Le programme MAP-IO et son volet GNSS pour l’observation de la vapeur d’eau sur les Océans Austral et Indien
Pierre Bosser
Pierre Tulet
Aurélie Panetier
Colloque G2 : géodésie marine, sous-marine et côtière, 2024, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
Cartographie du niveau de la mer par systèmes GNSS pour la validation des données SWOT
Clemence Chupin
Pierre Bosser
Anne Ducarme
Ponte Aurélien
Colloque G2 2024 - Géodésie marine, sous-marine et côtière, Mar 2024, La Rochelle, France
Conference papers
Investigation of shipborne GNSS ZTD retrieval processing parameters by simulation
Aurélie Panetier
Pierre Bosser
Ali Khenchaf
Conference papers
A low-cost GNSS buoy for water vapour monitoring over the Oceans
Pierre Bosser
Victor Bennini
Mohammed Bouasria
Yanis Grit
Aurélie Panetier
Conference papers
Retrieval of Six Years of ZTD Over the Oceans from a French Oceanographic Fleet Vessel Shipborne GNSS Antenna
Aurélie Panetier
Aubin Bleriot Tsapong-Tsague
Pierre Bosser
Ali Khenchaf
AGU Fall Meeting 2022, Dec 2022, Chicago, United States
Conference papers
Integrated water vapour content retrievals from ship-borne GNSS receivers during EUREC4A
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
Cyrille Flamant
Sandrine Bony
Sabrian Speich
Conference papers
IWV retrieval from ship-borne GNSS receiver in the framework of the MAP-IO project
Pierre Bosser
Joël van Ballen
Olivier Bousquet
Conference papers
IWV observations from a network of ground-based GNSS receivers during EUREC4A
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
Cyrille Flamant
Erik Doerflinger
Friedhelm Jansen
Conference papers
IWV retrieval from ground and shipborne GPS receivers during NAWDEX
Pierre Bosser
Bock Olivier
Laurain Nicolas
Conference papers
IWV retrieval from shipborne GPS receiver on hydrographic ship Borda
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Caumont
Raphael Legouge
Nicolas Laurain
Conference papers
State-of-the-art of standalone accurate AUV positioning - application to high resolution bathymetric surveys
Pierre Benet
Fabien Novella
Marie Ponchart
Pierre Bosser
Benoit Clement
Conference papers
Couplage GPS et caméra embarqués sur drone pour de la modélisation photogrammétrique industrielle.
M. Daakir
Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
Pierre Bosser
Yohann Rabot
Christian Thom
Journées de la Recherche IGN 2017, IGN, Mar 2017, Marne-La-Vallée, France
Conference papers
Le projet Hydrographie/Robotique au Lac de Guerlédan
Amandine Nicolle
Thomas Le Mézo
Pierre Bosser
Journée Techniques de l'Association Francophone d'Hydrographie, Sep 2017, Cherbourg, France
Conference papers
Study of lever-arm effect using embedded photogrammetry and on-board gps receiver on uav for metrological mapping purpose and proposal of a free ground measurements calibration procedure,
M. Daakir
Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
Pierre Bosser
F. Pichard
Christian Thom
Conference papers
Screening of GPS ZTD estimates
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
3th COST 1206 GNSS4SWEC Workshop, 2016, Reykjavik, Iceland
Conference papers
"Photogrammétrie aéroportée et positionnement précis par GPS embarqué sur drone : application au terrassement"
M. Daakir
Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
F. Pichard
Pierre Bosser
C. Thom
Journée scientifique Photogrammétrie et imagerie 3D du CEREMA, CEREMA, Jun 2015, Rouen, France
Conference papers
A high quality reprocessed ground-based GPS dataset for atmospheric process studies, radiosonde and model evaluation, and reanalysis of HYMEX Special Observing Period
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
R. Pacione
M. Nuret
N. Fourrié
EGU 2015, Apr 2015, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
A high quality reprocessed ground-based GPS dataset for atmospheric process studies, radiosonde and model evaluation, and reanalysis of HYMEX Special Observing Period
Olivier Bock
P. Bosser
R. Pacione
M. Nuret
N. Fourrié
26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, IUGG, Jun 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Calcul et validation d'un jeu de retards troposphériques GPS de référence pour l'étude du cycle de l'eau en Méditerranée (projet HyMeX)
Pierre Bosser
O. Bock
G2, Nov 2015, Toulouse, France
Conference papers
Conception et réalisation d'une formation à distance "Apprendre le positionnement par GNSS avec le logiciel RTKlib"
Pierre Bosser
Geom@tice 2015, May 2015, Marne La Vallée, France
Conference papers
UAV onboard photogrammetry and GPS positioning for earthworks
M. Daakir
Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
Pierre Bosser
F. Pichard
C. Thom
Conference papers
Study and mitigation of calibration error sources in a water vapor Raman lidar
Leslie David
Olivier Bock
Christian Thom
Jacques Pelon
Pierre Bosser
26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, IUGG, Jun 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Quality assessment and screening of GPS ZTD estimates
Pierre Bosser
Olivier Bock
26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, IUGG, Jun 2015, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Photogrammétrie aéroportée par drone et positionnement GPS embarqué pour le terrassement.
M. Daakir
Marc Pierrot-Deseilligny
F. Pichard
Pierre Bosser
C. Thom
Journées de la Recherche à l'IGN, IGN, Mar 2015, Marne La Vallée, France
Conference papers
Multifractal comparison of the extremes of rain rates and integrated vapour content
Auguste Gires
Vincent Ni
Pierre Bosser
Ioulia Tchiguirinskaia
D Schertzer
EGU 2015, Apr 2015, Vienne, Austria
Conference papers
Study of integrated water vapour trends and variability using ground-based GPS data and climate models in the Mediterranean region
O. Bock
Sophie Bastin
P. Bosser
14th EMS Annual Meeting & 10th European Conference on Applied Climatology (ECAC), Oct 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Advanced GNSS Tropospheric Products for monitoring Severe Weather Events and Climate
L. David
P. Bosser
C. Thom
Jacques Pelon
COST Summer School 2014, Sep 2014, Golden Sands, Bulgaria
Conference papers
A high quality reprocessed GPS integrated water vapour dataset for atmospheric process studies, model evaluation and assimilation
O. Bock
Pierre Bosser
R. Pacione
M. Nuret
N. Fourrié
EMS 2014, Oct 2014, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Accuracy assessment of water vapour measurements from in-situ and remote sensing techniques during the DEMEVAP 2011 campaign
Olivier Bock
Pierre Bosser
Leslie David
Christian Thom
Jacques Pelon
EGU General Assembly 2014, Apr 2014, Vienna, Austria. pp.id.11529
Conference papers
Accuracy of Water Vapor Observations from in-situ and Remote Sensing Techniques: First Results from the DEMEVAP 2011 Campaign
Olivier Bock
K. Pipis
P. Bosser
C. Thom
Jacques Pelon
9th International Symposium on Tropospheric Profiling (ISTP), Sep 2012, L'Aquila, Italy. 4 p
Conference papers
Calibration of Wet Tropospheric Delays in GPS Observation Using Raman Lidar Measurements
P. Bosser
C. Thom
Olivier Bock
Jacques Pelon
P. Willis
Geodesy for Planet Earth, Proceedings of the 2009 International Association of Geodesy Symposium, Aug 2009, Buenos Aires, Argentina. pp.795-800, ⟨10.1007/978-3-642-20338-1_100⟩
Conference papers
Water vapour intercomparison effort in the frame of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study
Rohini Bhawar
Paolo Di Girolamo
Donato Summa
Cyrille Flamant
Dietrich Althausen
Current Problems in Atmospheric Radiation (IRS 2008) : Proceedings of the International Radiation Symposium (IRC/IAMAS), Aug 2008, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil. pp.215-218, ⟨10.1063/1.3116952⟩
Conference papers