticancer Research, 2014, 34 (12), pp.7247-53
Journal articles
Unenhanced 3D Turbo Spin-Echo MR Angiography of Lower Limbs in Peripheral Arterial Disease: A Comparative Study With Gadolinium-Enhanced MR Angiography
Abdoulay Dione Diop
Chadi Braidy
Amine Habouchi
Khadim Niang
Cristian Gageanu
Journal articles
Treatment of atheromatous renal artery in-stent restenosis in 51 patients
A. Ndoye Diop
V. Vo Hoang
L. Cassagnes
A. Alfidja Lankoaonde
E. Dumousset
Journal articles
Acute complications of benign uterine leiomyomas: Treatment of intraperitoneal haemorrhage by embolisation of the uterine arteries
M. Fontarensky
L. Cassagnes
P. Bouchet
A.S. Azuar
L. Boyer
Journal articles
Distortion of the CoreValve during transcatheter aortic valve-in-valve implantation due to valve dislocation
Geraud Souteyrand
Krzysztof Wilczek
Andrea Innorta
Lionel Camilleri
Piotr Chodor
Journal articles
Comparison between three types of stented pericardial aortic valves (Trivalve trial): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Kasra Azarnoush
Bruno Pereira
Christian Dualé
Enrica Dorigo
Mehdi Farhat
Journal articles
Interventional Radiologists: A Necessary Evolution of Leaded Protective Aprons Design
Joël Guersen
Lucie Cassagnes
Guillaume Mechin
Anne Ravel
Eric Dumousset
Journal articles
Lymphome et artères : une atteinte périvasculaire ou intravasculaire ?
M. Fränz
A. Alfidja
C. Molucon Chabrot
E. Hermet
P.-F. Montoriol
Journal articles
Interventional planning and assistance for ascending aorta dissections
Christophe Lohou
Pawel Lubniewski
Nawel Fetnaci
Hélène Feuillâtre
Jonathan Courbon
Journal articles
Recurrent Bleeding Within 24 Hours After Uterine Artery Embolization for Severe Postpartum Hemorrhage: Are There Predictive Factors?
Sébastien Bros
Pascal Chabrot
Adrian Kastler
Lemlih Ouchchane
Lucie Cassagnes
Journal articles
Cisplatin Pharmacokinetics in Nontumoral Pig Liver Treated With Intravenous or Transarterial Hepatic Chemoembolization
Pascal Chabrot
Jean-Michel Cardot
Pierre Guibert
François Bouculat
Lucie Cassagnes
Journal articles
Pitfalls in diagnosis of uterine artery pseudoaneurysm after Cesarean section
P. Bouchet
Pascal Chabrot
M. Fontarensky
A. Delabaere
M. Bonnin
Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology = Ultrasound in Obstetrics & Gynecology, 2012, 40 (4), pp.482-483. ⟨10.1002/uog.11123⟩
Journal articles
Unenhanced MR Angiography of Renal Arteries: 51 Patients
Chadi Braidy
Iskandar Daou
Abdoulay Dione Diop
Omar Helweh
Cristian Gageanu
Journal articles
Embolization and Endothelial Ablation With Chitosan and Sodium Sotradecol Sulfate: Preliminary Results in an Animal Model
Pascal Chabrot
Ahmed Fatimi
Patrizio Delli Fraine
Lemlih Ouchchane
Marie-Mélanie Dauplat
Journal articles
Arterial Injury Complicating Subclavian Central Venous Catheter Insertion
Adrian Kastler
Russell Chabanne
Kasra Azarnoush
Bernard Cosserant
Lionel Camilleri
Journal articles
Management of isolated non-traumatic renal artery dissection: report of four cases
Amr Abdel-Kerim
Lucie Cassagnes
Agaicha Alfidja
Cristian Gageanu
Gregory Favrolt
Journal articles
A new injectable radiopaque chitosan-based sclerosing embolizing hydrogel for endovascular therapies
Ahmed Fatimi
Pascal Chabrot
Saoussen Berrahmoune
Jean-Michel Coutu
Gilles Soulez
Journal articles
Hypersplenism due to portal hypertension: Retrospective evaluation of 17 patients treated by splenic embolization
A. Petermann
Pascal Chabrot
L. Cassagnes
E. Dumousset
A. Alfidja
Journal articles
Endovascular treatment of eight renal artery aneurysms
Amr Abdel-Kerim
Lucie Cassagnes
Agaicha Alfidja
Cristian Gageanu
Gregory Favrolt
Journal articles
Embolisation préventive et en urgence des angiomyolipomes : notre expérience
G. Stoica
C. Kheir
A. Schöenig
Pascal Chabrot
L. Cassagnes
Journal articles
Détection des disproportions fœtopelviennes par réalité virtuelle : étude de faisabilité à propos de trois cas
O. Ami
Pascal Chabrot
K. Jardon
D. Rocas
V. Delmas
Journal articles
Le pseudo-anévrisme du trigone fibreux aorto-mitral : une complication rare du remplacement valvulaire aortique chirurgical
G. Malclès
K. Azarnoush
R. Ravan
A. Belhakem
V. Tixier
Journal articles
Indications de l’angioplastie des artères rénales : à revisiter ?
L. Boyer
L. Cassagnes
A. Ravel
Pascal Chabrot
Journal articles
Embolisation portale préopératoire par Amplatzer® Vascular Plugs (AVP) : 17 patients
A.-C. Kalenderian
Pascal Chabrot
E. Buc
L. Cassagnes
A. Ravel
Journal articles
Syndromes aortiques aigus et traitement endovasculaire : les bonnes indications de la fenestration et des endoprothèses, couvertes ou non
Lucie Cassagnes
Pascal Chabrot
Anne Ravel
Éric Dumousset
Louis Boyer
Journal articles
Acute Thrombotic Mesenteric Ischemia: Primary Endovascular Treatment in Eight Patients
Johan Gagniere
Gregory Favrolt
Agaïcha Alfidja
Adrian Kastler
Pascal Chabrot
Journal articles
[CT and MR imaging follow-up of medically treated acute aortic syndrome].
L. Cassagnes
G Favrolt
Pascal Chabrot
A Ravel
L. Boyer
Journal de Radiologie, 2010, 91 (5 Pt 2), pp.647-56
Journal articles
Cardiac tamponade after malignant superior vena cava stenting: Two case reports and brief review of the literature
David da Ines
Pascal Chabrot
Pascal Motreff
Agaïcha Alfidja
Lucie Cassagnes
Journal articles
Maternal Outcome After Conservative Treatment of Placenta Accreta
Pascal Chabrot
Abdoulaye Diop
Louis Boyer
Denis Gallot
Journal articles
Revascularization of traumatic renal artery dissection by endoluminal stenting: Three cases
Pascal Chabrot
Lucie Cassagnes
Agaïcha Alfidja
Jean Claude Mballa
Samer Nasser
Journal articles
[Tridimensional vector animation from fetal MRI as a simulation of delivery].
Olivier Ami
Pascal Chabrot
B Rabischong
D Rocas
V. Delmas
Journal de Radiologie, 2010, 91 (4), pp.515-7
Journal articles
Placenta Accreta: Management with Uterine Artery Embolization in 17 Cases
Abdoulaye Diop
Pascal Chabrot
Armelle Bertrand
Jean Constantin
Lucie Cassagnes
Journal articles
Positive PET-CT scan in hepatocellular adenoma with concomitant benign liver tumors
E. Buc
A. Dupre
C. Golffier
Pascal Chabrot
R. Flamein
Gastroentérologie Clinique et Biologique / Research and Clinics in Hepatology and Gastroenterology, 2010, 34 (4-5), pp.338-341. ⟨10.1016/j.gcb.2010.01.018⟩
Journal articles
Pontage aortocoronarien, hémodialyse et vol thoracique interne
Pascal Cluzel
Pascal Chabrot
Bernard Citron
Nicole Gazuy
Lucie Cassagnes
Journal articles
Rest and low-dose dobutamine Tc-99m-mibi gated-SPECT for early prediction of left ventricular remodeling after a first reperfused myocardial infarction
Laura Ernande
Florent Cachin
Pascal Chabrot
Nicolas Durel
Dominique Morand
Journal articles
Placenta percreta: urologic complication after successful conservative management by uterine arterial embolization: a case report
Abdoulaye Diop
Sébastien Bros
Pascal Chabrot
Denis Gallot
Louis Boyer
Journal articles
Effect of thrombus aspiration on infarct size and left ventricular function in high-risk patients with acute myocardial infarction treated by percutaneous coronary intervention. Results of a prospective controlled pilot study
Janusz Lipiecki
Severine Monzy
Nicolas Durel
Florent Cachin
Pascal Chabrot
Journal articles
Mycotic aneurysm of the ascending aorta: an unusual infectious complication of left ventricular assist device explantation
Stéphane Combes
Pascal Chabrot
Lionel Camilleri
Journal articles
[Role of endovascular treatment of symptomatic splanchnic artery stenoses in HIV patients: report of three cases].
H. Vacher
Pascal Chabrot
L. Cassagnes
L Lesens
E. Buc
Journal de Radiologie, 2009, 90 (2), pp.221-4
Journal articles
Assessment of left ventricular volumes and function by cine-MR imaging depending on the investigator’s experience
A. Bailly
J. Lipiecki
Pascal Chabrot
A. Alfidja
J. Garcier
Journal articles
Menses recovery and fertility after artery embolization for PPH: a single-center retrospective observational study
G. Gaia
Pascal Chabrot
L. Cassagnes
A. Calcagno
D. Gallot
Journal articles
Réponse de D. Gallot et al. à l’article de J.-P. Pelage et O. Limot
D. Gallot
Pascal Chabrot
F. Vendittelli
L. Cassagnes
D Diop
Journal articles
Preoperative Uterine Artery Embolization (PUAE) Before Uterine Fibroid Myomectomy
Eric Dumousset
Pascal Chabrot
B. Rabischong
N. Mazet
S. Nasser
Journal articles
Sarcome intimal de l’artère pulmonaire
D Bourry
Pascal Chabrot
G. Jeannin
M. Filaire
C. Charpy
Journal articles
[Type III endoleaks at follow-up of covered descending thoracic aortic stent-grafts: report of 3 patients].
Pascal Chabrot
T Chahid
K Azarnoush
L. Cassagnes
J Garcier
Journal de Radiologie, 2007, 88 (11 Pt 1), pp.1709-15
Journal articles
[Vascular interventional procedures in oncology].
Agaicha Alfidja
Pascal Chabrot
Lucie Cassagnes
Eric Dumousset
Anne Ravel
Bulletin du Cancer, 2007, 94 (2), pp.147-59
Journal articles
Ascending-to-descending aortic extra-anatomic graft
Cristina Carro
Pascal Chabrot
Lionel Camilleri
Charles de Riberolles
Journal articles
Embolization of Hepatic and Adrenal Metastasis to Treat Cushing’s Syndrome Associated with Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma: A Case Report
P. Bourlet
D Dumousset
S. Nasser
Pascal Chabrot
P Pezet
Journal articles
Palliative transarterial embolization of renal tumors in 20 patients
Laurent Guy
Agaïcha Alfidja
Pascal Chabrot
Anne Ravel
Jean-Paul Boiteux
Journal articles
Postpartum Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection: A Case of Pseudoaneurysm Evolution Detected on MDCT
Pascal Chabrot
Pascal Motreff
Louis Boyer
Journal articles
Portal vein stenosis and occlusion stenting after liver transplantation in two adults
Agaïcha Alfidja
Armando Abergel
Pascal Chabrot
Denis Pezet
Claire Bony
Journal articles
[Long-term MRI follow-up of aortic dissection in 56 patients: therapeutic impact].
L Le Pioufle-Perez
Pascal Chabrot
A Azarnoush
A Alfidja
J Garcier
Journal de Radiologie, 2006, 87 (9), pp.1073-7
Journal articles
[Femoral superficial artery angioplasty: long term results, initial predictive factors. 101 patients].
Pascal Chabrot
L. Cassagnes
C Chanseaume
C Dauphin
B Miguel
Journal des Maladies Vasculaires, 2005, 30 (5), pp.291-5
Journal articles
[Endovascular treatment of SVC syndrome from neoplastic origin: a review of 34 cases].
M da Ines
Pascal Chabrot
L. Cassagnes
P Merle
M. Filaire
Journal de Radiologie, 1970, 89 (7-8 Pt 1), pp.881-90
Journal articles