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Disentengling the genuine effect of CRAs’ rating announcements from investigator bias on stock markets:a meta-analysisVietnam Symposium in Banking and Finance, Oct 2023, Hanoï/Vietnam, Vietnam
Conference papers
Disentangling the Genuine Effect of CRAs’ Rating Announcements from Investigator Bias on Stock Markets: A Meta-analysisWorld Finance Meeting, Dec 2023, Vilnius, Lithuania
Conference papers
The Effects of Layoff Announcements on Shareholders’ Wealth: A Meta-AnalysisMeta-Analysis in Economics Research Network Colloquium (MAER-NET 2021), Oct 2021, Piraeus, Greece
Conference papers
Is profit sharing productive? A meta-regression analysis13th annual MAER-Net Colloquium, Oct 2019, Greenwich, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Union membership and job satisfaction: Evidence from China71st Annual Meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), Jun 2019, Cleveland, United States
Conference papers
La performance : un enjeu de dialogue socialXXIX congrès de l'AGRH, Nov 2019, Bordeaux, France
Conference papers
Employee voice in management and employee well-being: the effects of institutionnal frameworks in France and Great Britain31st SASE Annual Meeting, Jun 2019, New York, United States
Conference papers
Union membership effects on wages in China: Results from propensity score matching3rd Human Resource Division International Conference (HRIC), Jan 2019, Dublin, Ireland
Conference papers
Where does profit sharing work best? A meta-analysis on the role of unions, culture and values19th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation (IAFEP), Jul 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Conference papers
Do Unions Do What they are Expected to Do? Union’s ideologies and their influence on direct employee participation in FranceLERA 70th Annual Meeting, Jun 2018, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers
Employee voice in management and employee well-beingIZA workshop on "The Economics of Employee Representation: International Perspectives, Sep 2018, Bonn, Germany
Conference papers
Minimum wage and employment: what can we learn from the French experience?12th Annual MAER-Net colloquium, Sep 2018, Melbourne, Australia
Conference papers
L'analyse bibliométrique au service de la gestion des connaissances11ème colloque international de l'AGeCSO-FNEGE, May 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
Do Unions Do What They Are Expected To? Unions’ Ideologies and Their Influence on Direct Employee Participation Practices70th Annual Meeting of the Labor and Employment Relations Association, Jun 2018, Baltimore, United States
Conference papers
How rating agencies’decisions impact stock markets? A meta analysis12h Conference on Asia-Pacific Financial Markets (CAFM), Dec 2017, Seoul, South Korea
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How rating agencies’ decisions impact stock markets? A meta analysis8th Global Business and Finance Research Conference, Oct 2017, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference papers
Comparative analysis of employment relations : Perspectives from FranceLERA 69th Annual Meeting, Jun 2017, Anaheim, United States
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How do Rating Agencies’ Decisions impact Stock Markets ? A Meta-Analysis30th Australasian Finance and Banking Conference, Dec 2017, Sidney, Australia
Conference papers
How rating agencies’decisions impact stock markets? A meta analysis47th International Business Research Conference, Dec 2017, Osaka, Japan
Conference papers
Union density changes and unions effects on economic performance: Evidence from Chinese provincial-level data54th Annual Conference of the Canadian Industrial Relations Association (CIRA), May 2017, Toronto, Canada
Conference papers
Unions, collective bargaining and the minimun wage in FranceSouthern Economic Association (SEA) 87th Annual Meeting, Nov 2017, Tampa, United States
Conference papers
The impact of financial transaction tax: a meta-analysis10th MAER-Net colloquium, Sep 2016, Corvallis, United States
Conference papers
Union membership and job satisfaction: Evidence from a cross-country meta-analysis2nd Human Resource Division International Conference, Feb 2016, Sydney, Australia
Conference papers
Union membership and job satisfaction: a meta-analysis and cross-national comparisons53rd Annual Congress of the Canadian Industrial Relations (CIRA), May 2016, Saskatoon, Canada
Conference papers
A Strategic Choice Approach to Union Renewal: The Case of Union Participation to High-Involvement Management in France28th Annual conference of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Jun 2016, Berkeley, United States
Conference papers
Unionization and job satisfaction: recent trends and perspectivesLERA 68th Annual Meeting, May 2016, Minneapolis, United States
Conference papers
Union Membership and Job Satisfaction: Initial Evidence from French Linked Employer-Employee DataWorkshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management, May 2015, Paris, France
Conference papers
Les effets du sentiment d’efficacité personnelle sur la relation entre l’équilibre travail-famille et la satisfaction au travailDe nouveaux modèles de GRH ?, 26è Congrès AGRH, Nov 2015, Montpellier, France
Conference papers
Unionized Employees Commitments and Career Success: An Exploratory Study using Factor Mixture AnalysisLERA 66th Annual Meeting, May 2014, Portland, United States
Conference papers
Do Employee Representatives Influence the Use of High Performance Work Systems in French Workplaces?First HR Division International Conference: Convergence and Divergence in Human Resource Management, HR Division of the Academy of Management (AOM); The International Journal of Human Resource Management; Renmin Universit, Jun 2014, Beijing (Pékin), China
Conference papers
Multiple Commitments and Career Success: An Impression Management PerspectiveWorkshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Managementwork, DRM-M&O, May 2014, Paris, France
Conference papers
What do Unions do? A Meta-Analytic Structural Equation Model (MASEM) of the Effects of Unions on Firm PerformanceMAER - Net Colloquium 2013, Sep 2013, Londres, United Kingdom
Conference papers
Les relations entre épargne salariale et rémunérations: une analyse des stratégies et de la cohérence des pratiques24ème congrès de l’AGRH: « La GRH : Pour une connaissance praticable », AGRH, Association Francophone de Gestion des Ressources Humaines, Nov 2013, Paris, France
Conference papers
Employee Profit-Sharing Plans and Compensation StrategySASE 25th Annual Conference: States in Crisis, SASE, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Jun 2013, Milan, Italy
Conference papers
Les relations entre épargne salariale et rémunérations : une analyse des stratégies et de la cohérence des pratiques24ème congrès de l'AGRH, 2013, Paris, France. pp.18
Conference papers
Beyond commitment conflict: an investigation of the relationships between union, career and organizational commitmentsLERA Annual Meeting, Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA), Jan 2012, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Career success of union members: a work commitment explanation24th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Jun 2012, Cambridge, United States
Conference papers
Unions, Innovation, and Technology Adoption: New Insights from the Cross-Country Evidence16th ILERA World Congress, Association Internationale des Relations Professionnelles et du Travail (ILERA), Jul 2012, Phladelphie, United States
Conference papers
Les déterminants de l'épargne salariale (ES) : proposition d'une typologie des pratiques d'ES des entreprises françaises23ème congrès de l'AGRH, 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Quels profils d’implication prédominent chez les salariés syndiqués ? Une étude des relations entre implication syndicale, implication dans la carrière et implication dans l’entreprise21e congrès AGRH "Nouveaux comportements, nouvelle GRH ?", Nov 2010, Saint-Malo, France
Conference papers
Responsabilité sociale et performance financière des entreprises : une synthèse de la littératureColloque "Responsabilité sociale des entreprises : réalité, mythe ou mystification ? ", Mar 2005, Nancy, France
Conference papers
GRHDe Boeck Supérieur, 2019, 2807321038
GRH et relations de travail. Fondements théoriques, enjeux contemporainsBruxelles, De Boeck Editions, Coll. Méthodes & Recherches. 2018, 9782807320734. ⟨10.3917/dbu.laroc.2018.01⟩
The economic of trade unionsRoutledge, 2017, ⟨10.4324/9781315713533⟩
La méta-analyseDe Boeck, pp.221, 2015, Méthodes & recherches : management,, 978-2-8041-9009-5
L’irrationnel. Source de la vitalité organisationnelle?Éd. Eska, pp.404, 2013, 978-2-7472-2098-9
Gérer les relations avec les partenaires sociaux. Fonctionnement et enjeux du dialogue socialDunod, 2010
Les relations sociales en entrepriseDunod, 2009
Employment relations in FranceInternational and Comparative Employment Relations. Global Crisis and Institutional Responses, 2021, 978-1-5264-9965-3
Book sections
Les syndicats sont-ils vraiment « nuls » ?Dialogue social : L’avènement d’un modèle ?, Bruylant, 2021, 9782390133438
Book sections
Unions, Collective Bargaining, and Firm PerformanceZimmermann K.F. (eds). Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, Springer, 2021, 978-3-319-57365-6. ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-57365-6_204-1⟩
Book sections
L’épargne salariale en France : une pratique structurante des relations socialesGuéry L.; Stevenot A. Rémunération du travail : enjeux de gestion et débats de société, Economica, p.67-77, 2018, 978-2717870169
Book sections
Profit sharing in France: substitute or complement to wages?Simon Fietze; Wenzel Matiaske. Dimensions and Perspectives on Financial Participation in Europe, Nomos Publishing, pp.241 - 262, 2016, 978-3-8487-1876-4. ⟨10.5771/9783845259413-240⟩
Book sections
L’exploration du biais de publication : une description des techniques existantesPatrice Laroche. La méta-analyse: méthodes et applications en sciences sociales, De Boeck, 2015, Méthodes & recherches : management,, 978-2-8041-9009-5
Book sections
La méta-analyse en sciences de gestion : deux cas illustratifs en managementPatrice Laroche. La méta-analyse: méthodes et applications en sciences sociales, De Boeck, 2015, Méthodes & recherches : management,, 978-2-8041-9009-5
Book sections
Introduction à la méthodologie méta-analytiquePatrice Laroche. La méta-analyse: méthodes et applications en sciences sociales, De Boeck, 2015, Méthodes & recherches : management,, 978-2-8041-9009-5
Book sections
Employment Relations in FranceGreg J Bamber; Russell Lansbury; Nick Wailes; Chris F. Wright. International and Comparative Employment Relations: National Regulation, Global Changes, 6ème Edition, SAGE Publications Ltd, 2015, 978-1473911543
Book sections
Syndicalisation et performance des entreprises : une revue de la littérature économique récenteEncyclopédie des ressources humaines, 2012
Book sections
Pratiques de RSE et performances des entreprises : une synthèse de la littératureEncyclopédie des ressources humaines, 2012
Book sections
La présence syndicale est-elle liée à la performance économique et financière des entreprises ?Les relations sociales en entreprise, 2008
Book sections
Corporate social responsibility and corporate financial performance: a surveyCorporate Social Responsibility. Performances and Stakeholders, 2006
Book sections
Human Resource Practices, Unionization and the Organizational Efficiency of French IndustryAdvances in Industrial & Labor Relations, Emerald, pp.67-102, 2006, 978-1-84950-470-6. ⟨10.1016/S0742-6186(06)15001-5⟩
Book sections
The impact of unions on workplace financial performance: an empirical study in the French contextProceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting, IRRA (Industrial Relations Research Association), 2004
Book sections
Unions and productivity growth: A meta-analytic reviewAdvances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms, 7, Emerald, pp.57-82, 2003, Advances in the Economic Analysis of Participatory & Labor-Managed Firms, 978-0-76231-000-5
Book sections
Syndicalisation et satisfaction au travail. Une première étude empirique dans le contexte français[Rapport de recherche] IRES/CFE-CGC. 2015
Les relations entre épargne salariale et rémunérations: une analyse des stratégies, de la cohérence des pratiques et du rôle modérateur des relations professionnellesDARES. 2013
L'influence des relations sociales sur la performance des entreprises[Rapport de recherche] DARES. 2006
L'influence des organisations syndicales de salariés sur la performance économique et financière des entreprises : proposition et test d'un modèle explicatif dans le contexte françaisGestion et management. Université Nancy 2, 2002. Français. ⟨NNT : 2002NAN22002⟩