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Philippe Teste



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Arc root dynamics in the context of lightning strikes to aircraft

Vincent Andraud , R Sousa Martins , Clément Zaepffel , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Teste
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2024, 57 (17), pp.175204. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/ad2223⟩
Journal articles hal-04488553v1
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Experimental Study and Phenomenological Laws of Some Nonlinear Behaviours of the Wheel–Rail Contact Associated with the Deshunting Phenomenon

Guy-Léon Kaza , Frédéric Houzé , Florent Loëte , Philippe Teste
Applied Sciences, 2023, 13 (21), pp.11752. ⟨10.3390/app132111752⟩
Journal articles hal-04297829v1
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Physical properties of the swept arc channel in the context of lightning strikes to aircraft

Vincent Andraud , R Sousa Martins , Clément Zaepffel , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Teste
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2023, 56 (39), pp.395202. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/acdfdd⟩
Journal articles hal-04149070v1
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Enhancing railway network safety by reproducing wheel–rail electrical contact on a laboratory scale

Luna Haydar , Florent Loete , Frédéric Houzé , Tanguy Choupin , Fabien Guiche
Applied Sciences, 2023, 13 (18), pp.10253. ⟨10.3390/app131810253⟩
Journal articles hal-04207532v1

A fast-modeling algorithm to predict the thermo-field emission and thermal stability of field emitter arrays

Darius Mofakhami , Benjamin Seznec , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Teste , Philippe Dessante
Journal of Applied Physics, 2022, 132 (24), pp.243302. ⟨10.1063/5.0116717⟩
Journal articles hal-03943828v1
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Development of a low voltage railgun in the context of a swept lightning stroke on an aircraft

Vincent Andraud , Rafael Sousa Martins , Clément Zaepffel , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Teste
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2022, 93 (8), pp.084705. ⟨10.1063/5.0085925⟩
Journal articles hal-03811303v1
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Determination of the Power Balance for Thin Ag-SnO2 Electrodes Submitted to an Electric Arc Based on IR Thermography

Romaric Landfried , Mohamed Boukhlifa , Frédéric Houzé , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Teste
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2022, ⟨10.1109/TCPMT.2022.3212471⟩
Journal articles hal-03800996v1
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Unveiling the Nottingham Inversion Instability during the thermo-field emission from refractory metal micro-protrusions

Benjamin Seznec , Darius Mofakhami , Tiberiu Minea , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Testé
Scientific Reports, 2021, 11, pp.15182. ⟨10.1038/s41598-021-94443-7⟩
Journal articles hal-03335842v1
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Design and implementation of DC-to-DC converter topology for current regulated lightning generator

Vincent Andraud , Rafael Sousa Martins , Clément Zaepffel , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Teste
Review of Scientific Instruments, 2021, 92 (10), pp.104709. ⟨10.1063/5.0060247⟩
Journal articles hal-03472078v1

Thermal effects in field electron emission from idealized arrangements of independent and interacting micro-protrusions

Darius Mofakhami , Benjamin Seznec , Tiberiu Minea , Philippe Teste , Romaric Landfried
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2021, 54 (23), pp.235305. ⟨10.1088/1361-6463/abd9e9⟩
Journal articles hal-03216776v1

Effect of space charge on vacuum pre-breakdown voltage and electron emission current

Benjamin Seznec , Philippe Dessante , Philippe Teste , Tiberiu Minea
Journal of Applied Physics, 2021, 129 (15), pp.155102. ⟨10.1063/5.0046135⟩
Journal articles hal-03216749v1
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Estimation of the power flux supplied by an electric arc to Ag-SnO2 electrodes based on cross-section observations of the melted zone

Aurélien Fouque , Georges Cailletaud , Alexandre Bonhomme , François Chaudot , Vladimir A. Esin
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2020, 89 (2), pp.20901. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2020190222⟩
Journal articles hal-02903887v1

Stability, spatial extension and extinction of an electric arc in aeronautical conditions of pressure under 540 VDC

Romaric Landfried , Mohamed Boukhlifa , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Teste , Jonathan Andrea
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2019, 87 (3), pp.30901. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2019190029⟩
Journal articles hal-02331422v1

Contribution to the Analysis of PWM Inverter Parameters: Influence on the Partial Discharge Inception Voltage

Loucif Benmamas , Philippe Teste , Guillaume Krebs , Tahar Hamiti , E. Odic
IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 2019, 26 (1), pp.146 - 152. ⟨10.1109/TDEI.2018.007787⟩
Journal articles hal-02322325v1

Dynamics of microparticles in vacuum breakdown: Cranberg’s scenario updated by numerical modeling

Benjamin Seznec , Philippe Dessante , T. Jager , L. Caillault , Philippe Teste
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams, 2017, 20 (7), pp.073501. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevAccelBeams.20.073501⟩
Journal articles hal-01645851v1

Influence of ambient gas pressure and carbon adsorption on dark current emission from a cathode

Maykel Márquez-Mijares , Bruno Lepetit , Didier Lemoine , Khaled Almaksour , Mike J. Kirkpatrick
Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures, 2016, 34 (6), ⟨10.1116/1.4966621⟩
Journal articles hal-01415362v1

Controlled electron emission and vacuum breakdown with nanosecond pulses

B Seznec , Philippe Dessante , L Caillault , J-L Babigeon , Philippe Testé
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 2016, 49 (23), ⟨10.1088/0022-3727/49/23/235502⟩
Journal articles hal-01415377v1
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R&D around a photoneutralizer-based NBI system (Siphore) in view of a DEMO Tokamak steady state fusion reactor

A. Simonin , Jocelyn Achard , K. Achkasov , Stéphane Béchu , C. Baudouin
Nuclear Fusion, 2015, 55 (12), pp.123020. ⟨10.1088/0029-5515/55/12/123020⟩
Journal articles hal-02381781v1

Cathode Surface Morphology Effects on Field Emission: Vacuum Breakdown Creation of Field Emitters

Khaled Almaksour , Michael Joseph Kirkpatrick , Emmanuel Odic , Philippe Dessante , Philippe Teste
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, 42 (10), pp.2582-2583. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2014.2319393⟩
Journal articles hal-01073063v1
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Experimental study of the reduction of field emission by gas injection in vacuum for accelerator applications

K Almaksour , Michael J. Kirkpatrick , Ph Dessante , E. Odic , A Simonin
Physical Review Special Topics: Accelerators and Beams, 2014, 17, pp.103502. ⟨10.1103/PhysRevSTAB.17.103502⟩
Journal articles hal-01078131v1

Power balance at a copper electrode submitted to a non-stationary electric arc in air. Measurement of the amount of liquid metal created and modeling of the heating

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Testé
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2014, 66 (2), pp.20801. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2014130409⟩
Journal articles hal-01099244v1

Parametric study of electric arcs in aeronautical condition of pressure

Romaric Landfried , Laurent Savi , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Teste
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2014, 67 (2), pp.20802. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2014140065⟩
Journal articles hal-01099243v1

Temperature Measurement of Tungsten Electrode Surface at Electric Arc Extinction in Air-Power Flux Estimation

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Laurent Savi , Philippe Teste
IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology. Part A, Manufacturing Technology, 2014, 4 (10), pp.1606 - 1612. ⟨10.1109/tcpmt.2014.2343792⟩
Journal articles hal-01083426v1

Parametric Study of the Current-Voltage Characteristics of a 100-mbar DC Discharge in Argon: From the Diffuse Glow Discharge to the Arc Regime

Romaric Landfried , R. Andlauer , Philippe Dessante , Mike Kirkpatrick , Thierry Leblanc
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2013, 41 (8), pp.2400-2407. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2013.2273002⟩
Journal articles hal-00858144v1

Assessment of the power balance at a copper cathode submitted to an electric arc by surface temperature measurements and numerical modelling

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Mike Kirkpatrick , Philippe Testé
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2012, 40 (4), pp.1205-1216. ⟨10.1109/TPS.2012.2185069⟩
Journal articles hal-00777866v1
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Measurement of the amount of liquid and vapour created by an electric arc on an electrode - case of Ag and AgSnO electrodes

Ph. Teste , R. Andlauer , T. Leblanc
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 55 (1), ⟨10.1051/epjap/2011100407⟩
Journal articles hal-00719812v1

Experimental assessment of the surface temperature of copper electrodes submitted to an electric arc in air at atmospheric pressure

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer , Philippe Testé
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2011, 275 (1), pp.012004. ⟨10.1088/1742-6596/275/1/012004⟩
Journal articles hal-00710608v1
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Surface temperature measurement of a copper anode submitted to a non-stationary electric arc in air

R. Landfried , T. Leblanc , R. Andlauer , Ph. Teste
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 56 (3), pp.30801. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2011110058⟩
Journal articles hal-00751654v1

Measurement of the amount of liquid and vapour created by an electric arc on an electrode - case of Ag and AgSnO2 electrodes

Philippe Testé , Richard Andlauer , Thierry Leblanc
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 55 (1), pp.10802. ⟨10.1051/epjap/2011100407⟩
Journal articles hal-00710604v1

Surface temperature measurement of a copper anode submitted to a non-stationary electric arc in air

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer , Philippe Testé
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2011, 56 (3), 30801 (10 p.). ⟨10.1051/epjap/2011110058⟩
Journal articles hal-00710607v1

General properties of high current switching under 36 V DC for Ag and AgSnO2 contacts

Philippe Testé , Richard Andlauer , Thierry Leblanc
IET Science, Measurement & Technology, 2010, 4 (3), pp.156-168. ⟨10.1049/iet-smt.2009.0035⟩
Journal articles hal-00554769v1

Influence of the tip effect of a carbon nanostructure on low current electrical arc initiation

Brice de Fonseca , Jérôme Rossignol , Eric Bourillot , Philippe Testé
Materials Letters, 2009, 63 (30), pp. 2611-2614. ⟨10.1016/j.matlet.2009.09.011⟩
Journal articles hal-00444498v1

A first attempt to connect a microscopic vision of the cathoe fragment and micro spot with a macroscopic approach of the cathode arc root: a multi-scale problem

Philippe Testé , J. Rossignol
High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes, 2008, 12, pp.43
Journal articles hal-00351352v1

Contribution to the assessment of the power balance at the electrodes of an electric arc in air

Philippe Testé , J. Rossignol , Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer
Plasma Sources Science and Technology, 2008, 17, pp.035001
Journal articles hal-00351350v1

Study of the properties of high intensity switching under 36 V dc. Influence of the contact material

Philippe Testé , Thomas Klonowski , Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2008, 41, pp.251
Journal articles hal-00351333v1

An experimental study of the interaction between cathodic micrometer tips and an electric arc

J. Rossignol , Philippe Testé , B. da Fonseca , E. Bourillot
High Temperature Material Processes: An International Quarterly of High-Technology Plasma Processes, 2008, 12, pp.59
Journal articles hal-00351353v1

High intensity contact opening under 36 VDC voltage Application for mild hybrid vehicles

Thomas Klonowsky , Richard Andlauer , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Testé
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2007, 56 (4), pp.2017-2028
Journal articles hal-00320355v1

A mechanical, electrical, thermal coupled-field simulation of a sphere-plane electrical contact

Arnaud Monnier , B. Froidurot , C. Jarrige , René Meyer , Philippe Testé
IEEE Transactions on Components and Packaging Technologies, 2007, 30, pp.787-795
Journal articles hal-00320362v1

Power balance at the cathode of an electric arc burning in argon – A spectroscopic approach and a thermal model

Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer , Philippe Testé
European Physical Journal: Applied Physics, 2005, 29, pp.0
Journal articles hal-00320219v1

Some improvements concerning the modelling of the cathodic zone of an electric arc (ion incidence on electron emission and "cooling effect")

Philippe Teste , J.-P. Chabrerie
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 1996, 29 (3), pp.697
Journal articles hal-02285977v1
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The study of thermal processes in an electrode submitted to an electric arc

J. Devautour , J. Chabrerie , Ph. Testé
Journal de Physique III, 1993, 3 (6), pp.1157-1166. ⟨10.1051/jp3:1993191⟩
Journal articles jpa-00248989v1
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Comportement électrique et tribologique des contacts glissants or/or d’un collecteur tournant type cil/bague

Corentin Ferreira , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Manon Isard , Sophie Noël , Frédéric Houzé
34èmes Journées Internationales Francophones de Tribologie, May 2023, Lille, France. pp. 44-46
Conference papers hal-04128765v1
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Electrical and tribological behaviour of gold/gold sliding contacts of the wire/ring type for slip ring applications

Corentin Ferreira , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Manon Isard , Sophie Noël , Frédéric Houzé
68th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2023, Seattle (USA), Washington, United States. pp.278-284, ⟨10.1109/HOLM56075.2023.10352303⟩
Conference papers hal-04207904v1
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A wheel-rail electrical contact experiment at the laboratory scale

Luna Haydar , Florent Loete , Frédéric Houzé , Philippe Teste , Tanguy Choupin
4th International Railway Symposium Aachen (IRSA 2023), Nov 2023, Aachen (Aix la Chapelle), Germany
Conference papers hal-04214192v1
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Description des phénomènes liés à un amorçage humide d'un défaut d'arc électrique

Yousra Aichoun , Thierry Leblanc , Mohamed Boukhlifa , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Teste
5ème Symposium de Génie Électrique (SGE 2023), Jul 2023, Lille, France. p. 59 - id450791
Conference papers hal-04274251v1

Characterization of innovative sol-gel coatings by electrical and mechanical measurements by atomic force microscopy techniques

Julien Acquadro , Sophie Noël , Pascal Chrétien , Frédéric Houzé , Philippe Testé
SOL-GEL 2022, Jul 2022, Lyon, France
Conference papers hal-03843900v1
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Innovative sol-gel coatings for corrosion protection of connector housings

Julien Acquadro , Sophie Noël , Pascal Chrétien , Frédéric Houzé , Philippe Teste
67th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2022, Tampa, FL, United States. ⟨10.1109/HLM54538.2022.9969778⟩
Conference papers hal-03801186v1
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Observation of arc fault in aeronautical conditions

Mohamed Boukhlifa , Romaric Landfried , Thomas Klonowski , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Teste
MEA 2021 More Electric Aircraft, 3AF & SEE, Oct 2021, Bordeaux, France. pp.P2.10
Conference papers hal-03451497v1
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Relative contributions to the emission within bundles of carbon nanocone emitters

Darius Mofakhami , Philippe Dessante , Philippe Teste , Romaric Landfried , Tiberiu Minea
33th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC 2020), Jul 2020, Lyon, France. ⟨10.1109/IVNC49440.2020.9203448⟩
Conference papers hal-02985178v1
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Effect of space charge on the vacuum electron emission from a microtip

Benjamin Seznec , Tiberiu Minea , Philippe Dessante , Philippe Teste
33rd International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC 2020), Jul 2020, Lyon, France. ⟨10.1109/IVNC49440.2020.9203091⟩
Conference papers hal-02985179v1

Spatial extension of electric arcs in aeronautical pressure conditions

M. Boukhlifa , Jonathan Andrea , Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Teste
More Electrical Aircraft conference, 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02287184v1

Proposition d’une méthode visant à estimer l’énergie apportée par un arc à une anode en Ag-SnO2

Aurélien Fouque , Alexandre Bonhomme , Georges Cailletaud , François Chaudot , Vladimir A. Esin
14ème Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques, Mar 2019, Bourges, France
Conference papers hal-02152896v1

Characterization of HVDC contactors in depressurized environment

Thomas Klonowski , Fabien Mercier-Calvairac , Florence Etchenique , M. Boukhlifa , Romaric Landfried
More electrical aircraft conference, Feb 2019, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02331458v1
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Observation of metallurgical changes induced by an electric arc to Ag-SnO2-CuO electrodes

Aurélien Fouque , Georges Cailletaud , Vladimir A. Esin , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Testé
65th IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Sep 2019, Milwaukee, United States. pp.239-244, ⟨10.1109/HOLM.2019.8923681⟩
Conference papers hal-02155532v1

The impact of pressure on electric arcs switch-off

M. Boukhlifa , Jonathan Andrea , Thomas Klonowski , Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc
IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, 2019, Milwaukee, United States
Conference papers hal-02287139v1

Contribution to the study of the electric arc displacement

M. Boukhlifa , Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Teste
High Tech Plasma Processes, Jul 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-02376066v1

Interaction between electric arc and Ag-SnO2 electrodes

Aurélien Fouque , Georges Cailletaud , Vladimir A. Esin , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Testé
15th International High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP2018), Jul 2018, Toulouse, France
Conference papers hal-01927303v1

Power flux brought by an electric arc on AgSnO2 electrodes

Romaric Landfried , Frédéric Houzé , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Philippe.Teste@supelec.Fr Teste
63rd IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Sep 2017, Denver, United States. pp.204-207, ⟨10.1109/holm.2017.8088087⟩
Conference papers hal-01591486v1

Étude expérimentale du contact électrique roue/rail

Florent Loete , Guy-Leon Kaza , Philippe Testé , Romaric Landfried , Frédéric Houzé
XIIIème Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques et Workshop Arcs et Contacts Electriques (CAE XIII ACE 2017), Mar 2017, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01481567v1

Modeling of the electron emission by picosecond lasers under an intense electric field in vacuum

Benjamin Seznec , Valentin Gerard , Tiberiu Minea , Philippe Dessante , Philippe Testé
2017 30th International Vacuum Nanoelectronics Conference (IVNC), Jul 2017, Regensburg, Germany. pp.92-93, ⟨10.1109/IVNC.2017.8051559⟩
Conference papers hal-02402490v1

Détermination des caractéristiques du flux de puissance apporté à des électrodes en AgSnO2 par un arc non stationnaire dans l’air

Philippe Testé , Romaric Landfried , Frédéric Houzé , Aurélien Fouque , Georges Cailletaud
XIIIème Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques et Workshop Arcs et Contacts Electriques (CAE XIII ACE 2017), Mar 2017, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01481584v1
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Contribution to partial discharge analysis in inverter-fed motor windings for automotive application

Loucif Benmamas , Philippe Testé , Guillaume Krebs , Emmanuel Odic , Franck Vangraefschepe
2017 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Jun 2017, Baltimore, United States. pp.348-351, ⟨10.1109/EIC.2017.8004701⟩
Conference papers hal-02404687v1

Arcing fault in aircraft distribution network

J. Andrea , M. Buffo , E. Guillard , R. Landfried , R. Boukadoum
2017 IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Sep 2017, Denver, United States. pp.317-324, ⟨10.1109/HOLM.2017.8088106⟩
Conference papers hal-02404750v1

Comparison of the effect of different types of aging on partial discharge inception voltage in aerospace power connectors

R. Boukadoum , R. Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , E. Odic , Philippe Teste
2017 IEEE Electrical Insulation Conference (EIC), Jun 2017, Baltimore, United States. pp.165-168, ⟨10.1109/EIC.2017.8004702⟩
Conference papers hal-02404763v1
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Validation d'un modèle de bobinage par analyse fréquentielle et temporelle

Loucif Benmamas , Philippe Teste , Franck Vangraefschepe , Guillaume Krebs , Emmanuel Odic
2nd Symposium de Génie Électrique (SGE 2016), Jun 2016, Grenoble, France
Conference papers hal-01361681v1
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Development of a compact bushing for NBI

H. de Esch , A. Simonin , C. Grand , Bruno Lepetit , Didier Lemoine
FIFTH INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON NEGATIVE IONS, BEAMS AND SOURCES (NIBS 2016), Sep 2016, Oxford, United Kingdom. pp.060003, ⟨10.1063/1.4995790⟩
Conference papers hal-02071160v1

Model of an electric arc for circuit analysis

Jonathan Andrea , Marc Bournat , Romaric Landfried , Philippe Testé , Serge Weber
28th International Conference on Electric Contacts ICEC 2016, Jun 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.361 - 366
Conference papers hal-01335278v1

High current arc behaviour between steel plates: An insight into the deion

Gauthier Déplaude , Patrice Joyeux , Philippe Teste
28th International Conference on Electric Contacts, ICEC 2016, Jun 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference papers hal-02407881v1

Simple 1D model of a short gap DC electric arc in in aeronautical pressure conditions

Redouane Boukadoum , A. Barbet , Philippe Dessante , R. Landfried , Thierry Leblanc
2016 IEEE 62nd IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts (Holm), Oct 2016, Clearwater Beach, United States. pp.179-186, ⟨10.1109/HOLM.2016.7780029⟩
Conference papers hal-02402476v1

Les arcs électriques en condition aéronautique

Romaric Landfried , Philippe Testé
Workshop Arcs et Contacts Électriques- Approche Physique et Applications (ACE 2015), Jun 2015, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-01284639v1

Three-level multi-scale modeling of electrical contacts - sensitivity study and experimental validation

Vladislav Yastrebov , Georges Cailletaud , Sophie Noël , Frederick Sorel Mballa-Mballa Mballa Mballa , Henry Proudhon
61st IEEE Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2015, San Diego, United States. pp.414-422, ⟨10.1109/HOLM.2015.7355130⟩
Conference papers hal-01218663v1

Measurement of the amount of liquid created by an electric arc : case of copper anode - Assessment of the power balance

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Testé
ICEC 2014, ETG Energietechnische Gesells. im VDE ITG Informationstechnische Gesells. im VDE, Jun 2014, Dresden, Germany. pp.357 - 360
Conference papers hal-01099236v1

Multi-physical contact between elastic and elasto-plastic solids with fractal surfaces

Vladislav Yastrebov , G. Anciaux , Frederick Mballa Mballa , Georges Cailletaud , Jean-François Molinari
MMM 2014, Oct 2014, Berkeley, United States. pp.284
Conference papers hal-01099232v1

Mechanisms for the effects of residual pressure on field emission in vacuum

Mike Kirkpatrick , Khaled Almousa Almaksour , Emmanuel Odic , Philippe Dessante , Philippe Testé
ICOPS/BEAMS 2014, May 2014, Washington, United States
Conference papers hal-01099240v1

Multiscale modeling of electrical contacts

Frederick Mballa Mballa , Vladislav Yastrebov , Frédéric Houzé , Georges Cailletaud , Sophie Noël
MPMS 2014, ENSTA ParisTech, Oct 2014, Palaiseau, France
Conference papers hal-01099234v1

Breakdown in High Vacuum: contribution of the dark current emission

Khaled Almaksour , Mike Kirkpatrick , Philippe Dessante , Emmanuel Odic , David Alamarguy
IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Jul 2012, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.111-116, ⟨10.1109/PLASMA.2012.6383313⟩
Conference papers hal-00778779v1

Contribution to the study of the glow to arc transition in 100 mbar argon

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Testé , Philippe Dessante , Mike Kirkpatrick
12th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference (HTPP 2012), Jun 2012, Bologne, Italy
Conference papers hal-00778772v1

Electrical behaviour of the wheel-rail contact

Frédéric Houzé , Philippe Testé , Florent Loete , Richard Andlauer , Hugues Chollet
ICEC 2012, May 2012, Beijing, China. pp.67-72
Conference papers hal-00778767v1

Activités au LGEP et à Supélec dans le Domaine des Décharges et des Arcs Électriques

Romaric Landfried , Khaled Almaksour , Philippe Dessante , Mike Kirkpatrick , Thierry Leblanc
Workshop ACE 2012, Jun 2012, Nancy, France
Conference papers hal-00780690v1

Observation of Branly's effect during shunting experiments on scaled wheel-rail contacts

Hugues Chollet , Frédéric Houzé , Philippe Testé , Florent Loete , Xavier Lorang
9th International Conference on Contact Mechanics and Wear of Rail/Wheel Systems, Aug 2012, Chengdu, China. pp.111-114
Conference papers hal-00778780v1

Experimental Study of Dark Current Emission: Effects of Surface Morphology and Inter-Electrode Gap Distance

Khaled Almaksour , Mike Kirkpatrick , Philippe Dessante , Emmanuel Odic , D. Alamarguy
SFE 2012, Jul 2012, Cherbourg, France. pp.223-226
Conference papers hal-00779325v1

Investigation of a glow discharge structure in 100 mbar argon

Romaric Landfried , Richard Andlauer , Philippe Dessante , Mike Kirkpatrick , Thierry Leblanc
ICPIG 2011, Nov 2011, Belfast, United Kingdom. C8-255 (3 p.)
Conference papers hal-00656476v1

Heating of a copper cathode: experiment and numerical modelling

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Testé
ICPIG 2011, Aug 2011, Belfast, United Kingdom. pp.C11-152
Conference papers hal-00710615v1

Temperature Measurement of Copper Contact Surfaces

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer , T. Klonowski , Philippe Testé
25th ICEC and 56th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2010, Charleston, United States. pp.148-152
Conference papers hal-00554772v1

Experimental assessment of the surface temperature of copper electrodes submitted to an electric arc in air at atmospheric pressure

Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Richard Andlauer , Philippe Testé
11th High-Tech Plasma Processes Conference, 2010, Belgium
Conference papers hal-00557110v1

Contribution of Nanotechnologies on the Study of the Physical Phenomena of the Arc Birth

Brice de Fonseca , Jérôme Rossignol , E. Bourillot , Philippe Testé
25th ICEC and 56th Holm Conference on Electrical Contacts, Oct 2010, Charleston, United States. pp.11-17
Conference papers hal-00554770v1

An experimental investigation of nanostructures on a cathode : influence of these nanotips on electrical contact phenomena

J. Rossignol , Philippe Testé , B. de Fonseca , E. Bourillot
24 th Int. Conf. on Elec. Contacts ICEC 2008, Jun 2008, St Malo, France. pp.CD-ROM Proceedings
Conference papers hal-00351374v1

Semiconducting vs superconducting YBCO thin film bolometers: sensitivity and crosstalk investigations for future far-infrared imagers

Vishal Jagtap , Alexandre Scheuring , Mattia Longhin , Philippe Testé , Annick Dégardin
Applied Superconductivity Conference (ASC 2008), Aug 2008, Chicago, United States. pp.Présentation invitée 4EPA02
Conference papers hal-00353718v1

Contribution to the observation of the effective electrical contact area with the help of a space time resolved thermal camera

Alexis Poizat , Michèle Nsoumbi , Philippe Testé , Frédéric Houzé , Richard Andlauer
24 th Int. Conf. on Elec. Contacts ICEC 2008, Jun 2008, St Malo, France. pp.CD-ROM Proceedings
Conference papers hal-00351387v1

Thermic model of the evolution of fragments inside a microscopic spot : a multi scale approach of the plasma/cathode interaction

Philippe Testé , J. Rossignol
8th International Conference on Electrical Fuses and Applications, 2007, France. pp.145-151
Conference papers hal-00320392v1

Experimental approach of the interaction between a sub-microscopic cathode tip and the plasma

J. Rossignol , Philippe Testé , E. Bourillot , B. Dafonseca , J. Jouhannaud
8th International Conference on Electrical Fuses and Applications, 2007, France. pp.135-138
Conference papers hal-00320389v1

Utilisation d'ANSYS pour la modélisation du soudage par résistance

Philippe Testé , René Meyer
Journées Françaises des Thermiciens, 2007, France
Conference papers hal-00320401v1

Une tentative de passage d'une vision microscopique du spot cathodique à une approche macroscopique du pied d'arc : un problème multi-échelle

Philippe Testé , J. Rossignol
8ème Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques, 2007, France
Conference papers hal-00320395v1

Observation des traces laissées par un arc électrique sur les surfaces des électrodes. Application à la résolution d'un problème inverse : l'estimation du bilan de puissance aux électrodes

Philippe Testé , Richard Andlauer , Thierry Leblanc , J. Rossignol
8ème Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques, 2007, France
Conference papers hal-00320396v1

Étude expérimentale de l'interaction de pointes cathodiques micrométriques dans un arc électrique

J. Rossignol , Philippe Testé , E. Bourillot
8ème Colloque sur les Arcs Electriques, 2007, France
Conference papers hal-00320398v1

A mechanical, electrical, thermal coupled-field simulation of a sphere-plane electrical contact

Arnaud Monnier , B. Froidurot , C. Jarrige , René Meyer , Philippe Testé
51st IEEE Holm Conference, 2005, United States
Conference papers hal-00320243v1

Contribution à la simulation du soudage par résistance de pastilles de contact

Arnaud Monnier , B. Froidurot , C. Jarrige , René Meyer , Philippe Testé
Colloque Jeunes Chercheurs en Physique, 2005, France
Conference papers hal-00320264v1

Experimental study of contact opening under DC voltage for high intensity values

Thomas Klonowsky , Richard Andlauer , Thierry Leblanc , F. Faure , René Meyer
SAP, 2005, Poland
Conference papers hal-00320248v1

Etude expérimentale de la coupure de fortes intensités sous une tension continue de 36/42 V. Application au domaine de l'automobile du futur

Thomas Klonowsky , Richard Andlauer , Philippe Testé , F. Faure , René Meyer
7th Intern. Conf. on Appl. and Theor. Electricity - ICATE 2004, 2004, Roumanie. pp.CD-ROM
Conference papers hal-00320177v1

High intensity contact opening under DC voltage

Thomas Klonowsky , Richard Andlauer , Thierry Leblanc , F. Faure , René Meyer
50th IEEE Holm Conference, 2004, United States. pp.CD-ROM
Conference papers hal-00320176v1
Image document

A new set-up for the investigation of electrical and tribological properties of wire/ring sliding contacts

Corentin Ferreira , Aurore Brézard-Oudot , Manon Isard , Sophie Noël , Frédéric Houzé
Wear of Materials, Apr 2023, Banff, Canada
Conference poster hal-04121443v1

Role of the pressure in the DC electric arc characteristics Application: Case of the more electrical aircraft

Redouane Boukadoum , Romaric Landfried , Thierry Leblanc , Philippe Testé , Jonathan Andrea
28th International Conference on Electric Contacts ICEC 2016, Jun 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom. pp.153 -158, 2016, Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Electric Contacts ICEC 2016
Conference poster hal-01335224v1

Activités du GeePs dans le Domaine des Décharges et des Arcs Électriques Application à l'Aéronautique

Romaric Landfried , Philippe Dessante , Carolyn Jacobs , Michael J Kirkpatrick , Thierry Leblanc
Workshop Arcs et Contacts Électriques- Approche Physique et Applications (ACE 2015), Jun 2015, Nancy, France
Conference poster hal-01284641v1