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Reconciling privacy and utility for energy servicesEuroS&PW 2020: 5th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy Workshops, Sep 2020, Genova (online), Italy. pp.348-355, ⟨10.1109/EuroSPW51379.2020.00054⟩
Conference papers
Privacy-Preserving Reputation Mechanism: A Usable Solution Handling Negative Ratings9th IFIP WG 11.11 International Conference, IFIPTM 2015, May 2015, Hambourg, Germany. pp.92-108, ⟨10.1007/978-3-319-18491-3_7⟩
Conference papers
Mécanisme de réputation distribué préservant la vie privée avec témoignages négatifsALGOTEL 2015 - 17èmes Rencontres Francophones sur les Aspects Algorithmiques des Télécommunications, Jun 2015, Beaune, France
Conference papers
Reputation for Inter-Domain QoS RoutingInternational Symposium on Network Computing and Applications (NCA), IEEE, Sep 2015, Boston, United States. pp.142-146, ⟨10.1109/NCA.2015.19⟩
Conference papers
A Privacy Preserving Distributed Reputation MechanismInternational Conference on communications (ICC), Jun 2013, Budapest, France. 6 p
Conference papers
Système de réputation préservant la vie privée3ième édition Atelier Protection de la vie privée, Nov 2012, Groix, France
Conference papers
Extending Signatures of ReputationHansen, M.; Hoepman, J.-H.; Leenes, R.; Whitehouse, D. Privacy and Identity Management for Emerging Services and Technologies : 8th IFIP WG 9.2, 9.5, 9.6/11.7, 11.4, 11.6 International Summer School, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, June 17-21, 2013, Revised Selected Papers, AICT-421, Springer, pp.165-176, 2014, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology (TUTORIAL), 978-3-642-55136-9. ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-55137-6_13⟩
Book sections
Système de réputation préservant la vie privéeCryptographie et sécurité [cs.CR]. 2012
Master thesis