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Performances of pesticide-free agroecological cropping systems: the CA-SYS platform

Violaine Deytieux , Enora Jacquet , Anthony Laville , Vincent Cellier , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
XVII. Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Aug 2022, Potsdam, Germany
Conference papers hal-03888484v1

Face au changement climatique, des chercheurs mènent des expériences pour une agriculture sans pesticides. Reportage France 3 Bourgogne Franche-Comté. Difusé dans les actualités du 2 juin 2022

Pascal Marget , Stéphane Cordeau , Amélie Douay,
Reportage France 3 Bourgogne Franche-Comté., Jun 2022, Bretenière, France
Conference papers hal-03722086v1

Biodiversity-based agroecological system experiments to test agroecological weed management at various temporal and spatial scales: The CA-SYS and ABY platforms

Stéphane Cordeau , Boucherot J. , Pascal Marget , Fabrice Martin-Laurent , Maupetit D.
19th European Weed Research Society Symposium EWRS, Jun 2022, Athènes, Greece
Conference papers hal-04061092v1

L'amélioration de la qualité de la graine dans toutes ses dimensions, par le levier génétique

Karine Gallardo , Vanessa Vernoud , Christine Le Signor , Richard Thompson , Grégoire Aubert
Conférence Végépolys Valley : Panorama des Protéines Végétales Regards Croisés Entreprise / Recherche., Sep 2022, paris, France
Conference papers hal-03888858v1

Décider avec les sciences » : les auditeurs de l’IHEST visitent CA-SYS. Le 23 septembre dernier, à Bretenière (21), 50 auditeurs de l’Institut des Hautes Etudes pour la Science et la Technologie (IHEST) ont visité la plateforme CA-SYS dans le cadre du volet « Agroécologie : une ressource pour la société » de leur séminaire intégration.

Pascal Marget , Stephane Cordeau
Séminaire intégration (Agroécologie : une ressource pour la société), Sep 2021, Bretenière,, France
Conference papers hal-03544228v1

Biodiversity-based agroecological system experiment: what, why, how?

Stephane Cordeau , Sandrine Petit , Nicolas Munier-Jolain , Pascal Marget , Antoine Gardarin
Landscape 2021. Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, Sep 2021, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-03543654v1

Co-design and test of biodiversity-based pesticide-free Conservation Agriculture in the long-term CA-SYS platform in France

Stéphane Cordeau , Pascal Farcy , B. Pouilly , B Mosa, , Philippe Chamoy
8th World Congress on Conservation Agriculture (8WCCA). The future of farming, Jun 2021, Bern, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-03948179v1

Mobilisation of functional properties of diverse legumes species at various scales in the CA-SYS Long Term Experimental Platform on Agroecology: expected services and prospects

Anne-Sophie Voisin , Stephane Cordeau , Maé Guinet , Pascal Marget , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
Landscape 2021. Diversity for Sustainable and Resilient Agriculture, Sep 2021, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers hal-03576691v1

Plateforme CA-SYS : Expérimentation en agroécologie à différentes échelles

Pascal Marget , Stéphane Cordeau , Violaine Deytieux
COS Plateformes BFC, Feb 2020, dijon, France
Conference papers hal-03237370v1

Key Note speaker Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against biotic stresses

Marie-Laure Pilet-Nayel , A-A. Josselin , Gilles Boutet , Angélique Lesné , Fabrice Legeai
9. International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG 2019), Let's harness the potential of legumes, May 2019, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02737260v1

Plant resistance and architecture for protection of pulses against pathogens

Marie-Laure Pilet-Nayel , Ambre-Aurore Josselin , Gilles Boutet , Angélique Lesné , Fabrice Legeai
Transversal Symposium GIS BV, Investment for the future, Projects in plant Biology, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02737585v1

Bruchid resistance in pulses

Estefania Carrillo Perdomo , Anthony Klein , Jonathan Kreplak , Chrystel Deulvot , Blandine Raffiot
Transversal Symposium GIS BV, Investment for the future, Projects in plant Biology, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02737235v1

Towards bruchid resistance in pulses

Estefania Carrillo Perdomo , Anthony Klein , Jonathan Kreplak , Chrystel Deulvot , Blandine Raffiot
9 th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG 2019), Let's harness the potential of legumes, May 2019, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02735741v1
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An RNAseq approach towards deciphering mechanisms involved in bruchid tolerance in faba bean

Jonathan Kreplak , Morgane Terezol , Catherine Desmetz , Blandine Raffiot , Olivier Bouchez
8. International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG), Noble Research Institute., Sep 2017, Siófok, Hungary. 128 p
Conference papers hal-02733721v1
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Screening a Vicia faba L. collection sitona lineatus resistance

Jean-Bernard Magnin-Robert , Chrystel Deulvot , Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget
International Conference "Advances in Grain Legume Cultivation and Use. Translating Legume Research into end-Users Reality", Sep 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia. 180 p
Conference papers hal-02733520v1

Optimizing response to abiotic stress

P. Annicchiarico , Virginie Bourion , Gérard Duc , C. Fernandiz , Fabio Fionari
EU Project LEGATO Final Meeting, Sep 2017, Novi Sad, Serbia
Conference papers hal-02787945v1
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Identification de loci génétiques d’intérêt pour la sélection de variétés résistantes aux stress multiples chez le pois et la fèverole

Marie-Laure Pilet-Nayel , Gregoire G. Aubert , Pascal P. Marget , Judith Burstin , Isabelle I. Lejeune-Henaut
1. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses (RFL1), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., May 2016, Dijon, France. 139 p
Conference papers hal-02740324v1
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Quels leviers génétiques mobilisables chez le pois et la féverole pour les teneurs en fractions protéiques, acides aminés, « facteurs antinutritionnels », afin d’améliorer la valeur nutritionnelle de ces graines ?

Karine Gallardo , Gérard Duc , Gregoire G. Aubert , Pascal P. Marget , Christine Le Signor
1. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses (RFL1), Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA). FRA., May 2016, Dijon, France. 139 p
Conference papers hal-02740181v1
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Co-organisation de la journée annuelle ARVALIS Institut du Végétal

Philippe Lemanceau , Daniel Wipf , Sandrine Petit , Nicolas Munier-Jolain , Christophe Salon
Journée Annuelle ARVALIS Institut du Végétal, ARVALIS - Institut du végétal [Paris]. FRA., Jun 2016, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02743624v1
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1ères Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses RFL (membres du comité d’organisation logistique)

Marc Anton , Stéphanie Busset , Jean-Michel Chardigny , Gérard Duc , Nadia El Hor
1. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses (RFL1), May 2016, Dijon, France. 149 p
Conference papers hal-02743081v1
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Towards the establishment of an experimental research unit on Agroecology in France

Stéphane Cordeau , Violaine Deytieux , Philippe P. Lemanceau , Pascal P. Marget
Valuing long-term sites and experiments for agriculture and ecology, May 2015, newcastle, United Kingdom. 3 p
Conference papers hal-02738878v1

PHENOME, the French Plant Phenomic Network, a tool for rapeseed phenotyping

Xavier Pinochet , Pascal P. Marget , Farzaneh Kazemipour , Frédéric Baret , Jacques Le Gouis
14. International Rapeseed Congress, Jul 2015, Saskatoon, Canada. n.p
Conference papers hal-02744012v1
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Low vicine-convicine cultivars of faba beans for new agroecological cropping systems

Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget
Prevenzione favismo : nuove frontiere, Ordine dei Medici Chirurghi e degli Odontoiatri della provincia di Sassari. Sassari, ITA., May 2014, Sassar, Italy
Conference papers hal-02791959v1

Breeding annual legumes for sustainable agricultures must target for new and more complex variety ideotypes

Gérard Duc , H. Agrama , S. Bao , J. Berger , Virginie Bourion
First Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, May 2013, Novi Sad, Serbie, 9-11 mai 2013, 330 p
Conference papers hal-02748425v1
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Intérêt d'aménagements paysagers pour la biodiversité : exemple d'ingénierie agroécologique sur le domaine expérimental d'Epoisses (Inra Dijon)

Bastien Cotteverte , Stéphane Cordeau , Etienne Gaujour , Pascal P. Marget , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
AFPP - 22ème Conférence de Columa, Journées internationales sur la lutte contre les mauvaises herbes, Dec 2013, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-01939107v1

Vers des variétés de légumineuses à graines mieux adaptées à l’alimentation humaine

Gérard Duc , Virginie Bourion , Catherine Delaitre , Karine Gallardo Guerrero , Christine Le Signor
Workshop L'avenir des Légumineuses dans l'Alimentation Humaine, Nov 2012, Dijon, France, 15-16 novembre 2012, France
Conference papers hal-02807992v1
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La bruche de la féverole

Pascal P. Marget
Agrophysiologie des Protéagineux. Mise à Jour des Connaissances, Dec 2012, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02745349v1
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Potentiels et verrous d'une filière protéagineuse pour une agriculture durable en Bourgogne

Gérard Duc , Stéphane Blancard , Violaine Deytieux , Catherine Hénault , Christophe Lecomte
Symposium PSDR, Les chemins du développement territorial, Jun 2012, Clermont Ferrand, France
Conference papers hal-02810975v1

Projet ECO-NET 18817: in search for a new genetic variability in pea and faba bean to support the development of sustainable agriculture

A. Mikic , S. Angelova , M. Vishnyakova , B. Duric , Judith Burstin
5. International Food Legumes Reserch Conference (IFLRC V) and 7. European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEPVII) ; Legumes for Global Health Legume Crops and Products for Food, Feed and Environmental Benefits, Apr 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02758196v1

Diversity in Pisum sativum and comparative mapping with Medicago truncatula

Judith Burstin , Gregoire G. Aubert , Amandine A. Bordat , Pascal P. Marget , Jean-Bernard Magnin-Robert
Green plant breeding technologies International Conference, Feb 2010, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers hal-02752646v1

Characterisation of winter faba bean germplasm for reactivity of floral initiation to photoperiod

Pascal P. Marget , Damien Ollivier , Christophe Lecomte , Blandine Raffiot , Corinne Devaux
5. International Food Legumes Reserch Conference (IFLRC V) and 7. European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEPVII) ; Legumes for Global Health Legume Crops and Products for Food, Feed and Environmental Benefits, Apr 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02757897v1

Combining new genotyping technologies and in silico approaches to study Pisum sativum L. Genetics and synteny with Medicago truncatula

Amandine A. Bordat , Vincent V. Savois , Chrystel Deulvot , Marie Nicolas , Michael M. Bourgeois
5. International Food Legumes Reserch Conference (IFLRC V) and 7. European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEPVII) ; Legumes for Global Health Legume Crops and Products for Food, Feed and Environmental Benefits, Apr 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02754120v1

Genotypes of Faba bean (Vicia faba) with low vicine, convicine seed contents have positive effects on nutritional values and on red blood cell characteristics in poultry

Gérard Duc , Michel Lessire , Pascal P. Marget , Blandine Raffiot , K. Crepon
5. International Food Legumes Reserch Conference (IFLRC V) and 7. European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEPVII) ; Legumes for Global Health Legume Crops and Products for Food, Feed and Environmental Benefits, Apr 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02756788v1

Lack of hemolytic potential of new faba bean cultivars with low content of vicine and convicine in subjets with G6PD-deficiency

Paolo Arese , Valentina Gallo , Tiziana Marrocco , Elisa Tambini , Olexii Skorokhod
5. International Food Legumes Reserch Conference (IFLRC V) and 7. European Conference on Grain Legumes AEPVII) ; Legumes for Global Health Legume Crops and Products for Food, Feed and Environmental Benefits, Apr 2010, Antalya, Turkey
Conference papers hal-02757243v1

Determism of seed protein content and composition in pea (Pisum sativum L.)

Michael M. Bourgeois , Virginie Bourion , Amandine A. Bordat , Pascal P. Marget , Myriam Huart
Plant and animal genome XVI, the international conference on the status of plant & animal genome research, Jan 2008, San Diego, United States
Conference papers hal-02754741v1

Origins of variation in pea (Pisum sativum L.) protein digestibility in poultry

Irène Gabriel , Michel Lessire , Herve H. Juin , Judith Burstin , Gérard Duc
16. European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, WPSA France, Aug 2007, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers hal-02757748v1

Pea seed PQLs: what can learn about the genetic control of the seed protein composition in pea ?

Michael M. Bourgeois , Amandine A. Bordat , Pascal P. Marget , Myriam Huart , Françoise Jacquin
6th European Conference on Grain Legumes "Integrating legume biology for sustainable agriculture, Nov 2007, Lisbonne, France
Conference papers hal-02757308v1

Diversity in Pisum sativum and comparative mapping with Medicago truncatula

Judith Burstin , Karine Gallardo , Gregoire G. Aubert , Amandine A. Bordat , Pascal P. Marget
6. European Conference on Grain Legumes "Integrating legume biology for sustainable agriculture", Nov 2007, Lisbonne, Portugal
Conference papers hal-02754403v1

Molecular markers to assist selection for zero tannin and low vicine and convicine contents in faba bean (Vicia Faba L.)

N. Gutierrez , C. Rodriguez-Suarez , Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget , M.J. Suso
International workshop on faba bean breeding and agronomy, Oct 2006, Cordoue, Spain
Conference papers hal-02754624v1

Investigation of plant protein content variability by NIRS

M. Huart , Bernadette Roy , Pascal Marget , Hervé Houtin , Céline Rond
2. International conference on "Embedded near infrared spectroscopy", Nov 2004, Gembloux, Belgium
Conference papers hal-02763869v1

Nutritional value and utilisation of different Faba bean cultivars for broiler chickens and adult cockerels

K. Crepon , B. Barrier-Guillot , F. Skiba , E. Bouvarel , Pascal Marget
5. European conference on grain legumes, Jun 2004, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02764209v1

Comparison of a trap crop and barren zones for preventing gene flow between plots of Vicia faba L.

M.J. Suso , S. Gilsanz , Pascal P. Marget , Gérard Duc , M.T. Moreno
5. European Conference on Grain Legumes and ICLGG 2004, Jun 2004, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02762319v1

Identification of molecular markers tightly linked to low tannin and vicine-convicine content in faba beans

N. Gutierrez , Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget , C.M. Avila , M.J. Suso
4. International workshop on antinutritional factors in legume sedds and oilseeds, Mar 2004, Toledo, Spain
Conference papers hal-02760811v1

QTLS of seed nitrogen content in pea

Judith Burstin , Pascal Marget , M. Huart , Karine Loridon , B. Desprez
5. European conference on grain legumes, Jun 2004, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02762804v1

Facile breeding markers to lower contents of vicine and convicine in faba bean seeds and trypsin inhibitors in pea seeds

Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget , David Page , C. Domoney
4. International workshop on antinutritional factors in legume seeds and oilseeds, Mar 2004, Toledo, Spain
Conference papers hal-02763190v1

"Fevita" a common name for a new type of faba been

Fréderic Muel , Katel Crepon , Pascal P. Marget , Gérard Duc
5. European Conference on Grain Legumes and ICLGG 2004, "Legumes for the benefits of agriculture nutrition and the environment : their genomics, their products, and their improvement", Jun 2004, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02763172v1

Phenotypic and molecular analysis of a collection of peas

Hélène Charrel , Judith Burstin , Pascal P. Marget , Gregoire G. Aubert , Gérard Duc
5. European Conference on Grain Legumes and ICLGG 2004, Jun 2004, Dijon, France
Conference papers hal-02762330v1

Development and exploitation of biotechnological approaches for breeding of grass pea (Lathyrus sativus L.)

Sergio Ochatt , A. Guinchard , Pascal Marget , M. Abirached-Darmency , G. Aubert
Research coordination meeting, May 2003, Pretoria, South Africa
Conference papers hal-02761640v1

Valeur alimentaire et utilisation de différents types de féveroles chez le poulet et le coq adulte

B. Barrier-Guillot , F. Skiba , K. Crepon , Isabelle Bouvarel , Pascal Marget
5. Journées de la recherche avicole, Mar 2003, Tours, France
Conference papers hal-02762916v1

Overcoming hybridization barriers between pea and some of its wild relatives

Sergio Ochatt , Pascal Marget , G. Aubert , F. Moussy , Claire Pontécaille
4. European Conference on Grain Legumes, Jul 2001, Cracovie, Poland. pp.155
Conference papers hal-02827603v1

Cotyledon cell-wall composition and distribution in Pisum sativum L. : some genetic variability and its relationship with the seed grinding response and the nutritional value

Gérard Duc , D. Bertrand , D. Bourdon , Bernard B. Carré , F. Faurie
4. European Conference on Grain Legumes, Jul 2001, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers hal-02763180v1

The European Vicia faba database

Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget , F. Moussy
Report of a working group on grain legumes - 3. meeting, Jul 2001, Cracovie, Poland
Conference papers hal-02759321v1

Etude de la fixation et de l'assimilation de l'azote chez le pois (Pisum sativum L.)

S. Atta , R. Cousin , Pascal Marget
5. International Conference of the African Association for Biological Nitrogen Fixation, Sep 1992, Rabat, Maroc
Conference papers hal-02776428v1

Genetic variability of nitrogen fixation in pea (Pisum sativum)

R. Cousin , Pascal Marget , S. Atta
1. European conference, Jun 1992, Angers, France
Conference papers hal-02774067v1

Assessment of infield spatial variability of available water content on an experimental platform.

M. Janin , Marjorie Ubertosi , F. Salvi , Xavier Pinochet , Pascal Marget
12. European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Jul 2019, Montpellier, France. Montpellier SupAgro, 2019
Conference poster hal-02737552v1

LAGoPEDE, a French breeding project to develop frost tolerant and FEVITA® faba bean varieties

Chrystel Deulvot , Damien Ollivier , Catherine Desmetz , Nadim Tayeh , Mathieu Floriot
9. International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG 2019), Let's harness the potential of legumes, May 2019, Dijon, France. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02737579v1

Complementary approaches towards the discovery of genes controlling yield in pea

Anthony Klein , Komlan Avia , Nadim Tayeh , Jean-François Herbommez , Philippe Declerck
9th International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG 2019), May 2019, Dijon, France. , 2019, Let's harness the potential of legumes
Conference poster hal-02928007v1

Mobilisation of functional properties of diverse legumes species at various scales in the CA-SYS Long Term Experimental Platform on Agroecology: expected services and prospects

Anne-Sophie Voisin , Stéphane Cordeau , Maé Guinet , Pascal Marget , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
DiverIMPACTS European Conference on Crop Diversification, Sep 2019, Budapest, Hungary. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02789999v1

RésiLens: A research project aiming at identifying bruchid and root rot resistance sources in lentil (Lens culinaris)

Nadim Tayeh , F. Fantin , Christian Steinberg , G. Riquet , Gael Kergoat
9. International Conference on Legume Genetics and Genomics (ICLGG 2019), Let's harness the potential of legumes, May 2019, Dijon, France. , 2019
Conference poster hal-02737584v1

CA-SYS: A long term experimental platform on agroecology at various scales

Stéphane Cordeau , Judith Burstin , Philippe Lemanceau , Pascal Marget , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
21. ISTRO Conference (International Soil Tillage Research Organization), Sep 2018, Paris, France. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02790077v1

Projets IVD INRA-AgriObtentions variétales pour les légumineuses à graines

Nathalie Moutier , Mathieu Floriot , Eric Hanocq , Pascal Marget , Rémy Cailliatte
RFL2 Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses, Oct 2018, Toulouse, France. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02737028v1

Co-concepdes variétés de féveroles à valeur nutritionnelle améliorée pour l'homme et l'animal : cible de la sélection réaliste, permise par la variabilité génétique disponible et par les outils moléculaires développés en appui à la selection variétale

Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget , Gregoire Aubert , Chrystel Deulvot , Jean-Bernard Magnin-Robert
RFL2 Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses, Oct 2018, Toulouse, France. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02737174v1
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Sélection pour les associations blé-pois : les caractéristiques des variétés de pois en culture pure sont-elles prédictives de leur comportement en culture associé

Nathalie Moutier , Matthieu Floriot , Christelle Brun , Laurent Falchetto , Cécile Legall
RFL2 Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses, Oct 2018, Toulouse, France. , 2018, RFL2 Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses. Pour la terre et les hommes, les légumineuses au coeur de l’innovation
Conference poster hal-02737297v1

CA-SYS: A long term experimental platform on agroecology at various scales

Stéphane Cordeau , Violaine Deytieux , Judith Burstin , Philippe Lemanceau , Pascal Marget
18. European Weed Research Society Symposium, EWRS 2018, New approaches for smarter weed management, Jun 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia. Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, 2018
Conference poster hal-02737319v1

CA-SYS: a long term experimental platform on agroecology at various scales

Violaine Deytieux , Judith Burstin , Philippe Lemanceau , Pascal Marget , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
ESA 2018 XV European Society for Agronomy Congress, Innovative cropping and farming systems for high quality food production systems, Aug 2018, Genève, Switzerland. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02738097v1

CA-SYS : Plateforme collaborative d'expérimentation multi-échelles en agroécologie

Violaine Deytieux , Anne-Sophie Voisin , Judith Burstin , Pascal Marget , Nicolas Munier-Jolain
RFL2 Rencontres Francophones Légumineuses, Oct 2018, Toulouse, France. , 2018
Conference poster hal-02737236v1
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Intérêt des variétés de féveroles (Vicia faba L.) à faibles teneurs en vicine et convicine en alimentation humaine. Les variétés à faibles teneurs en vicine et convicine réduisent le risque du favisme chez l’homme hemizygote porteur d’une mutation de forte déficience en glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase (G6PD)

V. Gallo , E. Schwarzer , O. Skorokhod , L.F. Simula , Pascal P. Marget
1. Rencontres Francophones sur les Légumineuses (RFL1), May 2016, Dijon, France. 146 p., 2016
Conference poster hal-02744343v1
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Amino acids as orobanchicides: an innovative approach for biocontrol broomrape weeds.

Monica Fernandez-Aparicio , Stéphanie Gibot-Leclerc , Delphine Moreau , Christian Steinberg , David Bohan
17. European weed research society symposium, Jun 2015, Montpellier, France. , 2015, Proceedings of the 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium
Conference poster hal-02741844v1
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PEAMUST : Adaptation Multi-Stress et Régulations biologiques pour l’amélioration du rendement et de la stabilité du pois protéagineux

Christophe Lecomte , Gérard Duc , Annabelle Larmure , Pascal P. Marget , Richard Thompson
Séminaire ANR "Faire face aux changements climatiques / Les apports de la recherche collaborative sur projets", Jul 2015, Paris, France. 2015
Conference poster hal-02742374v1

Vers la mise en place d’un dispositif expérimental en agroécologie à l’échelle d’une unité expérimentale : le cas du domaine d’Epoisses (INRA Dijon)

Stéphane Cordeau , Violaine Deytieux , Pascal P. Marget , Philippe P. Lemanceau
7. Journées Françaises de l'Ecologie du Paysage (IALE), Oct 2014, Dijon, France. 61 p., 2014
Conference poster hal-02743185v1

Development of new plant resources (genetic resources and ril populations) in [i]Vicia faba[/i] L. for genetic studies

Jean-Bernard Magnin-Robert , Blandine Raffiot , M. Buurman , P. Declerck , Mathieu Floriot
2. Annuel Meeting PeaMUST, Dec 2014, Dijon, France. 2014
Conference poster hal-01208732v1

Ex situ evaluation of grain yield in local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) from Serbia

Aleksandar Mikic , Snežana Anñelković , Jelena Aleksić , Bojana Banovic , Pascal P. Marget
EUCARPIA (Section Genetic Resources) - Pre-breeding - fi shing in the gene pool. European Plant Genetic Resources Conference 2013, May 2013, Alnarp, Sweden. , 186 p., 2013
Conference poster hal-02808349v1

In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia

Snezana Andelkovic , Aleksandar Mikic , Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget , Jelena Aleksić
First Legume Society Conference 2013: A Legume Odyssey, May 2013, Novi Sad, Serbie, 9-11 mai 2013, International Legume Society Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, 330 p., 2013
Conference poster hal-02747446v1

L’usage de variétés de féveroles (Vicia faba L.) à faibles teneurs en vicine et convicine, réduit le risque du favisme chez l’homme hemizygote porteur d’une mutation de forte déficience en glucose-6-phosphate déshydrogénase (G6PD)

V. Gallo , E. Schwarzer , O. Skorokhod , L. F. Simula , Pascal P. Marget
4. Colloque National du Réseau Français de Biologie des Graines, Oct 2013, Dijon, France. , 62 p., 2013
Conference poster hal-02748547v1

In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia

Snežana Anñelković , Aleksandar Mikic , Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget , Jelena Aleksić
First Legume Society Conference 2013 : A Legume Odyssey, May 2012, Novi Sad, Serbia. International Legume Society Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops, Novi Sad, Serbia, 2013, In situ preservation of local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and utilisation of their food products in central regions of Serbia
Conference poster hal-02747488v1

Towards conservation of the local landraces of faba bean (Vicia faba) in Serbia.

Aleksandar Mikic , Mirjana Vasic , Vojislav Mihailovic , V. Andelkovic , Branko Cupina
IV International Symposium of Ecologists of the Republic od Montenegro, Oct 2010, Budva, Montenegro. 169 p., 2010
Conference poster hal-02751598v1

Agriculture sans pesticides: à Dijon, l’Inrae teste des pratiques de rupture

Pascal Marget , Stéphane Cordeau , Guilietta Gamberini,
La Tribune [Site Web], 2022
Journal articles hal-03844983v1
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A QTL approach in faba bean highlights the conservation of genetic control of frost tolerance among legume species

Estefania Carrillo Perdomo , Jean-Bernard Magnin-Robert , Blandine Raffiot , Chrystel Deulvot , Matthieu Floriot
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13, 970865. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2022.970865⟩
Journal articles hal-03857406v1

Meta-analysis of QTL reveals the genetic control of yield-related traits and seed protein content in pea

Anthony Klein , Hervé Houtin , Céline Rond-Coissieux , Myriam Naudet-Huart , Michael Touratier
Scientific Reports, 2020, 10 (1), ⟨10.1038/s41598-020-72548-9⟩
Journal articles hal-03150761v1
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Identification of novel sources of resistance to seed weevils (bruchus spp.) in a faba bean germplasm collection

Estefania Carrillo Perdomo , Blandine Raffiot , Damien Ollivier , Chrystel Deulvot , Jean-Bernard Magnin-Robert
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2019, 9, pp.1-12. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2018.01914⟩
Journal articles hal-02619743v1

No red blood cell damage and no hemolysis in G6PD-deficient subjects after ingestion of low vicine/convicine Vicia faba seeds

Valentina Gallo , Oleksii A. Skorokhod , Luigi Felice Simula , Tiziana Marrocco , Elisa Tambini
Blood, 2018, 131 (14), pp.1621-1625. ⟨10.1182/blood-2017-09-806364⟩
Journal articles hal-02621519v1
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Effects of faba beans with different concentrations of vicine and convicine on egg production, egg quality and red blood cells in laying hens

Michel Lessire , V. Gallo , M. Prato , O. Akide-Ndunge , G. Mandili
Animal, 2017, 11 (8), pp.1270-1278. ⟨10.1017/S1751731116002688⟩
Journal articles hal-01604791v1
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Investigation of amino acids as herbicides for control of Orobanche minor parasitism in red clover

Monica Fernandez-Aparicio Ruiz , Alexandre Bernard , Laurent Falchetto , Pascal Marget , Bruno Chauvel
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2017, 8, pp.842. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2017.00842⟩
Journal articles hal-01608026v1

Development of two major resources for pea genomics: the GenoPea 13.2K SNP Array and a high-density, high-resolution consensus genetic map.

Nadim Tayeh , Christelle Aluome , Matthieu Falque , Françoise Jacquin , Anthony Klein
The Plant Journal, 2015, 84 (6), pp.1257-1273. ⟨10.1111/tpj.13070⟩
Journal articles hal-03818437v1
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Genomic Prediction in Pea: Effect of Marker Density and Training Population Size and Composition on Prediction Accuracy

Nadim N. Tayeh , Anthony Klein , Marie-Christine Le Paslier , Françoise Jacquin , Hervé H. Houtin
Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6, pp.1-11. ⟨10.3389/fpls.2015.00941⟩
Journal articles hal-02636202v1

QTL analysis of frost damage in pea suggests different mechanisms involved in frost tolerance

Anthony Klein , Hervé Houtin , Céline Rond-Coissieux , Pascal Marget , Françoise Jacquin
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2014, 127 (6), pp.1319-1330. ⟨10.1007/s00122-014-2299-6⟩
Journal articles hal-01208694v1

Adaptation of spring faba bean types across European climates

F. Flores , M. Hybl , J. C. Knudsen , Pascal P. Marget , F. Muel
Field Crops Research, 2013, 145, pp.1 - 9. ⟨10.1016/j.fcr.2013.01.022⟩
Journal articles hal-02644227v1

Breeding priorities for improved nutritional value of Vicia faba seeds

Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget , Paolo Arese
Grain Légumes, 2011, 56, pp.17-18
Journal articles hal-02649638v1

Status of the local landraces of faba bean in west Balkans

Aleksandar Mikic , S. Andelkovic , Branko Duric , Mirjana Vasic , V. Cupina
Grain Légumes, 2011, 56, pp.8
Journal articles hal-02642187v1

Translational Genomics in Legumes Allowed Placing In Silico 5460 Unigenes on the Pea Functional Map and Identified Candidate Genes in Pisum sativum L.

Amandine A. Bordat , Vincent V. Savois , Marie M. Nicolas , Jerome J. Salse , Aurelie A. Chauveau
G3, 2011, 1 (juillet), pp.93-103. ⟨10.1534/g3.111.000349⟩
Journal articles hal-00964213v1

Achievements in breeding autumn-sown annual legumes for temperate regions with emphasis on the continental Balkans

Aleksandar Mikic , Vojislav Mihailovic , Branko Cupina , V. Dordević , D. Milić
Euphytica, 2011, 180 (1), pp.57-67. ⟨10.1007/s10681-011-0453-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02644874v1

A PQL (protein quantity loci) analysis of mature pea seed proteins identifies loci determining seed protein composition.

Michael Bourgeois , Françoise Jacquin , Florence Cassecuelle , Vincent Savois , Maya Belghazi
Proteomics, 2011, 11 (9), pp.1581-94. ⟨10.1002/pmic.201000687⟩
Journal articles hal-00751802v1

Genetic dissection of nitrogen nutrition in pea through a QTL approach of root, nodule, and shoot variability

Virginie Bourion , Syedmasood Rizvi , Sarah Fournier , Henri de Larambergue , Fabien Galmiche
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2010, 121 (1), pp.71-86. ⟨10.1007/s00122-010-1292-y⟩
Journal articles hal-02662677v1

Nutritional value of faba bean (Vicia faba L.) seeds for feed and food

Katell Crépon , Pascal P. Marget , Corinne Peyronnet , Benoit Carrouée , Paolo Arese
Field Crops Research, 2010, 115 (3), pp.329-339. ⟨10.1016/j.fcr.2009.09.016⟩
Journal articles hal-02667083v1

Low vicine-convicine and zero tannin "fevita faba beans"

Paolo Arese , Gérard Duc , Michel Lessire , Pascal P. Marget
Grain Légumes, 2009, pp.16-17
Journal articles hal-02661866v1

Variation in seed protein digestion of different pea (Pisum sativum L.) genotypes by cecectomized broiler chickens :2. Relation between in vivo protein digestibility and pea seed characteristics, and identification of resistant pea polypeptides

Irène Gabriel , Laurence Quillien , Florence Cassecuelle , Pascal P. Marget , Herve H. Juin
Livestock Science, 2008, 113 (2-3), pp.262-273. ⟨10.1016/j.livsci.2007.04.005⟩
Journal articles hal-02665057v1

Developmental genes have pleiotropic effects on plant morphology and source capacity, eventually impacting on seed protein content and productivity in pea

Judith Burstin , Pascal P. Marget , Myriam Huart , Annie Moessner , Brigitte B. Mangin
Plant Physiology, 2007, 144 (2), pp.768-781. ⟨10.1104/pp.107.096966⟩
Journal articles hal-02658087v1

CAPs markers to assist selection for low vicine and convicine contents in faba bean (Vicia faba L.)

N. Gutierrez , C.M. Avila , Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget , M.J. Suso
TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics, 2006, 114 (1), pp.59-66. ⟨10.1007/s00122-006-0410-3⟩
Journal articles hal-02668935v1

Germplasm management of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.): Monitoring intercrossing between accessions with inter-plot barriers

M.J. Suso , S. Gilsanz , Gérard Duc , Pascal P. Marget , M.T. Moreno
Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 2006, 53 (7), pp.1-13. ⟨10.1007/s10722-005-6844-7⟩
Journal articles hal-02661382v1
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15NO3 assimilation by the field Pea Pisumsativum L.

Sanoussi Atta , Stephane Maltese , Pascal Marget , Roger Cousin
Agronomie, 2004, 24 (2), pp.85-92. ⟨10.1051/agro:2004003⟩
Journal articles hal-00886245v1

Overcoming hybridization barriers between pea and some of its wild relatives

Sergio Ochatt , A. Benabdelmouna , Pascal Marget , G. Aubert , F. Moussy
Euphytica, 2004, 137, pp.353-359
Journal articles hal-02670936v1

New approaches towards the shortening of generation cycles for faster breeding of protein legumes

Sergio Ochatt , Rajbir Singh Sangwan , Pascal Marget , Yves Placide Assoumou Ndong , M. Rancillac
Plant Breeding, 2002, 121, pp.436-440
Journal articles hal-02680994v1

Vicia faba collections in Europe

Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget
Grain Légumes, 2002, 37, pp.16
Journal articles hal-02669758v1

Genetic variability for feeding value of faba bean seeds (Vicia faba): Comparative chemical composition of isogenics involving zero-tannin and zero-vicine genes

Gérard Duc , Pascal Marget , Robert Esnault , J. Le Guen , Denis Bastianelli
Journal of Agricultural Science, 1999, 133, pp.185-196
Journal articles hal-02693568v1
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Investigation of amino acids as herbicides for control of Orobanche minor parasitism in red clover

Monica Fernandez-Aparicio Ruiz , Alexandre Bernard , Laurent Falchetto , Pascal Marget , Bruno Chauvel
Advances in parasitic weeds research, Frontiers Media, pp.334, 2018, 978-2-88945-633-8
Book sections hal-02789724v1

Faba Bean

Gérard Duc , M. Aleksić Jelena , Pascal P. Marget , Aleksandar Mikic , Jeffrey Paull
Handbook of Plant Breeding Vol 10 : Grain Legumes, 10 (Handbook of Plant Breeding), Springer Science Business Media, 2015, ISBN 978-1-4939-2796-8 eBook ISBN 978-1-4939-2797-5 ISSN 2363-8478. ⟨10.1007/978-1-4939-2797-5_5⟩
Book sections hal-02798452v1

Genetic Adjustment to Changing Climates: faba bean

Gérard Duc , Wolfgang Link , Pascal P. Marget , Robert J. Redden , Frederick L. Stoddard
Crop Adaptation to Climate Change, Front Matter, in Crop Adaptation to Climate Change, Wiley-Blackwell, 571 p., 2011, 9780813820163. ⟨10.1002/9780470960929.ch19⟩
Book sections hal-02809174v1

The Lathyrus Paradox : a poor man's diet or a remarquable genetic ressource for proteins legume breeding ?

Sergio Ochatt , Mona Abirached-Darmency , Pascal P. Marget , Gregoire G. Aubert
Breeding of neglected and under-utilized crops, spiecies and herbs, Science Publishers, 2007, 978-1-57808-509-5
Book sections hal-02812869v1

Morphological physiological and genetic bases of resistance in pea to cold and drought

R. Cousin , A. Burghoffer , Pascal Marget , A. Vingère , Gérard Etévé
Breeding for stress tolerance in cool-season food legumes, John Wiley, 1993, 0-471-94212-X
Book sections hal-02848001v1