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Paulo Alexandre e Castro



Paulo Alexandre e Castro Cardoso, developed postdoctoral research in Digital Arts/Cyber Literature at the Fernando Pessoa University (Porto/Portugal) under the guidance of Prof. Doctor Rui Torres, with a pioneering project of "Generative Textual Philosophy". He holds a PhD in Philosophy from ILCH-University of Minho (Braga/Portugal), with the thesis «Homo Intimus. Neurophilosophy and Contemporary Culture ». Master in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities-Lisbon University with «Metaphysics of Imaginative Consciousness or the Imagination in Sartre». Degree in Philosophy in 2000 by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities-Lisbon University. He also took the «Doctoral Course in Language and Communication Sciences» and the «Doctoral Course in Philosophical Studies» at FCSH-New University of Lisbon in April 2007, in addition to other formations such as «Ethics of AI» (Helsinki University), «Theoretical Neuroscience» (Catholic University of Portugal), «Digital Humanities» (Autonomous University of Barcelona) or «Painting» (IADE). Among others, he taught at ILCH-University of Minho as lecturer, was a visiting professor at the Faculty of Fine-Arts (Lisbon University) and as Invited Adjunct Professor at the Polythecnic of Viseu. He argued and co-supervises several master's theses. He is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophical Studies of the University of Coimbra and colaborator at i2ADS - Faculty of Fine-Arts (Oporto University) and in CIAC (University of Algarve). He published 30 articles in specialized magazines and 49 book chapter (s). He has 13 published/edited book(s) and has presented over 100 communications at congresses and colloquia. It organized 8 event (s). He received 5 award (s) and / or honors. He participates and / or participated as an Investigator in 8 project (s) and 2 more project (s). He works in the Humanities area (s) with an emphasis on Philosophy and Aesthetics-Philosophy of Art. In his professional activities, he interacted with more than 10 collaborator (s) in co-authoring scientific works. (English)
Paulo Alexandre e Castro Cardoso, developed postdoctoral research in Digital Arts/Cyber Literature at the Fernando Pessoa University (Porto/Portugal) under the guidance of Prof. Doctor Rui Torres, with a pioneering project of "Generative Textual Philosophy". He holds a PhD in Philosophy from ILCH-University of Minho (Braga/Portugal), with the thesis «Homo Intimus. Neurophilosophy and Contemporary Culture ». Master in Phenomenology and Hermeneutics by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities-Lisbon University with «Metaphysics of Imaginative Consciousness or the Imagination in Sartre». Degree in Philosophy in 2000 by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities-Lisbon University. He also took the «Doctoral Course in Language and Communication Sciences» and the «Doctoral Course in Philosophical Studies» at FCSH-New University of Lisbon in April 2007, in addition to other formations such as «Ethics of AI» (Helsinki University), «Theoretical Neuroscience» (Catholic University of Portugal), «Digital Humanities» (Autonomous University of Barcelona) or «Painting» (IADE). Among others, he taught at ILCH-University of Minho as lecturer, was a visiting professor at the Faculty of Fine-Arts (Lisbon University) and as Invited Adjunct Professor at the Polythecnic of Viseu. He argued and co-supervises several master's theses. He is a researcher at the Institute of Philosophical Studies of the University of Coimbra and colaborator at i2ADS - Faculty of Fine-Arts (Oporto University) and in CIAC (University of Algarve). He published 30 articles in specialized magazines and 49 book chapter (s). He has 13 published/edited book(s) and has presented over 100 communications at congresses and colloquia. It organized 8 event (s). He received 5 award (s) and / or honors. He participates and / or participated as an Investigator in 8 project (s) and 2 more project (s). He works in the Humanities area (s) with an emphasis on Philosophy and Aesthetics-Philosophy of Art. In his professional activities, he interacted with more than 10 collaborator (s) in co-authoring scientific works. (English)
