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Pascale Bazoche



Positive versus negative information: What is really shifting consumers’ intention to eat Norwegian salmon? Evidence from three European countries

Davide Menozzi , Giovanni Sogari , Cristina Simeone , Mikołaj Czajkowski , Wojciech Zawadzki
Food Quality and Preference, 2023, 108, pp.104871. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104871⟩
Journal articles hal-04573596v1
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Positive versus negative information: What is really shifting consumers’ intention to eat Norwegian salmon? Evidence from three European countries

Davide Menozzi , Giovanni Sogari , Cristina Simeone , Mikołaj Czajkowski , Wojciech Zawadzki
Food Quality and Preference, 2023, 108, pp.104871. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2023.104871⟩
Journal articles hal-04069448v1

Does the provision of information increase the substitution of animal proteins with plant-based proteins? An experimental investigation into consumer choices

Pascale Bazoche , Nicolas Guinet , Sylvaine Poret , Sabrina Teyssier
Food Policy, 2023, 116, pp.102426. ⟨10.1016/j.foodpol.2023.102426⟩
Journal articles hal-04068726v1
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Acceptability of insects in animal feed: A survey of French consumers

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvaine Poret
Journal of Consumer Behaviour, 2021, 20 (2), pp.251-270. ⟨10.1002/cb.1845⟩
Journal articles hal-02960436v1

Getting more people on the stairs: The impact of point-of-decision prompts

Olivier Allais , Pascale Bazoche , Sabrina Teyssier
Social Science & Medicine, 2017, 192, pp.18 - 27. ⟨10.1016/j.socscimed.2017.09.006⟩
Journal articles hal-01798241v1
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Promoting local foods in small island states: The role of information policies

Carla Barlagne , Pascale Bazoche , Alban Thomas , Harry Ozier-Lafontaine , François Causeret
Food Policy, 2015, 57, pp.62-72. ⟨10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.09.003⟩
Journal articles hal-04054003v1

Promoting local foods in small island states: The role of information policies

Carla Barlagne , Pascale Bazoche , Alban Thomas , Harry Ozier-Lafontaine , François Causeret
Food Policy, 2015, 57, pp.62-72. ⟨10.1016/j.foodpol.2015.09.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02633369v1

Willingness to pay for pesticide reduction in the EU: nothing but organic?

Pascale Bazoche , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Alexandra Seabra Pinto , Franck Bunte
European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2014, 41 (1), pp.87-109. ⟨10.1093/erae/jbt011⟩
Journal articles hal-02633566v1

Consumers' response on the labels of fresh fruits and related implications on pesticide use

Efthimia Tsakiridou , Konstadinos Mattas , Pascale Bazoche
Acta Agriculturæ Scandinavica, Section C - Food Economics, 2012, 9 (1-2), pp.129-134. ⟨10.1080/16507541.2012.695113⟩
Journal articles hal-02643583v1

Food choices: what do we learn from combining sensory and economic experiments?

Pierre P. Combris , Pascale Bazoche , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Sylvie Issanchou
Food Quality and Preference, 2009, 20 (8), pp.550-557. ⟨10.1016/j.foodqual.2009.05.003⟩
Journal articles hal-02662439v1

Réduire les pesticides utilisés en viticulture : à quel prix ?

Pascale Bazoche , Philippe Cartolaro , Bernard Delhomme , Laurent Deliere , Jean-Pascal Goutouly
La revue des œnologues et des techniques vitivinicoles et œnologiques, 2008, 129 S, pp.71-75
Journal articles hal-02660770v1
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Premium private labels, supply contracts, market segmentation, and spot prices

Pascale Bazoche , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Louis Georges Soler
Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization, 2005, 3 (1), pp.1-28. ⟨10.2202/1542-0485.1087⟩
Journal articles hal-02669775v1

Together or not: impact of peer effects on the environmental preferences of wine consumers.

Pascale Bazoche , Sterenn Lucas , Carole Ropars-Collet
17. Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales INRA-SFER-CIRAD, Dec 2023, Paris Saclay, France
Conference papers hal-04626663v1

INSECT4CITY: benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas

Erwan Engel , Christelle Planche , Rallou Thomopoulos , Catherine Macombe , Christina Nielsen Leroux
4. international conference Insects to Feed the World (IFW 2022), Jun 2022, Québec, Canada
Conference papers hal-03696802v1

Consumer preferences for meals with plant-based proteins and the impact of information

Pascale Bazoche , Nicolas N. Guinet , Sylvaine Poret , Sabrina Teyssier
Economics seminar de l'Institut de Recherches Economiques - Université de Neuchâtel, Mar 2018, Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Conference papers hal-02104333v1

On the role of information on consumer choices for plant-based proteins

Pascale Bazoche , Nicolas N. Guinet , Sylvaine Poret , Sabrina Teyssier
Conference "Public policies in the context of global changes: Climate change, Biodiversity and Food Sustainability", May 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers hal-02104310v1

Que mangent les truites : acceptabilité par les consommateurs des insectes dans l’alimentation animale

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvaine Poret
Rencontres du Centre d'Etudes et de Prospective., Ministère de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation (MAA). Paris, FRA., Feb 2018, Paris, France. 30 p
Conference papers hal-02786979v1

What do trout eat: Acceptance of insects in animal feed

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvaine Poret
11. Journées de Recherches en Sciences Sociales (JRSS), Dec 2017, Lyon, France. 21 p
Conference papers hal-02787772v1

What do trout eat: Acceptance of insects in animal feed

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvaine Poret
Workshop Economic Analysis of Environmental Food Policies, Toulouse Business School. FRA., Nov 2017, Toulouse, France. 22 p
Conference papers hal-02787940v1

Acceptabilité par les consommateurs des farines d'insectes dans l'alimentation animale

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvaine Poret
Insectinov2, INSECTINOV., Oct 2017, Romainville, France. 21 p
Conference papers hal-02787913v1

What do trout eat: Acceptance of insects in animal feed

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvaine Poret
15 Congress of the European Association of Agricultural Economists, European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). INT., Aug 2017, Parme, Italy. 30 p
Conference papers hal-02787912v1

Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: An on-line shop experiment

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvie Issanchou , Jacques Maratray , Joëlle Brouard , Emilie Ginon
143. EAAE / AAEA joint seminar. Consumer behavior in a changing world: food, culture, society, Mar 2015, Napoli, Italy
Conference papers hal-01580728v1

Evaluating consumers' willingness to buy environmentally friendly wines: A store experiment

Emilie Ginon , Pascale Bazoche , Lucia Helena Esteves dos Santos Laboissiere , Joëlle Brouard , Sylvie Issanchou
6. european conference on sensory and consumer research: a sense of life, Sep 2014, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference papers hal-01512020v1

How to increase the demand to ensure the sustainability of a tropical sector?

Carla Barlagne , Pascale Bazoche , Jean-Louis Diman , Jean-Marc Blazy
134.EAAE Seminar Labels on sustainability: an issue for consumers, producers, policy makers, and NGOs, Mar 2013, Paris, France. 22 p
Conference papers hal-02809643v1

Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A store experiment

Emilie Ginon , Pascale Bazoche , Lucia Helena E. dos Santos Laboissière , J. Brouard , Sylvie Issanchou
The 10th Pangborn Symposium, Aug 2013, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference papers hal-00865525v1

Buyer power and category captainship

Claire C. Chambolle , Vanessa Schlippenbach , Pascale Bazoche
EARIE 2012, European Association for Research in Industrial Economics (EARIE). Bruxelles, BEL., Sep 2012, Rome, Italy. 19 p
Conference papers hal-02810408v1

Déterminants des préférences pour des vins de Pinot

Jean Baptiste Traversac , Eric Giraud-Heraud , Pascale Bazoche , Pierre Combris
2. Internatinal Conference on Wine active compounds 2011 (WAC2011), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Dijon, INT., Mar 2011, Beaune, France. 362 p
Conference papers hal-01190376v1

O consentimato a pagar dos consumidores face à reduçao do uso de pesticidas na produçao de alimentos

Alexandra Seabra Pinto , Pierre P. Combris , Pascale Bazoche , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Caroline Hanuss
6. Congresso da APDEA, Jul 2010, Ponta Delgada, Portugal
Conference papers hal-02754789v1

Consumer's willingness to pay for reduced pesticides use on production of fresh and processed apples

Pierre P. Combris , Alexandra Seabra Pinto , Pascale Bazoche , Manuela Berjano , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud
28. International Horticultural Congress, International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS). INT., Aug 2010, Lisbonne, Portugal. 9 p
Conference papers hal-02817354v1

Vin et environnement : comment réduire les quantités de pesticides utilisés en viticulture ?

Pascale Bazoche , Philippe Cartolaro , Bernard Del'Homme , Laurent Deliere , Jean-Pascal Goutouly
La réduction des pesticides agricoles, enjeux, modalités et conséquence, Société Française d'Economie Rurale (SFER). FRA., Mar 2010, Lyon, France. 17 p
Conference papers hal-02823570v1

An experimental study of wine consumers' willingness to pay for environmental characteristics

Pascale Bazoche , Christophe Deola , Louis Georges Soler
12. EAAE Congress, European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE). INT.; Université de la Réunion. REU., Aug 2008, Ghent, Belgium. 13 p
Conference papers hal-02815398v1

Willingness to pay for appellation of origin: results of an experiment in France and Germany

Pascale Bazoche , Pierre Combris , Eric Giraud-Heraud , Jean Baptiste Traversac
83. Annual conference, Western Economic Association International (WEAI). USA., Jun 2008, Honolulu, United States. 18 p
Conference papers hal-01197704v1

Distribution sélective et revente entre distributeurs

Pascale Bazoche
23. Journées de Microéconomie appliquée, Association Française de Science Economique (AFSE). FRA., Jun 2006, Nantes, France. 34 p
Conference papers hal-02816826v1

Willingness to pay for appellation of origin in the world chardonnay’s war: an experimental study

Pascale Bazoche , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , . Vineyard Data Quantification Society
12. Oenometrie, May 2005, Macerata, Italy. 25 p
Conference papers hal-02827575v1

INSECT4CITY: benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas

Erwan Engel , Christelle Planche , Rallou Thomopoulos , Catherine Macombe , Christina Nielsen Leroux
Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 8 (Supplement 1), pp.S75, 2022, Abstracts – Insect production systems/processing organic side streams & waste management, ⟨10.3920/JIFF2022.S1⟩
Special issue hal-04172976v1
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The project INSECT4CITY: assessment of benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas

Erwan Engel , Christelle Planche , Rallou Thomopoulos , Catherine Macombe , Christina Nielsen-Leroux
Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 81 (SI), pp.E73, 2022, Proceedings of the Nutrition Society : Urban food policies for sustainable nutrition and health, ⟨10.1017/s0029665122000969⟩
Special issue hal-03685819v1
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Les leviers politiques et organisationnels

Pascale Bazoche , A. Carpentier , Adélaïde Fadhuile , Fabienne Femenia , Cedric Gendre
Florence Jacquet; Marie-Hélène Jeuffroy; Julia Jouan; Édith Le Cadre; Thibaut Malausa; Xavier Reboud; Christian Huyghe. Zéro pesticide : un nouveau paradigme de recherche pour une agriculture durable, Éditions Quae, pp.195-227, 2022, Synthèses, 978-2-7592-3310-6
Book sections hal-03612024v1

Sustainable wine choice

Pascale Bazoche
Reference Module in Food Science, Elsevier Science inc, 2017, 978-0-08-100596-5. ⟨10.1016/B978-0-08-100596-5.21406-6⟩
Book sections hal-02789415v1

Willingness to pay for Appellation of Origin: Results of an experiment with Pinot Noir wines in France and Germany

Pascale Bazoche , Pierre Combris , Eric Giraud-Heraud , Jean Baptiste Traversac
Wine Economics, Palgrave MacMillan, 392 p., 2013, Applied Econometrics Association Series, 978-1137289513. ⟨10.1057/9781137289520.0015⟩
Book sections hal-01198181v1

Evoluzione dei consumi : tendenze e approcci di analisi

Pascale Bazoche , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Cristina Grazia
Il mercato del vino : tendenze strutturali e strategie dei concorrenti, FrancoAngeli, 2006, 88-464-7881-9
Book sections hal-02818976v1
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Synthèse des résultats de l'étude de la consommation en Guadeloupe (projet Nutwind)

Mathilde Gorza , Pascale Bazoche , Valérie Angeon
[Rapport de recherche] INRAE. 2021
Reports hal-03225621v1
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Une évaluation expérimentale des consentements à la réduction de l'utilisation des pesticides dans le vin

Pascale Bazoche , Sylvie Issanchou , Angela Sutan , Emilie Ginon , Joelle Brouard
[Contrat] Ministère de l'Ecologie, du Développement Durable et de l'Energie. 2014, 36 p
Reports hal-01595043v1
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A report on the efficient way to take into account the consumer WTP in order to improve the European regulation of pesticides for fresh and processed agricultural products

Pascale Bazoche , Frank Bunte , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Alexandra Seabra Pinto
Teampest Workpackage 4. D 4.5, 2011
Reports hal-02807251v1
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Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic products, both with existing brands as the exclusive signal of quality and with additional signals incorporated

Pascale Bazoche , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Alexandra Seabra Pinto , Efthimia Tsakiridou
TEAMPEST Work Package 4, Deliverable 4.4, 2010
Reports hal-02818687v1
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Consumers’ perceptions on health risks derived from pesticide use and on the attachment for the respect of the environment

Pascale Bazoche , Manuela Berjano , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Raquel Maia
TEAMPEST Work Package 4, Deliverable 4.1, 2009
Reports hal-02814313v1
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Estimation of consumers’ willingness to pay to reduce pesticides, based on experimental markets

Pascale Bazoche , Manuela Berjano , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Raquel Maia
TEAMEST Work Package 4, Deliverable 4.2, 2009
Reports hal-02817132v1
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Evaluation of different instruments for signalling the reduction of pesticides, survey of the literature about the role of extrinsic cues which include the pesticide reduction in their production requirements for improving the WTP

Pascale Bazoche , Manuela Berjano , Pierre P. Combris , Eric E. Giraud-Heraud , Caroline Hannus
TEAMPEST Work Package 4, Deliverable 4.3, 2009
Reports hal-02818735v1

Consentement à payer des consommateurs pour les caractéristiques des vins de Bourgogne : une étude expérimentale

Pascale Bazoche , Pierre Combris , Eric Giraud-Heraud , Jean Baptiste Traversac
[Rapport Technique] Bureau Interprofessionnel des Vins de Bourgogne. 2008, 49 p
Reports hal-01197770v1