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Affiliations actuelles
  • 441569
  • 474628
Identifiants chercheurs


Researcher unique identifier(s): EDUCATION 2000 Accreditation Diploma to Supervise Research (Habilitation, HDR), University of Orléans 1986 Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France 1984 Master Degree in Physical Chemistry, University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris, France CURRENT POSITION Research Director, Group leader, CNRS/ICARE Director of the Excellence Centre CAPRYSSES (Labex), Orléans, France until 12/2024 PREVIOUS POSITIONS 11/2016-12/2022 Director of ICARE, Orléans, France 2003–2006 Vice-Director of CNRS/LCSR, Group leader, CNRS, Orléans, France 1988–2002 Chargé de Recherche at CNRS, Orléans, France 1987–1988 Guest Researcher at the National Bureau of Standards (now NIST), Gaithersburg, USA FELLOWSHIPS AND AWARDS 2023, The International Prize for distinguished contributions to the international and Japanese combustion research community from the Combustion Society of Japan. 2018, Fellow of the Combustion Institute for Exceptional experimental and kinetic modeling contributions to combustion chemistry. 2018, ASME Turbo Expo Technical Conference Committee's Best Paper Award pour « Emission of carbonyl and polyaromatic hydrocarbon pollutants from the combustion of liquid fuels: Impact of biofuel blending ». P. Dagaut, Y. Bedjanian, G. Dayma, F. Foucher, B. Grosselin, M. Romanias, R. Shahla. 2017, The International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer’s Hartnett-Irvine Award, for best paper "More insight into cyclohexanone oxidation: jet-stirred reactor experiments and kinetic modeling" by S. Thion, Z. Serinyel, G. Dayma, P. Dagaut presented at the symposium, MCS 2017. 2016 A. Egerton Gold Medal, the Combustion Institute 2016 CNRS Silver Medal 2013-2016 Guest Professor, University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, Anhui, China 2011-2016 European Research Council Advanced Grant ‘2G-CSafe’ 1987 Prize Paul Laffitte “for best Ph.D. in Combustion”, the Combustion Institute French Section.

Domaines de recherche

Chimie théorique et/ou physique Milieux fluides et réactifs


Image document

A high pressure jet-stirred reactor study of di-iso-pentyl ether and detailed kinetic modelling

Giorgia Cenedese , Zeynep Serinyel , Maxence Lailliau , Guillaume Dayma , Philippe Dagaut
13th U. S. National Combustion Meeting, Central States Section of the Combustion Institute, Mar 2023, College Station, TX, United States
Communication dans un congrès hal-04087950v1