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Together or not: impact of peer effects on the environmental preferences of wine consumers.17. Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales INRA-SFER-CIRAD, Dec 2023, Paris Saclay, France
Conference papers
INSECT4CITY: benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas4. international conference Insects to Feed the World (IFW 2022), Jun 2022, Québec, Canada
Conference papers
Consumer preferences for meals with plant-based proteins and the impact of informationEconomics seminar de l'Institut de Recherches Economiques - Université de Neuchâtel, Mar 2018, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Conference papers
On the role of information on consumer choices for plant-based proteinsConference "Public policies in the context of global changes: Climate change, Biodiversity and Food Sustainability", May 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Que mangent les truites : acceptabilité par les consommateurs des insectes dans l’alimentation animaleRencontres du Centre d'Etudes et de Prospective., Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation (MAA). Paris, FRA., Feb 2018, Paris, France. 30 p
Conference papers
What do trout eat: Acceptance of insects in animal feed11. Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales (JRSS), Dec 2017, Lyon, France. 21 p
Conference papers
What do trout eat: Acceptance of insects in animal feedWorkshop Economic Analysis of Environmental Food Policies, Toulouse Business School. FRA., Nov 2017, Toulouse, France. 22 p
Conference papers
Acceptabilité par les consommateurs des farines d'insectes dans l'alimentation animaleInsectinov2, INSECTINOV., Oct 2017, Romainville, France. 21 p
Conference papers
What do trout eat: Acceptance of insects in animal feed15 Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). INT., Aug 2017, Parme, Italy. 30 p
Conference papers
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: An on-line shop experiment143. EAAE / AAEA joint seminar. Consumer behavior in a changing world: food, culture, society, Mar 2015, Napoli, Italy
Conference papers
Evaluating consumers' willingness to buy environmentally friendly wines: A store experiment6. european conference on sensory and consumer research: a sense of life, Sep 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers
How to increase the demand to ensure the sustainability of a tropical sector?134.EAAE Seminar Labels on sustainability: an issue for consumers, producers, policy makers, and NGOs, Mar 2013, Paris, France. 22 p
Conference papers
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A store experimentThe 10th Pangborn Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers
Buyer power and category captainshipEARIE 2012, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE). Bruxelles, BEL., Sep 2012, Rome, Italy. 19 p
Conference papers
Déterminants des préférences pour des vins de Pinot2. Internatinal Conference on Wine active compounds 2011 (WAC2011), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Dijon, INT., Mar 2011, Beaune, France. 362 p
Conference papers
O consentimato a pagar dos consumidores face à reduçao do uso de pesticidas na produçao de alimentos6. Congresso da APDEA, Jul 2010, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Conference papers
Consumer's willingness to pay for reduced pesticides use on production of fresh and processed apples28. International Horticultural Congress, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Aug 2010, Lisbonne, Portugal. 9 p
Conference papers
Vin et environnement : comment réduire les quantités de pesticides utilisés en viticulture ?La réduction des pesticides agricoles, enjeux, modalités et conséquence, Société Française d'Economie Rurale (SFER). FRA., Mar 2010, Lyon, France. 17 p
Conference papers
An experimental study of wine consumers' willingness to pay for environmental characteristics12. EAAE Congress, European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). INT.; Université de la Réunion. REU., Aug 2008, Ghent, Belgium. 13 p
Conference papers
Willingness to pay for appellation of origin: results of an experiment in France and Germany83. Annual conference, Western Economic Association International (WEAI). USA., Jun 2008, Honolulu, United States. 18 p
Conference papers
Distribution sélective et revente entre distributeurs23. Journées de Microéconomie appliquée, Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE). FRA., Jun 2006, Nantes, France. 34 p
Conference papers
Willingness to pay for appellation of origin in the world chardonnay’s war: an experimental study12. Oenometrie, May 2005, Macerata, Italy. 25 p
Conference papers
The project INSECT4CITY: assessment of benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas3. International Symposium on Nutrition (ISN 2022): Urban food policies for sustainable nutrition and health, Jan 2022, Online, France
Conference poster
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A store experimentConference poster hal-02808174v1 |
INSECT4CITY: benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areasJournal of Insects as Food and Feed, 8 (Supplement 1), pp.S75, 2022, Abstracts – Insect production systems/processing organic side streams & waste management, ⟨10.3920/JIFF2022.S1⟩
Special issue
The project INSECT4CITY: assessment of benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areasProceedings of the Nutrition Society, 81 (SI), pp.E73, 2022, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society : Urban food policies for sustainable nutrition and health, ⟨10.1017/s0029665122000969⟩
Special issue
Les leviers politiques et organisationnelsFlorence Jacquet; Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy; Julia Jouan; Édith Le Cadre; Thibaut Malausa; Xavier Reboud; Christian Huyghe. Zéro pesticide : un nouveau paradigme de recherche pour une agriculture durable, Éditions Quae, pp.195-227, 2022, Synthèses, 978-2-7592-3310-6
Book sections
Sustainable wine choiceReference Module in Food Science, Elsevier Science inc, 2017, 978-0-08-100596-5. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21406-6⟩
Book sections
Willingness to pay for Appellation of Origin: Results of an experiment with Pinot Noir wines in France and GermanyWine Economics, Palgrave MacMillan, 392 p., 2013, Applied Econometrics Association Series, 978-1137289513. ⟨10.1057/9781137289520.0015⟩
Book sections
Evoluzione dei consumi : tendenze e approcci di analisiIl mercato del vino : tendenze strutturali e strategie dei concorrenti, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 88-464-7881-9
Book sections
Valuing environmental attributes of food products in a polluted environment: what are the preferences of Guadeloupean consumers ?2024
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Willingness to pay for pesticides’ reduction in European union: nothing but organic?2012
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Willingness to pay for appellation of origin: results of an experiment with pinot noir wines in France and Germany2009
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Méta-analyse de la demande de vin2005
Preprints, Working Papers, ...
Economie de la consommation et stratégies industrielles : contributions théoriques et applications au secteur agroalimentaireSciences de l'Homme et Société. Université Panthéon Assas (Paris 2), 2006. Français. ⟨NNT : ⟩
Annexe 5. Aptitude des consommateurs à modifier leur comportement pour prendre en compte l'environnementChapitre 2, Annexe 4 Diffusion du document : Publique. 2010
Report chapter