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Philippe Blache

CNRS - Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain - Laboratoire Parole & Langage


**[Publication list]( "Publication list")** **Short bio** I am Director of Research at the CNRS. My works focus on language processing in a formal, computational and neuro-linguistics perspective. I am more specifically interested in studying the question of how humans process language in a natural context, typically a conversation. One part of my work consists in developping tools and methods for describing data collected in ecological contexts, taking into account the multimodal aspects of communication. The second and most important part of my work lies in theoretical aspects, aiming at elaborating a general cognitive model of language processing. Since recently, I am adressing these questions by studying the neural basis of natural interaction, based on large and original multimodal datasets offering the possibility to explore the brain signal in conversations. I have been director of 2 CNRS research units (*2LC, LPL*), 1 Excellence Laboratory (*Brain and Language Research Institute*) and until recently director of the *Institute of Language, Communication and the Brain* . The ILCB is a major achievement, gathering 10 research units in linguistics (LPL), psychology (LPC, ISM, PRISM), neurosciences (INT, INS, LNC), mathematics (I2M) and computer science (LIS, LIA). It also federates 6 experimental platforms in brain imaging, virtual reality and primatology. **PhD Students** - Auriane Boudin, "*Feedbacks in interaction: a computational model*", Phd in Linguistics (ILCB grant, co-supervision with Prof. Magalie Ochs, AMU) - Eliot Maës, "*Multimodal learning for modeling information transfer in natural interactions*", Phd in Computer Science (co-supervision with Prof. Leonor Becerra, AMU) - Maïwenn Fleig, "*Modeling the alignment between participants and exploring its neural correlates*", Phd in Computer Science (co-supervision with Prof. Leonor Becerra, AMU) - Hiro Yamasaki, "*Convergence during conversations: an interdisciplinary approach from language to the brain*", Phd in Cognitive Science (co-supervision with Prof. Daniele Schön, AMU) - Lilia Azrou, "*A Multi-layer model for text coherence*", Phd in Computer Science (co-supervision with Prof. Houda Oufaida, Algiers) *Already defended* - Giulia Rambelli (2022) "*Integrating Distributional and Constructional Approaches: Towards a new Model of Language Comprehension*", Phd in Linguistics (co-tutelle Prof. Alessandro Lenci, AMU - University of Pisa, Italy) - Emmanuele Chersoni (2018) "*Explaining Complexity in Human Language Processing: A Distributional Semantic Model*", Phd in Linguistics (co-tutelle Prof. Alessandro Lenci, AMU - University of Pisa, Italy) - Houda Oufaida (2017) Computer Science (co-supervision Prof. Omar Nouali, Algiers University) - Raja Bensalem (2017) Computer Science (co-tutelle Prof. Kais Haddar, University of Sfax, Tunisia) - Inès Zribi (2016) Computer Science (co-direction Prof. Lamia Belguith, University of Sfax, Tunisia) - Mathilde Guardiola (2014) Linguistics (co-supervision Dr Roxane Bertrand) - Mohamed Maaloul (2012) Computer Science (co-tutelle Prof. Lamia Belguith, University of Sfax, Tunisia) - Jean-Philippe Prost (2008) Computer Science, co-tutelle Prof. Diego Molla, Macquarie University, Australia) - Alain Régnier (2007) Linguistics, AMU - Laurianne Sitbon (2007) Computer Science (co-supervision Prof. Patrice Bellot, Université Avignon) - Marie-Laure Guénot (2006) Linguistics, AMU - Tristan Van Rullen (2005) Computer Science, AMU - Omar Nouali (2004) Computer Science, AMU - Sylvain N'Guéma (1998) Computer Science, Unversité d'Avignon (Français)
