Notre-Dame de Paris: the contribution of (materials) science to the rebirth of a cathedral
Philippe Dillmann
E-MRS Spring meeting, E-MRS, May 2024, Strasbourg, France
Conference papers
Extracting information on ancient manufacturing techniques and exchange networks from metallic artefacts: a case study on arms and armour
Emilie Bérard
Solenn Réguer
Eddy Foy
Cristian Mocuta
Sebastian Schöder
SOLEIL Users’ Meeting, Jan 2024, Saint-Aubin, France
Conference papers
Déterminer les réseaux d'échanges des métaux ferreux dans les sociétés anciennes : une approche par les éléments traces
Philippe Dillmann
SPECTRATOM 2024, Jun 2024, Pau, France
Conference papers
The iron industry in the eastern half of the Pyrenees from Antiquity to the 17th century: new data and research perspectives
Gaspard Pagès
Alexandre Disser
Catherine Verna
Philippe Dillmann
Laurent Costa
Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Jernkontoret, Jun 2024, Falun, Sweden
Conference papers
Les fers médiévaux de Notre-Dame de Paris : chronologie, pratiques artisanales et économie du chantier
Mathilde Bernard
Maxime L'Héritier
Lucile Beck
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Aurélia Azéma
Journée d'étude annuelle de la SAFEMM, Oct 2023, CEA Saclay, France
Conference papers
Comprendre le paysage métallurgique antique et médiéval de la moitié orientale des Pyrénées à travers l’archéométrie
Gaspard Pagès
Alexandre Disser
Enrique Vega
Jean-Charles Méaudre
Eddy A Foy
séminaire Technique et science du Moyen Âge à la Renaissance, Apr 2023, Paris - ENS Ulm, France
Conference papers
New insight into the nature and origin of medieval ferrous artefact from non-invasive analyses and samples examination: the case of arms and armour manufacturing
Emilie Bérard
Solenn Réguer
Eddy Foy
Cristian Mocuta
Sebastian Schöder
Technart 2023, May 2023, Lisbon (Portugal), Portugal
Conference papers
New experimental approach for the metallurgical study of medieval ferrous artefact: the case of arms and armour manufacturing
Leila Galai
Emilie Bérard
Solenn Reguer
Eddy Foy
Cristian Mocuta
SR2A 2023 –10th International Conference on Synchrotron Radiation and Neutrons in Art and Archaeology, Nov 2023, Munich, Germany
Conference papers
Advantages and limitations of Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) to detect light elements in different ferrous cultural heritage objects
Sarah Richiero
Xueshi Bai
C. Comby-Zerbino
Philippe Dillmann
Nicolas Wilkie-Chancellier
International conference on analytical techniques in art and cultural heritage (TECHNART 2023), May 2023, Lisbonne, Portugal, France
Conference papers
Mobiliser les données de la recherche : Notre-Dame, un système d’information "monumental"
Pascal Liévaux
Philippe Dillmann
Rémi Fromont
Livio De Luca
Aline Magnien
Les Entretiens du patrimoine 2023, Nov 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Espaces de production et conditions de circulation des produits ferreux en Bourgogne Franche-Comté durant les âges du Fer et l'Antiquité
Valentina Valbi
Marion Berranger
Enrique Vega
Philippe Dillmann
XXIV colloque du GMPCA : Archéométrie 2023, Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie, Apr 2023, Nice, France
Conference papers
Metal as construction material in gothic architecture: chronology, provenance and uses of iron armatures in Notre-Dame de Paris
Mathilde Bernard
Maxime L'Héritier
Lucile Beck
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Aurélia Azéma
29th EAA Annual Meeting, Aug 2023, Belfast, Ireland
Conference papers
Études de provenance des objets ferreux, de la métallurgie aux statistiques : un état de la question
Philippe Dillmann
JOURNÉE THÉMATIQUE « MÉTALLURGIE HISTORIQUE », Fédération de Recherche FERMI CNRS, Dec 2023, Paris, France
Conference papers
Archaeometallurgy of iron. Some tentative global approaches
Philippe Dillmann
InARt2022, Jun 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Productions, usages, et qualités des alliages ferreux mis en œuvre dans le patrimoine bâti du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle
Maxime L'Héritier
Enrique Vega
Ivan Guillot
Philippe Dillmann
Matériaux 2022, Oct 2022, Lille, France
Conference papers
Qualités des alliages ferreux : une approche diachronique et statistique
Manon Gosselin
Yohann Tendero
Danielle Arribet-Deroin
Gaspard Pagès
Florian Téreygeol
11ème séance des Rencontres Interdisciplinaires sur les Métaux, Jan 2022, Cergy-Pontoise, France
Conference papers
Matériaux du patrimoine, compréhension du passé, prévision du futur : quelques exemples
Philippe Dillmann
Chimie et Notre-Dame: la science au service d'une résurrection, Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, Feb 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Extracting, smelting and exchanging copper at the Vilabouly Complex (Laos)
Mélissa Cadet
Thongsa Sayavongkhamdy
Viengkeo Souksavatdy
Thonglith Luangkhoth
Nigel Chang
Conference papers
Corrosion of carbon-steel casing used in deep geological radioactive waste storage
Annabelle Vernouillet
Charlotte Carré
Delphine Neff
Xavier Bourbon
Valérie Deydier
EuroCorr 2022 - the European Corrosion Congress 2022, Aug 2022, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
MiCorr : une application de support au diagnostic des métaux patrimoniaux
Valentina Valbi
Naima Gutknecht
Bernard Letourmy
Delphine D. Neff
Marion Berranger
Colloque Sfµ Junior, Société Française des Microscopies, Nov 2022, Orléans (France), France
Conference papers
Corrosion of carbon-steel casing used in deep geological radioactive waste storage
Annabelle Vernouillet
Charlotte Carré
Delphine Neff
Xavier Bourbon
Valérie Deydier
8th International Workshop on Long-term Prediction of Corrosion in Nuclear Waste Systems, Jun 2022, Baden, Switzerland
Conference papers
MiCorr application: a new support for the study of corrosion forms on ancient metal artifacts
Valentina Valbi
Naïma Gutknecht
Delphine D. Neff
Marion Berranger
Philippe Dillmann
EuroCorr 2022, Aug 2022, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
MiCorr, a transdisciplinary tool for the documentation and diagnosis of corrosion forms on heritage metal artefacts : building bridges between conservation professionals and materials scientists
Naima Gutknecht
Valentina Valbi
Delphine D. Neff
Marion Berranger
Philippe Dillmann
inArt2022 - 5th International Conference on Innovation in Art Research and Technology, Jun 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Characterisation and quantification of light elements in archaeological steels by Laser Induced-Breakdown Spectroscopy
Sarah Richiero
Xueshi Bai
Philippe Dillmann
Florian Téreygeol
Manon Gosselin
13th Conference on Lasers in the Conservation of Artworks (LACONA XIII), Sep 2022, Florence, Italy
Conference papers
L'industrie du fer dans la moitié orientale des Pyrénées (du Canigou au Couserans) de l'Antiquité au XVIIe s. : le programme FEDER FERMAPYR
Gaspard Pagès
Laurent Costa
Philippe Dillmann
Enrique Vega
Jean-Charles Méaudre
XXIIIe colloque du GMPCA (Groupe des Méthodes Pluridisciplinaires Contribuant à l’Archéologie), May 2022, Chambéry, France
Conference papers
Comportement mécanique des agrafes et tentative d’appréhension de leur rôle dans la structure de Notre-Dame
Maxime L'Héritier
Philippe Dillmann
Séminaire des groupes de travail du chantier scientifique Notre-Dame de Paris, Mar 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers
L'apport des analyses chimiques à la connaissance des armatures de fer de Notre-Dame de Paris
Maxime L'Héritier
Aurélia Azéma
Delphine Syvilay
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Philippe Dillmann
Chimie et Notre-Dame: la science au service d'une résurrection, Fondation de la Maison de la Chimie, Feb 2022, Paris, France
Conference papers
Study of the medieval mining tools of Castel-Minier (Pyrenees) in the European context between the 14th and 15th c.
Jean-Charles Méaudre
Florian Téreygeol
Manon Gosselin
Philippe Dillmann
History of old mining and metallurgy from prehistory into the modern age, Stříbrná Jihlava, République tchéque, 29 September to 1 October 2022, Petr Hrubý, Sep 2022, Jihlava, Czech Republic
Conference papers
La corrosion des structures en fonte dans les batiments du patrimoine industriel : le cas de l’usine Japy de Fonteneilles.
Valentina Valbi
Delphine D. Neff
Marion Berranger
Philippe Dillmann
Colloque Patrimoine industriel et matériaux anciens au regard de la transition écologique, Jun 2022, Belfort, France
Conference papers
A scientific yard next to the restoration yard of Notre-Dame de Paris
Philippe Dillmann
ECM33, Aug 2022, Versailles, France
Conference papers
Analysis and characterization of light elements in old ferrous metals
Sarah Richiero
Xueshi Bai
Philippe Dillmann
C. Comby-Zerbino
Benoit Mille
12th International Conference on Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS2022), Sep 2022, Bari, Italy
Conference papers
Glass-Iron-Claystone interactions: a study relying on characterizations and geochemical modeling
Alexis Delanoë
Charly Carrière
Philippe Dillmann
Delphine D. Neff
C. Martin
8th International Workshop on Long-term Prediction of Corrosion in Nuclear Waste Systems, Jun 2022, Baden, Switzerland
Conference papers
Etude de la préparation d’échantillons pour la caractérisation d’aciers archéologiques
Sarah Richiero
Xueshi Bai
Philippe Dillmann
Florian Téreygeol
Nicolas Wilkie-Chancellier
Journées LIBS France 2022, Jun 2022, Marseille, France
Conference papers
Glass/iron/claystone interactions of nuclear waste package: a multi-scale study relying on characterizations and geochemical modeling
Alexis Delanoë
Charly Carrière
Philippe Dillmann
Delphine D. Neff
Olivier Bildstein
Eurocorr 2021, Sep 2021, Budapest, France
Conference papers
Des nouvelles des recherches archéométallurgiques à Notre-Dame de Paris
Maxime L'Héritier
Aurélia Azema
Delphine Syvilay
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Ivan Guillot
Journées d’études de la SAFEMM 2021, Oct 2021, Moulis, France
Conference papers
Organic inhibitors for copper artefacts: a multi-scale multi-analytical approach to understand the protection mechanism
Erika Ferrari
Tua Tran-Thi
Delphine D. Neff
Marine Bayle
Eddy Foy
Eurocorr 2021, Sep 2021, Budapest (HO), France
Conference papers
Production et circulation des métaux ferreux dans les sociétés anciennes : une approche archéométrique
Philippe Dillmann
Seminaire HAute Ecole Arc Neuchatel, Haute Ecole Arc Neuchatel, Oct 2021, Neuchatel, Switzerland
Conference papers
Using iron corrosion product multi-technique analyses to trace the temperature of ancient fires: methodology and application to Notre-Dame in Paris
Delphine D. Neff
Philippe Dillmann
Delphine Syvilay
Aurélia Azema
Maxime L'Héritier
European Archaeology Conference 2021, Sep 2021, Kiel (online), Germany
Conference papers
Microstructure et comportement mécanique des barres de fer antiques des épaves des Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)
Manon Gosselin
Maxence Fallait
Gaspard Pagès
Florian Téreygeol
Philippe Chevalier
Journées annuelles de la SF2M (Société Française de Métallurgie et de Matériaux), 2021, Visioconférence, France
Conference papers
Le fer dans la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris
Maxime L'Héritier
Aurélia Azema
Delphine Syvilay
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Ivan Guillot
Du terrain au laboratoire : fouilles et recherches récentes sur les structures métallurgiques et métalliques, Journée d’étude du Groupe de contact du FNRS « Arts et techniques métallurgiques pré-industriels. Étude et conservation », Sébastien Clerbois et Philippe Sosnowska, Dec 2021, Liège (online), Belgique
Conference papers
Quantitative mapping of carbon content in archaeological ferrous metals with laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy
Xueshi Bai
Manon Gosselin
Philippe Dillmann
Florian Téreygeol
Hortense Allégre
Optics for Arts, Architecture, and Archaeology (O3A) VIII, Jun 2021, Online Only, France. pp.117840Y, ⟨10.1117/12.2592414⟩
Conference papers
L’histoire de la sidérurgie. Un terrain expérimental
Catherine Verna
Philippe Dillmann
Gaspard Pagès
Atelier concept du GDR 2092 Techniques et production dans l'histoire (TPH) Archéométrie et histoire des techniques, 2021, Nanterre (MSH Mondes), France
Conference papers
From the ashes: unprecedented archaeometallurgical investigations in Notre-Dame de Paris following the fire
Maxime L'Héritier
Aurélia Azema
Delphine Syvilay
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Ivan Guillot
27th Annual Meeting of European Association of Archaeologists (EAA 2021) Widening Horizons, Sep 2021, Kiel, Germany
Conference papers
Le fer et la cathédrale, "Productions, usages et qualités des alliages ferreux mis en oeuvre dans la construction du Moyen Âge au XIXe siècle"
Maxime L'Héritier
Enrique Vega
Ivan Guillot
Philippe Dillmann
colloque de la Société Française de Métallurgie et des Matériaux, Oct 2021, Caen (en ligne), France
Conference papers
Archaeometallurgical investigations in Notre-Dame de Paris: research in progress on construction iron and lead after the fire
Maxime L'Héritier
Aurélia Azema
Delphine Syvilay
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Ivan Guillot
Historical Metallurgy Society Research In Progress conference, Nov 2021, Aarhus, Denmark
Conference papers
Nuclear waste glass/iron/clay interactions: a multi-scale study relying on characterization and geochemical modeling
Alexis Delanoë
Charly Carrière
Philippe Dillmann
Delphine D. Neff
Olivier Bildstein
Eurocorr 2020, Sep 2020, En ligne, France
Conference papers
In situ Glass-Iron-Argillite alteration at the Andra’s Underground Research Laboratory (Bure): experiments carried out for 2, 4 and 8 years
Charly Carrière
Delphine D. Neff
Eddy Foy
James J Dynes
Nicolas Nuns
Eurocorr 2020, Sep 2020, En ligne, France
Conference papers
Corrosion protection of copper and bronze statuary by carboxylates-doped sol-gel coatings
Sylvia Lob
Tuoa Tran-Thi
Delphine D. Neff
Christine Richter
Philippe Dillmann
Eurocorr 2020, Sep 2020, En ligne, France
Conference papers
Les armatures de fer à Notre-Dame Nouvelles découvertes et projets d’étude
Maxime L'Héritier
Aurélia Azéma
Delphine Syvilay
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Delphine D. Neff
Colloque Chantier scientifique Notre-Dame : état des lieux et perspectives, Oct 2020, Paris, France
Conference papers
Revealing the materials and production techniques of european historical copper-based seal matrices
Manon Castelle
Enrique Vega
Philippe Dillmann
Clément Blanc
Ambre Vilain
Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2019, Jun 2019, Miskolc, Hungary
Conference papers
Qualités des alliages ferreux : une approche diachronique et statistique
Manon Gosselin
Yohann Tendero
Danielle Arribet-Deroin
Florian Téreygeol
Gaspard Pagès
Séminaire Matérialité (DYPAC), Apr 2019, Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines, France
Conference papers
Organisation of armor production in 16th century armorer workshops: the example of Valentin Siebenbürger
Emilie Bérard
Catherine Verna
Valerie Toureille
Alan Williams
Philippe Dillmann
Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Jun 2019, Miskolc, Hungary
Conference papers
A late prehistoric copper production in central Laos: The Vilabouly complex -technological reconstruction and exchanges
Mélissa Cadet
Viengkeo Souksavatdy
Thonglith Luangkhoth
Nigel Chang
Paolo Piccardo
Archaeometallurgy in Europe 2019, Jun 2019, Miskolc, Hungary
Conference papers
Organic corrosion inhibitors for copper-based artefacts: investigating the mechanism of interaction with an historical corrosion layer
Erika Ferrari
Delphine D. Neff
Marine Bayle
Eddy A Foy
Jean-Paul Gallien
The European Corrosion Congress - EUROCORR 2019, Sep 2019, Séville, Spain
Conference papers
A Diachronic and Statistic Approach of Qualities of Ferrous Alloys: Toward an Automatic Algorithm ?
Manon Gosselin
Yohann Tendero
Sylvain Bauvais
Danielle Arribet-Deroin
Gaspard Pagès
5th international conference, Archaeometallurgy in Europe, Jun 2019, Miskole, Hungary
Conference papers
Les qualités de fer du monde romain occidental.
Gaspard Pagès
Manon Gosselin
Philippe Dillmann
Enrique Vega
I. Guillot
22ème colloque du GMPCA, May 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Influence of environmental parameters and metal microstucture on the corrosion mechanisms of iron anoxic media
Hélène Lotz
Delphine D. Neff
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
Christian Bataillon
Ludovic Tortech
EuroCorr 2019, Sep 2019, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Armour, nails, rust, slag and chemistry : a review of ten years of innovative interdisciplinary research on heritagemetals and some perspectives
Philippe Dillmann
Rencontre mondiale Patrimoines, Sciences et Technologies, Feb 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
Approvisionnement du chantier et usage du fer dans la construction gothique : méthodes et résultats. L’exemple de la cathédrale de Metz
Alexandre Disser
Maxime L'Héritier
Philippe Dillmann
Marc Leroy
Archéologie de la construction dans le Grand-Est (ArCoGE), Sep 2019, Nancy, France
Conference papers
Barra ferri rotonda in Castel-Minier in the XVth century: from the semi- product to final object, a morphological and metallographic study
Manon Gosselin
Jean-Charles Méaudre
Yohann Tendero
Philippe Dillmann
Florian Téreygeol
Archaemetallurgy in Europe 2019, Jun 2019, Miskolch, Hungary
Conference papers
Quelle recherche autour de l’édifice et du chantier de restauration de Notre- Dame ?
Philippe Dillmann
Pascal Lievaux
Le chantier cathédral en Europe 23-25 octobre 2019, Oct 2019, Paris, France
Conference papers
The challenge of Heritage copper objects analysis by electron spectroscopies: stability to UHV and irradiation
Maëva L'Héronde
Muriel Bouttemy
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
Delphine D. Neff
Arnaud Etcheberry
E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, May 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers
Multiscale study of interactions between the corrosion product layer formed on heritage copper objects and organic protection treatments
Maëva L'Héronde
Muriel Bouttemy
Delphine D. Neff
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
Emilande Apchain
E-MRS Spring Meeting 2019, May 2019, Nice, France
Conference papers
La datation directe d’alliages ferreux par le carbone 14 : les renforts architecturaux et les armatures de statues en bronze étudiés dans le cadre du projet ANR IRANGKOR, le fer à Angkor
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Stéphanie Leroy
Brice Vincent
Mitch Hendrickson
Jean-Pascal Dumoulin
22ème Colloque du GMPCA, May 2019, Montréal, Canada
Conference papers
Influence of environmental parameters and metal microstucture on the corrosion mechanisms of iron anoxic media
Hélène Lotz
Delphine D. Neff
Florence Mercier
Christian Bataillon
Ludovic Tortech
Eurocorr 2019, Sep 2019, Séville, Spain
Conference papers
Application of ToF-SIMS for sulfur isotopic fractionation in sulfide phases of iron corrosion layers: determination of bacterial impact on the formation of these phases
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
Nicolas Nuns
Delphine D. Neff
Laurent Urios
Gallien Jean-Paul
EuroCorr 2019, Sep 2019, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Molecular structure of bacterial biofilms involved in iron biocorrosion
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
C. Berthomieu
Virginie Chapon
Jean-Paul Gallien
Laurent Urios
EuroCorr 2019, Sep 2019, Seville, Spain
Conference papers
Etude multi-échelles des interactions entre la couche de produits de corrosion formés sur des objets en cuivre du patrimoine et les traitements de protection organique
Maëva L'Héronde
Emilande Apchain
Delphine D. Neff
Muriel Bouttemy
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
ELSPEC 2018, Jun 2018, Biarritz, France
Conference papers
Electronic properties of iron corrosion product layers at the nanometer scale
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
Ludovic Tortech
Delphine D. Neff
Hélène Lotz
Eddy Foy
EuroCorr 18, Sep 2018, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
Influence of environmental parameters and metal microstucture on the corrosion mechanisms of iron anoxic argileous media
Hélène Lotz
Delphine D. Neff
Florence F. Mercier-Bion
Christian Bataillon
Eddy Foy
Eurocorr 2018, Sep 2018, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
Ferrous Alloys Quality from Antiquity to Middle Age: A Statistical and Diachronic Approach
Manon Gosselin
Yohann Tendero
Danielle Arribet-Deroin
Florian Téreygeol
Gaspard Pagès
Workshop Young Researchers in Archaeometry, Sep 2018, Berlin, Germany
Conference papers
Development of an analytical methodology for the study of organic protection treatments for copper alloys
Emilande Apchain
Delphine D. Neff
Annick Texier
Aurélia Azéma
François Mirambet
EuroCorr2018, Sep 2018, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
Absolute dating of iron reinforcements in French gothic cathedrals
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Stéphanie Leroy
Maxime L'Héritier
Jean-Pascal Dumoulin
I Caffy
23rd International Radiocarbon Conference, Jun 2018, Trondheim, Norway
Conference papers
New Insights for Provenance Studies of Iron Artifacts
Philippe Dillmann
Stéphanie Leroy
Sylvain Bauvais
Maxime L'Héritier
Alexandre Disser
Society of American Archaeologists 83rd annual meeting, Apr 2018, Washington, United States
Conference papers
IRANGKOR Project: Production, Trade and Consumption of Iron in the Khmer Empire, Cambodia (9th to 15th c. CE)
Stéphanie Leroy
Mitch Hendrickson
Emmanuelle Delque-Količ
Enrique Vega
Philippe Dillmann
Society of American Archaeologists 83rd annual meeting, Apr 2018, Washington DC, United States
Conference papers
Development of an analytical methodology for the study of organic protection treatments for opper alloys
Emilande Apchain
Delphine D. Neff
Annick Texier
Aurélia Azéma
François Mirambet
Eurocorr 2018, Sep 2018, Krakow, Poland
Conference papers
QUALIFE -- Qualité des alliages ferreux : une approche diachronique et statistique
Manon Gosselin
Florian Téreygeol
Gaspard Pagès
Danielle Arribet-Deroin
Yohann Tendero
« Du laboratoire au musée » Rencontre du DIM Matériaux Anciens et Patrimoniaux, Jun 2018, Paris, France
Conference papers
An integrated archaeometallurgical typology of architectural crampons as a method for reconstructing the iron economy of Angkor, Cambodia (10th to 13th c.)
Stéphanie Leroy
Mitch Hendrickson
Enrique Vega
Théo Blanchet
Sylvain Bauvais
Iron in Archaeology: Bloomery Smelters and Blacksmiths in Europe and Beyond, May 2017, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Iron in mediaeval monuments: results of 15 years of reserach and new perspectives
Philippe Dillmann
Maxime L’héritier
Alexandre Disser
Stéphanie Leroy
Enrique Vega
Iron in Archaeology: Bloomery Smelters and Blacksmiths in Europe and Beyond, May 2017, Praha, Czech Republic
Conference papers
Les espaces de réduction du fer en Bourgogne-Franche-Comté avant le haut fourneau.
Marion Berranger
Laurent Herve
Sylvie Laurent-Corsini
Pierre Nouvel
Philippe Fluzin
Actes des Journées régionales de l’archéologie de Bourgogne-Franche-Comté, Nov 2017, Besançon, France
Conference papers